My grandfather committed suicide over 20 years ago. After researching male suicide I created a thread with information that got to me related to male issues. It was a shit thread. Now there is no thread. I'll just stop trying.

6 years ago*

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Men are great

View Results
They open tins
They care for our children
They work hard
They can do anything
They can be nothing
They have power
They are equal to females

Men are great in Mentos

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Fixed. Let me know if there are anymore grammatical errors.

6 years ago

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Will do. Thanks for spreading awareness.

6 years ago

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You're welcome. Thanks for er... helping others with grammar...:)

6 years ago

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Where is the cat-edition?

6 years ago

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No cats allowed here

6 years ago

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D: Discrimination!

6 years ago

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cats are evil

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Did you know that cats poop? Disgusting creatures! >:(

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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You have to get in line behind the rabbits.

6 years ago

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Wow, I have been thinking about these examples of discrimination for a long time. Thank you for posting it and standing up for actual gender equality!

6 years ago

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Gender equality should definitely go both way.

While it's true that women get the short end of the stick more often than we do, I've experienced first hand how hard it is as a father when there's a court battle over children's custody. The notion that kids are better off with their mother is so deeply ingrained that you have to fight twice as hard to get any kind of recognition as a parent.

I was lucky enough that the judge presiding the initial custody hearing was more open to the idea that a father can be just as good a parent (some judges will always side with the mother no matter what) but mostly what tipped the scale in my favor was the fact that my ex-wife moved to a different city and prevented me from seeing the kids for a 6-months period preceding the court proceeding. And that was just a temporary custody for the duration of the proceedings, pending an investigation from social services to make a recommendation to the court.

The result of that investigation? The social worker's report basically read like this: "Dad is doing a great job as a single parent, but given enough outside support mom could probably manage to do an okay job as well. We therefore recommend that mom get custody of the kids." (I'm paraphrasing here but you get the idea.)

The only reason the judge did not follow these recommendations was because the divorce proceedings were still ongoing and he didn't want to bounce the kids around from one side to the other any more than necessary. She then had no choice but to move back to the same city I was in and immediately got a joint custody. She then proceeded to make a bunch of false accusations to the police and child protective services about me beating up the kids, trying to make me lose custody entirely. And it would have worked if not for the fact that the CPS psychologist caught on to the fact that the kids were repeating a story they had been told. (Which was made very obvious by my 3-year old proudly saying to her mother that she had said all the things she asked her to, right as she was going out of her session.)

CPS ended up taking the children out of there and placing them with me, but as soon as they got out of the way (because things were now stable enough with the mother out of the picture) she went back to court and the judge immediately granted back joint custody, completely ignoring the reports she had in front of her.

Sorry for the wall of text... just sharing my little bit of story.

6 years ago

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Wow thank you so very much for sharing such a painful and personal story.

I'm glad your children were put in your custody. Your ex wife sounds... difficult... it's cases like yours that don't always go in the males favour. You were very lucky and I wish there were more professional judges out there that treated the case in a fair matter.

I'm sorry you missed 6 months of your children's lives. That must have been very hard for you. I truly am sorry. It's people like you that don't get recognition. Your children are very lucky to have you :)

6 years ago

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gotta argue the reproductive rights issue - it's impossible for men and women to have equal rights here. If a man wants an abortion and a woman doesn't, who wins? What if the man wants to keep the baby and the woman wants an abortion?
Equal rights in this respect is not possible.

Everything else I agree with.

6 years ago

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i think there must be equal rights because two persons are needed obviously to make a baby and if the mother wants to have the baby and the father dont. yeah, he is fucked up or what? then they get divorced and the guy still has to pay for the kid. Just because the woman is bear the baby doesnt make it her own desicion. the half of that kid is his. Thats why you dont fuck around literally :D

6 years ago

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only the fact that we need to speak about reproductive right and abortion is a bad indicator, the symptom of a very extensive disease. a corruption that touch the very moral and metaphysical base on which modern society stands.

6 years ago

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Unfortunately I don’t think society is necessarily more corrupt, just that the corruption is more visible

6 years ago

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no doubt every historical period has had its own dose of "corruption", with what entails as it being strictly morally relative. for it to be only more visible nowadays, i very, VERY(NSFW) doubt.

6 years ago

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I'm so sorry, AshenOne but it's the fault of SG: I can only whitelist you once...^^

And btw, your OP, that's hitting the nail hard with one stroke of the hammer! 👍👍👍

6 years ago

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As a man I normally get annoyed when they throw the entire gender in the same bag and treat us all like assholes, but to be fair a large amount of us are assholes. When I was growing up I noticed a lot of extremely sexist or just straight up mysoginist things that society tries its best to teach to teenager boys, things that don't make a lick of sence if you stop to think about them for a second, things that actually good people teach because they've never questioned what they were told by the previous generations. The situation is changing but for now I'd say that we men kinda deserve all of the crap throw in our direction because of how terribly we fail to prevent our fellow men from doing all of the stuff they do, even I that realize all of that don't do much about it just to avoid getting in someone else's fight, I'm a coward and I deserve this crappy treatment.

6 years ago

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Generalization is the root of many problems. I know crappy men, I know rotten women. Nobody deserves to be insulted or treated like dirt for the acts of others, men or women.
I do think like you that society is responsible for a lot of things some of these guys do, and the lack of awareness of their actions. We need to be careful we don't go to the other extreme though and I think that's what AshenOne, albeit a bit harshly, was trying to convey.

