Link : If your not invited here :

Hi im the admin for Goldons giveaways and I have to announce that we have 6 new openings for the group.

Our only rules are:
•You must have $30.01 CV to join.
•Upon joining, you must create a non-bundle giveaway worth at least $15 on SteamGifts. You have 48 hours to do this.
•You cannot join any group giveaways until your first one has ended.
•You must keep a 1:1 ratio, and have at least 1 giveaway every month.
•Bundle games only count for 0.5 on the ratio. Only 4 bundle games will count towards your giveaway ratio each month.
•The group has a 50 member limit. Upon joining the group, you are not allowed to invite members without an admin's permission. This will be an instant blacklisting.
•Be active in chat. We do key drops, trivia nights, and more fun ways to get games than just SteamGifts.

If you meet these Requirments ill add you :P

1 decade ago*

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This group sucks :P

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by azxmn.