thanks i don't think it was promoted very well for submissions though
will have to pass as i bought previous bundles from itch and never used a single game from them and not sure i even remember my account details
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sure compared to the racial justice one it is sparse but for paid submissions this is on par with the Palestine Aid bundle
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Also Delver
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God damn, crosscode? Insta buy from me in that case.
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They still got over 1k submissions, so yes, it will be massive.
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I've looked through and while most of it is an overlap with the Racial Justice/Palestenian Aid bundle,
A) There are still an enormous amount of new games,
B) It's for a great cause, and
C) The minimum purchase is low.
Thanks for promoting, these bundles are wonderful.
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Thanks for the heads-up!
In case there will be several Steam keys included, should I make a separate thread for the chart or will you be able to keep this one updated?
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Wait.... were there steam keys in the last two bundles? I thought they said they didn't DO steam keys in bundles -- if they had some, then I need to find mine!
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Palestine one had Smile for Me keys but only bc they don't actually have the game on there. I didn't receive any other steam keys from that one but didn't get the racial justice one.
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I am definitely not going to list all the games that are also available on Steam and I don't expect others to do so either
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already booked my vacation
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If you read the post of the bundle, money goes to International Medical Corps., and Voices of Children ("This is a Ukrainian organization that helps children cope with the horrors of war, PTSD, readjusting to school, and things like that.").
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Fuck it. I'm in. I can cope with many images of war, but images of children always, always, destroy me
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Well you could just not be a dumbass and research the charities instead of just spewing random bullshit. The money is going to help the civilians affected by said bombings, this is not "war funds".
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Already have but if your argument is that embezzled money will show up in their annual audit then yeah, i'm the dumbass... for expecting ppl to think a little, so many answers just show how naive people are, no wonder the media exerts such control over the masses.
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"To think a little", says dumbass that has zero sources, zero research, and claims all the charities in the world are the same.
You have serious brain rot. For someone who says that "media exerts such control over the masses" you sure seem to easily fall for progaganda.
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promoting medics going to help civilians affected by bombings is "promoting using the war"? what?
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Just because SOME charities are bad and profit big time from kind people doesn't mean they all are. I won't give money to Concern, Amnesty International, or any of those who have hecklers on the streets. All of those hecklers are getting a big commission for the number of people they get to sign up for recurring payment. One had the cheek to say "but it's like the cost of one beer per week." I was a really poor student, and could only really afford 1 or 2 beers per week. These bitches on the street were much more well off than me and had the cheek to try and guilt me. So, I made up my mind, never to give any of these people money. There are charities that I do support though.
The International Medical Corps has a good record. 89% of funds goes to the cause with only 11% used for operating the charity. This is the way it should be.
If you don't want to donate, that's okay. But please don't shit on other people for doing so.
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Entendi que hay una guerra mediatica con los medios metiendo la invasion hasta en la sopa y quieren meter al resto del mundo en algo que solo les incumbe a Rusia y a Ukrania. Donde estaban todos cuando lo mismo estaba pasando en Siria, Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, etc.?
Y lo peor que puedes hacer es darle tu dinero a una organizacion, independientemente de si son "sin fines de lucro" ya que tal cosa no existe! Como latinoamericano lo sabemos mejor que nadie, donde hay dinero no hay buenas intenciones y aunque las haya tarde que temprano (mas temprano que tarde) las desaparecen porque las desaparecen...
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Claro, los bombardeos de Rusia contra civiles son solo mediáticos. Las personas perdiendo sus hogares son solo mediáticos. Los cientos de muertos son solo mediáticos...
Cada uno ve a quién le da su dinero, ¿quién eres tú para juzgar cómo ocupan las personas su dinero? Hablas con absolutismos, como si supieras realmente como funcionan todas las organizaciones de caridad. Tal vez en tu país sea normal que sean corruptos, no significa que sea igual en todo el mundo.
Se nota mucho resentimiento en tu opinión. Que lástima por ti.
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Hay personas que se creen más inteligentes por el solo hecho de criticar algo que no le gusta, basándose en las "verdades" que se acomodan a su visión. Ellos critican que "las personas se creen lo que los medios tradicionales le enseñan", siendo que ellos hacen lo mismo con los medios no tradicionales.
Se creen todo lo que leen en internet solo porque no son medios tradicionales xD
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Tu argumento ignora por completo el contexto por el cual empezaron estos acontecimientos y se basa en sentimientos. Si esta fuera tu opinion real tendria validez pero solo repites lo que los medios occidentales repiten todo el dia, todos los dias. En todos los paises hay corruptos, el que creas que en tu pais no solo demuestra lo ingenuo que eres, se nota mucha ignorancia en tu opinion.
