Who is the lucky one?
You might want to get checked out for a concussion because that made no sense.
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No, but that story was really weird. I mean, I understood what you were getting at, but man, that story was complete bs :D
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I didn't comment on it's appearance, I commented on the plotholes in the story ^_^
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Technically, they are both lucky in a way, but maxwell had the less lucky of events.
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Nobody is lucky as luck does not exist ,there is no such thing...however there are odds ..luck does not exist anymore then karma does...
Accidents happen...though really do accidents happen or can all of them be avoided,i mean usually does it not boil down in most cases that someone was careless,not implying people do them on purpose.I just think most accidents can be avoided,but sometimes shit happens.
Do you have insurance,i must assume no if you are worried about being sued,though despite that you can still be sued but most cases insurance will cover things.Though i just leaning toward no because of your response.
Though i am curious as to why your brother would say your lucky you do not have to pay anything,is it because you have insurance or that despite it being your fault the person you hit has so far blew it off?
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They can sue your insurance for a pay out,and if they do not pay enough they could sue you for the remainder but if nobody was seriously hurt i see no reason for insurance not to cover it even if it is your fault,though your premiums will go way up because of it.
So unless some serious injury happen i doubt any will take the time to sue,usually if you just have the minimum you can get is when you take the most chance of being sued.
Say you get 100,000 for bodily injuries and they add up to more then that,then the ones you hurt would sue you to cover what your insurance would not.
When getting insurance it is always best to get the most you can afford,you may never need it but it will be nice to have just in case so you do not get sued and lose things you might not want to pay for it.
Though it did not seem to serious so i think you getting sued is pretty low unless your insurance is shady and does not pay out at all or cover it all then they might take you to small claims to cover the rest of the damages
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It still does not exist,and trying to lump chance with it,still does not make it exist.Simply wishing them luck does not give them luck because it does not exist anymore then a unicorn.Also the basis of chance is the possibility of something happening luck gives you none of it.You do not gamble on luck,you gamble on odds/chance.
Luck does not exist and never will it just a gesture,that same as saying break a leg,just another form of saying good luck,if someone breaks a leg does that mean they where lucky?
Still i do wish people luck as i think it is the short and easier way of saying i wish you the best chance as getting what it is you seek.So i still use it,but i also know me saying that has no bearing on it any more then wishing someone well is not going to keep them well.
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So what would you call the event/situation where something good/bad happens to a person despite low chances of said event occurring?
If luck doesn't exist then I at least want to know what I should call it or what is the proper term.
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You would say ..
Looks like the odds where in your favor....
or you could just say man luck was on your side.....but again it still does not mean it exist,there is no such thing as luck if i tell you good luck do i some give you some form of better odds to win? no so how can luck exist?
Same applies to karma...do good things and good things will happen to you...
Not even close to being true but people still use the word karma and even i do,but it more of a reference then actually existing,as you can do all sorts of good deeds and everything you take a step it is shit you step in despite all the good you did.
No amount of good is going to boost karma as it does not exist,it just a way of thinking if i do enough good at some point something good will happen to me,but really it just odds,and odds are at some point after doing good things something good will come your way.
Though you could also be a total ass and still win the lotto so if karma in fact was real how do people who do bad things still get good things?
In the end there is nothing wrong in saying good luck and thinking you might have luck some way,i am just saying i do not think it exist and stated why i did,if you so want to think luck exist that is fine just to be clear so people are not thinking i am trying to convince the world it does not exist,i am just saying i do not think it exist and why i do not.
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What people think "luck" means may not exists, but "luck" itself is just a term (in my mind) used to describe having favorable outcomes happen more often than not, those favorable outcomes were caused by causal relations and not because you are "lucky" but at the same time you can still accurately use the phrase "I'm lucky" to describe your upswing in favorable outcomes. In fact the first definition I found for luck says "the force that seems to operate for good or ill..."
