Focus Home Interactive 2 Bundle!


"The "increase your order amount" feature has been disabled for this bundle. If you would like to ask for a refund and re-purchase the bundle at a higher price to receive more content or simply to further support the bundle, please contact our customer support team here. "

     All you need is Focus. What's the key to avoiding distractions? Focus. What's the key to getting distracted by fun video games? Focus Home  Interactive! You see, you could focus on getting work done, or you can simply focus on buying this Focus bundle with games from, you guessed it, Focus!

Tier 1: Pay $1 or more for Mars: War Logs, Space Run, Pix The Cat, Yesterday, and Final Exam.

Tier 2: Pay more than the average price to also receive Wargame: European Escalation, Contrast: Collector's Edition, Game of Thrones, Cities XL Platinum, Bound by Flame, Etherium, and a coupon for 33% off Blood Bowl 2 in the Humble Store.

Tier 3: Pay $15 for all of that plus Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium Edition, Of Orcs and Men, Cities XXL, Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition, Styx: Master of Shadows, and coupons for 33% off Act Of Aggression and 50% off Farming Simulator 15.

Tier 4: Pay $40 or more for the full Focus Selection Pack!

there is no region locking for this bundle :) Each game has separate keys (But, tier 4 has one key for the Focus pack and 2 additional keys for Wargame EU Escalation and Cities XL Platinum)


Mars: War Logs 73% 0 $14.99
Space Run 89% 0 $14.99
Pix The Cat 84% 1 $9.99
Yesterday 85% - 0 $9.99
Final Exam 91% 0 $9.99


Wargame: European Escalation 80% - 1 $9.99
Contrast: Collector's Edition 90% 0 $19.99
Game of Thrones 71% - 1 $19.99
Cities XL Platinum 61% - 1 $19.99
Bound by Flame 66% 0 $29.99
Etherium 41% 0 $19.99


Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium Edition 92% 0 $19.99
Of Orcs and Men 71% - 1 $29.99
Cities XXL 25% 0 $29.99
Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition 84% - 0 $29.99
Styx: Master of Shadows 83% 0 $29.99


Focus Selection Pack 77% 0 $129.99

Focus Selection Pack Details:

Discover an eclectic world of unique and varied gaming experiences for all tastes!

• Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition
• Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition
• Bound By Flame
• Cities XXL
• Contrast Collector's Edition
• Etherium
• Faery - Legends of Avalon
• Farming Simulator 2013 – Classics
• Farming Simulator 2013 - Official Expansion (Titanium)
• Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium Edition
• Final Exam
• Game of Thrones
• Mars: War Logs
• Of Orcs And Men
• Pix the Cat
• Pro Cycling Manager 2015
• R.A.W. Realms of Ancient War
• Runaway: A Road Adventure
• Runaway: The Dream of The Turtle
• Runaway: A Twist of Fate
• Space Run
• Styx: Master of Shadows
• Yesterday

NOTE: The Focus Selection Pack includes many games that are also in the bundle; those games will be provided as part of a single Focus Selection Pack key. The only games that you will receive individual keys for will be Wargame EU Escalation and Cities XL Platinum.

Retail value: $324

CV: ...

A: A Parking Meter

8 years ago*

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What tier will you buy?

View Results
Tier 1: $1
Tier 2: BTA
Tier 3: $15
Tier 4: $40!!!!
Riddle: I live off of a busy street. If you want you can stay for an hour or two, but if you don't pay rent, I'll tell on you. What am I?

tier 1 i want mars and have nothing
maybe tier 2 but i already have GoT and CitiesXL , i must save money for monthly :(

8 years ago

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Just bought Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition today for 7,49. Not interested in the rest, so not gonna take this one.

8 years ago

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Jeah, BTA looks to good to miss it. Tier 3 is too much for me right now.

8 years ago

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Bought the BTA tier. Bound by Flame was the selling point to me, even though the game isn't all that much.

