Four years ago I Started a poll to see what SGers would vote. Quickly after that it became apparent that I would have to refine the poll and split the choices up into non American and American SG users to be able to see the difference.

Today the final 2020 presidential election poll is here!

Please also join the Election Train!

Please be kind to one another in the comments, political discussions can sometimes be a bit heated but please be considerate and friendly throughout.

3 years ago

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Are you from the US? Who did/will/would you vote for?

View Results
I am from the US and I vote: Donald Trump and Mike Pence.
I am from the US and I vote: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
I am from the US and I vote: Howie Hawkins and Angela Nicole Walker
I am from the US and I vote: Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen
I am NOT from the US and I would vote: Donald Trump and Mike Pence.
I am NOT from the US and I would vote: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
I am NOT from the US and I would vote: Howie Hawkins and Angela Nicole Walker
I am NOT from the US and I would vote: Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen

what i don't really get as a non-american....didn't they have a better candidate than biden? from everything i have seen or read about him nothing really screams better option than trump, instead it kind of looks like a lesser evil and honestly i couldn't really tell for what he stands beside the i'm not trump option.
to be fair most of the time something reaches our news it's all about what trump did this time and barely anything about biden

3 years ago

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Yes, there was a much better option, and he was maligned by the media and his own party...again

3 years ago

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the american political system is designed to make you choose between two turds.

3 years ago

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Completely untrue, only one of them is a turd, the other one is a douche.

3 years ago

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So you have seen the debates?
Read the policies?
Checked out the long-reads?

Biden actually has plans.
This "Lesser evil" stuff is very annoying, the decision is between an adult and a petulant child.

Do you follow your own national politics?

3 years ago

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i have seen parts of the debates but why should i care enough about the election to read into it? i can't do anything about the outcome of the election in another country and i have to live with whatever happens there in whatever way it will affect us here, so i don't really see a reason to waste time or energy in things i can't change.
all i see is stuff on the news here and some stuff online which is, as i said, trump is bad and biden is not trump followed by i wish it was sanders.

the problem with the child is....sadly everything he does worked so far. he stands for a change to the typical political system with all the empty speeches and rethorics that we have seen before him.
everything looks and feels like the election 4 years ago - you have people shouting trump is bad, an idiot and a nazi and everyone following him is a nazi too and all the polls tell everyone there is no way trump could win. and as his opponent you have biden who, compared to clinton, is a lesser evil and part of the old political system. it's great that he has plans for the future but do you really think most americans care about that? all they care about is who will put more food on the table and who provides the best security for them.

take the blm riots and movement - the way most people are affected by them is that their neighbourhoods are burned down or they see stuff burnded down on the news. now let me guess - you have biden on tv supporting the blm movement and holding speeches like every other politician all over the world would do. then you have trump shouting his usual trump stuff. who do you think people will vote for? the politican who says what every other would have done or the guy that might be able to do something about it? humans are egoistic, yes there are a lot of people out there who care for others but in the end the majority only cares about themself first.

3 years ago

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the problem with the child is....sadly everything he does worked so far. he stands for a change to the typical political system with all the empty speeches and rethorics that we have seen before him.

Can you give just two things he actually achieved that he'd promised in 2016?
He tanked the economy.
His head in the sand paranoia about covid killed 250,000 Americans and put people out of jobs, out of their homes.
He didn't stop the inflow of immigrants by putting children in cages at the border.
He didn't "clean the swamp" of Washington, he added to it.
He didn't "fix" Obamacare.
He didn't stop corruption (he looooved the Chinese dictatorship until his loans with the Bank of China were up). He divided people further.

who do you think people will vote for? the politican who says what every other would have done or the guy that might be able to do something about it?

That's the craziest part of your pro-Trump argument right there. He's not a guy from the street running for office anymore. The "he might be able to do something about it" ship has sailed. He had 4 years to do something about anything. So if you give him four more years to screw things up further, he "might be able to do something"? In between twitter rants about the media and celebrities who don't like him?
He's a sad troll, nothing more. He's been treating the highest office in the US like a pulpit for rants and cheap shots at his perceived enemies, ie anyone who criticizes him, from Meryl Streep to the Mayor of London, CNN, and even FOX News.

The Presidency is not a spectators sports. Biden may not be the perfect shiny boy but at least he has plans as a president. He doesn't just want to get in the oval and piss people off just cause he doesn't like them.

3 years ago

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I took you out of my whitelist just so I could add you again.
I'm not a US-er and I really don't understand how anyone could be a Trump supporter. This guy is toxic.

3 years ago

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Unfortunately that's why a lot of people support him. He is the Troll in Chief

3 years ago

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of course he didn't achieve a lot or anything at all what most others could have done better and that's not the point about him. the biggest problem about him. what sadly makes him so succesful is that he rants about stuff that a lot of people want to hear and/or believe and that makes him so dangerous.
the election shouldn't be a sports event but he kind of turned it into one.
in a perfect world everybody would listen to what each candidate has to say and discuss the pro and cons of the points made.
in a perfect world everybody would wear a mask outside andf follow the anti corvid rule

im our world people know about all the shit trump has done and as long as they themself are not affected by the things he has done will continue to support him, hell even with thousands of corvid cases every day people still go to his rallies to cheer for him and that's what biden is up against.
and that is why imo biden is a really bad opponent for trump. he has noting special to offer and stand for everything clinton stood which is what got trump elected in the first place

3 years ago

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Is he also at fault for example Germany and France going full shutdown because of rampaging covid? How about our government lying about face masks being useless or even harmful in spring when the real reason was that we didn't have enough?