6 years ago

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Watched the video about salaries. Yes, good that there is not so huge salary gap in America, if comparing salary for same jobs..

But frankly speaking, the fact that men are overrepresented in high-paid professions with better education, and women in professions with lower salary and/or education is not quite settling the question. And why this is the case is not brought up at all. Since major universities were only for men, hundred+ of years have passed, still mindsets of parents, teachers and essentially, new generations are accepting the myth of all these intelligent areas being 'male areas', girls 'not expected' to handle neither learning, neither social part of getting and being there. I am from north EU, and in my area of studies, there is about only 5% female students even Today, and work-life is just totally dominated by men.

Of course there is no single explicit factor to blame. These things are meta, distributed through the body of inert, living for millennia human societies and getting to people's minds from own family, school, media, from everywhere. People who continue these myths often deny to look into themselves and are the main part of the problem. There is inheritance in so many aspects of society. Same process happens e.g. with all kinds of traditional 'foreign' and 'second class' society elements - people coming from lineage of slaves, peasantry, poverty etc. will not suddenly become equals to others, especially if others sub- or consciously consider these as 'worse' people. Girls are not suddenly going to be specialists in these professions which don't require physical strength until parents and environment don't stop pushing them out of this path. And there is a lot of similar examples with division of groups of people on different scales, growing from times long ago. This is whole point of awareness threads IMO, so people who at first think 'I have nothing to do with this', may think again.

It is good that a lot of people are doing useful things solving these problems. I myself dislike noisy activists but without women and men who stood for gender equality years ago, you wouldn't have a cozy life today. There is so many places on the Earth where women still are openly on rights of second-sort people. And if you check out history, you will realize that in majority of places for thousands of years women had e.g. much less freedoms and opportunities, and often for terribly simple reason - women are physically weaker in average.
Oppression of any people is wrong, but humanity could talk of approaching some kind of gender equality only when we almost never see and talk of any kind of gender discrimination at all. Societies are far from there even in the 'first world', solutions being formal, law-based, not reaching to heart and reason of people. Let us not advocate closing the eyes and jumping to big conclusions only from few ridiculous cases. Maybe some creepy sort of male discrimination exists in number of first world countries, but for the whole world right now it is rather an extremely rare curiosity, byproduct of the pioneers attempting gender equality.

6 years ago

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Mmm, gotta disagree with you here.
The nature vs. nurture argument that you presented for the reason why there are less women in certain subjects is simply untrue.
Women inherently are more empathetic and better at social subjects. That's why things like psychology, education, nursing, linguistic studies and so on are dominated by women.
I'm becoming a teacher currently and out of the 32 students 3 are men. Nurture is known to have very little to do with interests. A kid won't want to do judo just because they were put in that class. They need to find what they enjoy. Parents can only encourage and help their progress.

Now, men are indeed in higher positions, that is true. But there's a huge reason for that. Men are more self-sacrificing. They'll be more inclined to work longer hours, harder jobs and so on, even if it affects their well-being and free time. Women tend to live more happier lives because of their diverse lives. They won't work as long and they tend to want variety. Vacations, relaxations and so on to recharge their well-being. That's why women tend to be less anxious and less stressed overall. A lot of higher end jobs require ruthlessness. Aggressiveness. That's no exaggeration either. There was a study that showed that women in higher positions naturally produced more testosterone, which causes people to be more aggressive. Women don't tend to want that on average.

It's difficult to just "encourage women to do more physical things" as if that worked. This is where physical differences come in. Women have less muscle mass. They tend to be shorter. Women are usually the more intelligent half of humans.
But intelligence usually gets beaten by aggressiveness. In job interviews, women were more likely to accept lower salaries. This isn't a societal thing. It's just the lack of willingness to take a risk. At the same time, men asked for more and in real life, they might've suffered from that as well.

"I myself dislike noisy activists but without women and men who stood for gender equality years ago, you wouldn't have a cozy life today." - True, but these are not even the same activists. These aren't the same ideals. This is third wave feminism. Arguably the least required form of feminism. I'll explain why as well. Currently in the first world, these are the facts. It's illegal to sexually discriminate with wages. Sexual crimes have been falling each year (but they've been abnormal for many countries because of the refugee crisis in Europe). Sexual harassment laws are very strict. The culture we have had has been standing behind women since the end of the 2nd wave feminism.

Having perfect equality would be downright stupid because men and women aren't the same. It's just simple biology. People need to have a choice in what they do. They shouldn't be forced to hire the 50/50 ratio of men to women like in some industries in Sweden. The funny thing is that the biggest problems have already been fixed and literally everything else was on the decline. Progress was steady. Now these movements have pushed the progress too fast and there's been backlash and in turn the demands have become ridiculous to most people. That's why less and less people identify themselves as feminists.

Feminists are against female genital mutilation. A great cause. Guess what they don't care about though. Male genital mutilation. The thing that is actually still prevalent in first world countries. The thing is that there are issues for both genders and pretending like they don't exist is as sexist as not recognizing/supporting the women's troubles.

