If anyone is wondering what happened here:

  • I asked a tricky question
  • A majority didn't like that such question was even asked and no debate should be taken
  • It escalated quickly confirming that there is an issue
  • The words I originally used were far from the whole problem, as pathetic things (double standards, witch-hunt, plain lying, informal fallacies, personal attacks, ...) kept coming after I edited.

Moral of the history? We deserve the world we live in.

You like edits? It's sunday and this is still active
PS: to celebrate the witch-hunt, now my BL is empty, now many will need to support their arguments in another way.
The metrics to fill my BL were diverse, I spent months giving away games to leechers, so I tried to fix that on my own with limited success...
CV from russia is not real, you get to high ranks with very few gifts.
I gave away recently 3 non-bundled games, none of them were played yet. What are we doing here?

Should winners that don't play won games be able to enter more GA's?

Technical issues are just goals for coders, a matter of time if you will. The ignorance about this on SteamGifts was unexpected and all over the place.
As a human being in the 21st century, you may be interested and want to learn something useful here https://www.coursera.org/course/cs101
Standford University, for free. You have no time? Even next summer break? I figured.

Also, complexity is not an excuse to deny a problem. SteamGifts is full of bundles, poorly rated games, very few gifters and plenty of us.
After the poll got over 100 votes, I claimed most of you are hoarders and leechers, you got mad and replied deviating the conversation. Everything else followed.
The truth is in the poll and in the comments in many forms and very few facts, I should have forseen that, my fault.
Though, using your very arguments, we should still be in the dark ages, where most of your thoughts, rethoric and ethics belong.

Let's use our time to read and gain some ethics:

If you pay attention, anything with several people involved can show patterns, individual behaviours and basically useful data that may explain some things:

According to the DSM, I'm probably wrong about the hoarding thing though, the reason it's quite scary as most may suffer something else that is causing it... :
If you feel any kind of distress frequently, please, go see your primary care physician, and talk to someone else too.
Regardless, everyone should work out, get some sunlight weekly if you can, eat well, have personal projects...
Anything that gets you away from collecting game licenses and projecting hate towards others.

8 years ago*

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Should this be punished?

View Results
After 1 month
After 3 months
After 6 months
After 1 year

I've seen this idea before and I have seen good arguments on both sides, but ultimately, it is nice to have the option to play different games, depending on what mood you are in. Some people have back logs big enough that they will realistically never play every game, but it does give them the option to play what they will enjoy most at a given time.

8 years ago

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Thanks for discussing this issue.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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How will you tell if someone played the game, not idled it?
I get to some game only after a year or even longer because of a huge backlog.

8 years ago

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Many of them offer achievements, and it is easy to tell if you have 2 hours of play time in a 30-hour game…

8 years ago

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No, just no, never.
That is the most stupid idea. If you win a lottery you're not forced to spend the money, you can keep it or even give it away.
Also your suggestion would only encourage cheating.
And what if someone didn't like the game? People can not like the game even if they paid 60€.

8 years ago

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True, but if you, say, enter a raffle for a television then never even unbox it, others could justly ask you "why the fuck did you enter for it if you don't even plan to touch it?"

8 years ago

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Maybe he will sell it? I don't care, he won it he can do whatever he wants.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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There are a lot of reasons why someone would only have a very small percentage of the time played to finish it. Some people just don't have the time to finish a 30 hour game. Others (as Remis said), might not like it. If you force people to play the games they win here until completion (or even for 2 hours), wheter they like it or not, this community will die really quick.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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"Never" - 265 votes lel. I think you got the answer

8 years ago

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I even realized a couple of things.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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If that happened then a lot of the level 0 leeches would probably disappear and that might be better for the Giving community.

As what Tree had said, how would you measure "playing" though? Time played? Achievements earned? Either one can be faked and that puts extra toll on the site's resources. How about DLCs won how would you measure time for that? The idea is interesting but you didn't contribute nor discuss anything regarding how it could be implemented.