3 years ago

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and that is why imo biden is a really bad opponent for trump. he has noting special to offer and stand for everything clinton stood which is what got trump elected in the first place

I'm not a fan of Biden either. I wasn't a fan of Clinton. But the reason Trump was elected was a large number of people not voting for the lesser evil, and the Russian hacking machine, and other factors but mostly the large number of people who decided that he wasn't worse than Clinton. I think he proved that wasn't possible.

So yes Biden is dangerous for not being Obama I guess. But then Obama didn't do much so I guess image isn't everything.

3 years ago

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Not like any president or even any politician before him has kept even a good portion of their promises. That's how politics work, you lie as much as you can to get elected and then you don't need to care before the next election comes.

3 years ago

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Biden is obviously better than Trump, but come on man, he shouldn't be immune to criticism.

His platforms on income inequality, environment, and healthcare are not sufficient. Yes, they are better than the worst president of all times plans. No, they are not good enough.

The left should not be like the right and slavishly follow anything their party and figurehead decrees.

3 years ago*

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If Pocahontas had dropped out earlier it would have been crazy Bernie, not sleepy joe

3 years ago

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Bump for the interesting thread.

3 years ago

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I am definitely voting in person. Pennsylvania a month or so ago had cases of thrown out ballots and I don't want my vote treated the same way.

3 years ago

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Interesting poll. Are the non-Americans here memeing or seriously agreeing with Trump's policies? In my country you'd never hear anyone say that they would vote for Trump (9% of people would vote for Trump according to a poll. Biden got 79%). And the media is constantly reporting about the stupid things he says. Is this not the case in other countries?

Not starting a war, just curious about the mindset.

3 years ago

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Most mainstream media here seems to be very strongly favoring green/red, which is a problem for YLE because they are funded from taxes and should always stay politically neutral. So they are overexaggerating everything bad Trump does and ignoring all the good completely. So my support is both a counter reaction to that propaganda and amusement because the comedy happens on the other side of a big ocean. I wouldn't mind more years of Twitter Comedy Gold since it really doesn't affect me in any other way.

Our media is also reporting how you started a civil war by importing too many people from wrong countries and they are taking over society who they see just as another clan competing for power but too weak to do it with assault rifles while milking the welfare system dry. And if all this fails they can always burn few hundred cars down.

If only the green/red people could admit their mistakes caused by blind naivety and stop trying to demonize everything and everyone who disagrees with them and they would be so much easier to support. But like we see with your SD they ignore every fact and horrible truth until it's far too late just because the messenger is an "evil nazi". We have our PS which I'd pick even if I disagree with a lot of their religious/conservative ideals, but they are the voice of logic usually vs the voice of feelings and ignorance so the least worst option.

3 years ago*

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Are you sure what happens on the other side of the big ocean doesn't affect you?
The US moving soldiers from Germany to Belgium, Spain and Italy makes the reaction time to any escalation in the east a lot longer (ever seen Belgian roads?)
Am I correct in assuming Finland and Russia are not the best of friends?

Okay, Russia probably won't do to Finland what it did to Ukraine, because of the EU.

What about the Paris Agreement?
With the US pulling out it in November (could be tomorrow) it has already created a domino effect of other countries getting slack with keeping to the rules.

What about arms sales to Saudi Arabia?
F35s to UAE?
Allowing NK to expand their nuclear arsenal?
Turkey claiming parts of the Mediterranean and pissing off Greece because the US created room for Russia to gain influence?

Just because you don't see a direct effect it doesn't mean something might not hit you a few years later.
We have a brand new minister of economics because the previous one lost his job for a problem created by his predecessor...I wonder how long this one will last....

3 years ago

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Yes I am sure. How do you imagine US soldiers are helping a non-NATO country even if Putler decided to bring back the Soviet Union? Also the last time I remember them trying it was the US and UK who allied with Stalin because communism was such a great idea to ruin half of Europe with. And we still managed to beat Soviet ass even with their US and UK supporters.

We're not as much of an enemy to them either even if EU is forcing us to lose a lot by not trading with Russia. We're still among the most neutral countries which is why when Trump and Putin want to meet, they do it here.

Was Paris Agreement the one that gave China unlimited rights to pollute as much as they want? Most climate problems are also caused by overpopulation.

Why wouldn't they sell weapons to their dear puppet friends who suck the country dry of oil while leaving the people dirt poor? It's not like they would stop fighting there if USA stopped selling weapons, they would just be doing with AK-47s instead of AR-15s, MIG-29s instead of F-35s, just like they have been doing for decades. USA arms and trains one side and Russia the other but this has nothing at all to do with Trump, it's just the status quo of every US president owning a ton of weapon and oil shares so they get direct profit from all this.
NK and nuclear arsenal must be a joke of some sort, their biggest threat are their hacker groups.
Turkey is a jihadist, not soviet country. They are only allied in their hate of western democracies but for completely different reasons. I didn't hear about any US troops on Greek islands that they have been fighting over for decades because of oil and gas.

Just because you see potential problems in other countries that really don't concern me in any way it doesn't mean everything affects me personally in some way.

3 years ago*

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Quite the attack on Sweden here! I didn't know Finland was so critical of Sweden, we like you guys :p (Also, a civil war? o_O)

I absolutely think the immigration situation here was handled badly, and the entire political system is a mess because the parties basically are excluding 17% of the voters by ignoring SD. I would never vote for them though, because I don't think they would make Sweden a better country.