6 years ago

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Regarding first part: everything you generalize about genders as a whole sounds so strange, crude. In your pictures I can't recognize women and men I knew through the life. Only stereotypes. If you are going to be a teacher.. please consider your knowledge and its sources before teaching. It is dangerous to share subjective knowledge to young people who is not yet taught to pass information through question.
You are talking of e.g. empathy, social subjects, etc. It is knows for sure that there are different types of people, disregarding gender, and e.g. any attempts to classify types of people (for example, "sociotypes" and other systems) signalize that despite some types can be rare and some common, both genders are represented approx. uniformly inside each type, including more "empathetic" and "extrovert" and in all other metrics, and minor skews include a number of people distancing from own natural type towards obtained under circumstances of the real life. There is no natural skew in men being less social or empathic, despite some men think that it is not 'manly'. On the other hand, "nurture" is exactly what pushes genders to different paths, social roles, behaviors; it is inherited "nurture" from the past long dead.
"To find what they enjoy" - search is usually encouraged among things "typical" for the gender, which is governed by local tradition/ethics/etc. I doubt it is news.

Regarding middle: aggressiveness socially "beating" less ready for confrontation people including not only most women but also significant part of men, while relating to testosterone and thus being a gender thing, shall not govern professions and any aspects of life. Direct effect of this is, that potentially more skilled and reasonable professionals are replaced by socially more aggressive ones. Obviously, it is useless, and it harms everyone. It is not a clearly gender thing, there are more and less aggressive people in any group, but nature makes men dominant in this problem domain. Reason can control own aggressiveness, humanity only needs to encourage people to be reasonable, then males' aggressiveness truly could become a myth of the animalistic past, not used in courts e.g. by mothers (examples with children). We are not there yet, and not going to be there for decades though because reason and self-discipline is not really encouraged en masse.

Regarding some wrong feminism and hilarious small stuffs you are talking about, I am not competent to discuss that, have no idea nor interest. Silly ineffective momentary solutions and ideas will disappear as a rain in the ocean. I was keeping in mind originally all the known human rights movements of last few centuries and especially of 20th century, as it is related to topic. Of course activists are not the same. They die all the time, e.g. from old age :') Every epoch has own problems. Solving a problem implies moving to new one. These types of people are playing own important for all of us role, even if some of us despise them, taking their social achievements as granted. Without them maybe 99% of humanity still were slaves with no choices at all. Good that they were and are, it is totally a life thing not for everybody :D Let them settle on fair things and thank them afterwards for good ones. I wonder how in every epoch there are always people in all the humanity areas saying that 'now it is already fine, stop moving forward'.

Additionally on OP: I am happy that it is fine already for women in UK, some parts of USA and EU, etc and men must not be left 'behind'! But when we are talking of all people, we mean all people on the planet, right?

6 years ago

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Now, men are indeed in higher positions, that is true.

well ackchuyally... men are also the majority when it comes to the most lowest, degrading, underpaied jobs. no idea where you two are taking your information tbh. good post btw.

6 years ago

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That is true. What I meant was that men tend to hold executive jobs in most cases.
Women tend to have the lower-middle-class jobs (like education). The thing is that women also do the menial jobs, like janitorial work, which in Europe is dominated by women. Men tend to be either at the top or the bottom while women tend to hold middle class jobs.

I didn't express myself clearly and that's my bad.

6 years ago

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no worries. havn't heard women complain and reclaim their "egalitarian quotas" for those shit-tier jobs yet. what a riddle, this "egalitarianism"...

6 years ago

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It's quite hard to tell how much is nature and how much is nurture. Both men and women get socialised into certain interests from a very young age. They're encouraged in one direction and discouraged in the other by their peers, family and others. Only recently did I start wondering why I didn't go into computer sciences since I am quite proficient and learn easily when it comes to them. Instead, my parents nurtured mostly my caring and feminine side, even though my step father is a computer scientist and could have easily nurtured the other. I graduated in social work, a soft field with mostly women. Is my heart in it? I don't know? Quite frankly, I can't tell how much of this is nature and how much of this is nurture. This is anecdotal evidence, but I wrote a research paper in Dutch with mostly Dutch sources on this a few years ago and the conclusion for pretty much all research is the same: it's really hard to distinguish where nature ends and nurture begins.

6 years ago

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Problem is the education, like with extremist religious people or racist people or homophobic people... if someone have bad luck to grew up on a brainwash family or enviroment, they wont be able to think for themselves and well, they will pass those shitty beliefs to the next generation too....

6 years ago

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Yeah, this.

It's up to us to raise next generations. Preferably without saying "Darling, leave this wrench, it's boys tool" or "Frank, stop whining! You're a man, and men don't cry!!" bullshit. As it only spreads harmful stereotypes.

I've written it already few times, but children are like blank pages that parents and society writes on. They aren't born homophobic / xenophobic / put-any-other-phoby-and-stereotype-here.

6 years ago

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Dont this me

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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first, sorry for the bad english. its probably understandable, but full of error and mistake

Indeed, our society always put women first. Even when they are priviledged people will say they ain't and continue to priviledged them again instead of looking for a real equality.
my brain is not working enough at this late hour to wite things the way they pass through my mind (especially in english :p )
so here a few example of a few differences that seems normal for society, while men are getting discriminated. a bit long but it talk about a woman who change herself into a man, then saw the difference between them and the expectation that men got (text in french but vid in english, you don't need to traduct the french stuff as youll be able to make your own opinion by looking at the vid.
here a little talk that show another one problem, the way girl treat the man questions is baffling.. they made this videolike its funny, sometimes a bit unpolite but some t truth lies there :p

