
1 decade ago*

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Vertigo !!!!


1 decade ago

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Totally gotta be Marvel!

1 decade ago

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DC ^^ I love batman and superman!

1 decade ago

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Well, unfortunately I can't give a valid opinion about the comics due to them not being popular at my country... and the supposedly good ones being made decades before I was even born. :P

In the games department DC only has Batman and a huge collection of inferior games. Marvel has a lot more games so their secondary characters are better known and their games are usually better. Both have a lot of movies and TV series. Both can be interesting or make no sense at all sometimes.

Um... right... which is better? Well, who's cooler? Batman or Wolverine? :P

1 decade ago

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MARVEL ALL the way my friends.

Just watch The Avengers and you will see some badasses.

Only one i like from DC is Bartman :(

1 decade ago

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I only got Lucky Luke and Asterix Comics and they are fkin awesome. ;)

1 decade ago

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Right wing filofascist propaganda. "USA is best and you know it" and the likes. Is really annoying to se a U.S.A. flag every four pages. The US military are always the good guys. In real life almost always are the bad guys.

Leaving the child brainwashing propaganda aside:

Better costume design marvel.
Better villains DC.
Better character personalities development marvel.
Better overall plot marvel.
DC heroes are less attention whore most of the times(exception:superdork).
Marvel heroes change the world in a more realistic manner.

1 decade ago

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This site really needs a way to downvote posts. Judging from your post you are less than 25 years old, are unfamiliar with US history, and the majority of your comic book knowledge comes from movies/video games.

1 decade ago

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They are both crap. Just big steaming piles crap. Neither of them is likely to ever publish a good comic again. That being said I used to prefer DC. Mike Grell's run on Green Arrow was awesome. Some of the best comics that I have ever read. O'Neil's run on Question isn't bad either. The more grounded in reality the comics are the better they tend to be. When Grell was writing Green Arrow there were no superpowers, no supervillains, none of those trick arrows. There really aren't even superheroes because Green Arrow is flawed and human to the extent that you wouldn't refer to him as such. In the very first storyline Black Canary is seeking therapy after having been tortured and raped. Also Green Arrow drowns a child rapist.

If DC wants me back as a reader then they need to split off all of the more plausible characters and let them exist in their own continuity in which they deal exclusively with plausible situations in which no super-powered beings exist. They could start out with Batman, Green Arrow, and Question. There's plenty more characters they have that they could fit in that continuity as well but those are the big 3.

1 decade ago

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i bet anyone here read the new 52 of DC .. marvel comics on the last two years were awful "expect for avengers vs x-men" in overall i prefer DC on marvel

1 decade ago

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which ever one has batman,batman is the best

1 decade ago

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I like the Marvel universe better but I tend to like individual DC characters better. I guess that puts me somewhere in the middle?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Marvel, Batman and his little clique is awesome, but the rest of the DC universe is rather... meh.

1 decade ago

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I have no loyalty to either. Batman is probably my favorite comic book character though. Then Spawn and Gambit.

1 decade ago

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Marvel because thats where my all time favorite hero belongs to, Spider-Man.

Tightly followed by Iron Man and Superman on the 2nd and 3rd spot (I know that Superman is DC, dont hate).

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by TheFlyingCrate.