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¿Cuál sentimiento? ¿Acaso es mentira que hay bombardeos, personas perdiendo sus hogares y cientos de muertos? Esos son hechos, no sentimentalismos.
¿En qué parte dije que en mi país no hay corruptos, o que en otros países no existan? Estás dando manotazos de ahogado porque tu argumentación es ridícula y solo se sustenta en tu resentimiento. Me llamas ingenuo e ignorante, siendo que el que habla con absolutismos sin poder respaldarlos eres tú.
¿Puedes demostrar acaso que las organizaciones sin fines de lucro que apoyan esta causa dan su dinero a fondos de guerra, como afirmaste anteriormente? ¿Puedes demostrar que las organizaciones sin fines de lucro sí están lucrando?
Puros supuestos y nada de fondo. Seguramente tus fuentes son canales de Telegram y Youtube, porque ahí está la "verdadera verdad".
Tener un pensamiento crítico no significa criticar TODO solo por criticar sin fundamentos, eso no te hace ni te demuestra inteligente. De hecho, demuestra todo lo contrario.
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Si, es real la invasion pero se ve que te duele el que subraye que cuando lo hacia EU con Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, etc. no habia ningun "Bundle for Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan/etc." Por cierto sigues sin mencionar el contexto de la invasion, que por muchos muertos que hayan al final de cuentas Rusia se vio forzada a llevarla a cabo, mejor deberias maldecir a los gringos si de verdad te da pena lo que esta sucediendo porque de ellos es la culpa junto con la OTAN.
Y ahora te retractas diciendo que no dijiste lo que ahi esta plasmado y cito: "Tal vez en tu país sea normal que sean corruptos, no significa que sea igual en todo el mundo.". No tiene caso debatir con algien que redefine lo que escribio con cada respuesta.
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¿Me duele? ¿Ahora sabes como me siento? Jajaja, argumentos totalmente sin ninguna base, como todos los que has escrito anteriormente.
Es que hay que ser muy bruto, pero muy bruto para argumentar algo sin siquiera saber las fechas de los conflictos y preguntar por qué no había un "Bundle for Irak..."
Y ahora la pobrecita Rusia (en realidad Putin) se vio OBLIGADO A INVADIR otro país. ¿Es en serio ese argumento o estás de troll?
Yo no tengo por qué maldecir a nadie, a mi no me corroe el resentimiento como a ti contra tu país vecino. Echarle la culpa a Estados Unidos porque Rusia invadió otro país solo puede ser lógico en la mente de alguien que no tiene lógica alguna (o se lo comió la propaganda anti-usa).
Por cierto, las demostraciones que te pedí por supuesto que las ignoraste, porque no tienes como demostrarlo, por ende tu argumento ya fue descartado.
En ningún momento me he retractado de nada de lo que he escrito, solo te hice la pregunta. Ahora, que tu no sepas entender lo que lees es otra cosa. De todas formas en ningún momento dije "Creo que en mi país no existen los corruptos" como mencionaste, puedes buscarlo y no lo encontrarás.
Y para finalizar, que tengas que escapar porque toda tu argumentación fue refutada, es normal y te entiendo, no espero mucho de alguien que cae en las "verdades" de la información alternativa, que a su vez alimentan su resentimiento contra otro país
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Ahora soy yo el que no sabe leer... cada cosa que tengo que leer... mi punto era metaforico, no literalmente un "Bundle for Irak" si no la completa ausencia de cualquier mencion pero creo que es demasiado dificil de entender para ti.
En cuanto a Iran, tienes razon en que nunca fue invadido, no hubo necesidad al joder su economia con sanciones impuestas por "representar una amenaza nuclear" desde 2010, que en 2015 quitaron pero que Trump volvio a restablecer en 2018 ahora por su "plan de misiles balisticos".
Ahora las pruebas, si vas al sitio charitywatch y buscas las organizaciones encontraras para International Medical Corps que entre los primeros 3 puestos que su salario es de casi 1.5 millones. La otra organizacion al ser de Ukrania no puedo encontrar informacion pero dudo que sea diferente, esa te dejo que me demuestres que estoy equivocado.
Y no digo que no hagan lo que dicen, lo que digo es que se enriquecen a costa de ello, simplemente es negocio redondo, sus paises causan los problemas que estas organizaciones de caridad "quieren" resolver (entre comillas porque si lo resolvieran tendrian que cerrar), no me creo que no lo veas cuando Chile ha sufrido tanto por las intervenciones estadounidenses (operaciones secretas de la CIA y el golpe del 73, preguntale a tus padres del tema) al igual que en toda america latina; esto es un hecho bien reconocido, pareciera que no sabes tu propia historia, que tristeza.