Just to give my personnal experiences about that :
7 years a go i met a girl on an online game, we had fun time in guild chat and stuff and within weeks / month we could call us close friends. This girl i like her a lot and have always been there for her, everytime she wanted to talk, to get some help in her study, or other stuff (i am a few years older than her so i knew a bit more stuff than her) i was there and liked being there for her. This girl i even travel hundreds of Kilometer just to see her, spend a few days with her to cheer her up, i did more for her than for every body else i know, and i never asked her to do anything for me, because, hey, even when men feel let down, don't feel good or whatever, they try not to bother people with it wether it would have bother or not people.
i repeat, its been 7 years that i have been there for her and just 1 month ago, when we were talking i said that i wasn't going to work since my contract ended so i was looking for jobs instead. Her reaction was not to cheer me, trying to understand my position or simply saying good luck. what she just said is " ho but you didn 't told me you were not working any more, i was admiring you and now i know that my bro don't have a job" (yeah we are calling ourselves bro and sis)
Some of you won't see anything bad in this sentence, but seriously, saying to someone you don't admire them anymore because they don't have a job right now ? Thats how most women are thinking now. Even though i did a lot for her, i did my best to be exemplary, just the simple fact that you ain' t bringing money put you on the bench after years of loving and caring. I believe its a correct example of how relation between men and women ain't equal at all, as a man i don't care if a woman loose her job or not, if i love her, i love her, its unconditional i won't think less of her for that.

Another thing i would like is people asking themselves those questions and trying to find the answer.

1): how many time sin your life have you seen a man hitting / slapping / being physically violent toward a woman ? (and i am not talking about spanking in sexual interaction for the kinkyer of you :p)
i don't know for you, but i can count it on my hands

2) how many time have you seen a woman hitting / slapping / being physically violent toward a man in your life ?
seriously, i saw so much slaping that i can't count. In my personnal experience i can say its admitted that girl can be violent toward men without it being a problem for anyone, unless its grave and need hospitalization.

3) if you see a woman being agressed by a man, will you intervene or let her deal with it ?

4) if you see a man being agressed by a woman, will you intervene or let him deal with it ?

for what i saw in my life, if a women is agressed / rape by a man, she will be a victim, people will feel for her and its normal. If a man was agressed by a woman, people will not do shit because he is a man who can't defend itself so he is just a weakling. (i would like to point the fact that men are teach not to hit women. Even if we should and can retaliate most will not because they were teach not to, and they don't want to hurt a woman) and if a man dare say that a woman raped him, people will laugh at him because, you know, its a man so he should just have enjoyed it...

well those a few simple examples, how men are treated in our society is way more complicated that that.

there is a lot of domain like working / dating / everyday life were men are just being stepped on.

[useless rambling to loose some stress]
example : i took the police exam, no problem at the written test, but for the physical test, i only managed 1 of the 2 trials (fuck of endurance xD) yet, girl have a DIFFERENT physical trial ! its actually the same but with a lower difficulty ! easier obstacle, shorter needed time to run and so on ! even with my failed exam timing, i would have pass if i had the same grade system as girls (but i am a man, so its a no :p)
Do you think its "fair" because men are "biologically" suppose to be stronger / faster / more endurant or some shit like this ? I don't. Seriously, wether you are a man or a woman, the threat a policeman will face will stay the same, using a easier trial for woman mean they probably won't be able to do as well in the real life job as men who were not accepted because quota and shit and thats the civilian who will pay for this.

Also in the same stuff (like police, military etc) women have faster advancement, simply because the system prefer them to be cosy in an office and let the men do the poor job on the field (information confirmed by a high graded friend of me)

now, lets talk about dating ! men are suppose to be perfect, to pay for all, and give the woman a good time. What are women supposed to be ? accepting the invitation. (because yes, they are not even thinking about doing the first step, our society want the man to do it)
Seriously, with all the talk about women wanting the same salary as men, this kind of stupid tradition should cease. if i invite a woman i don't know enough to know if ill appreciate her, i don't see why we shouldn't split the tab. i don't mind paying for family, friend or lover, but an unknown person, please, i hardly believe that the money i actually don't own in more than women is a good enough reason for that.

now i am too sleepy to continue lol
[/useless rambling to loose some stress]

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago*

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Blacklisted for talking about blacklisting... and breathing on SG!!!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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You made me felt like Captain America

6 years ago

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If it means that there will remain a thread about men and discrimination then it stays up no matter the insult or blacklists. Surprisingly only 6-8 blacklists (I don't really track them) but more whitelists (don't track really but I think it was around 20 whitelists o-o)

Thank you for the whitelist! <3

Nothing special about me. Just a girl with the power to post on a website xD

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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The prejudice happens when someone decides to take a decision depending on your gender. I mean it like, for example, when the court thinks it's more fair to give the kid to its mother rather than its father. But there are thousands of decisions that are being taken depending on the gender. A man should never hit a woman and he must go to jail if he does that, but it's ok if a woman hits a man and the man shouldn't even complain about it. It's awesome for a man to have sex with a lot of women, but it's whorish if a woman has sex with a lot of men. It's really sad if you find out that a woman got raped by a man, but it's a laughable situation if a man gets raped by a woman. You want someone to clean my house, so you end up calling a cleaning lady, but if you want someone to paint your house, you call a man. Oh, a kind old lady is all "coochy coo" with my baby, so it's ok, but why the heck is that man even looking at my baby? Anyway, you can see that there are lots of everyday examples that are based on prejudice. Will the world ever be ready to put aside this kind of prejudice? I think not. Am I ok with that? Maybe yes, maybe not, depending on the situation.

