Hidden Thanks!

1 year ago

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I've entered this one only. I need to save points for community train.

1 year ago

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congratulations on finding my very sekrit GA, lol
look around, maybe you'll find my other hidden GA with slightly better chances

1 year ago*

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I've looked around but I'm not memeber of required Steam groups. :D

1 year ago

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i'm talking of my other invite only GA

1 year ago

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i haven't even figured out the 2nd one, lol

Need a hint? What are your thoughts on the riddle so far?

9 months ago

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well i'm missing some context, like how long the word is or what is even looked for, is it a direct answer to the question or some hidden answer formed out of letters found somewhere

my first guess were some nonsense like Amrose and Emrose
today i took another try and tried to use the hint letters with the capital letters from the question or should i say poem, i ended up with impossible, but it was wrong and is missing the D, also tried figuring out the last part -able, -some, -base, -dose, and i already forgot the nonsenical words i tried with all the letters

9 months ago*

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I'm inclined to say there might be some over-thinking involved (common thing to do with riddles) so I'll try and guide you a bit.
First hint: answer ends with E
? ? ? ? E
2nd hint, 15 and 19 are part of the answer:
? ? ? ? E + O and S somewhere
3rd hint: 2nd letter is number 13
? M ? ? E + O and S somewhere

Hopefully that helps.
EDIT: Had some difficulty in formatting, instead of giving underscores to indicate blank letters, I gave question marks, I hope that's clear

9 months ago*

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thanks for trying to help, but i figured it out 20 minutes later lying in bed
i think my biggest problem was, that i was fixed to thinking the word starts with a,e,i,o,u, because other letters didn't made sense in my mind
i don't remember the exact moment, when it hit me, that there are words starting with sm, like smurfs or smite, but it was after writing with you, then going to the balcony for extended vaping, before going to bed and finally going to bed, where is was giving the riddle some extra thoughts
In bed i tried to solve it with the letters from the initial hints and after reaching smo and thinking 5 seconds about it, the answer hit me

9 months ago*

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Nice, glad you figured it out!

9 months ago

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This wasn't very secret, lol

1 year ago

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top sekrit, look how many found it

1 year ago

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Thanks!!! Won this giveaway 2 days ago. Awaiting.....

1 year ago

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