3 years ago

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I'm not the one doing that attack tho, just saying facts like

Civil war is of course an exaggeration, but it might not be for long unless those problems are actually handled and it already kind of is in certain ghetto areas. And our politics are usually about 10 years late following your changes and repeating all the same mistakes, so it would happen here too unless something is done.

Of course Finland is critical of Sweden, just like every Nordic country is of their neighbors. But it's always in a friendly manner like teasing your sibling. There is nothing wrong with it since Nordics are at the top of every freedom/happiness/education/etc chart so if we want to bully someone, it needs to be someone equal. Perfect example was 7.5.1995 when Sergels torg was filled with Finns singing Den glider in and bars were forced to ban Finns because the Swedes wanted to just drown their sorrow in peace.

3 years ago*

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During a lockdown here there were anti-lockdown and anti-globalisation protests, about 50 people showed up, some waving American flags...quite strange for anti-globalists...
A lot is to blame on misinformation through social media I'm afraid.
Cambridge Analytica was just the tip of the iceberg, there are so many actors out there trying to sway public opinion and microtargeting specific demographics.

Funnily enough my Facebook recently started showing me "Suggested Post"s about the city of Manchester, and punk bands.
No matter how often I pick the option to hide these suggestions they keep reappearing...
I have never been to Manchester, I don't listen to punk.
I did play a song on Youtube by the band Manchester Orchestra, who are not punk, I was not logged in to Facebook or Youtube at the time.
Yet here I am, hiding 8 suggested posts a day :/

3 years ago

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Its the same thing about nobody is voting for SD and still they have about 17% of the votes or more. Nobody wants to go againts those that shout the loudest and risk loosing their jobs or friends, so they keep it private.

3 years ago

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I've found that the SD symphatizers here are pretty vocal about it, but it might depend on where you live/who you hang with or maybe it's a vocal minority. I just think 9% Trump voters in Sweden (according to Novus) vs 41% of the non-Americans here in this poll is quite the difference. I think according to the Novus poll there were more SD voters who would vote for Biden than Trump, but of course they were the least opposed to him out of the parties.

3 years ago

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The media reporting stupid things Trump does is heavily biased because they do not report great things he does (like his anti-human trafficking legislatives, the bill to fight child sexual abuse, criminal justice system reform, made animal cruelty a federal felony, signed a law ending gag orders on pharmacies etc), it's like the BLM / Racism storming the world right now. Media control the narrative so it may seem Police is like KKK was in 1920s but no, they really ain't. They do need better training, sure, but there's no constitutional racism and sport / movie industries are the very proof of it. Or politics for this matter.

All in all yes, he DOES that stupid shit on twitter (among others) but he's also doing a bit of good and I do believe media should give him credit where it's due.

3 years ago

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Signing things into law and originating laws is different.
And I'm sorry for animals but I can hardly care when he and his administration stop practicing human cruelty and separating families and putting kids in "detention centers" that would make prisons look good.

3 years ago

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The "human cruelty" at ICE was practiced for years even during Obama's presidency (unsure whether it was also practiced during Clinton and Bush's but wouldn't suprise me if yes) so it's meaningless to put current administrative at fault for that.

And I know this will directly contradict with your beliefs but this should've been done in Europe in 2014-5 as well. Illegal imigration is a huge problem and when people do not respect the sovereignty of your borders and violate federal laws, you lose all the rights to be treated like a guest.

3 years ago

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Come on. Are you actually standing there and telling me that there hasn't been a huge shift of policy when it comes to the treatment of illegal immigrants under the current administration? Please. I know people who live in border towns and I've talked to people who work in those "detention centers" that are now overcrowded, where people wait for years without due process, without the bare minimum human decency and all because they didn't fill the proper form when they were trying to leave Hell?

By the way, I also know quite a few of those "illegal immigrants" who haven't been jailed yet and they are law abiding tax-paying members of the society.
Now you have a problem with people not filling forms? Fine. Take them back to the border and adios. Why keep them there in prisons for years, separated from each other though?

Illegal imigration is a huge problem

A huge political problem. Because it makes people scared and scared people vote to the extreme of the right parties.

when people do not respect the sovereignty of your borders and violate federal laws, you lose all the rights to be treated like a guest.

There are quite a few degrees between treating people like guests and treating them like you wouldn't treat your dog.

3 years ago

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I am standing here and telling you that I personally care more about animals protection than illegal immigrants. People running away from their countries because they are hell - we can debate whether EU is reponsible for the shitshow US started in Northern Africa but the outcome is milions of people from both middle east and africa were poured into European continent. Assimilation of these people and certain aspects of cultural differences proved to be a challenge. I am all for immigration but just like any western country, this immigration needs to be controlled and beneficial for the country taking you into refuge, not the other way around as it's turned out to be.

'right' wing politicians politiced this because they disagree with this, pointing out imperfections, reality of law violation here and undeniable impact on citizens of their countries who were already in need of help. 'left' wing politicians (or liberal as this might be more accurate) are defending this in spite of human rights and empathy.

If it would be so easy to take these people from cages (or in Europe - detention camps), put them on the border line and tell them adios, they would do it. But the fact is, these people immediately turn back behind the first corner and try it again. This whack-a-mole game cannot be won. If you have a leaking sink, the solution is to plug the leakage, not pouring out the water (or ignore the leak and get flooded).

The world should look into these countries and work on solution as to why people run away, not ignore the cause of it.