8 years ago

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Great bundle, bought BTA :)

8 years ago

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Bound by Flame and Mars War Logs? BTA

8 years ago

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Contrast is a good game, but I already bought it in last summer sale. :D
Well, other games look good,too.
So this time I will.. mm..let me think for a while .lol

8 years ago

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Just went for $1 although I already had Space Run, which is a great game.

8 years ago*

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+1 for Space Run. Best game I played last year bar none

8 years ago

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parking meter

8 years ago

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$1 ,

8 years ago

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cool, $1 Tier had one wishlist game + 2 games I was interested in, so I got that :)

8 years ago

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Bought Tier 2 for $5.13. Definitely worth it for Contrast. The amount of games in each tier is very generous.

Tier 3 would've been a definite purchase for me if it was $10 instead of $15. Overall a solid bundle. Thanks for informing me about it, Rachel :)

8 years ago

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-So i decided to get the BTA for 4.84 :) (Could have been 4.76 but nooooo HB decided that i can go screw myself)
-Already owned Contrast normal edition and trying to "test" the key got me upgraded. Mistakes where made.
-In any case, (leaving horrible human stupidity aside) it was a good bundle; Cheap and filled with good and awesome games.

  • [I don't care about 15 dollar bundle, games do not look that good and potato computer can't handle those games.]
8 years ago

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I managed to get it at 4.77 probably Humble Bundle was greedy for another 0.01 profit although stated 4.76 at the lock icon :))

8 years ago

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It did the same thing to me after it went dumb and gave a BTA of 4.83. I had to add one extra .01 to get it through >:(

8 years ago

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you have to "Pay more than the average". the lock is the average. it's like that every time :)

8 years ago

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Oh yeah!... i'm just upset they screw me over. 10 cents can make the difference :P

8 years ago

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Still, nice deal you got. It's up to $5.43 now. I won't complain, I was close to purchasing both Contrast and Game of Thrones on Steam during the winter sale, and only Game of Thrones would have been €4.99, roughly what I paid for the bundle.

8 years ago

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Oh, thanks for the tip! I've had the regular edition of Contrast for a long time, and I could never upgrade it to the Collector's Edition (when it was on sale on Steam, I couldn't buy it because "I already owned it" and there's no DLC available to upgrade). I've just used the key from this bundle to do the upgrade :)

8 years ago

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How dare you say that my incident was useful? >:(
I wanted to gift it, i did not meant to upgrade my game. But is okay, EVERYTHING IS OKAY!!! :´(

8 years ago

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bought BTA for Contrast alone

turned out I had already bought Contrast weeks ago, I just completely forgot it, lol

8 years ago

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Only want Styx. If I didn't already have Contrast I'd probably buy the Tier 3. But It looks like a great bundle.

8 years ago

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Here's a protip, if you don't refresh the page or open a new one you can still pay the BTA the site shows.

I've done it countless times, might be useful this time since you can't lock the price

8 years ago*

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I always use different browsers to monitor the price, because I've had things get screwed up when using tabs in the same browser.

8 years ago

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I open in a normal window, then another in a private window, refresh the private one throughout the afternoon and if the price drops, refresh the real window (where I am logged into humble) :)

8 years ago

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Nice. I'll try that next time.

8 years ago

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Is it just me or is that a lot of time wasted for what? 25 cents?

I never understand why people put so much effort into getting the best price if it takes hours... I could understand if it was 100s of dollars or even maybe 10s of dollars, but a few cents just doesn't seem like it's worth the effort here.

To each, his own I guess though.

8 years ago

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To me it's part of the game of buying humble bundles. It adds a little interest and excitement, even when it's only pennies, it's like trying to move up a leaderboard or playing a stock market or something.

I think it's similar to the flash deals and daily deals in the Steam sale that people were sad about missing -- yes it's more simple now that the sale is one price and that's it, but it takes away some of the experience. As in the Steam sale, you could buy a game at 75% off on the first day and maybe you don't care that it's 85% off the next day and you move on with your life, but a lot of people had fun checking the site every 12 hours to see what the latest deals were and felt buyer's remorse when the price dropped a couple days later.

