6 years ago

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Do you think we are gonna lose Net Neutrality?

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Hell no.

Sadly the only part where the Trump administration was somewhat effective was about dismantling regulations in favor of lobbying business. And his supporters keep blindly applauding him, no matter how detrimental it is to their own interests.
With net neutrality it is slightly different and more are aware of the risks. Yet I don't expect net neutrality to prevail in the US.

The good part for Europeans: When Trump embraces something, the EU will be even less be inclined to do the same. So we should be safer than we were anyway.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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why so dramatic though? there is no reason to worry of my fellow white people, just sit comfortably and enjoy the rise of new monopolistic systems. it is all in your interest, they will ease the burden of your everyday modern life. you will not have to worry about anything, corporatocratism will take good care of you!

*rub hands

6 years ago

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on a serious note, pretty much yes, and nope, all the petitions im seeing around won't prevent or limit this turbocapitalist corporatocratistic process, nor won't a different chief of a different party in power (if you think so, you are a fool). and you can be sure as death that if burgerland goes by, sooner or later given enough time the whole west will adapt (EU current regulations and the competition in this market sector are a good insurance... for now). perhaps by bait and switch and twisting the whole matter at the eyes of the public opinion at the point that it will be the masses asking for it... still, nothing you can do about it. so put on your aviator glasses and sit confortably, enjoy the slow and unrelenting decay of the west. this is yet not as bad as it will be in the future.

6 years ago

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possibly. american government has a track record of destroying things for the purpose of obtaining money/control/power

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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Yes, it is unfortunately as good as gone. If something can make the rich even richer (govt, company, or individual) & make the average person (sorry, peon/pleb) pay even more for anything they were getting before? You bet they will choose that course of action. What are you going to do, protest? Rise up against it in some form or fashion? Oh, wait, you are too busy working 50+ hours a week trying to provide for your family & not end up living under a bridge in a cardboard box. Get ready to pay a lot more for a lot slower service. There is always the option of ‘Nobody’s got to use the Internet’ (I know, not a quote for this specific issue, but applicable).

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Seems the lobbies won't ever stop and greedy politicians will be greedy.

And of COURSE we can all trust them to not do what they say they won't, and the extra influx of investment will directly benefit the consumer. (That should be enough shit to have made all your houseplants grow a few feet in a day)

Probably the only thing Obama had right. sigh

6 years ago

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It will be a good thing and the sky won't fall.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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The last administration was open season for corporations and banksters as well.

6 years ago

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I think it will be overturned and I don't think it will be the end of the world as we know it. I also think that people are fearmongering that consumers will have to pay more and all this lootbox nonsense.

What will happen is the ISPs will be charging the different content providers like netflix, since they are basically freeloading on the infrastructure that the ISPs have built and maintained and if they get more money then maybe they can end up creating more infrastructure so some people can actually get better, faster internet.

edit: the only thing that people would see an increase in pricing would be for like those content providers or certain websites that are being charged extra to be either accessed by that ISP, or in the fastlane. Like maybe netflix would be 15 a month instead of 10, but that is no loss for me since I never had netflix and won't have it any time soon.

6 years ago*

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But you have steam. You download a lot too. It will reach everyone.

6 years ago

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Well, just look at Comcast's TV service. Basic service is X, but doesn't include HD. You may get HD channels, but Comcast won't display them in HD unless you pay an additional $10 a month. Never mind all the other additional fees they charge for better TV service, or how their pricing strategy is such that I'm paying for a cable box that's gathering dust in a closet because it's cheaper than buying internet service by itself. So forgive me if I don't trust them not to charge me more for my internet service, particularly as the size of games is steadily increasing (Doom - 60+ GB, Nioh - 70+ GB).

I mean, I could technically switch internet service providers - oh, but I really can't, because I have no other fast internet providers. It's Comcast or super slow DLS with a 20GB monthly data cap.

And that's ignoring the issue where a new Neflix/Youtube competitor may never be able to compete because they can't pay for fast service the way Neflix/Youtube can.