And to finalize this - is Trump offering a solution? No, he does not. Would Biden / Harris offer the solution to illegal immigration from latin america? Neither do they. The only difference between these two candidates is Trump's administrative is more thorough when it comes to putting a 'halt' sign at the border.

3 years ago

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I think he's become a symbol of "anti-PC" politics. Basically he's the last gasp of the white patriarchy.
He is pissing off the lefties so people who don't like change adore him.
All these gays on tv? SJWs on the internet? Female protagonists in my favorite dude game franchise? Trump is your guy.

Of course what they fail to realize is that the longer this narcissistic excuse for a president stays in power, the more the arts and the media will be inclusive and stand for everything he stands against, in reaction.

3 years ago

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This is awkward, did Biden just have a stroke on tv or is he speaking some term I never heard of?

3 years ago

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I'm guessing the latter. what term?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Are you five years old

3 years ago

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Thanks for watching.

3 years ago

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If anyone had a stroke, it's me, from spending time on ""

3 years ago

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So I take it's almost on stroke level of Twitter, Reddit and Facebook?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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It don't matter who you vote for, your government is never gonna be good. Politics suck.

3 years ago

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I agree with the previous post. All politicians seem to be corrupt and will screw the country at all cost

3 years ago

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I am not from the US and I am waiting for Armageddon.

3 years ago

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I bet for Trump and Harris... (Two different bets, later one for odds, never know what they try...)

3 years ago

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Well, time for some brutal honesty I guess.

Dems, I'm sorry. Biden is awful. Hillary was pretty damn bad, but Biden manages to outdo her in many regards. Such a shame, this was an opportunity to fundamentally redress some of the long-standing problems in the US, and Biden is, at the very best, a half-measure. In his defence, there are clearly so many in the US who are so crushingly petrified at the concept of change that even suggesting the tiniest hint of progress brings on palpitations, so perhaps there is some wisdom in taking baby steps.

That said, Trump is without doubt one of the most contemptible, pathetic, repugnant individuals ever to disprove the notion of inherent human worth with every ounce of his fetid, abominable existence. I cannot begin to imagine any other person - hell, any other lifeform who could be less appropriate or more incapable to be premier of the most powerful nation on Earth. Dear lord, seriously now, what the hell, guys? Really? Damn. DAMN.

3 years ago

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Most powerful nation? I thought you were talking about Trump and not Xi Jinping?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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You mean Putin or Putin's puppet?

3 years ago

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I mean, its not my business, who will be the new POTUS. So its just a lite trolling.

3 years ago

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Heh lite trolling, I like that. It's everybody's business unfortunately.
Nice avatar btw ;)

3 years ago

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For Russia nothing has changed since George W. Bush. So whatever.
Thanks! Yours too.

3 years ago

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I am originally from Czech Republic, we are seen as a conservative country throughout EU, and I do dare to say majority would support Trump and his administrative.

Here in New Zealand though, i'd say majority would definitely vote Biden / Harris.

Personally, I do not like any of these two major candidates - I didn't like them 4 years ago either. It's shocking that huge country US are comes up with these two as their best candidates. If I could choose any of the runner ups I'd go for Tulsi Gabbard.

But out of these two, I'd go for Trump. If I am to choose between an idiot who loves his country vs a hypocrite who was in politics almost all his life then I'd be patriotic. If I'd have to choose between law and order vs social justice warriors attacking citizens and burning down businesses then I'd go with boys and girls in blue.

If democratic politicians wouldn't be blinded with hatred and instead worked on a common sense goals, they would sweep the election. Criticize Trump for his character, for his numerous failures. Do not try to defend rioters and political activist who are turning US into a warzone because that's not going to win anyone's vote.

3 years ago

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Also not attacking the voters, because they are white, male or straight or just vote for opposition. Would be a smart and logical move in my mind. But hey what do I know...

To me it all looks so simple, find some respectable, well speaking person to tell lies and then keep doing same thing you have done for decades. Murder innocent people around world, start wars and conflicts, not really change anything. Worked so well with Obama, but somehow now there has just been horrible persons left. Two career politicians... And current one is clearly at moments senile, plus has video evidence of touching young girls on camera... Just makes one wonder...

3 years ago

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Absolutely, as I said, they must play a roulette at DMC and after 47 years or how many Joe finally won... but he's been so compromised that he just shouldn't win. And yes, also because he's clearing senile.

3 years ago

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and I do dare to say majority would support Trump and his administrative

That's acttually not correct.

View attached image.
3 years ago

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If I am to choose between some random biased poll and actual opinions of people across Czech News servers I'll go with the gut

3 years ago

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You have not shown any poll. From your post I could only assume it was your gut feeling rather than actual numbers you were talking about. And why should I believe that poll (not a nonpartisan research center) is any more biased than a Czech News poll? I hope you don't just call any poll biased that doesn't line up with your opinion. I can at least add that my personal experience in Germany prettty much lines up with the poll. I have yet to find a trump supporter here. The people I know that supported him 4 years ago all changed their minds.

3 years ago

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I have not shown any poll to you because there is no official poll made in Czech Republic. There is no need to have nation-wide polls about american elections, it does not involve us. As I told you earlier, I do follow czech news portals - there's approx. 6 big sites (,,,, & and a number of smaller and more or less biased servers which I do not include here. Majority of these server news allow people, their readers, express their opinions freely. Some portals require registration and name / address verification, some do not. I read those discussions because that reflects what people think. And I see that people across these discussions express their support to DJT. It's simple as that and honestly, I trust what I see on my own eyes better than some american think thank's poll from 2019.

