Hello Dear Steamgifters

I need your help recommending me games (it would be better if i already have it) for my wife
she is not a serious gamers and mostly plays hidden objects games

1 decade ago*

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Recettear (Nice with a controller but not needed. Menus are NOT mouse-based at all... Great game tho.) It is a dungeon-crawl game that you loot in order to sell stuff in your shop. Few characters unlock over the game, failing has no hard problems, you keep all your items if you miss rent and in a dungeon you only lose what was on them (i think you keep equipped, just not whatever you brought in/ got in)

You can avoid combat all together, but combat is quite profitable, too.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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PvZ, Sims, Bejeweled, Faerie Solitaire

1 decade ago

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I got 3 games that my I gifted to my GF and she all loved it

  • To the moon
  • Torchlight 2
  • Offspring Fling
1 decade ago

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oh hey, nice to finally know that you are either a boy or a lesbian ^^

I'm really not sure with some avatars xD

1 decade ago

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Little Inferno?

1 decade ago

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To the Moon, plants vs zombies, Lego games if she likes the movies, Faerie Solitaire

1 decade ago

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+1 for pvz before i posted while i was writing
+1 for Faerie solitaire, forgot about that one.

1 decade ago

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Zuma,luxor,bug's life, and all of the time management games that look like New Yankee/Roads of Rome

1 decade ago

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Battlefield 3

1 decade ago

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try something turn based. my ex used to dig RPGs
Dangerous Highschool Girls in Trouble is an odd game but interesting and i think it would appeal to your demo
Critter Cruch has a losing scenario but it's beautiful and quick to restart
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is a beautiful game to play very forgiving.

If you want to go full man's game game then try Saint's Row 3, something you have fun dicking around it that doesn't take itself seriously like it's inspiration GTA

1 decade ago

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7 Grand Steps is really looking epic. Can't wait.
(from the high-school game devs)

1 decade ago

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Puzzle games: Splice, Auditorium, Quantz, From Dust, Lume, Clikr, Fractal, 1000 Amps, Legend of Fae/Puzzle Quest, Plants Vs Zombies, Rush, Toki Tori/2, Chime, Lucidity, Yosumin!, World of Goo, also Tidalis has co-op and vs., and Obulis, is the original Cut The Rope, gets pretty hard half-way through.

Magical Diary is like harry potter but with stats and stuff, solid game.

Trauma experimental story-telling.

Stealth Bastard if they can handle nearly any mario game...

Hoard (WASD + m1 and controller support) Play as a Dragon and collect look. Co-Op and vs maps, very nice.

Bastion for a top-down beat-em up RPG. (Amazing story and music)

Dustforce for platforming, very very easy to play, nigh-impossible to master. Very smooth game.

Rock Of Ages, really funny, mostly just a wasd and cameralook, its kind of hard to "die" in, but you can lose the levels. Vs mode and some arcade modes. Monty-python like humor Review by total biscut

Sequence: A DDR RPG, a little repetitive but a nice game. Great if you have one of those pads i'd think.

Shatter: Its on PSN and maybe XBLA too, very nice game of arkanoid/Breakout, Has co-op

Ticket to Ride: mini version for iphone (asynchronous) and full version on pc/ipad. Has a java version on their website (free with steam purchase) Probably one of the best boardgames out there. If you don't get it digitally, get the actual boardgame (like 50 for just the base game, not counting the expansions. game+ dlc goes on sale on steam, too, so watch out)

Sword and Soldiers, Casual-lite RTS, very well made and very cute. On Wiiware too.

Im tired, and i know puzzlequest is already mentioned, i only wanted to say legend of fea is another rpg match3 type game, but nice. if i missed any others that were mentioned already, sorry.

All of these have a very low frustration level early, and usually never gets too high. Not counting Ticket to Ride because of other players rarely.

I'm tired, so imma quit now. oh, the pop-cap hidden object games are really nice too.

Edit: Bolded my favorites. Cut the rope is not on steam, is on android/ios/pc but not steam.

