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Just Cause 3 XL Lv3 Corran January 20
Dracula's Legacy Lv3 Corran January 20
BioShock Infinite Lv3 Corran January 20
Mad Max Lv1 Fanch January 19
Innerspace Lv1 canis39 January 23rd

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It will take me a few days to update the list. To avoid having your giveaway not "showcased" set its duration to more than 5 days (unless you don't care, it's up to you).

Because I'm tired of getting catcalled and watching others in the street receive the same treatment, I decided to share some information with everyone in SG hoping that they can stop doing it and/or talk to their friends to make them reconsider their behavior.

Street harassment is unwanted and unwelcomed public attention, most often directed at women, which is demeaning and damaging. It’s not a private matter but one that should concern everyone.
If you have trouble empathising with strangers, then think about your mother, sister, or girlfriend. Would you enjoy watching people catcalling and telling them nasty things? How do you think they would feel about it?

On an average day I go out twice and I get at least one guaranteed catcall. On weekends or when I go out, for example to a club, it gets worse because groups of people feel more empowered to do so.

A few months ago I was walking with a friend and one guy said things and started to follow us. After a while it ended with me turning around and pepper-spraying his face, then running away in case he could fight back. This is the kind of violence it generates.
We had a rough rest of the day and were shaken up. I didn't enjoy doing that at all, but he had to be stopped. I also like to think the guy didn't enjoy it either.
So in the end, what did he achieve? Nothing.

OK, I'm gonna clear this up since some people like to assume things just to blame me for defending myself.

A few months ago I was walking with a friend and one guy said things...

For the backward people, this was in june when I wasn't wearing "provocative shorts and t-shirts" clothes. These are the "nice compliments" I got amongst others i don't even want to repeat here and/or I want to forget:

hey girl nice butt
does your friend wanna F with me too?
hey reply bitch
come here lesbos!

...and started to follow us.

Walked one block with that guy which was 1 meter away from us. He wasn't shouting from the other side of the street, he wasn't half a block away, he wasn't sitting in the sidewalk. He was right behind us.

...After a while it ended with me turning around and pepper-spraying his face, then running away in case he could fight back...

He got warned to leave us alone during the whole 1-block fast-paced walk. I didn't stop to "discuss" because I'm not a 1.9 meters 120kg guy, so I'm not putting my friend and I at risk at 8:30pm in the street.

You read the "You're not alone" thread?
Well, most of the stuff that I shared about me is linked directly to an experience related to this, but I wasn't walking with a friend and there were two guys instead of one following me. You can guess what happened next since I wasn't able to defend myself.

But of course, street harassment is harmless and nothing else can go wrong, nor it can trigger unhappy memories from past experiences.
Think a bit before judging others so quickly assuming they overreact when they feel in danger.~

I know I probably won't convince anyone catcalling to stop by posting this (it doesn't hurt to try), but if your friends or co-workers do it, you can persuade or talk to them and see if they get it. There's nothing worse than being in a group of friends and allowing them to act like idiots.

It's disgusting and demeaning, stop it. You're hurting people with your actions and makes you look like a fool.

❀️️ FAQ, in case you're gonna post one of these comments I get all the time.

- But some women like to be catcalled!
Yes, there's also men that like to get hit in the face with a hammer. So using the same logic, I should go out and hit all men with a hammer in hopes they enjoy it?

- Don't be so sensitive, ignore it.
No, it reaches a point it can't be ignored. It's not an isolated issue once per month or in certain situations so you can avoid it. It also affects me a lot depending on my mood, so when you feel like crap and you get catcalled, things get worse.

- So you want others to come to your rescue when some stranger catcalls you? That will end up with me getting in a fight!
I'm not asking people to fight for me, just them to stop doing it, spread the word, and discourage people in their group of friends from being disrespectful.

- If you don't want to get catcalled, dress appropriately!
1: Don't blame the victim.
2: I dress as I please. It's my body, not someone else's.
3: It doesn't matter if it's winter and I'm wearing a jacket, or summer with shorts and a t-shirt. Some people will be idiots anyway and say things.

- I bet you like it when a handsome guy catcalls you!
Irrelevant. I expect respect from everyone.

- What about men? They also get harassed!
I'm very aware guys also get harassed by both men and women, but this thread is about girls. Feel free to create another thread for that issue, and I will support it.

- So this is just a misandrist rant!
It's not. If you feel targeted by anything I said, then it's not because you're a man, it's because you actions ressemble what it's said here.

- Meh, it could be worse.
It could be worse, but it SHOULD be better. Also, normalizing this behavior makes it even more painful for victims.

- Women also catcall!
I never said they don't, but for each woman that catcalls me, i get 500 guys. So the issue at hand is the one I shared.

- This thread offends me!
That tells a lot about you. Log off, take your time, and think about it.

- This thread is inappropriate for SG, please close and delete it!
Go tell that to all other threads about awareness, politics, religion, sports, disasters, etc.