And I also believe you when you say Germany might be vastly supportive of Biden. Germany, as the country that destroyed the Europe I grew up in, is expected to continue in their support of globalist / left-leaning politics Biden / Harris represent.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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So you choose to ignore scientific data (even if flawed, it's still better than nothing and shows a clear tendency) in favor of a few discussion posts? How many of those posts have you seen? Maybe a few hundred? How is that representative at all? I'd rather believe some actual numbers instead of the impression I got from a few user posts.

3 years ago

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All I am saying is the poll is distorting when it comes to my original statement that majority (without any specific number behind it, so could be 51% for all I know) would support re-election of Trump over Biden. As people pointed out earlier, the poll does not answer that question. DO people think that Trump will do a right decision regarding world affairs? Of course not, his motto is 'America first' (and screw the rest) so he imposed a number of taxes on importing countries, he's forcing other's to live up to their word when it comes to agreed military upkeep at NATO, he likes to comment or put his 2 cents into foreign countries issue etc.. that's nothing that will gain him popular votes from the likes of Merkel, Macron, Xi Jinping and anyone with globalist agenda on their program.

On the other hand his foreign policy does have some achievmeents - de-escalation of tension Korean peninsula? Ok, it was historic meeting and despite not leading to anything great and N. Korea re-instating some testing, it put them on the side for a while. Historic treaties between (some) arabic countries and Israel? Cool. Withdrawing soldiers from Afghanistan? That's been discussed for a very long time.. he is having some achievements that elevate the impact of his other blunders. People of Germany do not recognise them? People in CZ do.

And in spite of current George Floyd / BLM / Antifa events, this is only gaining Trump popular votes because the response from Democratic candidate(s) wasn't strong enough.

3 years ago

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Makes me wonder TF did Trump do in Kenya that makes them love him?

3 years ago

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This is a poll about "confidence in U.S. President Donald Trump [...] regarding world affairs". That's quite the specific poll and shouldn't be mixed up with a general question like 'would you prefer Trump or Biden as the next POTUS'. And what else to expect as the result of such a poll if one of Trumps slogans was "America First" and considering that, why would he care about being more liked in other countries? Naturally that's what the result of this poll is.
But looking at it from a different angle - I cannot remember one US President in all the decades of my lifetime who did not start a war during their tenure besides Trump. And for whatever it's worth: He was the one starting actual talks with North Korea again; or look at the historic peace plan in the Middle East recently.
Anyways, what I'm saying is that this poll doesn't refute at all that people would (or wouldn't) prefer Trump over Biden. It's just a poll that is often used trying to make the point that Trump wouldn't be liked in the rest of the world - although this statement isn't related to what that poll/graphic is actually showing.

3 years ago*

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This is a poll about "confidence in U.S. President Donald Trump regarding world affairs".

THANK YOU! I desperately wanted to point this out ever since this picture was posted but I promised myself to stay out of this shitshow and let the people in the states take care of their own affairs.

3 years ago

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Afterall Americans love nothing more that being told what they should or shouldn't think by the rest of the world, specially us Europeans πŸ˜…

3 years ago

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If you assume that this is a "natural result" (meaning people only care about world affairs because they are potentially affected by those and answer the poll accordingly), then why do you not also assume that that result naturally aligns with which POTUS those people would prefer (just apply the same logic here)? I don't see how a specific poll about which one they'd prefer would get a drastically different result. If you have a in your opinion more fitting poll at hand, please feel free to share it.

3 years ago

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Why does one not make assumptions about the world's generally preferred POTUS based on this poll? Because polls are created to get answers to specific questions from a defined cross section of the population. They are asked a set of different specific questions and as a result you get specific answers to only those said questions.
By design you cannot make assumptions on what the results for other specific questions would be. If you could then that would nullify the relevance of polls in the first place and take any credibility of the study made.

Using an answer to a specific question to conclude what answers to a completely different question would be is similarly frowned upon than using biased polling.
For example in case of "Who do you like more - Trump or Biden" in all likelihood you'd get completely opposing results when polling only residents of Wyoming and Oklahoma or Hawaii and California and depending on which result would suit your theory best you'd choose either group. Naturally such a biased poll wouldn't be acceptable to show the countrie's general opinion.

So while you may not be able to see (drastically) different results, your conclusion is based on your personal experience and not on actual scientifically comprehensible statistics/polls which are based on a clearly outlined polling methodology. It would therefore be anecdotal evidence; which is not actual evidence.

No, I don't have a poll at hand. I don't even know of any that would answer that question and I'm not trying to prove you right or wrong with your statement in the first place. I'm just saying that this often mentioned poll is completely unrelated to the statement that you made; no matter how often it has been used by others in the same context. You cannot make apple pie with pears.

3 years ago*

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If I am to choose between an idiot who loves his country an opportunistic con man who pretends to love his country in order to gain power and money vs a hypocrite who was in politics almost all his life then I'd be patriotic


3 years ago

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matter of opinion Nick

3 years ago

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Serious question -- what in the world makes you think Donald Trump "loves his country?"

3 years ago

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Well, he talks about it a lot. Waving the flag to make poor uneducated people vote for you is the same thing as loving your country, right?
Talk about peaky blinders.

3 years ago

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Waving Groping the flag


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3 years ago

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And I thought I couldn't see another picture of Trump that was more disturbing and yet....