8 years ago

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Thanks for discussing this issue.

I'm not in charge of that, but appart from not understanding a legitimate issue and since the site favours (by not doing anything beyond levels / CV) leeching and hoarding, do you feel ok about it? Would you say a check to make people install the game and play 1 second would be better?

About site's resources, I'm still waiting on a possible vulnerability that makes DDoS super easy and would spawn EC2 instances and waste money :<

8 years ago

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I don't understand a legitimate issue? I do and that's why I question you on HOW do you think it can be implemented. I already reiterated the examples on why/how it can't be done. If you're so keen on your idea, then you should've also thought of a way to implement it. And like I said, HOW would you measure playing time? And your answer is install the game and play 1 second? Did you even read what I wrote? Strengthen your position by providing a metric/measure in which won games can be considered as "played". Then people can discuss the merits of that detail. You're basically throwing this "suggestion" out there and hope other people figure it out for you? That one reply regarding your entitlement wasn't off mark then. If you want to create a discussion, you put forth your own ideas on the matter. Otherwise, there's no point in anything other than a poll of a yes/no.

8 years ago

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i have a play priority and a mood thats decides what i play,games that i win are automatically on a low/really low priority,but depends on the game,you have to include the available time each person has or he put in in steam games at all (playing mmorpgs,console and so on ).
Voted for Never.

8 years ago

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Nope. I certainly have steam gifts as the front of the backlog, with expensive games at the forefront of that battle, it can take moths to get around to it. That doesn't lessen the enjoyment of playing it however. It's even been noted that under the rules, winners are under no obligation to play the game. Do I think that's a pretty shitty thing to do - yes, but it's their prerogative to do so.

8 years ago

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I strongly disagree with forcing people to play games they win. By all means BL them if they don't; that's your prerogative, although I'd suggest mentioning it in your description of the GA that you would like them to play it.

However, I'd like to point out a number of issues, some mentioned in various posts before mine, that would make policing this very difficult.

  • How long must they play them for? I try and initially play a game for enough time (usually 5 - 10 minutes to get a feel for where it goes in my backlog schedule) and will then come back to it later.
  • Maybe they play them offline .. I had one win that simply didn't work through steam and I had to run it directly from the executable via the windows file system.
  • Maybe they are played using family sharing (most of the point and click games I have won are played by my wife using family sharing) and won't show up as play time on the account of the person who wins the game.
  • People may play games in spurts and real life intervenes. For example my father had a stroke in the New Year and consequently I've played very little since then.
  • Do you mean public GAs or all GAs? For example many of us belong to groups where we do group GAs which are almost private trading groups where we are simply offering excess bundle games and trying to collect the ones we are missing.
  • Why is playing a game more valid than collecting one?
  • People can just load a game and idle it to get card drops (or whatever it is they idle games for) so how can you tell. I have no interest in achievements so potentially very few of these would show up in my game play anyway

Personally I'll always try and play a non bundled game when I win it. For example I won Tales of Zestiria two days ago and have played half an hour of it both evenings since - this may not sound much to many members here but its effectively 25% of my free time each day :)

One thing I will say is if someone specifically says in their description to only enter if you are going to play the game I abide by that request. I can only think of one game I have entered with this specification on and I did play it (until I got stuck anyway)

8 years ago*

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If you want to find someone who will really play the game he gets, you better ask in a thread or something instead of opening a giveaway

8 years ago

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I treat the games I win here the same as the games I buy. I don't discriminate. I spread them amongst my backlog evenly regardless of how I obtained them.

8 years ago

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i cant see the point of forcing people to play x and y game they won

believe it or not: many of us have big backlogs, which means that we may be jumping from a game to another

that doesnt mean that we wont play the game we won nor that we are ungrateful toward the person who made the giveaaway

8 years ago

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I don't care if people don't play the bundle stuff that i give away sometimes.