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mate the literal site you're citing from gives it a A rank and literally tells you that 88% of the money is directly used on the charity programs. Are you blind?
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You missed the part why i'm against it on principle, never said it didn't do what they're supposed to, it's just another business model similar to prisons in 'murica with inmates being a precious resource. Ever wondered why USA is #1 on the list of countries for prisoner population? China is #2 with a lower count while having 5x times the population yet for some reason 'muricans still claim they're the freest country in the world...
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you're against providing medical help to affected civilians? Are you insane?
Also i'm confused why the fuck are you even talking about the USA. Yes, the USA is trash, And? How the fuck is that relevant? You're literally against civilians that are getting murdered and maimed every day getting medical help, by a charity, that by your own sources is very well ranked and does indeed spend the vast majority of their money in medical help. You're a goddamn monster.
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neither are the people in the charity you posted, and according to your own sources the vast majority of the money they do get goes directly to help actual affected people, which is much better than being a shithead behind a computer doing nothing of his life but spewing Kremlin's propaganda.
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"Me refutaron el argumento idiota que dí, así que diré que era metafórico" Jajajaja, que nivel de genio tenemos acá jajaja.
Ahora cambias el argumento, se supone que tenías que demostrar que la caridad era para darle fondos a la guerra: "Making civilians donate for war funds". Y más encima, el mismo sitio que pones de prueba no te da la razón jajaja. Y nombrar el salario de los directores demuestra totalmente el resentimiento que tienes y lo equivocado que estás, al parecer no entiendes el concepto de lucro y la diferencia con el salario. ¿Acaso las personas deben trabajar gratis?
Por cierto, el que afirma algo debe demostrarlo - onus probandi o carga de la prueba.
Mucho despotricas contra la caridad, pero en tres años apenas has regalado 3 juegos. Antes de criticar hay que empezar por casa...
Finalmente, Chile lo único que sufrió terriblemente fue la pobreza y miseria del comunismo, que dejó a la mitad del país en la pobreza. Al parecer eres uno de los que lo defiende esos tipos de gobierno.
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Ese gobierno fue impuesto por Estados Unidos, leiste algo de lo que escribi? Has leido algo sobre la historia de tu pais? Hazlo y luego me vienes a decir que defiendo ese tipo de gobierno cuando tus dueños te lo impusieron y aun asi sigues de perro faldero. Por eso latinoamerica no avanza, no tiene memoria.
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Lmao this dumbass really thinks Russia was forced to invade. Just spewing out the dumbest of propagandas.
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"Tu argumento ignora por completo el contexto por el cual empezaron estos acontecimientos y se basa en sentimientos."
Putin quiere retomar el territorio que era de Rusia y de pilon robarse todo el gas natural que tiene Ucrania. Ahi estan tus razones.
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Here is a hint for you:
Read where the money is going before making yourself look bad.
On a more serious note, its not that many words to read before you realize where the money is going so i assume that you just wanted to be a drama queen and drag some dirt over the initiative to help children.
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Oh yes, the old "charities can do no wrong" argument, i'd rather hand out that money to people living on the street than "give it to a respected charity', since "respected charities" are nothing but fronts to make people rich and very little of the actual money goes to the causes they stand "for".
Going by what you say, seems you should read where the money is going before making yourself look bad.
Comment has been collapsed. do realize not all charities are the same, right? You seem to have done exactly zero research whatsoever and just randomly declared all of them are bad.
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I mean, if you can prove to me that these charities have given their money to war funds (as you stated in the comment i originally replied to) then just share that information because i havent been able to see any evidence for it.
Also, when did i state that "charities can do no wrong"? you are creating assumptions out of thin air right now
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cool games and a good cause, its a win win, looking forward to it.
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I'm glad they got rid of the free games in those bundles as it did just feel like free advertising to those devs. Also, the causes seem very good and the price is amazing. Def will buy it when it launches.
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I'm just assuming it's going to be $5+ as that was the price of the last 2 ones. Highly doubt it would be more than that minimum but they add a way to pay more (pwyw).
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There's an insanely good selection of things being offered for curation. Of things that everyone has probably heard of, there's 2064: Read Only Memories, Baba is You, Catlateral Damage: Remeowstered, Celeste, Towerfall, Towerfall Dark World, CrossCode, Cook Serve Delicious 2, Death and Taxes, Hidden Folks, Inmost, Jotun, Sundered, Long Gone Days, Minit, Sky Rogue, Sokobond, A Good Snowman is Hard to Build, and Cosmic Express, Summer in Mara, Superhot, Super Hexagon, Super Win the Game, They Bleed Pixels, and Wandersong.