6 years ago

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Man here!
Well, this has been a interesting reading. I can't complain honestly. In here where I am living we have somewhat the same privileges, and we don't make a big deal about it(well, sometimes we have that small argument fight saying that men are better than women and vice-versa, and in the end both sides leave thinking they were the ones that won the argument). The only thing it needs to be changed is the men's mentality that thinks that the place of a woman is in the kitchen. But the majority of the men that say this are unemployed old farts that do nothing but complain about everything.

And in cases of divorce and who keeps the kids, yes it is usually for the mothers, or the grandparents, for some reason.

6 years ago

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I came in here expecting garbage, and... well, I'm impressed by the OP. Those are actually some really good arguments. I had to save my popcorn for the comments.

6 years ago

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good points, and sources too. nice to see a woman not poisoned by some sectarist cult-like movement to the point of becoming a degenerate freak.

gender equality however can go into the trash bin along with that false god called egalitarianism. gotta go back to traditional gender role, to biological and spiritual values if we want the west to thrive again and rise from the ashes of this materialist cemetery we have built. not some made up semitic bullshit.

6 years ago

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not some made up semitic bullshit.

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6 years ago

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right! it was like 4 am and meh. semantically speaking that doesnt make sense. judaic bullshit fits better.

6 years ago

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Naiz try.

6 years ago

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6 years ago*

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I agree
If females want to get paid the same as us men, then they should have to work as hard and do EXACTLY the same work.
I'm sick of hearing SOME females whinge about not getting paid as much, but then 5 mins later they're saying they can't do something as it's too hard..

6 years ago

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You know there is difference between having the same work and earning differently basing it on your gender. And having different jobs and earning differently because of that?

Wage equality doesn't mean that woman working as shop clerk should earn the same as man on construction, but that woman and man working with the same efficiency as shop clerks should earn the same. But they don't. So it leads to payment inequality.

We're different from very basics of our physiology - testosterone makes man stronger. That's fact. So men are kinda more predispositioned in strenght-needed jobs. But it doesn't mean that strong woman working at construction site should earn less than man doing the same job.

At the same time women tend to have smaller hands, so they are better with precision-needed jobs. Etc.

Also when you're at work on the same position with the same duties that don't require carrying around heavy boxes - I don't see anything weird in fact that it's stronger man that will move box from one place to another, and woman "in exchange" will help man with some precise work (or any other way around). It's called being nice to each other, not getting grumpy because "I was better at something, so I did it".

But surely, people should go to job they are able to perform efficiently. So man with big hands shouldn't go to work that needs a lot of precision and scream "woman earns more than I do!!", or slim woman shoudln't go to work that require strength (like warehouse, construction and so on), as she won't be able to be as efficient as bulky man there.

6 years ago

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Exactly what i'm saying
My bro works in a mine, and they have started employing females due to this equality crap.
Now the guys are having to work even harder while the girls do all the easy work.
I'm all for equal pay if you're doing the same work, but don't go into a job and then complain you can't do ALL of it and expect the guys to do the hard stuff while you do all the easy stuff.
Conversely, i do agree that if a female IS doing the same work, then sure, they should get paid the same as guys as well..

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Yep the way i see it, men do harder work, and THAT'S why they get paid more..
Not just because they're male..

6 years ago

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Thank you. @_@ Bump.

6 years ago

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I don't think it's that bad for men around the world, but there are some women who don't care about equality and "they wanna have whatever men are having" + more good stuff - many responsibilities because they can label such demands as "ways to achieve equality"

6 years ago

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Lets face it, there was inequality, there still is.

The problem is feminism no longer wants equality, it was inequality in favour of women. Lets take the pay gap in acting for example, are those same women fighting to close the pay gap between female and male models? Women get paid substantially better than men in that craft. It doesn't fit the narrative.

I cba ranting too long but everyone is equal and should be treated as such.

6 years ago

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I personally believe that men are equal to women but they are not meant to be interacted to each other equally, men have some things women can never have, and women have many things men can never obtain, it's in their nature, so keeping in mind we are all equal we should accept our forms and grow ourselves in that manner, until we try to break through our natural form we will always suffer

6 years ago

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Thank you again for your informative and interesting thread, that isn't based on lies, bias, hate, attention seeking and conjecture but is based on sources. :3

6 years ago

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You know that whole isn't based on lies, bias, hate, attention seeking and conjecture is not necessary here, as it's obvious passive-aggressive attack on other user / thread?

Srsly, why people can't make thread, and then leave it to live it's separate life without any kind of connections to other threads? After all they are separate threads and don't need to include attack on other threads, be it by OP or people who comment in them?

6 years ago

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Grow up man. Get some of that maturity and move on with life.

Everywhere I look on this forum is filled with childish stupidity and it makes me seriously question where the hell everyone's common decency went.

Grow up and stop making stupid passive aggressive comments.

6 years ago

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And this is how you'd go about raising a passive (slightly) aggressive comment into a bickering argument. Your comment/attack is no better. : P

6 years ago

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I don't plan on getting into a bickering argument at all. I want it to be very clear where I stand on childish comments like these. When it get's to a point where in every other thread, the same passive aggressive comments can be read, something needs to be said at that point.

6 years ago

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It's turning into a bickering argument^^

I want it to be very clear where I stand on childish comments like these.

While your intention sounds good I can't help thinking you could have done that much more tactfully and less provokingly(?). Especially as your point was about maturity. :?

6 years ago

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I won't argue that. It's a new day, and I realize now that I could have formed my initial comment better.