3 years ago

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It's a great example of the many little things he does that should hurt him, but actually turn out to be strangely popular and so he does them more. It's an especially weird thing to do for someone with so many allegations made against them... πŸ€”

3 years ago

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During his 2016 campaign, he became convinced that his followers would follow him straight to hell if he led them there, even if he said that's where he was leading them. I think his pathological narcissism actually pushes him to test that theory every day. Like a little kid who's trying to find out how far he can go without getting punished.
I really wonder how many social disorders and pathologies he has

3 years ago

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Indeed, remember this from Jan 2016?

You know what else they say about my people? The polls, they say I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s like incredible

I guess psychology courses in the future will have a whole semester devoted to him or something...

3 years ago

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i am from the US and i vote Daffy Duck.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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That's the wrong duck, everyone here knows to vote for Donald.

3 years ago

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Even if Biden doesn't do anything for 4 years he's still 100 times better than this orange buffoon from the white house. All he does is undermine democracy all around the world and give more power to Russia and China

3 years ago

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More power like nobody trading with Russia to the point that their economy is on the verge of collapse or like causing Huawei to crash globally?

3 years ago

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I thought undermining democracy was Obama-Biden thing? With murdering innocent people and touching young girls on camera...

3 years ago

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What the hell did you smoke?

3 years ago

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like literally open ANY news channel (that is not CNN) and you'll hear of a thing called "hunter"

3 years ago

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Who cares? Hunter or Biden doesn't openly threat they won't back down even if they lose the vote, which is something a dictator would say. They didn't let 220k americans die of covid. They don't have dozens of rape claims like Trump has and list goes on

3 years ago

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You really think that whoever would hold the office would be able to prevent covid? And if any of those 'rape' allegations turned out true, he'd already be gone. Empty accusations all of it, wake up dude

3 years ago

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You really think that whoever would hold the office would be able to prevent covid?

Not prevent it completely, but Trump officially stating that Covid is a democratic hoax made it a partisan issue. He also repeatedly stated that it wasn't a big deal, that it would magically go away. That it is just like "the sniffles". Many people didn't take it seriously because of him. So they didn't take the measures they were supposed to take, which lead to so many more cases in America than in many other countries. All that while Trump was very aware of the threat while publicly claiming otherwise. So yeah, better leadership could have prevented a lot of the cases.

And if any of those 'rape' allegations turned out true, he'd already be gone. Empty accusations all of it, wake up dude

So all allegations against Trump are automatically fake, while on the other hand you accuse Biden of "touching young girls", which was on camera and honestly harmless. I guess then it also doesn't matter that Trump did definitely cheat on his wife and had a lot of contact with a known pedophile. Touching a girl's arm is definitely worse...

3 years ago

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I agree that Trump's handling of Covid is his weakness. On the other hand the way Cuomo or Newsom handled it was disastrous too. I believe US would be hitted hard no matter who's in charge, you see people both left and right flaunting it, refusing to accept protective measures and just overall being .. stubborn? Trump not helping, I agree with that.

As for your second paragraph, I did not bring this thing up. I said Trump is not rapist, as for Biden, I think his son is compromised and frankly, Joe might be as well, but not because of pedophilia. Trump probably did fuck Stormy Daniels but that's 2006 and it's in no way compromising him as a POTUS. It shows his character flaw but we all know he's a chump anyways.

3 years ago

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Well, Hillary Clinton did say "Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances” in an interview not that long ago.
Trump was asked about a 'peaceful transfer of power' which is what I believe you're referring to, with his answer basically being that he can't answer until its determined that the Election results weren't tampered with. Democrats were pushing the idea of election meddling really hard just a few years ago, though they blamed it on the Russians, Trump is just doing the same.

About the virus; Trump didn't 'let them die', he just failed to save them, there's a big difference. The only way that the former would have been true is if he was withholding the cure (do you believe that he is?).

3 years ago*

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basically being that he can't answer until its determined that the Election results weren't tampered with. Democrats were pushing the idea of election meddling really hard just a few years ago, though they blamed it on the Russians, Trump is just doing the same

The difference is that Russia did interfere with the US election in 2016 (they appear to routinely meddle in the elections and referendums in other countries pretty frequently as well), even a Republican led Senate inquiry came to that conclusion.

Whereas what Trump's doing is creating a narrative that postal vosting can't be trusted. So because Democratic voters are more likely to vote by mail than Republicans, if he can delegitimise the postal ballots he can claim victory based on just the in-person (mainly Republican) votes.

3 years ago

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Afaik Trump has spent a significant portion of his time in office reducing Chinas influence over American production and schools (sanctions, closing of one of their consulate offices, sending ships to the South China sea to stop their gradual invasion of other countries lands, etc.). India on the other hand you could definitely make that case for, as many businesses have been moving their production there in response to both the US governments sanctions against China, as well as all the shit surrounding Covid.

3 years ago

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America isn't a democracy, its a Constitutional Republic .

3 years ago

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Don't forget Federal. Which makes the usual complaining about popular vote entirely meaningless...

3 years ago

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How can you vote the second man in command of Obama the "do nothing" president?. I dont get it. Your economy was better than ever before the covid.

3 years ago

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From the US, lean independent overall, voted Jorgensen/Cohen.

Tulsi Gabbard was/still is my #1 choice. No write-ins allowed here though.

Need a party option, stat, that is not Democrat or Republican.

3 years ago

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Just wanted to say; Thank you for being one of the few willing to vote independent. The USA needs more people to stop voting for whoever they deem 'the lesser evil' among the two biggest parties, and start actually paying attention to policies to decide who among ALL the candidates best deserve their vote.

3 years ago*

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Hear hear. People need to wake up.