In fact most definitions I'm looking at seem to make this sort of implication, it's just that most people's connotations of the word luck is that there is some mystical force that make people lucky or unlucky
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Fair enough but i still think luck falls under the reference to someone having odds in there favor,but luck itself does not exist,just because a word is tied to something does not mean that it makes that word exist.
The topic did say define luck and so i shared how i think it is defined......and i just do not think it exist,but what i think and what others are not one in the same.....
Luck is what it is and i think it is a good way to say i hope the odds are on your side,but again this could be debated till the end of the earth just the same as using the word bless.
i will still wish people good luck as it just quicker and easier then saying i hope the odds are in your favor and you win
As in the end...
success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions. best sums up luck
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Luck = Bullshit.
I believe in probability and odds, mostly.
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The key here is odds though,see luck does not exist odds do,so saying someone is lucky when they had odds is like saying how lucky was he,he cheated death you do not cheat death you either alive or dead,nothing more.
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This post above by zyzzyus pretty much tells my thoughts.
I don't believe that a person can be "lucky" as in being a person which always have "luck" all the time.
Luck in the sense of winning a giveaway with 1,000 entries is different on the other hand. It means that the person had a fortunate struck of "luck" by achieving something that is very unlikely to happen based on the odds and chances of it happening.
However, it's still only probability and odds in my opinion. Most winners of 1,000 entries giveaways usually entered hundreds, sometimes thousands of giveaways. Therefore, it's not really luck at all, just more probabilities.
People use "luck" as a word to illustrate the occurrence of someone "beating" the average possibilities of something happening, or, not happening. It shouldn't be used to, for example, describe a person. A person can't be lucky all the time, but a person can be "lucky" every once in a while, even though it's usually still just probability.
As a fair example, a person who enters their first giveaway, which has 1,000 entries, could be considered "lucky". One could say that the odds were in their favor - figuratively, that is.
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why couldn't you describe a person as lucky? I don't believe in some mystical force that makes people lucky or unlucky, but if someone experiences better than average outcomes relative to other people, can't they be called "lucky," they may not be lucky all the time (although having favorable outcomes happen every time is possible, even if the odds are infinitesimally small) but I still think you could describe them using the word "lucky"
by achieving something that is very unlikely to happen based on the odds and chances of it happening.
Most winners of 1,000 entries giveaways usually entered hundreds, sometimes thousands of giveaways. Therefore, it's not really luck at all, just more probabilities.
despite the fact I don't know how winners are selected on SteamGifts, I'm fairly confident winning giveaways here are independent events, if you lost your first 999,999 1000entry giveaways, your odds on winning the next 1000entry giveaway is still 1 in 1000
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and they lived happily ever after
So yeah, they're both lucky! But tough luck getting into that car accident, I'd do as your brother said though and be happy that you don't have to pay anything when you know that the accident is entirely your fault.
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google says luck is success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.
chance is the occurrence and development of events in the absence of any obvious design.
you can count yourself lucky if you are in the preferable part of the statistics.
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Jacob is lucky that poisoned water gave Maxwell amnesia, because Maxwell should have killed that asshole. But yeah, the skeleton is the real victim here, poor guy.
Luck is just a way we describe how often good stuff to bad happens to us, and it's all completely arbitrary. Some would say you're lucky for not having to pay, some would say you're unlucky for getting in a crash. Luck isn't a real force, so there is no real answer to whether something is lucky or unlucky, it's just how we perceive it.
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IMO being "lucky" its being favored by the odds, for ex: jacob its the lucky one, he didnt fall in the pit to start off (still, both of em are "unlucky" and everyone else is "lucky" since both are trapped in an island). While in your car accident you can call both yourself and the other guy/girl who was in the other car "lucky" just for the fact that both are safe, but still both are "unlucky" because you just faced the accident. At the end you have both good and bad luck, while it was unfortunate for you face that accident you are lucky because you're ok, its balanced, one cant stand without the other, its like hope and despair, good and bad (damn, your post made me sit and think about it for like 30 mins)
PD: hope you're ok, cheers
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that's not the case. because he shouted at me and told me I am an idiot for causing a car accident.. and they should of removed my license and put me on jail because I am a failure.
my brother is the opposite of positive. He would find the worst case scenario. If you are having the best day of your life, he will make sure to be there to ruin it.