Then there's stuff I've heard of in the past and I'm curious about such as And Yet It Moves, Secrets of Rætikon, and Old Man's Journey, "Bury me, my Love", Curious Expedition, Dino Island - The Four Crystals, Don't Escape 4 Days to Survive, Evergate, Gunhouse, Lucifer Within Us, Moon Hunters, Shattered Planet, Ultra Hat Dimension, Ynglet, and ZeroRanger.
And then there's things I've enjoyed in the past: The Floor is Jelly, forma.8, Grapple Force Rena, Gunmetal Arcadia Zero, Inbento, Lenna's Inception, Macbat 64, Mythmaker, Rusty Lake Hotel, The White Door, Shipwreck, and Underhero.
There also will be a metric ton of games and assorted items I've never heard of that, much like in previous bundles, may surprise in terms of quality or sheer fun.
No matter what is in it when it does come out around today or tomorrow but it not only will be well worth it for whatever is actually in it but the charities sound painfully good. Medical aid and childhood psychological assistance? Damn good ideas and considering past similar charity bundles, they'll get a good amount of donations this way. The BLM bundle for example took in over 8 million dollars for donations. The World Trust bundle made $72k for an initial $10k goal. I'm not sure how much this one will make in comparison but I hope it does well.
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You're welcome. It has gotten a lot LOT lot more insane now that it is actually out. There's things I never expected to see, and things I had no idea were in it that look really good/fun too.
Like there now is Kingdom Two Crowns, and Love 2 Kuso.
Things I've been interested in before: Head AS Code, Space / Mech / Pilot, Intra System Trust Issues, Quest of dungeons, Asterism, Sulphur Nimbus: Hels Elixir, and Shiny Gauntlet.
Things I never heard of: Millikan's Reach, Provider, Omeganaut, Nauticrawl Lizzi Crossing, Danger Crew, Amelie, Wand Wars, Sector 781, Delver, Kill the Superweapon, Project Mallow, Elden, A Planet of Mine, and RougeSlide.
And again this is all before you get into the TTRPGs, solo-games, books, comics, zines, game assets, soundtracks, tools/software, and so much more.
I'm still in the middle of digging through it but now it is real real late and I should go to sleep.
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Live and there's this database to help dig through it:
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Is there any way to use this to list the games that are in this bundle and not in the Racial Justice bundle?
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I remember there was a way before to exclude other bundles before.
I think the only thing you can do for now is just look at the bottom of each item in the database for just Ukraine.
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I'm guessing someone will eventually add this bundle to I already added all the games from the Racial Justice bundle to my collection on there, so that should make it easier to see which games don't overlap with that bundle.
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If you scroll to the bottom there's an exclude section where you can choose what bundles to not show.
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Yeah, they just added this recently, it was not a feature when I first went to that site.
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There are 378 games that are not in the Racial Justice bundle, excluding tools and other items. Someone on their discord made a spreadsheet. You can make a copy and filter for it to get an exact list.
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Thanks, but they added new "exclude" queries on the site, so I was able to get what I was looking for. They also added it to isthereanydeal, so that also allows me to exclude games that I have on other platforms (Steam, GoG, etc.).
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It has Celeste, Baba is you, Inmost, Towerfall, Wandersong... amongst others... That's insane. Instant buy and good cause too.
PS: Wish it was steam keys though.
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A great mixture of well-known games, games I've been wanting to try, reading material, music, and all-around talent on display. And all for a great cause! Especially helping kids work through their trauma and help them back to normalcy. I'm honored to be a part of this bundle. :-) I'm not saying that to advertise what work of mine is in there, I'm genuinely just so honored that I got to help out even if it was just a small part.
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any way yet of adding the games to your library that isn't adding each one individually?
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I own some items from similar previous bundles.
I want SkateBIRD :(
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Yes but in previous bundles were included 11090 and 852 items so combining both bundles there are lot of items included in this new bundle and games that I can be interested from this bundle were included in previous bundles and for now the only one new for me is SkateBIRD.
I am talking just about content that I own/want not about the cause :)
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Try Playnite. I find it better in many ways. And it has integration (I think it is a plugin, not in vanilla)
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I agree with ViddaX, once i got playnite going, it runs circles around galaxy.. especially if you have a large steam collection. Gog has been buggy and crashed most of the time, in particular if i have my steam library integrated.. 10k plus games.
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This effort hosted over on supports Ukraine Relief. With a combination of games and tabletop rpgs, this bundle will start on Monday March 7, 2022 and last for about a week.
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