Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Meh 4/10

6 years ago

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Saw Suicide Squad yesterday, for the third time. lol
I watch a movie almost everyday. Today I'll watch Underworld: Blood Wars and Alice Through The Looking Glass

6 years ago

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I saw it too yesterday! For the first time. It was a bit disappointing, but still fun.
You reminded me that I still need to watch the latest Underworld, thanks!

6 years ago

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You reminded me that I still need to watch the latest Underworld, thanks!

get ready for another disappointment then xD

6 years ago

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Thanks for the warning though

6 years ago

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Warcraft (2016) I hope for sequel.

6 years ago

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I'm still bummed we won't be getting the extended Director's Cut

6 years ago

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Fun movie, especially the bigger and better screen you can see the visuals on. Story and main actor can be let downs at times, but overall worth the experience.

6 years ago

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This movie looks absolutely ridiculous, so I want to see it in a guilty pleasure sort of way

6 years ago

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Dunkirk was great. Fairly small-scaled compared to other war films, so it was something new.

6 years ago

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hopefully i'll be watching it this week, even if i have to go alone

6 years ago

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Wonder Woman (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Great humor is probably this movie's strongest suit. Acting was great as well, action sequences were nice. I enjoyed it very much. I only wish there wasn't so much jumping and flying at the end, it's not Superman. 8/10

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Loved it, front to back. Great humor, to be honest this movie is more comedy than anything else. Very light and pleasant watch. 9/10

It Comes At Night (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Critics loved it, audience hated it. Why? More "festival" type movie than a blockbuster. The ending probably didn't help lol. Anyway, I love such flicks. 8/10

War Machine (2017) - Good satire of modern conflicts. Brad Pitt is always a plus. The humor is subtle, definitely not "hahahaha" type of movie. 7/10

Baby Driver (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. So far the best movie of 2017. Four years in the making, every scene, every second is planned and has a purpose. Music fits everything so well and the montage is just outstanding. Amazing job everyone involved, perfect movie. 10/10

6 years ago

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RLM reviews both Baby Driver and Spiderman Homecoming. I will definitely be picking up the Blu Ray for Spiderman Homecoming, Baby Driver I'm still on the fence

6 years ago

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Just finished watching 'I Saw the Devil'. A Korean movie with english subtitles.
Excellent movie. Quite brutal at times and definitely NOT for the squeamish.

6 years ago

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Ex Machina... Very cool, interesting movie.

6 years ago

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I loved that movie.

"You tore up her picture."

"I'm about to tear up the fuckin' dance floor."

6 years ago

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hahahahah I loved that too!

6 years ago

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That's one of the few films that I watched twice in a row the first time I saw it.

6 years ago

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That one was amazing.

6 years ago

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Just took my daughter to see Despicable Me 3 today! Now we are going to watch the Lego Batman Movie

6 years ago

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Just saw Guardians of the Galaxy 2 today.

6 years ago

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I just saw CHiPs. Such a pathetic amateur movie. :/

6 years ago

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The new Ghostbusters was worse than that, if you believe that.

6 years ago

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Saw that too. It was really bad. But I also disliked a lot the new Alien movie (where are you, Sigourney, my love? ;_; ) and the Wonder Woman movie (pew-pew, punch-punch, beautiful girl, thunderbolts, and other bullshit, in order to make something that looks like

6 years ago

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That guy from District 9 was going to do an Alien Sequel with Sigourney, but then Ridley took the helm for an entire Alien universe

6 years ago

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Not sure who you mean, but damn, I wish he would. Screw Ridley. >:( He used to be good, but not anymore. He made a lot of bad movies in the last years and he will make more bad movies in the future (judging by his upcoming movies). And, while Sigourney is a godlike actress, she had a lot of help by the Alien writers and, yes, even from Ridley. :/ What I mean is that a movie isn't just the protagonist, but its whole staff. Anyway, I just don't get how people like all these new movies and the upcoming ones. The new Alien movies were crappy. Wonder Woman had a really small and nonsense storyline. The new superhero movies are all about adding as many superheroes as they can, even if they end up having 5 minutes of screen time each - and even if the storyline doesn't make any sense or is at least interesting, but all they care about is the action. Example: I always loved the Batman movies. Of course, the recent Batman trilogy was the best. But now, they are creating shitty movies with Batman, even if the storyline is probably written by a 5-year-old kid, that cares only about the punches. xD Like, why the hell would Batman and Superman fight? And even if they end up fighting, couldn't they find a smarter reason to do that? Now, they'll add even more superheroes along with Batman. Why the heck should I want this?