6 years ago

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oh, so you are the whiteknight moderator that people were talking about! good to know.
also, to work as a moderator, I really recommend to keep your emotional balance.

6 years ago

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I volunteer my time towards this community because I care about it. Call me what you want, but that fact remains. When I see the same group of people tearing it down like children, it irritates me a little bit.

6 years ago

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So you must be indiscriminately pissed when people uses threads about whining how bad the world is to them... or you just conveniently play the whitekight against who you hand picked get irritated to reach certain goals... Which one?
Had to ask because it wasn't clear enough in your previous statement.
At that point, you (edit: probably) realized that you can't be both because inconsistency. Just a warning: the second one means that you don't care about the community, but just (edit: care about) a certain group that can't be target of any whining of anyone.
About your volunteer time, it gives you a title that you carry everywhere you go. When you stand against anything, you stand against it as moderator (not sure how you guys pretend that moderator title isn't there). If you want to discuss your (whiteknight or not) wishes and whining about the right of whining people whine, you should consider resign to make whatever statement of whatever matter you choose as equal. Or, eventually, influence to make a new rule like "Users A, B and C can't complain anymore from now on." and update guidelines.

6 years ago*

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So you must be indiscriminately pissed when people uses threads about whining how bad the world is to them

Oh, absolutely. I think political threads have no place in a gaming centered forum at all, and If I had the ability to edit the FAQ and make that change, I would have made that a priority a long time ago. I'd rather see topics on how awesome the Witcher 3 is, or what to expect from the upcoming Cyberpunk game. You must not have read anything I've posted before this comment, because I've been vocal against all types of this nonsense.

I don't take sides. I also don't get paid to do this either, so I'll let my feelings known at any point I wish.

6 years ago

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I don't take sides.

So you never heard of the special snowflakes on SG? That isn't even my invention but that of people that I don't know who use those words to describe a cluster of SG untouchable users.

6 years ago

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There's not one user on this site that's untouchable, outside of cg. Anyone claiming so, is speaking from a place of ignorance.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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You won't get the irony of your statement, but I'm laughing myself to tears right now. xD

6 years ago

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I absolutely agree with you but first you need to act like what... you... said...
Otherwise, you can ended up being hypocritical saying one thing and doing another: stands about your right to whine about your (whiteknight or not) matters and be against someone elses right to whine.

6 years ago

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Otherwise, you can ended up being hypocritical saying one thing and doing another

So, you're saying just because I believe that political threads have no place in a gaming forum, that forbids me from discussing within them? I don't see that as hypocritical. I'm just trying to be a part of the community, even as it drowns in drama topics.

6 years ago

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Take sides is different to just with discuss them. Follow Khalaq (or any old moderator) and see how emotionally balanced he is (they are) even against something that he (they) don't agree. They just comment their opinion, they don't take sides or stand against people for whatever they are commenting. I had lots of matters that I already disagreed with staff, but this is the first time I see a staff being against someone elses free will/opinion/whatever that is not against the rules.

6 years ago

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That's where you're wrong, because I don't take anyone's "side". I state my opinion, and I really don't care at all if it coincides with someone elses or not. I'm not on a team of specific people. That's the difference. I won't let a title forbid me from speaking on what I believe in. Now, you could make the argument, as Zaugr did above you, that I could have phrased my opinions in a far better way to express my beliefs, and I would agree wholeheartedly with you. But, it's too late to change that now.

I agree wholly on Khalaq too, he is the best among us all. I love Khalaq. I actually thought of doing a Khalaq appreciation thread years ago, because I've not come across anyone else on the internet with his level of wisdom. He speaks in gold nuggets.

6 years ago

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I'm not making arguments because I'm not discussing about reasons... Talking about results.
I'm just raising awareness because a moderator is being against someone elses free will/opinion/whatever in the open forums.
Not just that, I'm raising awareness about a moderator being in favor of some things and be against some others, which is strongly related with his personal beliefs. This is the first step before you start to ban/suspend/whatever whoever go against your beliefs.

6 years ago

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I would never suspend someone that held beliefs that went against my own. We're promoted to this position, because we're trusted to not abuse it. Moderators are allowed to have and express opinions, believe it or not.

Edit: I wouldn't suspend someone, solely for having different beliefs. I should have been clearer. If that person's breaking the rules, that's a different story.

6 years ago

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I would never suspend someone that held beliefs that went against my own.

Users will never know that... and we will never know the (let's call that) breaking point.
Your beliefs is what rules your world. You're always one step close to suspend whoever disagree with you than whoever agrees with you. I'm pretty sure you are capable to punish someone who stand against your beliefs. The user just have to reach the breaking point.

I saw similar behavior before (not sure what staff was) on that thread that I linked before. I bet lots of users thought this thread was about to be closed and op suspended for solely different beliefs of that thread... There's a reason to people believe that.

6 years ago

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The only people behaving like a "whiteknight" here are you and the original instigator in this comment chain - picking and choosing who you believe should be able to troll and instigate - and ironically, while trolling and instigating, and immediately after bitching about people "ruining the community" earlier in this same thread.

So let's cut the bullshit and get real - you don't care about this community - you only care about the bits and pieces of your choosing, while behaving like the very thing you claim to dislike so much in the process, also much like the original instigator here in this chain of comments.

So yes, pot meet kettle. You're okay with certain people instigating - just not those you dislike.