1 decade ago

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Heavy Rain, FEZ, World of Goo, Deadalic Adventures (Deponia1&2, Edna 1&2 great games btw.!!!), Trine, The Walking Dead, Portal 1&2, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Machinarium, To the Moon.

All are absolutly great games. Recommend for everyone but espacially for non-hardcore gamers ;)

1 decade ago

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I forgot about Indigo Prophecy/Heavy Rain, and Machinarium. Thanks!
Edit: also +1

1 decade ago

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I want to know also..gonna be back later to read more ideas.

1 decade ago

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Super Meat Boy.

1 decade ago

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The lego games.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Grey Matter

1 decade ago

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Ow... "Games for a Girl" topic. Don't take this as a personal attack, but IOHO it's bullshit. Why would a female need other games than macho guys liek you? My dearest Wife and I are best buddies under the sun, share virtually all end every interest (among other things that means studying melee, craftsmanship, love for firearms and RPG) and play all the same stuff. It's only that She exhibits slightly higher tendency to blow brahmin up & laugh ass off and a slight disdain for hipsta games. What is the point of committing the life to a person you're not 100% compatible with, with which you can conquer the world and shun all other people?

Edit to be at least a little bit helpful: Portals, especially Portal 2 because of the co-op and editor definitely deserve a recommendation. As per non-necessarily-Steam, Minecraft is a must. This can go on and on, but here you've got the top of the list...

1 decade ago

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she isn't into games but he wants something that could walk her into it((like how women always try to train a male to put the seat down even though the argument for falling in is equally valid when reversed "do you want me pissing on the seat because I didn't look and assumed it was up") its just something you do when you find your ideal mate..change them to be better.)

and the gender matters because for instance maybe he doesn't want to get his girlfriend/wife a game where the only female player character wears little more than armored pasties. :)

1 decade ago

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Ugh. There's suspension of disbelief and then there's this or Lara jumping around in meter-of-mud, spikes-everywhere trouserless... Let's not even begin on this, when you've got some insight into how hurting people works it's even worse than "just" mutated udders bouncing in the wind -.-

1 decade ago

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it's not an entirely moot discussion. Females haven't been groomed into gaming from birth like us. Even the ones who are us are more rare than not. I do think this topic tends to delve into "let's not suggest COD and only suggest 'girly games'" but there are real concepts and advice that can be shared here.

I made my own suggestions based not on how well they conform to female gender stereotypes but how well they would perform to both (what i've observed and read about) female tendencies and non-gamer tendencies. Boys tend to revel in conflict more than girls so I tried to suggest games where combat was minimized not because combat can't possibly appeal to girls but a girl who doesn't game isn't ready for 'gamer level' combat. Gears may be a great game but for a non gamer that's not where I'm gonna start you off. Girls also have faster reflexes so as annoyed as I am by them I don't mind suggesting twitch arcade games. I'm happy for you and your gamer wife that's cool man but i think in our community we have very tunnel-vision when it comes to that. Some dudes date gamer girls and so now gamers are only looking for gamer girls it's far too restrictive. A relationship can work even if you don't share 100% of each others interest. Heck some might even call that more exciting. Learning from each other balancing each other out. Again I'm not bashing you but some of us are with girls (or guys) who don't play games like we do and that's a) perfectly fine and b) an issue of real concern maybe part of that relationship is learning about each others interests.. hence this question. It's a boring question, it's an old question, it's an unoriginal question, but it's not a purposeless question.

It's late so this is only half thought out but my central point is that say that selecting a game for a girl can be a targeted process. One the industry itself sucks at, but we are not the industry we the gaming community have insight that could be helpful.

Other suggestions:
All the great puzzlers and pinballers i know are girls so I'd suggest games in that category. I second on Hoard completely forgot about that but that would be a great game for the 'girlfriend'*

*Not because I doubt OP has one but because girlfriend here is used as a placeholder for any boyfriend, girlfriend etc that isn't into games.

