Hello and welcome to the Central Hub of SteamGifts Magazine!

I have sort of taken the role Atomic had with the magazine last year, so here is our new location for the Central Hub!

We are the (unofficial) SG Community's own digital gaming magazine, which ANYONE ACCEPTED can join for a chance to win a game and review it, putting down their thoughts on "digital paper" for the whole community to read!

We are also highly active on our Discord, so feel free to join anytime! You won’t be given a respective role until you’ve been approved by staff! Here is the link: https://discord.gg/KZG4kpF5XG

SteamGifts Group Link: https://www.steamgifts.com/group/X4YE7/sgmonthlymagazine
Steam Group Link: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SGMonthlyMagazine
Link to Old Thread: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/sjQKU/central-hub-unofficial-steamgifts-magazine

Steam Group Rules and Member Roles

Please make sure you have read and understood the rules linked below for each role before requesting to join our group! When applying, please list your role and talk a bit about your favorite game you’ve won on SG! If you don’t do both, then we’ll know if you read this section or not ;)

Also, staff has the final say on anything done. Doesn’t matter how much you try to justify your actions via the rules. Just don’t be stupid, and you’ll be fine.


Magazine Format

You can find a rough view of how we construct our magazine at the link below.


The Rating System

You can find our rating system at the link below. Please be sure to read this carefully if you plan on reviewing.


List of Reviews in Progress

Below is an up-to-date Google Sheet featuring all giveaways and reviews that have been done with the magazine. This is also where anyone can find up-to-date information on current reviews being done, prior reviews that have been done, and more.


Finished reviews can be submitted directly to me (BeeBee) via Discord. However, if this is too inconvenient, please feel free to message any staff member, and we'll take it from there.

How to Join the Group?

If you've read the rules and want to be part of the team, please leave a comment here with your desired role and talk a bit about your favorite game you’ve won on SG. Once you do this, then request to join our Steam group here.

Join our Discord!

This is the main place where you can meet all of the staff and wonderful members of the magazine! Feel free to interact, lurk, or simply stay there for various updates. This is also where you can submit your game screenshot for the "Screenshot of the Month" contest and music recommendations.

Screenshot of the Month

Do you have a cool, artistic, or funny game screenshot that you want to share with us? Then submit it to us on Discord in the submission channel!

For each issue, we set up a vote poll to select the best submission. The winner will be added to the Magazine's "Screenshot of the Issue" section!

Submit your favorite screenshot on our Discord channel.

Additional Info

When an issue is released, we’ll have a vote on “best review,” which will grant the winner the option to choose from 3 games. The won game can be reviewed for the next month's issue, but it is not mandatory.

Magazine Index

Issue # Month (2023) Thread Magazine PDF Version
1 March X X X
2 April X X X
3 May X X X
4 June X X X
5 July X X X
6 August X X X
7 September X X X
8 October X X X
9 November X X X
10 December X X X
Issue # Month (2024) Thread Magazine PDF Version
11 May X X X
12 July X X X
13 October X X X

List of Available Games (Current Wave Still In the Process of Being Created):

Game Genre Deadline
[N/A]() Rhythm Survival November
[N/A]() 2D Metroidvania November
[N/A]() First-Person Puzzle November
[N/A]() Action Roguelike November
[N/A]() 2D Metroidvania November
[N/A]() Third Person Swordplay Action November
[N/A]() Strategy RPG November
[N/A]() Open World Sci-Fi FPS November
[N/A]() Open World Superhero Action November
[N/A]() Horror FPS November
[N/A]() Dystopian Adventure Platformer November
[N/A]() First-Person Action Slasher November
[N/A]() Open World Action RPG November
7 months ago*

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First! :D

7 months ago

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why if i might ask did you stop being the one in charge - I'll bet this stupid thing called life got in the way , right?

7 months ago

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Life got in the way a bit, yes, but that wasn't the main reason.

