Greetings community,

It's been a memorable year here at SteamGifts and I felt I've helped out a bit around here. I've made a lot of friends in the process and tried to stay active in the community while moderating. Unfortunately, the activity over the last few months has truly been exhausting for just one person, and I haven't been able to keep up. A few dedicated users in the community have been promoted to (Support) to assist with tickets, but it's only helped with organizing a backlog of tickets in the hundreds.

Fortunately, those Support members will eventually be promoted to moderators on the site and we'll have a full blown staff. We hope this helps many issues plaguing the site, such as requests taking too long or suspicious activity not being dealt with in a timely manner. The FAQ has the new staff listed and this will be updated accordingly to reflect their new positions when the system is ready. As many have noticed, support already received categories to better organize tickets.

The admin is currently working on other helpful updates that will greatly aid the new team. They'll be loaded with features that will make a more robust and efficient bunch than this dinosaur. While I will be stepping down, I won't be leaving the community or abandoning the newly appointed mods when they're just starting. I'll try to remain active and share with them my experiences after moderating SteamGifts solo for a little over nine months, but I will no longer be the primary moderator.

I volunteered to assist moderating SteamGifts when Cult was still boss during the fall of 2011, but due to personal reasons, he had to drop out of the community. I loved the community and what we do around here, so I've dedicated a lot of time and effort in keeping things in order. When I could no longer remain on top of the increasing demands of the community, I decided to step down for the same reasons. It's best for the community and will give me time to start knocking out my gaming backlog. I'll finally be able to start on those purchased during last year's Summer Sales. ;)

Best regards,

1 decade ago*

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Aww you were great while you did it though :) Glad you'll finally be able to get to those precious, precious games :D

1 decade ago

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Good Luck!

Inb4 thx for Skyrim! ;)

1 decade ago

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Thank you for all the hard work you put into the site. I really appreciate it. You were always extremely nice and professional in responding to any support ticket I submitted. Thank you Loko. :)

Every Time...

1 decade ago

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Thank you for all the good you have done to this site. I shall commemorate you while reading the ancient messages in Support.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Thank you Loko

1 decade ago

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Loko, we all love you. Thank you ever so much for all your time and efforts and your sheer awesomeness. Don't be a stranger, aye?

1 decade ago

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Thanks alot for your time man!

1 decade ago

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Thanks a lot for what you've done for us :) and as has already been posted, so long and thanks for all the fisb xD

And good luck to the support staff, Yatterman, TheJadeFalcon, Raiden and Hichigo!

1 decade ago

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Thanks for all your work, wish you tons of fun catching up on your games :)

1 decade ago

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Thank you so much for the effort you've put in to Steamgifts, although I've haven't been here very long I've seen how much you have contributed to the community. Its pretty amazing to know that you and the guys do this voluntarily and out of goodwill. Its been great having you around, and what's even better is that you're staying, which is sweet :P Thanks for being the awesome Moderator that is Lokonopa.

tosses you a beer

1 decade ago

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Too bad! You did a really nice job!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by lokonopa.