Thank you for the opportunity! :)

3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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You're welcome !

3 weeks ago

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I'm replying to you here in private because i'm currently waiting for them to finish blacklisting me before coming back with a little something (not in the thread but at least on the forum, not a AAA but i'll try to find some quality game) towards the week-end when i'm sure the deadline will have passed so they can't unblacklist.

But know that yes i agree with you.
Having seen a portion of both sides irl, there are both polite or aggressive people among conservatives and progressives (myself, i'm LGBTQ+ friendly but quite conservative on some aspects), but unfortunately for the LGBTQ+ you're right the agressive portion is slightly higher among the conservatives.
Unfortunately a young man committed suicide in my village when he was rejected by his father.
As a note, my family is catholic (my father is deacon and mother is catechist), my older sister is LGBTQ+ and it wasn't always easy for her ! :D

1 week ago*

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Hey, appreciate the kind words.

I'm probably mostly progressive myself, but I've been raised in a catholic family, so I totally know where you come from.

And anyway, this is not really progressive vs conservative. I can perfectly understand that some people have different ideas than you and me. AS you said, there very polite (and kinda open minded) people that are conservative.

What I can't understand however, is the hatred. The violence. The rejections. And to see it here kinda surprised me in the beginning.

My approach on the LGBTQ+ is something like: "hey I would not do it myself, but if you're happy like this, this is totally your right"

And I feel that no one should be rejected or hated because he believes in something (or don't) or because he loves a category of people more than another.

It must have been tough for your sister, for sure.

And it"s so sad ro read about the death of a young man because of his love interest. This could be so easily avoided if people were more open minded :x

But we're far from it. I explained in a thread that some of my inlaws were flat earthers (and also conspiracy theorists) . For them , LGBTQ+ is a conspiracy made by Hollywood productors that want to make the humanity as slave.....

When you see that (and you must stay polite with them because they're family), it makes you wonder how humanity will evolve.

Sorry , I think I ranted a bit :D

1 week ago*

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Thanks you don't bother i appreciated to read you !

About the people you meet and to try to make you smile, in the old catholic catechism it said : "What are spiritual works of mercy ? answer 6 : patiently put up with annoying people" ;)
Unlike LGBTQ+ physically assaulted irl, at least we are lucky to be safe here virtually, virtual violence won't kill you it will make you stronger ! :p

I'll be happy to run into you on this forum, don't hesitate to participate if i open a little something this weekend or something else later, you'll be welcome, including if you need to talk about one thing or another don't hesitate !

1 week ago*

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Thanks, feel free to do so on mine. I've whitelisted you, and I see you did the same, so thanks for that too :)

1 week ago

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Comme quoi les grands esprits se ressemblent :p

1 week ago

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Tu vois j'avais promis de revenir avec un truc rigolo, je crains que beaucoup de monde participe à la fin, désolée mais je suis tellement contente que tu sois là ! 😄

1 week ago

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Le plaisir est totalement partagé ! En prime tu as choisi un excellent jeu, tout le monde va se jeter dessus.

M'enfin je ne t'apprends rien, tu es inscrite sur le site depuis bieeeeen plus longtemps que moi :D

Je n'ai pas tiqué tout de suite que tu étais Française aussi. Mais quand j'ai vu Canard pc dans tes groupes Steam (je suis un fan absolu du magazine, que je lis depuis des années) je me suis dit que ca n'était pas un hasard!

Ca fait clairement plaisir de te relire, en prime dans une langue que je maîtrise mieux que l'anglais ! :D

1 week ago

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That's my family, i just show to fluffster and you
it's an old photo, we're all adopted including my french native brother ;)

edit : removed in case some other users walk here later

3 days ago*

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Wow ta famille est vraiment magnifique. Vous avez l'air heureux sur cette photo.

merci pour ta confiance, je ne la décevrai pas.

Et je comprends très bien que tu n'aies pas envie de te battre pour les histoires d'AAH. Comme je disais je vis la meme situation, mais du côté de ma femme, et je trouve que pour elle c'est bien que justement elle ne dépende pas que de moi. Même si ca ne représente pas grand chose. Mais je te rejoins completement sur la difficulté de sans arrêt devoir prouver que tu as un souci (et dans ton cas je ne comprends meme pas pourquoi ca arrive encore).

Bref, sache que je comprends , et je te souhaite le meilleur pour la suite , quelle que soient tes décisions :)

3 days ago

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Tu as raison en vrai, c'est juste que j'ai pas la force mais tu as raison sur toute la ligne pour ta femme.
Merci beaucoup !

3 days ago

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Le plus important, c'est que tu te sentes bien dans ta vie et avec tes proches !

3 days ago

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