
Oh you've managed to unearth the secret giveaway, you crafty weasel you! :)

Happy New Year!

Are you celebrating? I have some friends over as we speak (that's why it's not ending at midnight, because I'll be busy to send it until tomorrow), eating good food, playing board games (Clue), talking, you know the drill... There's fireworks outside...

Marry Christmas :)!

2 years ago

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Here in my part of Germany we won't have fireworks just like we hadn't last year. Because the hospitals have their hands full with COVID-19 and don't need the usual injuries piling up due to the fireworks & alcohol combination, the state has forbidden the sale of fireworks.

I'll be celebrating just with my father this year. My sister and I alternate celebrating with friends and celebrating with our father ever since my mother passed away.

2 years ago

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Thanks ;)

2 years ago

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