
So, you actually read the description? Nice.
Or maybe you just click anything - which is cool too!

I once noticed a private giveaway hidden in a public giveaway (it wasn't really hidden, as I recall it there was nothing else in the giveaway description, simply a link to the private giveaway), and I was surprised to find only a few entries in the private giveaway. So I thought I wanted to try that too :)

I also read that someone made this a real experiment, with several giveaways and data analysis and percentages and other cool stuff, so I guess I'm now kinda supporting science :D

Anyways, good luck!

Thanks! Guess I'll make sure and at least enter the ones below 5 entries when I get points. To, you know, help you. >.> <.<

8 years ago

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Thanks seconded. I'd be interested in any analysis if you decide to do any. It's always a bit surprising to see the drop-off in entries, but it's true that the site is not optimized for mobile devices and it can be easy to miss the description when there is one. Maybe that's not the whole reason but it might be part of it?

8 years ago

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Not much analysis, but here are the results :)

I don't use the site much from my mobile, but when I do it's to read the forum so I don't think that's an excuse, but I'm sure some will say that's why they don't read ;)

8 years ago

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Thanks! I loved Freddi Fish as a kid. Let me know if you find anything interesting with your data analysis.

8 years ago

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Not much analysis, but here are the results :)

8 years ago

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