Wow thank you so much! 💜

2 years ago

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Heya, joined your group but you have blacklisted me here, I have no idea why :(

2 years ago

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Hey, thanks for posting here more privately. I'll be honest, I'm not sure why, there's a variety of reasons why I might blacklist someone. It's most often because of poor sent/win ratio and yours is kind of high winnings vs. sent, or it could be because of a multitude of other reasons, none of which are usually personal. If you even out your sent/win ratio I'll remove you from BL and while I'm not actively adding anyone right now I'm trying not to remove too many people either, I'm sorry :) I hope you understand. You don't have to stay in the group and I hope you don't take this personally, I appreciate your time.

2 years ago

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