
This is from HRK's build-a-bundle. Because they are somewhat shady if the key doesn't work I'm sorry. I'll email the winner with the giftlink so you know I did not use the key myself. Please mark as received once you activate it. Please only enter the giveaway if you don't mind me deleting the giveaway if the key is a dupe.

Not sure if I'm doing something wrong on my end, but all I get is HRK saying the gift code (from clicking on the link in the mail) is invalid...

5 years ago

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I've actually never used HRK before, so I'm not totally sure. I'm guessing it means they sold me an invalid key. I got one from one of the games I bought for myself.If you send me a screenshot I'm going to ask them for a new key.

Edit: Funnily enough they marked your key as redeemed on your end because you tried to access the key. I'm going to try to get you a new key.

5 years ago*

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Got it figured out - it wasn't in gifts, but under my games. Redeemed, thank you!

5 years ago

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Glad to hear it!

5 years ago

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