1 decade ago

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But of course I can see your point. I agree with your logic(!) for the most part, given the assumption that such relationships can work, which we honestly believe can not. 'Course if it works for somebody - good for them, it's just an opinion. It's strongly based on observation however, but again, this might just have something to do with 80% of our country population being nigh-analphabetic, foos'-ball and bandit-music enthusiast criminals and/or empty whores. Plus hypocrite catholic zombies and even more exotic jerkforms.

P.S. I don't feel being bashed, we're having a conversation here ;)

1 decade ago

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nah it's cool bro. conversations never have to go beyond that.

I do believe there are some interests that inherently suggest incompatibility. I just don't think those differences are as common as most believe. For instance maybe an NRA nut can't work out with someone who is anti-gun. Agoraphobics and hikers, drinkers and alcoholics. These relationships however are all toxic for direct reasons. The NRA guy will have a gun, the anti person will refuse that gun.

But on the other hand there's a lot of differences that CAN be overcome. I mean you can look at various non-homogenous religious relationships that work out. Catholics and Jews being in a relationship aren't even that odd anymore. It's like a sitcom joke now 'But how do you raise the children'. Palestinians and Israelies are star-crossed lovers but it's not the unbridgeable gap that it would have been years ago. If it's possible to get past things like that the how much easier (and more common) is it for Democrat and Republican, cross team football houses (though that's not really a big difference. that'd be like RPG fan vs FPS fan), even Atheists could work out with a Christian all they really need is to establish a base level of understanding. If they don't need to convert each other, many atheists I've talked to can be supportive of others religious beliefs as long as they aren't trying to convert them.

My point is that gamer and gardener are not incompatible (IGN's Levi Buchanan if I recall has that relationship with his wife). How many game developers have wives who don't game? I think a lot more than we'd expect. I think that your wife* needs to be accepting of your hobbies, true. Those 'TV Wives' that hate games won't work out sure. But for instance Lennon Parham's character in the single season TV show "Best Friends Forever"** is a women who doesn't game herself but accepts and supports that part of her husband's life. That's what you want from your wife and that's what she should get from you. If you have that you don't necessarily need her to be a gamer. Now that's easier to find if she IS a gamer but not impossible to find if she isn't.

There is a point to be made for shared interests. You can talk games to your woman and have her nod along and you can nod along while she talks home decoration but I agree you do need something shared to interest you. My point is just that a) it doesn't HAVE to be games and b) you don't have to have it preset; meaning you can discover your shared interest in cooking after you hook up. Probably before marriage and everything but now I'm starting to reach a bit far with my speculation.

*it occurs to me here that for anyone reading this I should point out that I'm simplistically applying a relationship dynamic of a male gamer and female non gamer. But the point applies to inverted or other similar relationship dynamics
** not nearly as girly as it sounds. I'd suggest it as long as you weren't one of those people who was supremely annoyed at the idea of a single person developing an Xbox game in Grandma's Boy

1 decade ago

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I'd say religion in a relationship means "I don't want to commit; there's something more important; it's simply breeding for the church and not a communion of souls"; it's quite the same as sleeping around while in a "relationship" as, nota bene, people often do anyway. The same with not casting off things which the Other would have to "nod along" to. I quite like the phrase, but not the concept itself; it's what most couples are based on and what makes them a lie. The strange-people-living-together ones. I am also rather convinced that those make up the bulk of relationships and the proper ones are the few aberrant percent.

Again, it's a subjective viewpoint. Aand the topic feels exhausted as I ran out of ways to put this and grew quite tired.

Peace to you; really no offense meant.

1 decade ago

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weary myself.


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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to the moon
portal 1 / 2

1 decade ago

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Sims 3.

1 decade ago

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trine, portal 2 (especially for coop(extra fun pretend like neither of you has a mic and try to communicate everything with those gestures and pinging even though you're in the same room)), sims, aquaria, bastion, minecraft, world of goo,

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Duke Nukem Forever

1 decade ago

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But on a more serious note, try any form of puzzler game that you can pick up cheap/free on the net.

1 decade ago

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Duke Nukem: Forever

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by smog0.