But when I buy a game just to give it away and say in the text "please only enter if you would like to play" and then, after 3 months people didn't even start the game I'm pissed. And then I'm not sure if I want to give away more games.

It's not about finishing the game or something and I don't need a thank you but when I buy games to give them away, I do this, because I want that people can play that game and not just so people get 0,30€ out of the cards and a "+1"...

8 years ago

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Thanks for discussing this issue.

That's exactly what's keeping me from doing more GA's.

8 years ago

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Actually do what most others do. Form a group of people who think the same way and make GAs for them so that you know your rules won't be broken. If they do, you'll kick them out.

Otherwise you've read the rules of SG before entering where we have to gift even if the massive non activator served his time multiple times.

8 years ago

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Exactly this. That is why the site has group/whitelist giveaway options, so that you can be more selective about the people who receive your games.

8 years ago

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Well, I only enter for games I would like to play at some point, but with my backlog and the limited time available, it sometimes takes more then a couple of months to find time for it. I've won games here that I would love to play, but I haven't yet, just because I just don't have the time for it. But I will play them eventually (unless somehow steam dies and you can't play games on it anymore).

8 years ago

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But maybe there is some other guy out there, that would love to play the game too and has the time to do so.

And tbh. most of the games will just get forgotten by most people because there are so many new games.
I'm not even better, I won 38 Games on that page and only played 19 games till now. But after I saw that, I stoped entering GAs that I would "maybe" play and only enter games that I'll def. play.

8 years ago

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It doesn't matter when someone will play it. I'd love to play some games too, but as I said, I don't have enough time to really enjoy it. If you want to giveaway a game to someone that will instantly play it, you'll have to do it somewhere else then here (or make a group with those specific rules), since most people here have a big backlog and not all the time of the world.

8 years ago

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that's why i don't do publics anymore

8 years ago

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Im above 1k, at this point finishing my backlog is a lost battle, you are almost reaching the same situation yourself.
I also don't prioritize games i've won over games ive bough, that doesnt mean i have no interest in giveaways aside from getting a +1 in my library, im always at the very least curious about said game, even if it might be morbid curiosity (through steam excessive consumerism is a game i enjoy, collecting stuff can be quite cathartic)

im ok with creators having a choice to give games under their own prerogative through whitelist, groups, and even blacklist.
but i 100% disagree with OP opinion, i mean Punishment for not playing games? prohibiting people from entering games when he shouldnt even have the authority to decide over other people's property.
i have nothing to add or discuss over such a thought, i dont even uderstand it to be honest, under that thought would i be punished for not playing most of those games, because it would be a little to late to add such a rule...things people think of....

8 years ago*

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Blacklist. But 3 months imo is far too short of a time. People can be busy with work/studies/family etc.

8 years ago

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Exactly. Some people take litteraly years to play a win, but they do play it eventually.

8 years ago

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Frankly, there is no way to even control it. Some play games in offline due to connection problems, as I have done so with Dwarfs, which I've won here. And of course it could encourage winners to just idle the game and leave it unplayed. So I believe that it wouldn't improve anything.

8 years ago

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it is said that "I've spent 3995.1 hrs" on gaming, enough for me, is it for you ?

8 years ago

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They are too naive to think about morals/politics in everyday life

Do you really think that?
Oh man, let me say one thing, discovery if one person is moral or political in their lives is not a thing that you can discover with a post or discussion because no one lives in the other shoes... you say: "naive to think about" maybe the people have another more important or urgent things to think or do in their lives that are more moral or political than argue about a rule in a site where the idea is share our taste for the games.

If for you is important that the game that you're gifting be played immediately maybe you must gift the game directly to a person that want that game and can ensure to you that have the time for play it.

Apply this rule with a raffle is a nonsense, is like if a lottery winner is forced to spend the money that he win in the form that the lottery wants...

8 years ago*

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I'm pretty sure most lottery winners will use the money for something ;)

8 years ago

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yeah, but the winner decides how he do that, not the lottery... and the lottery can't judge the winner if he has their own criteria to do the things...

