Link to my Birthday Event thread

So this week I hosted a birthday giveaway event that was full of quizzes and giveaways. It did not went as well as I expected but it still was quite a great experience and really awesome of you guys to participate in the events.

So here are the answers to all my quizzes if any of you wants to know the answer to a part that got you stuck =]

Answers to the FAQ Quiz

Answers to the Movie Quiz

Answers to the Food Quiz

Answers to the Random Stuffs Quiz

Answers to the Myself Quiz

Note: for the FAQ quiz, question number 2: You can also do a line break by ending a sentence with 2 spaces.

for the Random Stuffs Quiz, nosleep is a subreddit not a thread (I was new to reddit at the time I made the quiz, so my apology.)

Oh, here's the final treat for you guys: The key to the $1 tier games of the current humble bundle (Cities XL Platinum, Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition, Divinity II: Developer's Cut, R.A.W. Realms of Ancient War, Game of Thrones, and Confrontation)


You have to guess the final letter (not a number.)

So, as I stated in the last thread: I will leave the site for a while (maybe 1-2 months), try to catch up my personal life and the like. My Birthday Giveaway Event is sort of my farewell to the site. I'll be back!

It's been a good ride. The best. - Commander Shepard.

Note: I have sent all the prizes to the winner either by Steam or by email. Check yours to receive the prize if you win!

11 years ago*

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Got the code, thanks! (the letter was v.)

Thanks for the giveaways, and i had fun with the puzzles.

11 years ago

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lol, damn. so fast! gratz

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by samstone13.