Do you really not use Origin at all or do you just say it because this is the internet? Why? Who cares about pride, games are games.

Edit: Forgot to mention I mean for Origin exclusive games. Of course steam is the best! Sometimes there are great deals on a game like Dead Space 3 or Mass Effect 3 and people don't buy it because it's on Origin. It's never coming on Steam anyways so just buy it!

1 decade ago*

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The only reason I don't use Origin much is because the sales always suck. 50% for Mass Effect 1?? Come on, that's shit. I have a few games there, but meh, overall it's a bad platform.

1 decade ago

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Sales always suck directly from Origin, even sometimes directly from Steam(Winter Sale). Amazon/GMG is where the sales are at.

1 decade ago

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They gave NFS + BF3 + MOH for 10$, there are good sales sometimes.

1 decade ago

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Once in a lifetime. I never bought anything yet from Origin. I use it since I bought Amalur a while ago and hey, I'm just forced to use Origin, but really, it's crap. No screenshots, no community, retarded sales.
Looking forward to buy ME1 and 3, but 5 โ‚ฌ it's too much for such an old game.

1 decade ago

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Don't use origin, i prefer library like steam for all my games.
But i would buy BF3, BF4 and a lot of others if they were available on steam. Like i have SIMS 3 or ME2 and some other titles on steam.

1 decade ago

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I honestly care about the games I like, this way I bought BF3 and will surely buy BF4 from Origin...

1 decade ago

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I have plenty of games to play, i just say that its not the game i want in first place. But if it (BF3-4) would be on steam i would buy it and play some. All the games that are essential for me are on steam.

1 decade ago

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I've played more than 150 hours of BF3, well worth it... Waiting for BF4 :)

1 decade ago

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I don't use origin because...

1: I hate EA

2: I hate having multiple account names and passwords to remember.

3: I hate EA

4: No games are exclusive on Origin that i would be willing to break reasons 1-3 for

5: I hate EA

6: EA's game USED to be good. But they ruined them all. I don't even try to pirate them anymore to see if they are good, cause I know they aren't.

7: I hate EA

1 decade ago

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I use origin to play games.. .. as in launching pad for BF3 and some others.

I used Steam as an always online community.

I dont think Origin sucks .. Its fine. Just isn't setup like Steam is, community-wise

1 decade ago

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Because I run Origin in a sandbox, any old concerns I had have disappeared. It's really not that bad of a client and I don't particularly mind using it for Origin exclusive games (there just aren't very many I care for). I do admit, the main reason I use Origin at all is because of that time they gave away a bunch of free games. I would have eventually started using it for Mass Effect 3, but free copies of games like Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age Origins pulled me in. That said, I don't see myself buying stuff off the Origin store because it's a fair bit more expensive than, say, Amazon.

I frankly don't care where I get my games so long as they don't come bundled with draconian DRM. There's a reason why I would, for example, pick the Steam version of Mirror's Edge over Origin's version. But other than that, be it disc, Steam, GoG, Desura, Origin, it doesn't really matter.

1 decade ago

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I only have bf3 on origin and it's a great game imo. I haven't ever had any problems with origin either.

1 decade ago

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My main problem is that it's just another program that's installed on my computer... I already have Steam, I just wish everything was in one program.

1 decade ago

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there is 2 reasons

1.i already have steam, and i dont feel like getting another one, it feels like it would only waste my time , right now im not interested in anything ea related, which brings me to my second point., just like millions of other people, are tired of eaยดs shitty customer service, the fact that they manage to rush and thus destroy that many franchises and still wont listen to us, is proof that they should not be trusted our money.

1 decade ago

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I love origin

1 decade ago

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Bad experiences are bad experiences.

A month ago, I wanted to do some pew-pew-pew in BF3. So I started up the fabulous Origin, but it wanted to update. Okay, that's reasonable. Let's update it then. It was downloading the new client quite slowly, but whatever. Finally, I'm in! But the BF3 wants an update as well. Okay, that's reaso...oh, wait a minute... A 6GB update!?!? Well, my connection isn't the best and I share the internet with my family. So I downloaded the update over night. Good, next day, the game seems to be updated, so I close the Origin to play it later. During the afternoon, I got the itch for some pew-pew again, so I fired the Origin up. But, wait for it... the BF3 wanted another update, but it was just 5.5GB this time. That really pissed me off, so I just gave up back then.