8 years ago

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Apply this rule with a raffle is a nonsense, is like if a lottery winner is forced to spend the money that he win in the form that the lotery wants...

8 years ago

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I am sorry, but this sentence "My social experiment tells me:" makes me kinda angry.
You act like you were above all this and above all opinions. In your point of view, everyone who does not act the way you like it is only a "hoarder, who cannot think about morals, only wants free stuff and do not like to change their opionions (argue)" (indirect quote from threadpost). I mean, seriously: What makes you be the one who is allowed to say such things about all of us? If you see people with different opinions and different ways to enunciate them, is it your standart reaction to say "Oh, he does not have my opinion. He has to be an idiot, who is too dumb to think right (while "right" equals "the way you (Threadstarter) think") and I do not even have to think about his point of view, because I am better" and then stating it is all "a social experiment"?
I'm sorry, but I hate it if people act so much over the top. If you think you were so much better than everyone else, and if you think most of the community are just idiots who are under your level, then just leave the community.
And hey, I know that you will blacklist me, but I don't really care, because I don't want to have to be grateful for winning something from someone who thinks about the community that way.

8 years ago*

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Rephrased to be politically correct to meet your standards.
Semantics didn't change, sorry.

8 years ago

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And, besides giving yet another convenient label for dismissing someone's opinion, the role of "political correctness" in this is......?

8 years ago

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Totally agree, the first post makes me angry... say that this is a community of hoarders is not very nice, and later with the "social experiment and naive to thing" thing only made worse the discussion...

8 years ago

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You got it wrong. They made a suggestion, there was a massive backlash, post edited several times to pretend they weren't making a serious suggestion (but they seem upset).

8 years ago

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Yep. They re-edited it again because they've been found out.

8 years ago

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Not really, what happened is that the true community revealed itself.
Now is just a question but there was no agenda.

8 years ago

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Please. I answered your question properly and you accused me of not understanding a legitimate issue and dismissively answering it with a dumb response. You deserve the world you live in. You claim to have a hidden agenda but your response lacks the eloquence of a smart man.

8 years ago

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Clap, Clap, well say

8 years ago

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No, in fact, you revealed yourself, by being a total ignorant, not respecting anybody's opinion if it's different than you, not having any arguments behind your statements and failing to answer the most simple questions related to your own discussion. You're simply put sad person that expects from other people to do given thing, while not respecting neither them nor their willings, free time, or life situation. You want to punish people that didn't do anything wrong only because they entered and won one of your giveaways, like it's a crime against this site to fail completing won game by given deadline.

Don't bother wasting your time on blacklisting me, I'm already there.

8 years ago*

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I find it amazing a lot of posts are about the technicalities ('you can't check everyone', 'some people might bypass it') while the proposition in the first place is so wrong on the very basic level of one's fundamental basis in life: how do I choose to use my time.

I am asking a refund for the last 5 minutes by the way.

8 years ago

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Dude I have over 2,400 games on Steam and thus a long list of games I still have to beat and yet you expect me to get punished if I do not play a game I've won here? Well.. thanks I guess.

8 years ago

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then don't enter giveaways?!

8 years ago

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So just because I have a backlog of games I am not allowed to enter GAs? Okay.

8 years ago

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If you have " over 2,400 games" maybe you should at first try these games.
Just maybe...

I'll quote myself: "It's not about finishing the game or something and I don't need a thank you but when I buy games to give them away, I do this, because I want that people can play that game and not just so people get 0,30€ out of the cards and a "+1"..."

8 years ago

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If I'd win a game from you the first thing I would do is to thank you personally for giving it away. Also, if the game is very interesting, I would certainly download it right away to play it.

But I would not do the same if I won a game from a giveaway like "Generic game (5000 copies)".

8 years ago

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and there we could meet us. ;)

8 years ago

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It's his decision to want more games. It's not against the rule to enter for GA's just for a +1 in the library. It's just something that some people frown upon.