I did the so-called 'lesser evil' vote in 2016. No more.

I really hope that the Movement For A People's Party gains some traction, they've been laying the groundwork to be ready for 2024 and beyond.

3 years ago

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Mine too but people who appear to act with actual integrity don't last long in this game. Gabbard (and Andrew Yang) were ignored, vilified and muscled out of the running early on by cable news, the DNC and Hillary. That's why we ended up scraping the bottom of the barrel with Biden - none of the media darlings (Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Warren, Harris et al) came through with any substantial support, leaving the DNC cowering in terror at the prospect of Sanders actually taking the nomination and scrambling to prevent it. Any one who followed the primaries understands what happened.
Seems like we get the 'leaders' that we deserve - almost every one of them, Dem or Rep, (a few notable exceptions) are sock puppets for Wall Street, Silcon Valley, Pharma, Energy etc.

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3 years ago

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Indeed, it's a shame what happened to Sanders, and Gabbard, and Yang. Marianne Williamson seemed like a decent person too.

We are in for some terrifying times ahead.

I fear for the influence that the DNC, mainstream media, Big Tech, Military Industrial Complex, etc. will bring. Propaganda, censorship, prospect of future wars.


3 years ago

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I hear you. The US election process need a major overall and it needs it yesterday.
However neither of the major party candidates will ever do anything about that, nor the third party candidates who will never ever see the inside of the Oval office so basically voting a third party in a swing state is voting for Trump.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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Oh... there are other candidates beside Trump and Biden oO

3 years ago

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We have this kind of topic, and after we have "why am I blacklisted" kind of topic.

3 years ago

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Or.... is it the other way around??
Breaking News: Giveaway Website Influences 2020 US Election

3 years ago

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Interesting, our media tells me that racial problems got worse in the 90s because of Clinton democrats wanting to get more middle class white voters. They for example made the criminal law much harsher and funded more prisons just to get more black people in them as slave labor for private corporations while stopping all plans to solve segregation problems. That law is apparently among the most hated within civil rights activists. Biden was one of the writers of that law in 1994 and a well established Clinton democrat. While Obama made the segregation issue bit better again and Trump worse, Queen Nuchie from Minneapolis says she could never vote for Biden because of all that.

So it was Biden who was at fault for deaths of George Floyd&co and Trump who was at fault for making the riots worse. Yet Trump is the source of all evil in most medias, go figure.

3 years ago

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On other news, swing states aren't as democrat as they wanted everyone to believe, Good thing for them that the mail votes are a scam.

3 years ago

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Watching my Democrat senator call for more censorship from big tech made me very proud to have voted for Republicans this time around. Democrats have lost their way and I'm not following them into the jungle.

3 years ago

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From italy i really really want Trump win electiuons firstly because he did a pretty good job with economy and fighting illegal clandestine immigration, secondly for all italians a d US (NYT You Hear me?) liers of the media(which are in Dem's hands ,as well as Judiciary )that bash trump in every possible way lieing..and those leftish call the right wind people reality the only fascists are Dem that won't accept others ideas and vision.Go Go Trump! destroy the old fart dummt Biden

3 years ago

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I think you need to learn more about American politics and not from twitter. There is no left in the US
Can you explain in a couple of sentences what Trump did that was "a good job with economy"? Millions of people about to lose their homes are curious.
Also, being from Italy, what do you care about poor latinos in cages at the US border? Also curious.

3 years ago

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i had to remove a steam friend of five years last week who was also from Italy because he tried to get me to vote for Trump. there are apparently a couple doctors in that country who are pushing the "COVID is a hoax" thing really hard and who are in turn saying that Trump is the only politician who isn't participating in the "circus." the perspective is (apparently) that all of this pandemic has been put in place to hurry up digital currency so that They can track you like animals.

every time i argued that a vote for Trump is a vote for fascism i was brushed aside or outright ignored. human rights violations do not matter, it's all about The Coronavirus Hoax.

anyway, just putting my own recently acquired anecdote out there to support that something really weird is going on with the disinfo in Italy in particular.

3 years ago

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Guess the Berlusconi voters are looking for a new narcissistic corrupt racist billionaire to show them the way?

I was thinking yesterday, reading some QAnon BS on my twitter feed... the internet really has done wonderful things for the mentally ill. They have their online club now.

3 years ago

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Berlusconi's personal doctor was one of the two doctors who are pushing the hoax narrative, so you got it in one ahahahha.

and yep you're right, the internet is great for people stuck in situations where they'd otherwise have no support to be their true selves-- LGBT+, etc-- but it also works in reverse.the conspiracy theorists can feed off of one another until they combine into one horrible ratking and just roll on through the world screaming and victimizing everyone in their path.

3 years ago

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there is no left...,ok conservator and progressist..(what progress is only trheir bank's account TW) therer u are...this is excactly whart i mean when i say Leftiosh-progressit are the real are so full of you that is don't respect other's idea and use all method to impose your will...using pseudo Media like NYT or CBS where you have placed all your fanatic to bash and lies about counterpart. Hope Americans think very well before choose someone that wills top fighting vs real enemy. China and Islamic fundamentalist. Regards and sorry for my poor english

3 years ago

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you don't respect other's idea and use all method to impose your will...using pseudo Media like NYT or CBS where you have placed all your fanatic to bash and lies about counterpart.

lol man, I am not a Democrat, let alone in power to place anyone anywhere. Now please give me two "lies" that the NYT has said about Trump that have proven to be untrue. I'm waiting.

