This can work, but there is a problem with it. What if there are so many submissions on a really good deal? Like last Christmas Sale, they had The Witcher at 2.50, a steal. That isn't an exploit.
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Completely against making "exploited giveaways' cost less points to enter. If you make them free to enter you completely get rid of any potential opportunity cost associated with entering and thus everyone and their mother will enter these "exploited giveaways" (which in your system might not be exploited as Alchemistlord stated, and would actually just be a bunch of people posting The Witcher because it's dirt cheap)
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"if the giveaway is exploited, we shouldn't mind to give it away for free."
exploited suggests that the game was illegally acquired. That would create a bad reputation for this site and we do not want any games that were stolen given away on steamgifts. That being said, you also use the term exploit very loosely. There is nothing wrong with a humble bundle giveaway. Not everyone has them. They are very popular among most users. Same with portal. You are assuming that everyone owns most of the games being given away.
That being said, I would not mind my receiving less points. It would force people to pick and choose more and increase the odds of winning certain giveaways. I think the best solution would simply have 5% points generated per giveaway instead of 10%. Seems like the best fix.
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decreasing the percent won't work! if every homefront shotgun would give 1 point, there will be hundreds of those shotguns on the site and enough points to enter any other giveaway.
and there won't be much of those free giveaways, because those people post them just to get an extra point. if they don't get points for that, they won't give those away
anyway, i don't stand on making them free. that's just an option. the main fix would be to automatically stop the floods.
If you want to giveaway a Wicher, you just bought on sale, you may make up a giveaway, push "Send" button and the site will inform you: "If you make this giveaway now, it will be considered a flood and won't give any points (and optionnaly won't cost points to enter). Are you sure, you want to give it away now? If you don't want it free, try posting it next week."
Those legit floods is nothing good either, because those, who have them already will suddenly rise in points. better spread those giveaways instead of making them all at once.
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I think what needs to be done is maybe something that can auto-detect when certain giveaways are bombarding the site, and stop giving out points of them until a mod can review the giveaway and reactivate points for it if it is something like a sale or keep the points off if it is something like the Humble Bundles or exploited keys or something similar. The points for the giveaway should be reactivated once the bombardment is finished, probably by another auto-detection.
Also if a giveaway is detected and points stopped and a mod decides that points shouldn't have been cut off then they should be retro-actively added, while games that point giving that was restored due to cessation of the bombardment don't give retro-active points.
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I think this is the best idea so far.
It's been proven even when games are really cheap ($1 "Ben There Dan That" pack on sale) not enough people buy them to flood the site.
The only time the site has been flooded was with exploited keys or the humble bundles. Now not only is this a pretty poor reflection of the community it also shows that this approach to stopping exploited key flooding might be the best.
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the site wasn't flooded with giveaways of that because its not worth $1, its crap that could have passed as a PC game back in 1993
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Guys, I realize you all don't like the recent spamming of the HIB3 cuz you could easily get a copy for it yourself. HOWEVER, it is very popular amongst the community. Everyone wants a humble bundle but not everyone is able to actually purchase one for themselves.
For example, This hib3 was posted for less than a day and already has 125 entries. By now, everyone on this site should know about the HIB3. several giveaways even list where it was obtained in the comments. Still people enter because they don't have a credit card or PayPal. Cut people some slack. All I am hearing is a bunch of whining. "I can't win a game cuz everyone else has too many points" You have to be fair to those who don't have a copy of HIB3 or (my favorite example) Portal. I'm sorry guys but this site survives off people having an extra copy of something that is basically worthless and giving it away on here. If you don't like it buy a new game that hasn't been on this site and give it away. Don't just whine about it.
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sanity and rational discussion....what are you doing here heathen!
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I think, it's now obvious for everyone, exploited giveaways take away the fun and corrupt the point system. You are intended to enter 10% of the giveaways, but while 50% of giveaways are those humble bundles and shotguns and you already have 25% of other giveaways, you are left with a really small choice and could enter almost every giveaway you are slightly interested in.
Btw, that doesn't increase a chance for someone to win! It just increases the chance, the giveaway goes to someone who doesn't need it.
I have already made this suggestion in some other topic a couple of weeks ago, but I'm feeling like suggesting it once more in a separate thread:)
I suggest a real easy thing to implement: once, 10 giveaways of the same thing are posted during a week, that thing is considered exploited and stops giving points. Currently there are some giveaways that don't give points, but they are "banned" manually by mods and they have already gave enough.
I would also suggest to make them free to enter, because such giveaways will attract some people anyway. And if they are expensive enough, less points will be spent on unexploited giveaways and that will increase the chance of those, who don't enter them (including the gifters of those exploited keys) anyway, if the giveaway is exploited, we shouldn't mind to give it away for free.
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