To illustrate, if people (not me!) choose to write "fuck" in the forum, would you prefer it to be written as "∗∗∗∗", "f∗∗∗", "F-word" or other masked options?

Bonus questions to those who add a comment:

  • Does your local TV and radio beep or mask profanity?
  • Does your local newspapers avoid quoting profanity if it is part of a quote that appears in an article?
  • Does this make you laugh or cringe?


8 years ago*

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Do you prefer profanity (swearing, cursing) to be masked?

View Results
I don't fucking care
*beep* yes! seeing the F-word in this poll hurts my eyes
Actually, I agree with Dan Quayle on this: [censored]

Profanity doesn't need to be masked in media, but if a human is unable to produce coherent sentences without cursing, that is a problem.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I do prefer it to be censored, yes. Mainly because usually I only see swears in multiplayer games and it's usually directed at me for being terrible. So yeah, sorry, I prefer not to be insulted.

8 years ago

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When there's an option where I could mute them, I usually do.

8 years ago

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People will still call you terrible, retard, unskilled, etc.

There's always alternatives to insulting someone other than curse words.

8 years ago

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I'm cool being called terrible, that's just a fact, I can't help it. lmao

Plus, "retard" is more commonly used as an insult and in most cases is censored. At least it is over here.

8 years ago

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If everyone already knows what the masked expression really stands for, then there is no need to mask it at all, since it won't change anything. Therefore masking profanity is kind of useless to me.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I'm against censorship. I don't think anyone here minds seeing a curse word in here, and censoring doesn't solve anything, those people still mean what they would say. I do swear myself, but just sometimes. I don't really care if other people do, as long as it's not the "oh fuck it fuck that fuck u and ur mom" type of swearing.

8 years ago

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I never understood what makes a word "bad". Shit is just another word from feces.

It's use can be argued as why it's bad, but what makes it different compared to word like idiot, dumb, poor, etc. Society is just taught to not say bad words and it stuck to be the common norm.

8 years ago

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They are just words, don't give them power over you, and they are meaningless. Baffles me how people find this idea hard Even hate speech and shit, just stop caring and they stop working, it's like magic.

8 years ago

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I love cursing so much! I use it so much that it also lost it's meaning in a way, but having learned English through movies and music I can't help but use "fuck" in almost every sentence.
In German I like to hit the comfort zone verbally as well tho. Getting some reactions out of whoever you're talking to is rewarding.

Added bonus for those who read my comment: Does this make you laugh or does it make you laugh?

8 years ago

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I don't care tbh.

Does your local TV and radio beep or mask profanity?
Does your local newspapers avoid quoting profanity if it is part of a quote that appears in an article?
Does this make you laugh or cringe?
a bit

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't swer at all. The worst word I'm saying is "shit" (in english) and it's my vocal representation of more complex reactions like "shit [I totally forgot to do something]" "shit [after banging my head over cupboard]", or "shit [after I had stumbled ober my own feet and strew samples all over the place]".

I don't like when people swear and even worse - when they can't say single, complex sentence without saying swears every two words. I tend to not talk to people like that as it "hurts me" to listen to something like this.

But I don't have problems with it in TV, radio, books and so on. It was author's decision to write someone's character like that. Also censoring it (either by muffling sound or substitute it with beeping or animal sounds) is ridiculous. It's not that we don't hear whole swear in our heads either way. And kids? Well they swear more than adults sometimes so meh. If their parents weren't able to teach them that swearing is something bad, censoring certain words in TV won't do any good anyway.

It's like trying to keep your kid "pure" by making all sex-related topics taboo ones, and then being surprised that they know about it. Like they'd live in hermetic conditions without TV, books, internet, friends and so on.

8 years ago

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censorship is something that, in very rare circumstances, can be a useful tool, but is ridiculously overused. even if I would find something offensive I would still like to know what it IS so I can decide for myself whether it's offensive or not instead of having to rely on the opinion of some editor I've never met and who I have no idea of the ideals of

8 years ago

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I personally don't care. It is a cultural thing of course. I for example would not use bad language around small children because it's considered rude and inappropriate. But I don't care if someone uses it around me. I know some people who need to get more creative with their vocabulary, though.

And to answer the questions, I'm in the US so of course everything is censored (sometimes by FCC rule if it is TV or radio, usually by societal norms if it is a newspaper or magazine). Except for extreme violence -- anything goes with that!

And... both laugh and cringe. :P

8 years ago

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I don't like someone deciding for me which words I can and cannot see. I want to see them all.

8 years ago

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-not really
-neither, insulting one's mother is bad taste and shows that he's the pussy afraid to attack verbally referees themselves :P

8 years ago

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Both censoring and swearing are pointless. Censoring treats you like a child while swearing is just laziness at work. If you unable to articulate your thoughts properly, then maybe you should re-evaluate what you are about to say/write.

8 years ago

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I apparently swear like a sailor in Real Life so I seem to do it less online, but overall it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'll possibly form an opinion of someone based on the context/manner in which they're employing profanity, but the words themselves don't concern me.

Does your local TV and radio beep or mask profanity?

Depends on the channel/station, depends on the programme, depends on the time it's being aired, at least in my experience.

8 years ago

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I'm against censorship and have no problem if people use such words.
But if someone goes full raging apeshit, then they may better quit. Well the mods will make them quit...

7 years ago

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