
Directions for how to solve Crossword/Picture Match Puzzles

GOAL: To discover the hidden ITH puzzle 8 character html code to be put in the address:

The directions below use the first crossword puzzle found HERE as an example.

STEP 1: Solve the crossword puzzle.
TIP: When questions are technical-- copy and paste the complete question in GOOGLE search as the original wording was kept as written in wiki.
Example: Crossword 1, Q3 "An azhdarchid pterosaur known from the Late Cretaceous of North America (Maastrichtian stage) and one of the largest known flying animals of all time. "
Copy and paste the full question in Google.
TIP: Make sure to finish the crossword and click the CHECK button as when all the answers are correct then an extra GA reward pops up. It then becomes permanently part of that page at the top.

STEP 2: Do the Picture Match Puzzle!
Below the crossword is another puzzle to match the 8 pictures on the left to the 8 pictures on the right.
Each picture on the left is assigned a letter from the crossword puzzle you just solved. To know what letter goes with each picture note the crossword intersection address...
Example: Crossword 1, the first picture has a picture of a horse and 2A3D (2 ACROSS and 3 DOWN) The letter that is SHARED by these two answers is assigned to the Horse. In this instance the letter will be "Q"... you can type a Q in the text box beside the horse. Do this will all 8 pics on the left assigning each the intersection address as given.
FIGURE out the LOGIC behind what will make ALL the pictures on the left match the pictures on the right side. There is a common theme you must recognize.
The HORSE would match the 6th picture on the right side of a HORSE STABLE so put the "Q" in that position.
Make all the matches by putting the 8 letters in the correct places on the right side. (rearranging the 8 characters in the order for the ITH address!)

STEP 3: Test your answer
Put the rearranged 8 characters in the text box with the heading and click GO! it will attempt to LOAD that hidden ITH page. If a valid ITH page comes up then you have solved the puzzle!!

STEP 4: Solve the ITH! They are meant to be fun and easy and really intriguing!

STEP 5: Write down the passcodes and what the picture is that goes along with the passcode.
The codes are important for trains access. The pictures with the passcodes are important for solving the metapuzzle.

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