6 years ago

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I always forget his weird ass name, Neill Blomkamp

Btw, you should have watched

i don't pay attention to the Snyderverse, i don't see Batman as the same character, there is Burton's Batman and Nolan´s Batman, and i didnt question his actions according to the comics but rather the movie itself, and the director´s interpretation of him. I think i have had more than enough Batman to consider myself happy, That i can leave Snyder playing with his action figures

6 years ago*

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I know both movies. I've watched District 9. It was nice. But I haven't watched Dunkirk yet. It's not even out yet. Nolan is so awesome. ^_^

6 years ago

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The Social Network- Fantastic David Fincher film with great acting and writing, especially by Aaron Sorkin.

6 years ago

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Hugo or Howls moving castle one of the 2

6 years ago

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burn after reading. it was entertaining but it kind of trailed off at the end

6 years ago

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Movie was fantastic.

6 years ago

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The Movie, it's Remake, and their respective sequels

The Hills Have Eyes
Eh, it's somewhat of a classic, though i found it to be particularly cheap even for the 70s.
George Romero, John Carpenter had to put work on some extremely low budgeted flicks. Which means for me, whenever you cant see the threat, and everything is eerie, and you are getting lost on this vastly deserted area, while the camera constantly pans the hills...those are the highlight of the film.
Btw, as someone who has only seen the remake, i was surprised, to find out there where no inbred mutants, didn't make much of a difference, mostly because the remake isn't exactly bad either
The Hills Have Eyes Part II
i've watched this to make sure, and it is in fact, exactly what anyone can predict within the first few minutes. knowing that, there is absolutely nothing going on.
Taking away the best part of the original, is not a good idea to begin with. It's made worse when no one including Wes Craven gives a damn about this movie, this is just a cash grab, a terrible one at that
The Hills Have Eyes
very decent, it takes the best part of the original, albeit only for about half of the running time and then it actually delivered in what the original clearly couldn't due to its small budget.
pacing and editing only changes with the introduction of the mutants, instead of destroying slow and suspenseful first half
and yes there are inbred mutants, but there is some humanity to them, they do it out of necessity and revenge. It's just not very realistic, part of what makes the original, is how believable it is to get ambush by a group of maniacs or cannibals, in the middle of a vast desolate area.
The Hills Have Eyes II
Torture porn, deplorable, embarrassing, exhausting Torture porn. That makes use of every cliche in the book
the unapologetic rip off of Aliens, that couldn't be further from the original concept.
Wes Wrote this? Bullshit, his son Jonathan did, and like a good boy he slapped the script on the fridge for his daddy to see, apparently Craven is not too good at encouraging his kid, because giving him a movie was a mistake, he wrote nothing...absolutly nothing after this. He just puts his son name as a producer, on random, how wonderfull it must be to be the son of Wes Craven!

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6 years ago

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the dog in the newer hills have eyes was awesome

6 years ago

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Last movie? Puh... a porn, just some minutes ago.

6 years ago

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The Shining!

6 years ago

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war of the planet of the apes

6 years ago

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John Wick 2, good movie.

6 years ago

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Dunkirk it was AWESOME.

6 years ago

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Just saw Spiderman Homecoming. Wasn't bad. Not the best of the MCU movies but it was still entertaining. And completely watchable, unlike those crap Spiderman movies with Tobey Maguire. He had NO right to portray Spiderman just like Christian Bale had no right to be Batman. Worst Batman EVER! But I digress.

Much as I want to say the HILARIOUS comedy gold line at the end of the movie, I won't spoil it.

