He is crowdfunding to get a mini satellite to prove his point. >.<


Some anonymous donator put in $1000.

Would have been funny to throw in a Brilliant Bob giveaway, but it's removed from steam.

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6 years ago*

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How about...


6 years ago

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Earth is noob gg

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Techno musicians.... :P

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Hold on there. Like there are good and bad people, there are good and bad rappers. I guess B.o.B. belong to the latter.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Jokes aside, I want to talk to someone who believes the earth is flat. It should be an intersting discussion to see their actual point of view.

6 years ago

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to see their actual point of view.

... their actual line of sight.

6 years ago

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Heh, touché

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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Yeah I remember watching Vsauce and him mentioning something of the sorts. I better start running!

6 years ago

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6 years ago*

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I think they just have a pretty terrible depth perception.

6 years ago

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Or pretty terrible sense of scale.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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No way, haven't you seen a lunar eclipse?

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I only tried Kickstarter, where it was said that the project would only get the money if the goal was reached - is gofundme different in this?

6 years ago

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Yup, you get the money no matter if you get the full funding. So BoB already got nearly $2k to his pocket.

Can be good for people with small projects, but also pretty great for scammers.

6 years ago

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On an academical or science level, many saying: "The world is round." has itself just as much merit as statement: "The world is flat."

And if many are saying that the statement of "The world is round." has to be true because "They have seen pics.", to me it seems that the plan for a satellite to prove "The world is flat." is a satirical pun of that.

In other words, feel free to offer proper scientific proof for what some would call hypothesis: "The world is round." Without that proof it is technically just a guess or statement as many others.

6 years ago

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Oy. Come on dude. It takes literally 5 seconds to Google "proper scientific proof." Here is the first thing I came across.


6 years ago

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That's not proper scientific proof tho. (and the Earth in "it is round" is actually not a symmetric ball)

a) That argument talks about as if Sun were not moving and Earth neither, with it being compared to Sun being as if center light of Earth as basketball court that is not tilted at all (but then goes on to talk about all of a sudden assumed tilt as clearly confirming "roundness"). Even the premises of that argument lack proof, such as about that whole issue of movement of celestial bodies (such as whether Sun is moving at all, or not, etc.).

Other than that, to say "flat" doesn't necessarily exclude e.g. two sides or e.g. square shape. Seriously, if you assume a big mass object in space shaped like a cube, what's gravity doing on its edges anyhow?

b) Easily photo-shopped etc. And again, "flat" doesn't mean that Earth doesn't have north and south sides, similar to e.g. a vinyl.

c) "Single-direction course" on a "round Earth", as in "straight line" to prove it is round? Lol? A needle on a gramophone ends up pretty much where it started on each circumcision, but that doesn't mean a vinyl would be a ball.

As for the issue of "perspective", assuming that objects seem smaller in distance than they are, one can easily argue that the alleged "curve" exists only because the viewer has that middle point of the horizon-line closer than the points on the edges of that line. Or mathematically put, when viewer is in point A and looks at a line where there are points B and D on the seen edges and point C in the middle between points B and D, then the distance between A and C is closer than distance between A and B or A and D, as can be easily shown by measurement of those distances.

To clearify, I do not see myself a proponent of "Earth is flat", but my point still stands in regard to that what many seem to be presenting is nothing but parroting "hear-say" while they themselves apparently wouldn't be able to e.g. measure and calculate how much surface a symmetrical ball in front of them has, which arguably is a mathematical operation not really anywhere near e.g. quantum physics.

6 years ago

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You know you don't have to rely on random dudes on the internet to give you more information about the science behind the earth's shape, right? You can actually research it yourself.

Here, I'll get you started.


6 years ago

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And some scientists claimed not so long ago that tobacco including smoking is beneficial for health. Doesn't change a thing about that point of many not being able to make a scientific argument themselves tho, as in actually understanding what they claim to be valid truth instead of throwing links of it while they seem barely able to make an argument and less so defend it in an academical discourse manner, and by that giving the impression as if that "truth" is nothing but some doctrine stipulated by some guys barely anyone understood.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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And...I'm done. I definitely have better things to do than to try to interpret your run-on sentences.

6 years ago

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^ What canis said. Oh and have another one:


6 years ago

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The article on that link at least seems to have some effort put into it, but again, e.g. just because you can see a curve during Lunar eclipse doesn't mean Earth is not a vinyl to begin with. Also,
2) there are even tsunamis on the Sea, behind which one can probably hardly see anything.
3) That light bends around mass seems to have been proven in physics, and due to that are some stars arguably not view-able from some points on the vinyl, or simply have some object in between (as in that it can take only one step to see what is behind the corner of a building one didn't see before).
4) If one tilts that mentioned basketball court, shadows will be different on it as well, wouldn't they?
5) That argument assumes there is no e.g. smog obscuring view from a peasant's point of view. Not exactly realistic, is it?
6) Again, needle on a vinyl is not falling off edge neither. And a big mass vinyl in space doesn't necessarily mean one could notice being on the edge of the sides, would it?
7) Just because you are all cool doesn't mean I am. Or in regard to mentioned planets, even if one assumes that all planets are quite the same in shape, those other planets may be vinyls too.
8) Again, one can present vinyl tilt and movement that explains time-zones as well.
9) That is an interesting one - if one assumes laws of gravity to be proven. But there are also things such as e.g. the barycenter, which e.g. between Moon and Earth is not really at the center of Earth to begin with.
10) Even without photoshopping, e.g. looking at part of a vinyl doesn't make that vinyl a ball.

6 years ago

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Suit yourself then. Can't argue with somebody that wants to believe rather than talk about facts.

6 years ago

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"A fact is something that is postulated to have occurred or to be correct. The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability—that is, whether it can be demonstrated to correspond to experience."