2 weeks later, I just fired it up again and downloaded the update by parts during the day, when I knew nobody was using the internet at that time. It took a few hours, but well, we got there ^_^. So let's get into the game. I started the game, it redirected me to the Battlelog, I picked the server and theeeen... Update me! Update me! The browser plugin started yelling at me... Okay, so I updated that thing as well. So let's connect to the server and play! Hehe, that's never that easy. Have you ever heard "you were disconnected from EA online (1)"? Oh, yea, that random error that won't let you start the game anytime you want. So I end up fighting with this error by trying to fire the game up in two different browsers. It took a few minutes, but I end up getting in eventually! Yay! ...although, I wasn't playing it for long. There were just some pros and two hackers, and a great teammate that shot me in a head because I was in a jet that he liked. So I left with rage by 15 minutes... Is this really worth it? I should play the BF:BC2 on Steam next time, it has always worked well...

So yea, I don't like the Origin, the exclusivity nor the way of EA-ing games. I'm not interested in the new EA's titles anyway, so it doesn't bother me that much. Only the ME3, I'd love to play the whole series. I love the ME2! Let's hope my wishes come true and it ends up on Steam ^_^

1 decade ago

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i remember that updating the plugin form the browser. i think i updated it around 20 times in a month.

1 decade ago

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i hate origin for being clunky and most of the time not working properly. the last game i bought for it was kingdoms of amalur. to install de game i had serveral hurdles to overcome.
1)I could only add the game to my origin account by booting from the CD, since i my DVD drive was broken it was bothersome that i couldn't play my new game because of that stupid pratice.
2)after installing it from the CD i still had like 2GB to download...
that's just my experience from amalur. BF3 and fifa 13 also gave me some anoying things.
Personaly if i buy EA games that have to be on extremely high sales because i just don't have the patience to deal with these anoyances. i have a high speed internet and an almost high end PC but i don't have much time for gaming. anything that decreases my spare time because of greed is something that shouldn't exist. For me i see origin has a way for EA to evade giving money to valve, normaly i wouldn't care much but EA decided to have "exclusives" games. the moment they did that was the momment they lost much of my money. I won't buy crysis 3 in case my origin remembers to do stupid anoying stuff that will have me wasting 1-2 horus figuring what the hell is wrong.

1 decade ago

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I like origin in a's not clustered like steam.Steam,with so many stuff like workshop and latest news and everything gives kinda a cramped feel(tho i like it) Origin is simple:Takes little time to start(Steam!),shows your game photos,double click to play.But i never buy Origin games....I simply redeem the keys of the great games EA USED to publish and make like Crysis 1,The Sims 3,Crysis 2 so on and on

1 decade ago

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You people make this seem like a serious issue. All this talk about integrity, pride, responsibility, teamwork, justice... Seriously. You see something you like. You see if it's a good price, you buy it. If you ask any average dude about whether they'd buy X game from EA for [cheap price] they'd most likely say yes.

1 decade ago

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Because everyone should strive to be average. Price isn't the be all, end all. I'll pay more for a service/product from a store I respect rather than getting it cheaper from a place that treats me like crap. And if the option is get something cheap from somewhere I don't like or not get it at all, then I won't get it at all.

1 decade ago

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Yeah if Origin is my only option, I'll either pass, or not 'support' the developers. I'm still kicking myself for buying BF3 for $5. I want my money back.

1 decade ago

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The average monkey is stupid enough not to know their shit well.

1 decade ago

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You people are ridiculous. You guys think you're superior over everyone or something? Let's say a famous basketball player sees BF3 is on sale and picks it up to play with his buds, so he's stupid?

1 decade ago

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Is that basketball player aware of EA's business practices, or spyware? Does he hate or like EA? Who is to say? If he doesn't mind them, why shouldn't he buy the game? If hates them but buys the game anyway, well done him for being ethically flexible enough to ignore his principles and buy the game regardless. After all, who'd be talking about Judas today if he hadn't taken advantage of a good deal when it was on the table. FFS, can anyone above school age even name another disciple?