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I know it sounds like it, cause of how we say it... but should have....
Anyways back to the topic
You shouldn't listen to your brother. People who are constantly negative essentially feel bad about themselves and try to bring everyone down to their level. So ignore them as best you can.
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From my understanding, luck (when used prescriptively) is a value judgement which presupposes that an overseeing force guides and determines the outcomes of events based on some innate quality of the agents experiencing them. Unlike deities, luck is a passive force in which everything (or everyone) partakes. In this sense, it is similar to karma. Also like karma, luck is a deterministic force; it decides the fate of each individual, the chances they receive in life, and the fortunes (or misfortunes) they encounter. Whereas chance and probability are mere coincidence, lucky (or unlucky) events are meaningful ones—meaningful insomuch as they possess an inherent value that transcends the circumstances of the event. Like both deities and karma, however, it is a spiritual and largely unfalsifiable claim.
In other words, luck is just a convenient way of framing chance and probability in a meaningful, deterministic context so as to avoid the inevitable conclusion that it was simply a series of unfortunate events. It's how people make sense of events, to assign meaning to an event or series of events and find something to blame for its occurrence. Most would prefer this to the unsettling alternative—that it's just a matter of chance. As far as I'm aware, though, luck in this sense is about as real as a invisible pink unicorn.
If you mean luck in its descriptive sense, as in "success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions" (Oxford Dictionaries), then I suppose luck was involved. But by that definition, isn't that just chance?
To answer your question, neither are lucky nor unlucky because luck does not exist. Maxwell simply experienced a series of unfortunate events that seemingly happened by chance. Maxwell's survival is a product of his actions in response to the chance events that occurred to him. To assume there was any greater meaning to it would be to presume it had any meaning at all.
Alternative answer #1: Maxwell is unlucky, which is why he experienced that ordeal. Luck is a force that determines the chance events one experiences, but it does not preclude the free will of the agent. Maxwell's survival is a product of his exercising his free will to survive. He is not lucky to have survived; he is capable enough to survive. He was unlucky enough to have been put in a position where his survival was in jeopardy. Jacob's statement is probably from a position of ignorance.
Alternative answer #2: Maxwell's experiences may have been unlucky (and his survival may have even been lucky), but that does not mean he is an unlucky individual. Even lucky people can experience unlikeness or unlucky events, so it is entirely possible that Maxwell is a lucky person. Thus, without further information, it's indeterminable whether Maxwell is lucky or unlucky; there is only indication that the events he experienced may have been the product of unluckiness.
As for your experience, that was probably just your brother using a common expression, that "you were lucky that X didn't happen". Whether you, or he, believe it was because of some innate luckiness is your decisions respectively. I would probably just describe it as a product of the circumstances of the event.
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So 2 people were on an isolated island and they were going for a walk. Their name is Maxwell and Jacob.
M & J were walking around until M fell off a hole that leads to a cave.
J said "Try to find an exit. Then J went back to camp and stayed there for 5 days, with plenty of food and water.
M found a skeleton, and the skeleton woke up, tried to kill M, but he managed to kill the poor skeleton.
M was starving and thirsty until he found an underground lake. Without thinking, M jumped on the lake and started drinking it.
It turns out that the lake was poison and M suffered and tortured for 4 days.
On the 5th days, he was so hungry and thirsty, he had to crawl to move. Finally he found an exit and crawled all the way to the camp.
After telling Jacob what happened Jacob replied "wow, you are really lucky"... and they lived happily ever after..
Who is lucky?
The reason I asked this is because I got into a minor car accident,.. My brother said I was lucky. I think I was unlucky
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