
I just watched the latest Humble Bundle-video (which I really haven't bothered doing before) and I noticed that the contribution in the video was split evenly between all of the developers. I got curious and wanted to see whether this was the case for both BTA and non-BTA purchases and it was.

With this bundle I honestly paid the $1. I have absolutely no interest in the BTA games and I already own the, to me, most interesting game Stealth Bastard Deluxe. Im probaly not gonna play Aquaria or Fractal, as I don't game very much, but I bought the bundle for those games anyway. I didn't activate Organ Trail and I don't own an Android device.

Since I didn't beat the average I figured that I naturally wouldn't contribute to the BTA games, but now I know I did. If I had been aware of this I would probably have divided my developer contribution between Aquaria and Fractal based on my subjective interest in the games. I like the Stealth Bastard Deluxe developer, but I already supported them by buying the game and I will soon buy the DLC as well.
Im not sure Im gonna bother with the subjective split between the games I receive in the future, as I technically do receive all of those products, but I will make sure to never again contribute to developers who's product Im not even receiving.

This might seem trivial to some readers, but to me the default split of non-BTA purchases is unfair. BTA games should not benefit from non-BTA contributions.

11 years ago*

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You can choose how you want to split your payment between each developer.

Heck, I could give my whole non-BTA 1 dollar payment to the BTA devs only, if I wanted to.

11 years ago

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Yea, that's kinda the point of my post? To inform about the unfair default and encourage people to use a custom split.

11 years ago

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I assumed you didn't know about these "extra options", sorry.

11 years ago

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Then you should've read the whole post.

11 years ago

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charity only! always

11 years ago

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I always donate every penny from my purchases to Child's Play.

11 years ago

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I always give most (if not all) the money to game developers

11 years ago

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Always only to game developers.

11 years ago

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I usually keep the default split since I feel it's pretty fair, unless I have a reason to do otherwise. The BTA developer(s) get a cut of the non-BTA bundles, but the non-BTA developers also get a cut on the BTA purchases. I think in the end it evens out. (Assuming most people leave the split as it is.)

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Romanesco.