In the FAQ/Guidelines, it says that we are not allowed to sell/trade invite codes.

I do a podcast with one of my friends, called PowerPlay! We like to interact with our listeners and like giving things away. So far I had a contest that I gave away 4 codes to the Humble Frozenbyte Bundle with a random drawing. The requirement to enter the drawing was to have the listeners send us in their Top 7 favorite games. So anyone who sent that in to us, was qualified for the drawing. The 4 random winners then got their Top 7 lists read on our podcast, as well as received their humble bundle codes. We had fun doing this with our listeners, we didn't profit or gain any money, we just want to have community interaction and reward our listeners for tuning in.

So what I want to ask, is would be against the rules if I gave away invite codes with this same method? I want to ask before I do it because I dont want to get banned for doing anything against the rules. I don't see how it would be any different from giving them to my friends, it would just be to my podcast listeners, but I still want to make sure if this would be kosher or not.

1 decade ago*

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As long as you're not getting anything in return, it seems ok. I'd wait for cg/cult/RJ to respond.

Just remember that regardless, it's in your best interest to invite people who you think would be a positive influence to the community. :3

1 decade ago

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I think it would be completely in the rules to give invites out using whatever method you want. It is only a problem if you start to sell and/or trade invites for anything else.

1 decade ago

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Denzi, yeah, I thought it sounds like it's within the rules because I'm not profiting from this type of method, the only thing I'm gaining (or hope to gain) is loyalty from my listeners by offering prizes and contests every once in a while. And my podcast is completely non-profit. We're just two guys with mics recording in our friend's bedroom. But I'll still wait for a reply from one of the admins of this site to see what they say about it.

1 decade ago

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bumping this back to the first page, I would still like to see a reply from one of the admins

1 decade ago

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Go for it. :)

The reason we're against people selling / trading invites is that invites cost points, and points are earned by the generosity of our fantastic community - people that sell / trade invites are making personal gains from the community's efforts.

What you're wanting to do is essentially distribute invites to your community, which we're all for - heck, we've even given some communities their own multi-use invite codes for their members to jump on-board... from memory: Reddit, Fugworld, Facepunch, SomethingAwful and Bay12Games.

So yeah, to sum up: Do it. :D

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the blessing with my method on handing them out! And Fugworld is how I got invited into here, so thanks for giving them that multi-use code for me to get in :D

1 decade ago

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Great job on the podcast, I just tracked down your site. I added a couple of extra invites to your account, so feel free to share them with your listeners. Best of luck!

1 decade ago

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I hate you. You ninja-ing ninja that, like a ninja, posts faster than me.

1 decade ago

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Thanks a lot! I really appreciate those extra codes. My plan is that I'll set up another contest whenever we get the new mics ordered in so we can record at my cohost's place, to celebrate the relocation of our "head quarters". Which we hope we'll get setup within the next month or so. Thanks again for the extra invite codes, it makes me feel good to hand out more prizes to my listeners. :D

1 decade ago

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On the official Forums there was a discussion about this site and - ofcourse - a lot of people were asking for invites. I told them I can get them in as long as they are active and do a giveaway themselves. They should show me a picture of their extra copies lying around. Only two responded to that, one of them is doing a Terraria giveaway at the moment and the other one wanted to trade in his old games on his account haha :D

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by sayedstafa.