
I'm giving away a complete 'Freedom bundle' (unfortunately no Subnautica and Super Meat Boy though as I was too late :( ).
So if you're interested in any of those games, check out my other GAs.
The winner will receive a HB gift link. Please remember to mark as received. Thank you.


7 years ago

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Many thanks!

7 years ago

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Thanks for the chance!

7 years ago

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Thanks a lot

7 years ago

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Awesome bundle 'n GA's 😻

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thank you! :3

7 years ago

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Thanks for all the gibs! 😺

7 years ago

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I love solving puzzles. Thanks.

7 years ago

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Thanks :)

7 years ago

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I'm your witness now! All glory to Calibr3! \o/

7 years ago

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THX for the Giveaways i was also to late with Subnautica and so i pass on the Bundle :(
and i pass here also
got the Monthly now so i have the Witness :)

7 years ago*

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Thanks a lot :)

7 years ago

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I'll tell you one sure won a lot of my giveaways, you lucky guy! :D

With your ratio and being a good guy, you deserve it. Congratulations! :)

7 years ago

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Wow, what happened there? Looks like I used up all my luck for the next month in one go. O.O
Thanks for not being mad at me. And thank you even more for all the games. It's much appreciated. :)
you were already whitelisted by me so not much I can do there ;)

7 years ago

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Why would I be mad at you? I whitelisted you for a good reason. :)

Also, not my fault or yours that you are just lucky. Anyone else could have entered the same giveaways and had pretty good chances at winning a couple of them! :)

7 years ago

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Hey there.:)

I was wondering if I had been taken off of your Whitelist. If so, it is probably due to my ratio I would imagine. It's been pretty crappy the past little while (waiting for the Summer Sale to be able to buy a crap-ton of giveaways!) for sure! Of course, I may have never been on it in the first place, and if that is the case, then never mind! LOL! Either way, I'm not mad at all. Just curious.:)

How have you been? It's hard to believe it's May already! I love Spring! Everything is turning green, the birds are out, the toads are out! Flowers and sunshine! Well...not so much sunshine the past couple of days. More like rain-shine!;)

7 years ago

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you have indeed never been on my whitelist, and yes, it probably was because of your ratio. Although you are far away from having a bad ratio, just to be clear..
I can understand being on a tight budget and there are more important things in life than buying gifts for total strangers.
I have now added you to my whitelist. Consider it 'advance credit' that you can pay back during summer. ;) Don't stress it though, you can stay on my list either way. Not a big deal.

I've been ok I guess. Winter is not exactly my favorite season and since you're Canadian you probably understand. ;)
Summer can't come soon enough.

7 years ago

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Thank you!:)

My memory is pretty crappy sometimes, and sometimes I can't remember if I had someone as a Steam friend and then removed themselves (I try to keep tabs on it, but it is hard with so many of them...a lot being from Steamgifts :) ). I guess it is like the "Where did I leave my wallet or car keys?" syndrome. LOL! Speaking of my wallet, I actually left that on the passenger side seat of my car one night after using it at the McDonald's Drivethru! It was actually there for over a day! I am so glad that a thief didn't glance in there and notice it! The doors were locked, but that won't stop a thief, unfortunately.

I had spent about a half hour looking for it in my house before I thought "Uh oh...I think I know where it is!"

Winter is nice when you're a kid and enjoy playing in it (snowball fights, tobogganing, skating, that sort of thing), having school cancelled due to inclement weather, and the cold generally not bothering you as much. When you're older, you have to shovel it, drive in it, worry about crappy drivers that don't know how to drive in it, cold, cleaning off the car, cold, cold, COLD!!!

Spring is my favourite as it starts to warm up without getting too hot (humidity is a factor in the Province I live in)! Summer brings mosquitoes! They love the blood of me, my dad, and one sister. They rarely bug (no pun intended!) my mom or my other sister. The sister is adopted, so that may be why they don't feast on her, but my mom? I have no idea! LOL!

7 years ago

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