For almost a decade I've been playing Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. It's still an awesome game, I love it and play it all the time still. But for a while now I've been looking for something new. There's nothing left to discover in Wolf:ET for me, it's all about just getting better now and, not to brag, but I'm very good. So I've been looking for a new online shooter to play.

I played Call of Duty 4 for a bit when it first came out, but now it's all tactical servers that ban you if you put your ironsights down for a single second and there's all kinds of other tomfoolery as well.

Tried Team Fortress Two a bit but there was a lot of nonesense there as well and that was if you could even find a decent server that wasn't already full.

Tried Enemy Territory Quake Wars but the aliens ruin it for me for a number of reasons.

Tried Brink as well but SD refuses to give it proper support and it's still in basically a beta stage of development.

Tried Battlefield BC2, but there seemed to be a pretty unreasonable barrier to entry trying to get into the game this long after it's release. I either find ghost servers or servers where I'm constantly surrounded by explosions and snipers are a dime a dozen.

So I think those are all the main ones I've tried, but I'm sure there are others I don't remember right now because of how shortlived my interest in them was. What suggestions do you guys have for some games I could try?

1 decade ago*

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As a long time (both ways meaning playing for long and also played a long time ago last) ET player i can say this. Not one game has reached the greatness of ET. Honestly, it is a one of a kind game you can't find a modern day successor to. :(

1 decade ago

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Tribes ascend would be my recommendation.

1 decade ago

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Oh actually I might ask, have you ever tried HL2 mod Empires? It is getting a little old now but has similar gameplay. I mean it's not exactly a new game but it would be new to you if you haven't tried it.

Basically a RTS/FPS. It can be similar to ET in a sense that some maps are objective based. Some maps are regular rts meaning capture resource points and take down enemy base. It has pretty much the same medic system and a bunch of other stuff. Haven't played Empire in a long time either though.

Steamstore link

1 decade ago

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tf2 competetive even don't try to play @ pubs cuz there all are playing with some fucking star wars weapons... :D
you can find/make new team @ and of course get more info

brink is prity good but competetive is dead so its not worth trying to play it :D

oh and yeah you can try mw3 bud guys like me who enjoyed cod4 dont like weapons in there :<

1 decade ago

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Gunz The duel
Try it.
Second Frag-movie

1 decade ago

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it looks pretty boring i couldn't play more than 5 min ^^

1 decade ago

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If you dont know how to play it, obviusly you get bored quickly.

1 decade ago

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Keyboard destroyer :D

1 decade ago

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yep, like 3 this year XD

1 decade ago

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Tribes ascend.

1 decade ago

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If you like team based shooters you should try Dystopia on Steam. Is fun and is also free.

1 decade ago

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Tribes Ascend beta is awesome

1 decade ago

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My FPS of choice is Battlefield 3, but for YOU, I would go with Modern Warfare 3.

1 decade ago

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Battlefield 2 with the mod Forgotten Hope 2. Realism, ww2 + teamwork.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for all the suggestions, but I think I'm going to stick with Wolf:ET for now.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Tuarel.