SGM may look like a cute little passion project, but behind the scenes, there is a lot of work to do in order to keep releasing new issues every month. The truth is, I got burnt out by it, and the passion I once had when I started turned into stress and a chore. I had to quit in order to pursue other hobbies and actually enjoy my free time.

Besides that, I also felt that the magazine needed a graphical overhaul, a new vision, a set of new ideas, and new leadership in order to keep things fresh.

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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Bump ^^

7 months ago

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Bump for new thread!

7 months ago

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Bump for our New Cool Handsome Wise and Strong Main Guy (it was totally not forced on me to write it ☺☺☺☺)

7 months ago

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For some reason I always thought VinroylsViral is girl

7 months ago

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You wouldn't be the first person to think that lmao

7 months ago

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I always thought you were a she as well

7 months ago

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One of many to think that ;)

7 months ago

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not to worry online it is often very hard to tell who people are and that sometimes is a very bad thing but not always - some people have called me a he before

7 months ago

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I always thought you were a he...

7 months ago

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this looks really cool!

7 months ago

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Thank you <3

7 months ago

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high five and best of luck on your new role as editor in chief :)

(small suggestion: add "year" next to "month" in the table above)

7 months ago

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Done! I will likely turn it into an "archive" sort of link once we release in the current year.

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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A pleasure to have an egg dropped here :)

7 months ago

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Bump for SGM's rebirth >:D

7 months ago

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good luck Vinroyls - if your ever short of giveaways hit me up and i'l gladly make you some

7 months ago

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Will do! Thank you!

7 months ago

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Thank you to Vinroyls for taking up the good work

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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Jbond's Discord Bot Dev Corner

Reserved for PaigeBot shenanigans...

7 months ago

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Very cool you will do great!

7 months ago

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Thank you! I hope you're also doing well with school and everything IRL :)

7 months ago

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Thanks yes busy with school but doing well

7 months ago

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Great to hear, man! Gl out there ;)

7 months ago

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Hello, I would like to join as full member.

My favorite win (that I have played so far) is Metro 2033 Redux. Before playing it I feared it would be a miserable experience because most people talked about this like if it was Dark Souls if it was a shooter. But it was actually pretty enjoyable, I loved the setting in a abandoned underground full of monsters, supernatural beings and different factions with their conflicts and relations. The gameplay and interactivity was great too, nothing revolutionary but if all felt good with the diegetic menus and level desing. The only thing I didn't like too much was that sometimes I was forced to restart the same level several times. The difficulty was also not something crazy, but I might play it again in a harder one :)

7 months ago*

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Hey, thanks for applying! We'd love to have you!

Please apply to our Steam group whenever you have a chance :)

(I love the mention of Metro 2033 Redux btw. It's a wonderful game.)

7 months ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

7 months ago

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  • Contributor
6 months ago

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Accepted your group invite! We like contributors to at least see what is going on in our Discord, so feel free to join whenever you can.

Would've also liked to hear about a good experience you've had with an SG win, but I guess my wording in the post said "either."

6 months ago

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Unfortunately, you have been kicked for entering giveaways as a contributor and for other various reasons.

5 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 days ago.

6 months ago

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Awesome! Lmk the role you would like once you decide on what you'd like to do :)

6 months ago

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I would like to join as a reviewer. I am a passionate player of games and I have always liked to give my opinions on games and recommend them to people and this would give me a chance to put some time into one of my crafts and try and see how well I would do if I was put to the test as a video game journalist(?). I have sent a request to join the group and I also already entered the official Discord server.

With care,

5 months ago

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Hey! Officially responding here, but welcome to the group :)

5 months ago

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Thank you for the warm welcome! If you snoop around hard enough you can also find my review for the application as well. Glad to have you.