I'm a cheapskate and don't buy anything (in life in general) without researching the price and I'm going to buy from the cheapest place that I know about. If I find out I paid more than I had to, I feel like I'm losing and they are winning. :P I bought my car from a dealer 600 miles away because it was $4000 cheaper than the cheapest local car dealer was offering for the same model. A lot of people wouldn't bother to do that, and I understand that, but it was killing me knowing that I could get it so much cheaper, so I went for it. :D

The humble BTA usually starts at $6 artificially, and in most bundles it can drop $2-$3 in the first minutes after it is revealed. In popular bundles it can rise just as quickly, however, for example Firaxis bundle went up over $9 BTA really quickly (and is over $10 now).

So it's not like I take the day off work and camp at my computer for hours with the humble bundle website on multiple monitors, with an IV and a bag of Cheetos. :) I only check it if I happen to be at my desk on Tuesday/Thursday in the first moments when a new bundle is revealed. And then later in the day if I'm on the fence about the bundle, maybe the price went down another dollar and it's a better value to me.

8 years ago

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LoL, I completely get the "Never pay retail" thing, I'm pretty much all about that, but it also has to be "worth" it.

I won't drive 10 miles to save a penny on gas, you lose money (and time) doing that, but I DO look at gasbuddy and see what is the cheapest gas on my route and pick one of those, the key being it costs me nothing extra to shop that. Same with groceries... I'll decide which store has the sales I want then go there, but i won't drive across town to save 40 cents on an item.

I thought it was mostly a "game" for people trying to get the lowest price, but for others I see (in this thread) people worrying over under a nickel. That's just not worth the time... Looks like this one was a better buy early too, as I suggested higher in the thread... it's about $6.29 now (just checked) there are too many people going to buy the 3rd tier for this one to go lower IMO.

FYI I wasn't trying to be critical of you in particular BTW, I'm similar in my buy at lowest mantra, I've just learned over time that there is a swing point where it isn't worth the difference.
But if it's entertainment for you, who am I to question that?

8 years ago

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Hmm, I really only want 1 game from the $1 tier, but there are lots of good games, so I'll go with BTA for the giveaways. :)

8 years ago

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Bought Tier 3, 50% donation. Good bundle, though price is high.
Now I need to cancel my entries. X)

8 years ago

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Just a little heads up, the Focus selection pack is cheaper on G2A, for anyone who uses that.

8 years ago

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It was also way cheaper during the Steam Winter sale. Not really worth it at $40, especially because the $15 tier isn't missing that many games, and you don't get separate keys for everything.

8 years ago

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Was thinkiing about getting a refund to get tier 3 then I saw this: Current expected wait time for first response is 5+ business days.

8 years ago

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Nice one, I'll go for the $15 tier

8 years ago

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Wow, three wishlisted games if I go for the BTA tier (one in the $1 and two in BTA). I wondered where all the games came from when clicking the wishlist filter. Forgot it was Thursday. It's a buy!

8 years ago*

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Damn you Lara Croft, i completely forgot that today will be new HB weekly and missed lower BTA, now it's 5.4$ for me -_- Very good bundle, amazing 1$ tier, great BTA and nice 15$ tier, don't have most of this games. If only i wasn't broke now...

8 years ago

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Happy cakeday :D

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Thanks, don't miss cake day train! :)

8 years ago

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Happy cake day! :D

8 years ago

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Thank you Cj! ;)

8 years ago

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You can add in the description that this bundle isn't not upgradeable - tier can't be increased.

8 years ago

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I already mentioned that in bold ... If you can't lock for the BTA you can't upgrade either. I'll add for clarification

8 years ago

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Ah, pardon my inattention! Haven't noticed.

8 years ago

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I'm missing a lot from tier 1 so I'm buying it. From tier 2 I'm missing just one game and further tiers are too expensive. So tier 1 for me. Good bundle.

8 years ago

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