
____w a g o n____



⏱️ Vroom Vroom Go Fast and Break Stuff Wagon 🏎️

The "plot" of this game makes no sense whatsoever. That doesn't stop it from being one of the most insanely fun arcade racers I've ever played. Race on!

⚠️To the winner: I will be away on holiday by the time this GA ends. Please allow a few days for key delivery, thanks.

Actually, I want to dedicate this wagon to PeteOzzy, not only for being the legend that he is, but because he saw me trying to win something on this train and surprised me out of the blue with a gift of said game. It was an amazing surprise that left me quite speechless. So here's to Pete: Thank you so much for everything!

5 years ago

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Pete is awesome, no doubt! And thanks for all of your giveaways!

5 years ago

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If I remember correctly he did the same to me when I commented on a bundle thread about passing a bundle because there was just one game I was interested in and I already spent my funds for that month anyway. Pete sure is an awesome kittycat! :D

5 years ago

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Pete is amazing. If people in this world were half as kind as them, what an amazing world we would live in.

5 years ago

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Hear, hear! Pete rocks! 🀘

5 years ago

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I think if everyone on the internet treated each other the way Pete treats complete strangers, the internet would be a much kinder place, and maybe it would rub off onto the real world too.

5 years ago

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I don't know if I ever had any interactions with him (terrible memory) but props to him for everything nice he does around here.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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And you're welcome :) Thanks to you, too!

5 years ago*

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Not big into racing, but this does look awesome. Too bad it has SecuROM DRM and 30 FPS lock.

5 years ago

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Well, according to this reddit thread, the version of SecuROM included here isn't intrusive (apparently not even online based if the comments are to be believed), and a 60 fps mod exists for the game, which I haven't tried. The 30 fps cap didn't really bother me, tbh. In either case, I'd say this one is worth the trouble :)

5 years ago

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The name of the "mod" "Noob Patcher" made me laugh.

If that's the case I'll enter the giveaway and I'll wishlist it. I remember really wanting to play this game back when it released, never ended up getting it and with time completely forgot about it.

5 years ago

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Thank you for the gift!
Received and Activated.

5 years ago

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Enjoy :)

5 years ago

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