6 years ago

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First big film company getting permission now in the netherlands, to get details from isp providers to go after downloaders of their movies and shows, while before it was illegal but noone was actually going after them.

6 years ago

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Good Lord.... People are so misinformed about this entire topic. Then again, considering the amount of misinformation shoved down our throats on a daily basis, you'd have to be abnormally well-informed and cynical to avoid being so.

"Verily, the reminder benefits the Believers."

6 years ago

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Rarely the people manage to overpower the men of steel who rule over us. But we can hope and try our best to fight for our freedom.

6 years ago

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Fuck Ajit Pai, the biggest asshole and corporate shill.

6 years ago

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You 'muricans? Yes. You have no consumer power or consumer rights anymore.

6 years ago

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Enjoy the equivalent of EA as your internet provider.

Sad that this trend will eventually reach my country.

Stay strong my friends.

6 years ago

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My dear Americans, if you want to watch a movie today, you should buy our awesome Movie dlc.
P.S. This dlc doesn't include any movies after 2000.
Or you just can avoid buying it and watch this movie online with a speed of 125 kbps. It's your call. xD

6 years ago

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125 kbps! That's too fast! The slow lane requires a 28.8 kbps dial up modem. But only cost a dollar, and you can use your favorite search engine Yahoo for free.

6 years ago

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Gonna post this here as we still do have a chance - https://twitter.com/Celeste_pewter/status/941370676467744768

6 years ago

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They said porn would be denied to everyone but I still have access to it. -meme
A bomb threat was made to stop it and yet, porn is still available on the internet.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Don't even bother. cowbell is convinced that it's all milk and honey now.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Correct. Just like it was in 2014.

6 years ago

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Funny that you bring up 2014, the same year Verizon first tried this shit. Y'know, back when Ajit was still working for them.

6 years ago

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Verizon was right.

6 years ago

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shills gonna shill

6 years ago

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Fearmongers gotta fear.

6 years ago

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Fearmongers gotta fear.

Based on actual evidence and previous behavior of the exact same companies in question.

Your suggestion is literally just to hope on a wing and a prayer that they do the right thing and act against their previous instincts.

6 years ago

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All they did was try to get government off their backs.

6 years ago

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In order to get into our wallets.

6 years ago

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Is that the best you have?

6 years ago

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Dude, you have been a consistent troll especially in these NN threads. If you think I'm going to have a serious discussion with you now, you're daft.

We have already hashed this out several times, in several threads. You know my stance, and I know yours.

Though, I'm sure this won't prevent you from replying with another baseless, baiting one-liner.

6 years ago

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Don't even bother with him. He is about as ignorant as they come.

6 years ago

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You call me a troll and your response was they want our money. Get over yourself.

6 years ago

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They voted to present it to Congress. The vote passed, so now it goes to Congress. It's up to them to say YAY or NAY. They've said NAY to it twice in the past. I don't think that's gonna change, especially since Congress just proposed a bill to block the elimination of Net Neutrality a few days ago.

Source: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/4585

6 years ago

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Aaaaannnd, it's gone. Repealed.

6 years ago

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caps on all internet???? WHAT!

6 years ago

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yep :/

6 years ago

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As a European citizen (I am Dutch) I am not losing Net Neutrality.
My condolences to all living in the USA.

6 years ago

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My condolences to your many culture bombings.

6 years ago

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Yeah, we're fucked.

6 years ago

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The Federal Communications Commission(FCC) has, surprise surprise, repealed Net Neutrality. Americans will now have to contact their state representatives to reject the FCC's action within 60 days. There are two methods to bring back Net Neutrality. Democratic senator Ed Markey from state of Massachusetts has proposed a bill to counteract the FCC's decision. Also, the Supreme Court of the United States will likely to decide if Net Neutrality should stay or go being Net Neutrality is a national hot topic. As of now, Net Neutrality is dead in the States and telecom businesses can change their services as they see fit.

CNN will cover any updates to the Net Neutrality situation in TL;DR format.

6 years ago

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Thanks. I submitted my comment.

6 years ago

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It's not dead until it passes through Congress. So nothing will happen until they allow it or deny iy.

6 years ago

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