I can't afford even a plane ticket, so for me with this sort of disputation I tried to present it is not proveable to go e.g. on Sea to verify whether there are no waves obscuring view from that ship that is allegedly disappearing behind a tilt. If you are saying that I should just believe that it is so because someone said so, then it is you expecting me to believe while I tried to point out that such hear-say claims do not seem a sufficient argument to convince in realms of disputation (or similar form of talking about statement with reason and not blind faith).

And in that realm of disputation, one may as well claim that e.g. the Sun is moving around Earth, but no way anyone gets access to NASA satellites to be able to prove or disprove such statement. And to some that simply isn't good enough having just to blindly follow what "the man" claimed to be true (such as that a few decades ago "the man" claimed that Venus is not turning, and these days "the man" claims that it is, etc.).

6 years ago

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Thank you for the opening quote. Read it again, but please just ignore that I ever tried to reply to you. Thanks.

6 years ago

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Hey, I just tried to be in this discussion section for sake of discussion... At least I am not one of those enforcing oil pipelines and fracking in a notion of defiance against "theory of global warming" while at the same time perhaps even claiming that the Adam and Eve story happened exactly as it says in 2nd or 3rd translation, huh? :)

6 years ago

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The world is full of all kinds of idiots. One can try to bring some light to those poor souls, but I for one am too old to actually put more than a passing effort into it :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago*

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Laying on a mountain-side at night, I did notice movement, so not saying there isn't any. My arguments here are even tho surely far from being a studied philosopher just an attempt at some form of disputation or such, in which it usually takes more of an argument to make a point than saying "it seems the sun is moving around Earth, ergo it is". :)


6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Yeah, they also didn't have much tools to do exact measurement on huge distances. E.g. the whole "Earth is not at the center of the universe, and Sun is not moving around Earth, etc." is only a few centuries back since it was established (Copernicus, Kepler, ...). And myself in all that an overall sceptic, who didn't enjoy much just having to parrot what is being told in school based on some "it is so because we say it is so", especially having grown up in a somewhat protestant, post-nazi and post-communist environment, where there was plenty of evil with many blindly following what some authority claimed (such as e.g. "about racial inherent characteristics", or centuries prior e.g. Jan Hus having been burned at the stake for not agreeing with notion by church that God forgives every sin as long as one gives some money to a priest).

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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He really wants this Satellite so he can hunt down those big booty twerking girls for his next rap video.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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flat earthers are beyond help. there are plenty of video on any platform (ie youtube, netflix) showing the earth is round. or he could spend his own money and go to remedial science class.
dude, buy your own satellite with your own money. i agree with other posts, most like a scam and he will just pocket money.

6 years ago

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Other planets, stars, suns are like balls, but the earth should be flat?
Think again about it xD

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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If he's that fucking interested, let him buy his own goddamn sattelite.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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We have just come a full circle of intelligence.
Civilizations advanced science and technology. But no-good assholes who have nothing better then to complain are tearing this hole fundement down.
And that includes both Fat Little Bomb buddies that we have squirming over social media. And without a doubt anyone who even for a second considers bullshit like - earth is flat.

I, being relatively young, have to ask - has bullshit like this been around for ever or are we seriously becoming dumber by the day. Because it sure seems like that.

6 years ago

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The internet has bassicaly handed a megaphone to every person that has access to the web, this includes all the idiots that used to be ignored in previous decades. Is the vocal minority issue, a little group of people that loves to shout their opinion no matter if they're right or wrong.

6 years ago

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This sounds more like a clever scam than anything else, yet again this is the internet the place where stupid people aglutinate so who knows.
Every time I hear about flatearthers I wonder if their actually that dumb or they're just looking for attention.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Yes he did raise it, and he also went with money pledged from 600 to 1900.

Maybe he is a SG user and thought with it's million users, he's bound to be able to get $1 million (or just noticed his "scam" was working).

Someone did say to him 200k wouldn't be enough.

6 years ago*

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I imagine the guy going "Oh god, this is actually working. Lets see how much I can squeeze out of them, maybe a new car or even a house renovation."

6 years ago

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Where is he going to find the scientists that know how to launch and keep a satellite in the air above a flat Earth? I mean, all the existing satellites were launched by lying lairs who say the world is a sphere, I am sure he doesn't want the help of those lairs.

Are there actual scientists (with the proper education in this field of science) that believe the earth is flat?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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No, he raised it from 200k to 100M then lowered it to 1M.

6 years ago

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It is actually disgusting, that people would donate to this, i live in a Third World country, i am unable to find work and am near to being evicted and have nowhere to go, and i live with my mother and grandmother, i could use that 1000 dollars or whatever he has raised so far, much more than him and hist stupid ideas.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Hehe, not why i posted that but thank you for the whitelist, and for the good wishes.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Yeah, from when things were a bit better and i could buy bundles, i don;t really collect games, i only get ones i wanna play so gave away what i knew i wasnt gonna play.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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he's a genius ❤️️

6 years ago

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No. Just no.
I'd rather spend $5 on trash bundles to give away (which I've already done).

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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thx for filling the void saved for future use

6 years ago

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Aww, there's no option to donate a cyanide capsule. Damn.

6 years ago

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How is this a thing?

6 years ago

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I thought about donating a dollar to make a joke insulting the earth is flat theory, but then I realized that the minimum you could donate is 5 bucks.

My joke ain't worth 5 bucks.

6 years ago

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Sure, if you wanted to go for the low hanging fruit.
The way i see it, your joke and everyone else might be worth 1-5$, while his joke is already worth $2,701.

6 years ago

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I like how so many people don't realize that's a satire account.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

6 years ago

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I must start my own corwdfunding, people gives money that easy.

And I really need money.

6 years ago

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