8 years ago

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Thats totaly fine. But if he would win a (bigger) game from me and he would not play it, i would blacklist him.
And thats my decision.

8 years ago

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No. People have backlogs. Just because they don't play it right away doesn't mean they never will. Plus, it would be near impossible to enforce.

8 years ago

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If it were possible to enforce this in a reasonable way, I would be in favor of it. It would certainly cut down on regifting, since you can't play a game you didn't activate. It would also result in slightly fewer entries on games, since if people did actually have to play the game, they wouldn't enter for ones that they didn't want to play.

Unfortunately, as people have pointed out, there's just no reasonable standard of "playing". It's entirely possible that the person doesn't like the game, and it seems absolutely ridiculous to force someone to play a game they don't even like, so beating the game is out. Achievements and playtime are easy to cheat and achievements don't exist on every game anyway. Requiring some kind of review would just encourage people to write more five word useless reviews. which nobody wants. And so on. It's just too easy to fake, which means that only the honest users will get in trouble.

I voted for "three months", because that's enough time to allow for real life to get in the way. And if someone honestly has no free time for over three months, why are they even here entering giveaways? That said, since it can't usefully be enforced, it's more of a wishful thinking vote than something that would ever happen. Still, if there was a foolproof way to tell, three months would be my cutoff.

Full disclosure: I currently have three wins that I have not tried out, all from about two weeks ago. Two of them have been idled for cards, the third does not have cards. I also have very low actual playtime in some of my wins, for reasons ranging from "I can tell that I will play a lot of hours of this and I'll get to it later" to "this game is not at all what I expected and I never want to play it again".

8 years ago

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Thanks for discussing this issue.

8 years ago

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well...i guess someone had to, OP just plastered the same clickbait title twice, seems like he is the one who contributed the least to this conversation

8 years ago

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As many said before: it's the winners problem wheter he'll play it or not. I only enter for interesting games that I'll play some time, but with my backlog (which isn't too bad compared to others (I've about 30 or 40 games in it)) and the limited time I have, I might not get around playing them for the next two years.

You basicly assume that everyone has hours to play every day, while most people only have 1 hour or even less, since they need to go to school / work. The weekends and holidays are the only times I really have where I can play for a quite a while. And even then those days are gone in no time, getting almost nothing done in the games.

8 years ago

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You can't punish people that play games as a hobby, remember that you aren't able to judge what people do if you don't know the reason behind it (being busy, broken/dead PC part, not having a huge download speed, beating games at a slow pace, etc).

8 years ago

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How do you even tell if people are playing won games? I do a lot of gaming on my laptop on cross country trains. And it's in offline mode because the in-carriage wi-fi is expensive and I'm not paying for it just for my Steam playtime and achievements. I've completed entire games and have nothing to show for it, not even the card drops.

Over the last few months I've spent a lot of time looking after an empty property that my aunt owns in Shropshire that has been threatened by flooding. I've actually caught up on a lot of my backlog there because of a lot of waiting around in the middle of nowhere. And although I had internet on my phone all of my gaming was again done in offline mode as I had no landline there.

I can't be the only person who has reasons to use Steam in offline mode. And aside from that people strangely don't appear to be able to schedule their wins to suit their schedules, with them often appearing in 'lucky streaks' or while people are on holiday, etc. If rules on this matter were to be enforced I can only see it benefiting hardcore leeches. Honest users would be the only ones to be caught out while leeches would simply use idle master and achievement manager to carry on entering giveaways with less competition.

Edit - Cheers for discussing this by the way, while complaining about us other users not wanting a debate. That's appreciated.

8 years ago*

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Punish, punish, punish. That is a word that is used awfully a lot in a website based on the word "gift". So what is next? Lets punish the winners who win AAA titles but give back only DLC and crappy games? The rules we have now are clear enough and sufficient. Why adding more?

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Geosmin.