6 years ago

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Just to make things clear, I don't like you in any possible hipotetical existence of any parallel universes. Every single word you say in this forums runs towards licking someone's very specific floor. Keep your words to that specific person threads, comments or whatever. Don't waste them with me.
Let's cut the crap and name the responsible of all this bullshit that has been happening lately here: you. You ruined this place with hand in hand with that specific person that we definitively know who is. You just brought disgrace to anyone related to Rachel and K. You were able to destroy an entiry state of well being because of that, to support someone's else bullshit to have a chance to reach your goals (which, again, will never be reached). Again, don't waste your words with me.
I'll gonna whine how much I want whenever I want wherever I want, as much as you do your crap all over the forums.

6 years ago

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Ah of course, the typical bullshit and lies you've been spoon-fed by the people you've been ass-kissing. How utterly typical. You want to be able to speak your mind, but can't stand it when anyone else does, right? And no, it was your melodramatic pals who brought all that disgrace, because they felt that causing drama was more important than the well-being of the community and people that they are now conveniently calling "friends." (who couldn't stand them in reality). But hey, you like to latch onto whatever narrative suits you. Again, pot meet kettle.

Well, much like you, I'm going to speak my mind where and when I see fit, until the mods decide that should no longer be the case. You don't get to make that decision. I couldn't give a shit if a hypocrite like you "likes" me or not, but when you're doing precisely the thing you claim to hate so much, expect people to call you on it.

Just keep in mind not to be a complete hypocrite and complain about others "whining" and trolling when you and your pal are doing an awful lot of it yourself. Who's "ruining the community" now? Because it sure as fuck isn't me. You don't see me trolling and making asinine comments directed at others in un-related threads. Nah, I'll leave that to you and your pal(s).

6 years ago

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don't waste your words with me.

I said it twice. It was a warning, not a recommendation.

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Don't presume to warn me about anything, tough guy.

You don't want replies to your bullshit, perhaps you should consider keeping it to yourself over posting it on the forum. Maybe if the lot of you had done that, all that drama would never have happened. You don't get to talk shit with impunity, and neither does your buddy.

6 years ago

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Ops. Didn't read again.
Didn't even have to make any effort, english is not my main language.

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Shavua tov!

And again you forget to wipe before your own porch first:

The only people behaving like a "whiteknight" here are you and the original instigator in this comment chain

Thank you for a good laugh as you are "whiteknighting" for your supreme buddy on a daily basis. ;-)

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Trolling - seriously. Look it up sometime.
You do it enough that you should actually know what it means. Thanks.

6 years ago

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That would be a very hard thing to do knowing you've written the book, together with your supreme buddy about (SG) trolling.

Todah rabah!

6 years ago

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לזרוח על!

Let me know if I got the Hebrew right. It's supposed to read "Shine on!" ;)

6 years ago

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It must be painful and hard for your to write in Hebrew when you so don't like the language and the people. ;-)

But then again you are so used to play people, especially on SG. ;D

6 years ago

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It must be painful and hard for your to write in Hebrew when you so don't like the language and the people. ;-)

Seriously? That same old bullshit lie? I couldn't give two shits what "language or people" someone is, and I think most on SG know that.
You're quite literally the only person on SG who makes a big deal about your ethnicity.

6 years ago

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And again, as ususal, you don't like wiping before your own porch first.

You forget that your the only person on SG that uses words like the lowest life form on the whole of SG and a myriad of other very nice insults and colloquial language. I guess you never did group buy that parental control software...

6 years ago

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Not once in my entire time on SG have I made a racist or even derogatory remark about someone's race, religion, or ethnicity -- or even directed such a comment at someone.

lowest life form on the whole of SG

I once said the people on my blacklist are the "scum of SG." It had nothing to do with race, language, ethnicity, religion or any of that. It's not even a consideration to me, nor is your ethnicity, religion, or anything else other than your behavior and attitude, But really, that's why you've been calling me a Nazi for the past two years? Lmao, wow ... get over yourself.

6 years ago

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You can play people, lie to people, hate people and try to make up as much as you want, you will always fall through the basket; for sure.

6 years ago

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You do realize that all this calling people Nazis simply because they disagree with you is about as racist as one can get, right?
You should be ashamed, using your religion like that - and you're the only one here who does it. The only one. That speaks volumes.

Well, at least now I know why you've been going through all this trouble for the past couple years, and it just seems even more ridiculous than ever. So, thanks for that at least. :)

6 years ago

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You would even play, fool and pass a polygraph test, unbelievable...

You really need some professional help to get you out of your self induced and alternative reality.

Is it really that much fun for you to lie to and to play people?

6 years ago

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it´s a shame somebody like you can argue here with decent persons.. you should have got banned at the start of all this drama without any comment.

6 years ago

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How nice, a buddy to the rescue routine and I wouldn't call someone who is the worst possible thing on this planet , from the perspective of a Jew, a decent person.

6 years ago

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I´m no buddy to the rescue.... i read alot of your bullshit and passive aggresive stuff alot for the last months, now a mod tried to point this out and you couldnt reply till he left and like a hawk u jumped into the discussion again entered his ga with a fuck u smile. you have no backbone, morals, and no shame. youre not the worst possible thing on earth but you dont even try to be any better.
when i entered this site you seemed to be a nice guy and we talked few times. i dont care about if you play your wins or collect them nor if you´re gay nor if you´re a idiot nor anything else as long as you respect others, but you don´t. you got suspended for your behaviour and u learned i would have banned you without any comment simple as that.. thanks for your understanding have a nice evening o/

6 years ago

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Didn't notice this thread of comments.