5 months ago

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Hello, kind stranger. I’d like to join your humble group as a reviewer. (:

A little bit about myself, I tend to be picky about the games I play, partly because of time constraints, but principally because something has to truly grab me. I try to take the same approach with giveaways. I only enter the ones I feel most passionate about playing, and when that passion is present, not only will I enjoy a game more, I will also have something to say about it. Here’s something I wrote about one of my favorites of all time: “Remedy’s Control: A Generation-Defining Masterpiece.” I’m also a visual person and a photographer, so I adore getting creative with photo mode.

My favorite win on SteamGifts has to be A Short Hike, followed closely by Outer Wilds. The former isn’t officially and technically a win, as it was gifted to me by a generous soul during Christmas, and granted, it’s a very short, incredibly adorable game, but it had such a deep impact on me that by the end, I was bawling my eyes out. It hit home for me on an emotional level I never would’ve expected from such a charming indie title. That’s why I always trust my instinct.

I still have a couple of things in my backlog, including Spiritfarer, and I doubt I will enter very many giveaways from your group, but I’m sure when I do (and hopefully I win), it’s going to be something that I know will potentially change me forever. By the way, I glanced at the December issue. Excellent job! It took me back years too. A long time ago, in the late 2000s, I was part of a similar online video game magazine. Well done, and keep up the good work.

5 months ago

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Thanks for sharing how you view things here on SG and about your favorite SG "win." Also, what you wrote looks wonderful and looks well constructed!

We'd love to have you as a reviewer, so feel free to send request to join our group on Steam and also be sure to join us on our Discord :)

5 months ago

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Cheers! I appreciate it. (:

5 months ago

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bump! i would like to enter just as one that can read! :D i think the group is for that 2 right? like are the magazines are only posted on the group? (i got denied acess on the steam one so idk if its really for only reading but well)

5 months ago

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Oh, you can just join our Discord to simply read! Just ping one of the staff or me once you come in so we can give you the reader role.

The Steam group itself is more for people planning on making content for the magazine due to it being linked to our giveaways. Some bad apples in the past have made us a bit tight on some things :(

5 months ago

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ohh, tysm !

5 months ago

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let me know when /if you need any giveaways added for the next issue

5 months ago

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Of course! We shouldn't need any at the moment, but we appreciate the offer <3

5 months ago

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5 months ago

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At first: Thank you very much for your work! I enjoy reading the magazine every time.

But I have a question: Aren't ther PDF versions of the issues 9 and 10 available?

5 months ago

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Of course! Thank you for reading and looking at our hard work :)

As for the PDF version, I'll update them shortly, as we seem to have forgotten to update our public posts.

5 months ago

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Thank you for your response. :)

No need to hurry, I was just curious.

5 months ago

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It was no hurry, no worries. I just simply forgot to add it into the post :P

5 months ago

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Can i join?

5 months ago

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Sorry, we can't accept you as you didn't follow the guidelines for applying to join or even ask for a role.

5 months ago

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sry i opologise for that silly mistake, is there is any chance for me to join or anything to do ?

5 months ago

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No, you still haven't seemed to have fully read the post based on this reply, so we can't accept you into our group at all.

5 months ago

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is there a pdf version of issues 11 yet?

4 months ago

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Unfortunately, no. We'll be working on producing that soon :)

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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The PDF version is now available :D

4 months ago

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thank you very much

4 months ago

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Of course :)

4 months ago

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MaY EditioN BumP!

4 months ago*

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I would like to apply for a reader. I am really good at reading, unless it is visual novel, book, group rules or stuff like that, that I just ignore. Rethinking it I am actually really bad at reading. My favoirite win was Torchlight, I liked its color style and it is action rpg, nothing to do bad with these.

Edit. Seems I am on lockdown on discord, wanted to giveaway a game for review over steam sale if it was possible.

4 months ago*

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Hey xxxka! The lockdown on the Discord server is more of a thing for people without any roles. It isn't specific to you but more of a general thing we put in place for every non-role person. We needed to give you the reader role for you to interact with the whole server. If you join back, we should be able to do so.

Also, for someone that ignores group rules, you read the rules on how to apply pretty well, my friend :P

4 months ago

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