3 years ago

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I want to say in a very tongue-in-cheek manner that: Trump did absolutely nothing for the economy besides removing all those job destroying regulations, and still, people decided he was the best pick for the economy in 2020.

Obama did nothing wrong with bringing in all those cages to lock up so many illegal children.

3 years ago

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tell this lie to all the people that got a job and a paycheck increase during his mandate before China release heir Virus to destroy others economies.u simply can't transfigure real date , mate.

3 years ago

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I just wanted to piss him off since he brought up the cages. I still never got that paycheck increase.

3 years ago

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thanks to your Good man Obama in italy we have much more problems with illegal immigration than you, Obama killed Gheddafi to help his islamic friends and left Libia in a Big mess. we are paying the "good" presidet decision to kil Gheddafi, not you. so i don't give a shit about clandestine.rules must be respected.
P.s. ahh almost forgotting, now you can BL me, if you didn't already

3 years ago*

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Dude, Obama has no "Islamic friends", that's already a big pile of twitter propaganda, right there.
You can blame the CIA for the mess in Libya and that won't change under any president that can be elected.

And again, Trump was "in power" for 4 years. What has he done for you? What has he done to solve the problems in Libya? What has he done that's helped with your refugee problem? Nothing. 4 more years of nothing is going to help you how?

I wish people everywhere would understand that voting is not a tool to spite the side you blame for one problem. Voting is a tool for change and for the future, not to score points about the past.

I have no intention of blacklisting you for having opinions I disagree with. That's not how I do things on SG.
The only reason I blacklist people is not having the basic decency to say thanks when they win and having an appalling ratio but don't worry, I don't care enough to blacklist you.

3 years ago

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i don't even spend anyu more time speaking to a dem think all the bad things in the world are trump fault, and forget Obama is the only who must clik he military Buttonfor action like killling pls stop with thisnonsense, you forgot Obamsa loved "Islamic spring that proven to be a bunch of fanatics? c'mon..anyway, vote what u want , i hope Dem wont win.cheers

3 years ago*

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i don't even spend anyu more time speaking to a dem think all the bad things in the world are trump fault

I'm not a Democrat. I never said Trump is responsible for all "bad things in the world" and you are still spending time talking to me obviously so it must be important to you.

you forgot Obamsa loved "Islamic spring that proven to be a bunch of fanatics

Heh. Hm... it's actually Arab Spring. Islam is a religion. Arab is an ethnic group.
Arab Spring was a spontaneous uprising that had nothing to do with Islam. Several countries ended up getting better, fairer stable regimes in its wake. Other countries fell into societal disarray, or saw the movement co-opted by radicals, because power vacuum tends to leave the field open for any organized group and the US and other countries should have given a hand in making sure the outcome was not going to be Islamist regimes but of course, there was no oil to get so who cares?

I don't have time to properly educate you in things you feel like commenting about but look them up sometimes. On actual sources, not wikipedia or or whatever is your source of information because you don't know what you're talking about and people doing commentary should at least know a little of what they are commenting.

So anyway, I hope you have a nice life, although chances are it's going to be miserable because that's how you like things.

3 years ago

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CAIR practically made the White House their second home.

3 years ago

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I can't believe it, but I was genuinely excited to watch the US presidential debates this year. This shit is sooo much different from EU politics and it's such a train-wreck that I always have a blast watching it. If it wasn't for covid, I'd probably organize debate watch-parties with friends and make up some drinking games, it really is that ridiculous.

All jokes aside though, if you're American I don’t envy you having to make the decision between those 2 individuals.

On the side note, can someone explain to me why electoral college is even a thing?

3 years ago

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Its so that major population centers don't dominate the vote. If the system was a direct democracy then New York and California would control the election. With the Electoral College the smaller states have a say.

Trump won in 2016 because he didn't ignore the "fly over" states like Hillary did. They may be small compared to the likes of California, but they are still part of the Federation.

3 years ago

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USA is a Federation. Meaning that states have the power, not the citizens in direct. And to balance the power between these each of them have minimal threshold of representation. And the more populous ones proportionally less.. With that goal and history of this system coming from near Middle Ages... Electoral college makes sense.

What doesn't make sense is the perverse love for winner takes all... Instead of more proportional systems. Where votes would actually be meaningful and third parties might raise up...

3 years ago

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On the side note, can someone explain to me why electoral college is even a thing?

Basically some of the founding fathers were worried that a direct suffrage would lead to demagogues manipulating public opinion to win elections (funny right?) while they all agree that there needed to be a democratic election by the people. Some wanted Congress to elect the president. Others were worried it would lead to political entrenchment (funny again, right?)
So they compromised and settled on a system that was, according to them, and at the time, a fair election process, giving smaller states a voice, and giving the final vote to a group of people who would be "empowered to debate and to assess the people's choice in the face of the requirements of the station", meaning they were hoping that the electoral college would not always go with the democratic vote if they felt there had been a manipulation somehow (now that's downright hilarious)

So basically as is often the case, a compromise and a good idea for "checks and balances" turned into a free for all that has worse consequences than the system it was supposed to prevent, and some predominantly white voters in smaller states have a much larger say in the election than predominantly minority voters in big cities in bigger states.

3 years ago

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Non US Biden. I'm pretty much a single issue voter on climate change at this point. Although I doubt Biden and his neoliberal pals will enact any major legislation like the green new deal, at least he won't actively make it worse Like Trump and the Republicans.
All other issues are small potatoes when it comes to mass depopulation/ ecological collapse.

3 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by terrificterry54.