Please stop replying. It won't get you anywhere. If you don't stop then that's cool... I guess...

6 years ago

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yeah you´re right it´s just i read his bullshit for such a long time and had to say sth..sorry for the offtopic.. but now back to topic....go make me a sandwich pls xD

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I was civil in her thread so why couldn't you have been civil in mine?

I'm not going to argue with you. Just please stop. Ignore it like I did.

6 years ago

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Considering I spent well over an hour being called a Nazi for some ridiculous reason, I'd say I was plenty civil.
You might have a word with the fellow that started the entire chain of comments, though.

Anyway, my apologies, but I'm through with his constant shit-talking.

6 years ago

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Well it could have been worse. I suppose you're right.
I can't control him and well... I can't control you. Just thought since you hadn't replied I might be able to convince you to think about stopping.

No worries man. Shit happens.

6 years ago

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Yep, no hard feelings against you and don't blame you for asking. I was long done, though. It just got utterly ridiculous, and I have no time for that.

I don't have much to address in your thread, so outside of this exchange I haven't felt the urge to reply, but it's really not half bad. Can't say as I agree with all of it, but whatever - you do make some valid points. I don't exist to change any mind but my own, though, so I just read and considered things quietly to myself.

6 years ago

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Yeah i would have missed it but it got of hand so it stood out. Glad you chose to stop. Thanks.

You definitely don't need to address the thread. Honestly this thread was more of a weird therapy session as I thought about my grandfather's suicide. I went from watching Robin Williams to male discrimination and resulted in a thread. I'm glad you agree with some, that's good enough for me. I didn't want to change minds, I just wanted to bring attention to it!

6 years ago

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Im getting tired of this everywhere. It would be easier to let go or keeping things in one topic.

Anyway heres my view: Equality is a bad term to use because many misinterpret it.
Men and Women aren't equal and shouldn't be- but they're both entitled to equal rights, fair and equal chances. Seems obvious but what i get on most debates is some underlying assumption of many that there shouldn't be any differences whatsoever as if they're the same and aren't. The terminology isn't helping.
Equal rights, fair and equal chances also doesn't mean equal treatment- wich doesn't mean mistreatment, rather the opposite, but equal consideration to the particulars of each genre in how they're treated both socially and legally. Getting some time off when a child is born makes sense for both but can be way shorter for men for obvious reasons for example. Some preference towards children staying with their mothers also makes sense for a number of reasons but should be a reference in trials, not a bias that so often overlooks what should be best for a kid.

Theres lots of issues for both sides but women have a history of taking the worse deal legally; Men a history of taking the worse deal unformally, from crime rates to judgments. Women doesn't just have the 'right' to stand for their rights and fighting for changes, they must, otherwise things won't change. So does men. BUT

Come on. Whats happening is some vocal groups in women's movement overstepping, exagerating, going to the opposite extreme and ending up being unfair or unreasonable. Doesn't help that many men over-react and adds fire in all cases- misognists reacting stupidly to sound arguments and movements have a lot of responsability on why some women became so radical and touchy, and being extreme the backlash becomes way more intense, confirming skewed perceptions and just feeding the cycle.
What only makes things worse is doing the same on men's side, answering in extreme ways.

The topic itself isn't heated but come on, given the context here on the foruns it is like a counter post.

All of this is aiming at wrong targets. The issue is Unfairness, injustice, unequal rights. The culprit is society, traditions, the system that fed and kept things this way. Wanting to see as culprit, guilty and the enemy a whole gender is just bananas. If theres a afterlife i can imagine a number of thinkers rolling in their graves.

Men aren't the big bad wolf. Theres millions or billions of bad men out there that aren't any moral example and a perfect fit for what women hate- and millions/billions that aren't. The feminists who see otherwise and spread messages that paint the whole gender as the issue is stupid.
On the same level is seeing feminism as whole as stupid because of the fewer radicals.

Come on guys/gals, anyone wonder why things got the way they are now, in the age of internet and social medial? Its called vocal minority. '90%' of those who stumbled on this or any topic/message/article and such on any subject didn't even read, those who did another majority didn't answer. The ones that do are half or more of the time the extremes- those who advocate for the same things.and those who completely miss the point or only hate.
And the effect is thats so easy to take the whole for the vocal minority.

Heck theres a good number of examples in game development of this going sideways- devs listening to a vocal minority thinking they're the majority, and the changes killing up a game or franchise. Its the same effect on everything, politics, any subject. It causes misconceptiosn and trainwrecks everywhere.

Please just stop making those topics. They end up in flames amongst the ones that are more touchy on the subject wich means flames. Ive seen a entire community sinking because of flaming topics and a sequence of passive-agressive topics don't letting it die.
Theres no risk of it sinking SG itself given the sites function- but the community, any hope of good conversations and such here? This can be killed off by something like that and for what?

6 years ago

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I see nothing wrong with posting about this topic or any other for that matter, one shouldn't cater to the misogyny/racism/elitism/[put whatever you want here] of some butthurt snowflakes, closet racists and inferiority complex-burdened haters out there and limit oneself in expressing one's opinion. Doesn't matter if it's about equality, SG wins, political stuff etc. Only downside is that some discussions will simply fall flat since this is mainly a gaming oriented site, but whatever. Let them rage and be bitter fucks, their loss.

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by PhillipTheWeasel.