I've been considering jumping on the Humble Monthly bandwagon. I was waiting until now to make my decision because I kind of wanted to see what I could expect. After seeing what this months bundle included, I'm not terribly impressed, so I'm a bit on the fence. The early unlock for the next bundle looks promising although I'm not terribly interested in keeping it and the games that have been in previous bundles have been ones that I'd like to play... So the question is, do you think the next bundle will be worth it? And should I buy in?

7 years ago

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Overall, the monthly has been solid quality more often that not. The most recent was lackluster for some folks, though.

7 years ago*

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Are you serious? You might don't like all the genres, but Satellite Reign, Avernum 2, Red Solstice and Kentucky Route Zero are more than solid! Icredi-value solid!

7 years ago

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Kentucky Route Zero has been on Steam for 3 years and they still haven't finished it :/.

SR, Avernum and Red Solstice are good games but belong to very niche genres.

7 years ago

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Most of the HB monthly titles were quite niché genres. I think this is one of the points, putting non.bundled high-rated, but relatively obscure stuff in it, so people may broaden their palette besides the ever-so popular generic TPSs, FPSs, and ARPGs.

7 years ago

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Oh I agree that it's still a great value, personally I love the monthly. I said in another thread how good Kentucky, TIS, and Satellite are. But, I was trying to offer an even view reflecting many other people's dissapointment with this month.

7 years ago

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Nah. Just wait for a good early unlock.

7 years ago

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I have been a subscriber since they introcuded the program, and almost every month there's been a game i'm interested in, however, any games I don't want I can get great value from trading and selling them. If you're into trading/selling then go for it, otherwise don't bother if no games interest you.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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i have all bundles so far, and will probably keep my subscription, but i do feel the point of 'awesome games to attract people' period is over

7 years ago

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I'm not sure. I thought some of the bundles have been really nice, and I thought the games were decent even in the recent bundle (KY Route 0, Satellite Reign, TIS-1000) but then I wonder if I'd rather take the $12 and just bought something in the steam sale instead - something like Subnautica, Prison Architect, Cities Skylines, Assassin's Creed Black Flag or similar. But all else being equal, I get a bunch of games with the monthly bundle instead of just 1.

But then I realize I have more games than I can probably ever play, so I shouldn't be looking to add more to my backlog and why shouldn't I just buy that #1 game on my wishlist instead and play it? ;-) Or just play my backlog... If they'd just quit making new games ;-)

7 years ago

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I have bought them all. I have liked the ones with good unlocks, did not like the ones with crappy unlocks.

To me. August is a crappy unlock.

7 years ago

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I only bought it once because the early unlock was worth the bundle price on it self.

I was just having a small discussion about it with
TheLuckyShamrock here

Dont know if it is much use too you but maybe you find some interesting info :)

7 years ago

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Honestly, apart from that whatthefuckisthis that was the Payday 2 monthly (seriously, what the fuck was that?!), I don't see that much of a fluctuation in the quality. Yes, Wasteland 2 and Stick of Truth are awesome, but the first is for old cRPG players as it is slow and tedious by design, and the second can only be enjoyed by South Park fans—so, in reality, they may be considered worse by more people than the Payday 2 one.
If you are on the fence, I'd advise against it though. Unless you can find at least two games in each which you'd play, it is a waste of money. (Unless you want to farm some CV here; but since levels are in reality pointless over level 2, it is not really such a large incentive.)

7 years ago

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People who don't watch the show can play and enjoy the game... Humour is humour. It's not just 100% inside jokes. And Wasteland 2 is for everyone too. It's a modern cRPG and I would argue that your criticism of it being "slow and tedious" is entirely subjective...

7 years ago

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I don't think it is subjective: not even 7% of the owners ever entered the last area of the game. Heck, not even 15% managed to finish the tutorial. Wasteland 2 is a niché title made for people like me, who remember when RPGs actually meant role-playing a game, not "game with experience points and stuff".

7 years ago

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If you go in on the monthly to make some giveaways, trades and possibly get a game you are interested in. Do it.
If you are looking specifically for only games to keep and play yourself. It may be a better idea to save for specific games.
Though I have felt every time ive gotten the monthly it was worth it. I have all kinds of friends that like different styles of games so it
really is no loss for me even if I dont find the games interesting myself

7 years ago

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(with the exception: the early unlock is worth it alone, or a little minus, and the gamble is worth it)

I consider it a win if I get one game I'm into, plus\or a lot of trade worthy games

7 years ago*

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^this. A hundred times this.
So far no monthly has been entirely bad, it always has some very good games in it. But it is a gamble if they're gonna be good for you. We all have different tastes and we perceive each bundle differently. For me this month's is a great one cause it has 4 games I like. For others it's a disappointment. Or if we reverse the roles a couple months ago South park was in the monthly. People loved that one but I couldn't care less about it.
The good thing about the monthly is even if it doesn't have stuff you like it's easy to make your money back selling/trading those games

7 years ago

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if you are not from cheap regions like Russia or Brazil, then worth it imo.
Next month's early unlock seems to be pretty bad tho.

7 years ago

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Four wishlist games for me this month, and not easily-anticipated ones. I'm super-happy with it.

7 years ago

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Po-Yay-to, Po-Nah-to dammit!

7 years ago

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+1 for trading the ones you don't like the looks of, since being in the monthly grants the games a good bit of exposure.

7 years ago

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The value is good, but a lot of titles are hit-or-miss. If you're not afraid of trading/selling it's fairly interesting

7 years ago

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For me the monthlies are alternating between up and down. Todays was mixed for me ... more of a low point. But even then 2.5 of those games were a hot for me. Last one was even better i'd hot 5 of them .) Just my rule of thumb if it had been a good month and the next months early unlock looks flop for me then i think about cancelling it.

7 years ago

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