6 years ago

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There are only 3 hellraiser movies, they have a short licensing agreement to Hellraiser, and most of the scripts are recycled to fit with that world, so i'll be using sub titles for the rest

Always wondered how this became a series. The cube an hard item to find, its used by a niche group of thrill seekers, and cenobites take it more as a service rather than going on a rampage over town.
yeah, the original is spectacular, there are a lot of themes and content for just 90 min, more so than that is of the cenobites and Pinhead, but whenever there is, its usually treated with fantastic pratical effects (resurrection scene)
while the inner works of the cube, hellworld, cenobites, or even how blood resuscitates bodies, is left unexplained.
Which is fine, i prefer thinking of the cenobites as a "Hell on wheels" delivery service, rather than the portrait and fixation with hell some of the sequels have
Hellbound: Hellraiser II
Its a direct sequel, more of the same, with worse but plenty practical effects, and it explores the cube a little bit more.
suffers from repetition and early flashbacks to the previous movie
Hell on Earth
This is Hellraiser in the literal sense, where hell actually comes to earth.
You put Tony Rendall and Anthony Hickox together, and you get a movie that is cheesier than the entirety of the 80s
I try to appreciate this for what it is, a movie that tries its damn hardest to resist becoming as slasher where cenobites play the role of Jason, but to no avail, it will indeed happen.
if i were to be fair, every single movie that comes next is worse, but bloodlines is the definition of boring
Pinhead is in space! Jason had to go to hell before he reached the final frontier This is also the first and only Hellraiser where the director went by the alias "Alan smithee".
This is an anthology movie with one writer. This movie is a lot of things, most importantly it's pointless
Murder mystery, psychological thriller. Following a detective that is kind of a scumbag, he is facing his own personal demons in cenobite form, Shoe-Horned in into this movie. just by simply having the cube in the background. There is a reason why Dimension Films did not used these scripts, they are rushed and overly convoluted, but Hellraiser ends up doing more harm than good.
If you laugh at the idea of a movie completely falling apart in the last few minutes, this one is for you
It's the fixed sequel to Inferno, we are now spawning sequels within sequels.
This hell, is a distorted version of reality. We get the pleasure to discover our main character, unlike the previous one.
What seems unfair at first, the feeling of being alone, powerless, confused, will soon be answered as it reveals more of about this character, of the cenobites have no business here. this could have been a decent Silent Hill-ish movie
Deader - When a franchise was already dead but killing it once wasn't enough.
these movie feeds lies on the first 10 min. I had expectations for a very different movie.
the story revolves about a cult who have discovered passage to Hellworld, by, get a load of this...committing suicide.
i just didn't rate in any lower, for being so odd. I feel i am being slowly lead to The Room of the Hellraiser franchise, and the thought of that excites me.
-I found you Jake, out there, in the internet
Teens all over are discussing the mythos on forums and playing Hellworld MMORPG.
But actually this story is about a negligent father who seeks revenge on a group of teens for his son´s videogaming related death.
We made it! We finally did it, the portrayal of teens, awkward assumption it does, the writers idea of what are videogames or what is the internet, on shit you not 2005. just how lazy it is adding the cenobites to the script, how the original script makes no sense to begin with...this is The Room, but somehow they got Lance Henriksen into this.
Hellraiser: Revelations
It's both an Hellraiser movie, and at the same time not a movie at all.
It's an attempt to Roger Corman a fake film, in the situation of "shit! our license agreement is about to run out!"
There is no movie, they really sold 70 min of filler, at least it's related to Hellraiser, I find this amazing, The Fantastic Four (1994) was never supposed to be released and it was a better movie. I cant even be mad for this, the massive balls it took to ask money, i'm impressed.

6 years ago

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Next Of Kin (Atom Egoyan's first movie from 1984)
I enjoyed the movie, but it definitely isn't for everyone. Some may find it boring, but I was enthralled and found it very interesting. It's fairly short at 1h 10m.

6 years ago

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I know that name, because my tastes are a bit off, the movie i decided to see, at the time, was Exotica

6 years ago

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I just watched Exotica a couple weeks ago. That is what caused me to look up his other movies and watch Next Of Kin. I enjoyed Exotica for most of the movie and it kept me interested, but I was kind of disappointed when it ended. I guess I was expecting something more interesting to happen at the end. I also watch The Adjuster, but didn't like it.

6 years ago

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Escape from Alcatraz was a fine can of spaghetti. Cool seeing aspects that Shawshank took inspiration from.

6 years ago

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Army of one (2016)
Really good movie with Nicolas Cage.

6 years ago

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