πŸ’™ Some info and articles:

Stop Street Harassment
Wikipedia definition
Documenting women's stories of street harassment
Why we need to take street harassment seriously
Dutch woman faces down her catcallers by posting selfies with them

πŸ’š Videos:

Au bout de la rue (Court-mΓ©trage) - france
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman - usa
Woman is filmed walking London's streets for secret documentary - uk
Male actor dresses as woman to experience sexual harassment - egypt
Sons React to Their Moms Getting Catcalled - usa

Finished Giveaways By Ended (last month) πŸ”ΌπŸ”Ό
Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse lv1 mully december 15
Panzer Corps lv1 mully december 15
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition lv1 mully december 15
Insurgency lv1 mully december 15
Doodle Kingdom lv1 mully december 15
Doodle Mafia lv1 mully december 15
Farmington Tales lv1 mully december 15
Air Combat Arena lv1 mully december 15
Apocalypse (Showcase) lv1 mully december 15
Depopulation lv1 mully december 15
Beholder Lv3 Corran December 21
Sniper Elite V2 Lv3 Corran December 21
Resident Evil Revelations / Biohazard Revelations Lv3 Corran December 21
Evil Genius Lv1 HA December 25
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Lv1 HA December 25
Quarantine Lv1 HA December 25
Tower 57 Lv1 HA December 25
Puzzle Chronicles Lv1 HA December 25
Yooka-Laylee Lv1 HA December 25
Surgeon Simulator Lv1 HA December 25
Operation Flashpoint: Red River Lv1 HA December 25
Streets of Rage Lv1 HA December 25
Stronghold Crusader 2 Lv1 HA December 25
SOMA Lv1 HA December 25
Cornerstone: The Song of Tyrim Lv1 HA December 25
Tick's Tales Lv1 HA December 25
Lost Civilization Lv1 HA December 25
Heroes & Legends: Conquerors of Kolhar Lv1 HA December 25
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller - Season One + OST Vol 1 Lv1 HA December 25
Quest for Infamy Lv1 HA December 25
Supreme League of Patriots Season Pass Lv1 HA December 25
Moebius: Empire Rising Lv1 HA December 25
The Last Door - Collector's Edition Lv1 HA December 25
The Last Door: Season 2 - Collector's Edition Lv1 HA December 25
The Story Goes On Lv1 Fluffster December 25
Super Splatters Lv1 pookysan December 26
Retool Lv 2 sgtools igel2005 December 26
Hearts of Iron Collection III Lv2 Harry December 26

πŸ’› And some pictures:

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6 years ago*

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Capitalization is a waste of time

View Results


6 years ago

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[Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty](https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/y5i62/oddworld-new-n-tasty) - Level 1 | LukeFox | December 6

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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Thanks for the bump, and for helping make people aware of this issue!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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And awee thanks for the blacklist but I really don't care since I never use this site for giveaways

Between your profile and comments, it would appear you're only here to make useless asinine comments in order to stroke your own fragile ego. And that's fine, whatever docks your yacht, kiddo. :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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but I really don't care since I never use this site for giveaways
as I use this site for giveaways

Then you immediately checked to see if you were blacklisted. You're fairly transparent.
Now run along and stop causing trouble.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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Your hypothesis is wrong.
I've had you blacklisted for over a year, since your comments on the LGBT Steam Group's thread.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago*

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Wow, you seem miserable.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I've never been more happy to be at "new levels of petty", since I fully support that group and its intent.

Now, you have a choice before you - you can either continue on, making yourself look even more a fool, or you can move along. I'd suggest the latter, so you don't spend the rest of your evening checking that blacklist count you "care nothing about."

6 years ago

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oh it's the woman-hating idiot.

don't worry about this thread since you're not a man. thanks for the bump, subhuman!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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shine on!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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seems you have a lot of interest in this topic, shine on!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Like this, for example.

6 years ago

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Not a civil response. Model the behavior you want to see in others.

6 years ago

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It's such a shame that anyone has to deal with this problem. For the place where I live, it would be the downtown section, and people feel unsafe to go there even in broad daylight. With that said though, I do hope that this thread will knock some people on the head and maybe change them for the better. It sounds like a stretch, but I feel like all these people in the thread with their negativity talk will actually not gonna do any harm when they are actually out in public :)

Bump for awareness!

6 years ago

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[Mondrian - Abstraction in Beauty](https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/TPrPa/mondrian-abstraction-in-beauty) - Level 5 | Mully :P | December 8th

bellissimo bump-o!

6 years ago

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thanks! πŸŒˆπŸ‰

6 years ago

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Bump !

6 years ago

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I was gonna make a GA for here of that Guardians of Ember MMO but I can't figure out which edition to select, so have a temp bump while I seethe in frustration for a bit.

6 years ago

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How are you being harassed on the streets if you’re constantly on SG?

6 years ago*

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Bump :)

6 years ago

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[Guardians of Ember - Fanatical Edition](https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/mW3xP/guardians-of-ember-mortal-edition) - Level 1 | cunthulhu | December 3rd

FIGURED OUT WHICH EDITION TO SELECT. brb, gonna go drink my weight in horchata to celebrate.

6 years ago

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thanks ^^

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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[Tropico 5] (https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/G0TgF/tropico-5) - Level 3 | Tanoto | December 6th

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Bump and meow.

[Story of the Survivor : Prisoner](https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/0MpHl/) - Level 2 | Caractacus | December 6th

6 years ago

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added @.@

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6 years ago

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I don't know if someone already brought this subject here, but I guess its related to the thread.

6 years ago

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Bump ! ^^

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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catcall bump

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Peasy thread spam.

6 years ago

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cleanup bump ^^

6 years ago

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It's been going on forever. My grandmother in Chicago, my mom in Chicago, and me in Chicago. Now at 79 at least I don't get harassed anymore. Lol Good for you speaking out and setting this up. Thanks.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by Mully.