Anyway, we're going off track with this. Someone who isn't afraid to compromise their principles to save a few dollars or enjoy a little personal gain is clearly superior to someone who stubbornly refuses to be bought off so cheaply.

Some real idiots on here, spouting all this BS about voting with wallets, not dealing with ballbag companies, and spending ethically, yadda, yadda, yadda. Well, I'm done here. Off to Steamtrades to see what I can get in exchange for the hoard of Nazi gold that's been proudly passed down through the generations of my family.

1 decade ago

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You are my hero.

1 decade ago

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Lots of people, with a wide spectrum of opinions, have posted their thoughts in this thread. Why can't you accept that this is a serious issue for a number people instead of rounding in them and pulling research stats out of the air about some "average dude"?

Seriously, what problem do you have with a section of the market voting with their wallets?

1 decade ago

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ethical standpoints =/= pride

You can bow down to them as long as you want with their sales, but don't bring everyone else down to your level of docility; it's whats ruined much of the contemporary gaming industry.

1 decade ago

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Battlefield 3 is/was a good game, one that I really, really wanted to buy before it was announced as an Origin-only title. It was recently on sale for $5 with the expansion included for free. I refused to buy it because it was on Origin, and I did that out of principle.

Some people are willing to sell their principles if the price is right. Some are not. Every individual has to make his or her own choices in regard to what he or she believes is worth fighting for and how far he or she is willing to go to affirm his or her beliefs. You may not understand that, but it would be a mistake to ignore it.

1 decade ago

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Origin is the most annoying thing I've ever used. I downloaded BF3 which was like 20 gigs and it deleted it by itself afterwards. Then after I redownloaded, I moved it to my HDD and it disappeared. 20 GB became available. I'm pretty sure I did nothing wrong so I blame Origin. Plus the games they offer aren't as diverse as Steam or Desura.

1 decade ago

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Origin is a shit that won't take my money = fuck 'em.

1 decade ago

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The amount of profound analyzed points in this detailed review as to why Origin "is a shit" is amazing.

1 decade ago

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Can't say I care for it. I had to use it when I bought bf3 but then I realized that it's a terrible game. Got no other reason to use it since I couldn't care less for any of the games exclusive to it.

1 decade ago

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Battlefield 3 was worth the installation of Origin... only BF3.

In saying that, since I stopped playing BF3 I haven't launched Origin since..

1 decade ago

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Got Crysis 3 HE for less than $10 and BF3 for $5. And I first made an Origin account because of the cheap C&C Complete pack Amazon had a sale on.

1 decade ago

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People complain about customer service. I had troubles with Mass Effect 2 on Origin and support was really kind and competent.
I'd rather complain about the fact that Origin itself (the software) is a hindrance instead of a help in playing games (seriously, why do I need to activate the hidden admin account on Windows to download the game?)

1 decade ago

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Don't mind it. Have BF3 and Mass Effect 2 on it. Have had no real issues with it. Don't know if their store will ever be as good as Steam, but if a game activates on Origin, I won't automatically dismiss it. Competition and options are good. If i have a choice of activating a game on origin and Steam, I'll still go with steam.

1 decade ago

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I've no problem using Origin. :)

1 decade ago

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i don't touch origin because when i was forced to use it, unlike with steam, i had a bad time with it...

its poorly optimized (I'd have to uninstall my graphics card drivers to install any game OR UPDATE for that matter),

has bad support (i have had to use the support system on both steam and origin and the only thing origin support told me in a 6-hour conversation was "try port-forwarding" when i had already told them port was absolutely fine as i has set it up beforehand and the steam support helped me fix it even though it was on the competitors system... they let me know about the graphics card problems when installing games on origin)

and they hadn't/haven't given me any time frame as to when this bug will be fixed, if ever, even though i specifically asked them to tell me in an email (since i managed to get a hold of the email address of one of the higher-up support staff)

1 decade ago

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I Like Origin especially their live customer support, too bad their selections is small and client functionalities are not as vast as Steam.

As long as the game is great, I don't really care about the distributor.

1 decade ago

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i use origin

1 decade ago

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Long ago I was a fan of ME series - but after ME3 and DA2 with it huge propaganda of one-sex love and failed endings I don't buy anything in Origin...

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Archlion.