Hello everyone!

I'm active user of steatrades.com. I spend a lot of time there to have good reputation and I think that I did it well - I have 460 positive and 0 negative rewies. I never scammed anyone, I always tried to be fair and polite. And now some random guy just left me my first negative rep :/

I'm pretty surprised, because I don't even know this guy, he just chose from random users I guess.

So I want to ask why there is no support on the steamtrades? What should I do to ban this bast... bad guy? Is that possible? I did all I can to make my reputation clean and now I'm dissatisfied of it because of this guy :/

I hope I will find answers here, because it's really unfair.

My steamtrades profile

9 years ago*

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Don't call people out. Remove them and try using a support ticket.

9 years ago

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Chronic wasn't very clear, but what he meant to say was "Make a support ticket here on S.Gifts"

The sites are sharing support, so a steamgifts ticket services Steamtrades as well. Unfortunately, this means it might be a while before you get a reply, so you might have to be patient.

9 years ago

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Known scammer prolly just trolling you, report him here on SG and he'll be banned soon enough. DO NOT use the "report user" link in his profile to do so unless you've got SG+ though, those reports don't work otherwise.
-edit- be sure to report his alt account too, hopefully he'll get an IP ban (probably not possible but still)
Can't link it here but you'll find it on his rep page.

PS: I'd remove the link to the scammer if I were you, it'd be a shame if you got a ban for such a minor thing.

9 years ago

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Thank you very much, guys, for all your advices, already created ticket in support here. I hope that it will be answered soon. Really appreciate your help

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Maslo.