Regarding the post where a ST Bayonet Sapphire sold for 28$

This bug exists at least since 2014.
If anyone knows how to debug code, use the information in this thread to help report the bug to Valve.

I'm no programmer so IDK exactly what happens in terms of code BUT I can explain it in layman's terms.
Let's imagine the whole "sell item" information package is divided in two parts, one that shows the user the item info (USERPack) and another part that sends the internal code to steam servers (SERVERPack).
Here's what happens, when you load the inventory page, the first item in your inventory is always ALREADY SELECTED. At this point the browser has selected both USERPack and SERVERPack of the first item.
For some reason (which I believe might be incorrect loading of the page), when you select another skin, the browser updates the selection of the USERPack but not the one of the SERVERPack, thus leading to, when you go put the item for sale, it shows info related to the latest selected item (image + market graph) BUT the SERVERPack (which is what really matters cause it informs the server of the exact item being sold) is NOT changed and still points to steam that what you want to sell is the FIRST item in your inventory. The bug remains on mobile authenth, thus making mobile authentication show the last item selected for sale while ordering to sell the first item in your inv (AKA Mobile authentication can't prevent you from falling on this bug)
Edit: Bug confirmed to happen in Steam Overlay. Unknown if it happens in Steam Client, Browser or Mobile, but it's suspected to happen regardless of platform you're using!


  • Load inventory » First item (ST Bayo) is selected client and "server" side.
  • Select another item (M4 Paladin) » Client side updates, "server" doesn't.
  • Put up for sale » "Sell item" package ships to mobile with correct client info (M4 Paladin image & market graph) and incorrect server info (ST Bayo selected for sale).
  • Mobile receives package » Shows client info (M4 Paladin for sale - confirm?).
  • Sale confirmed » Steam servers receive ONLY server info (ST Bayo goes for sale).

How to avoid bug? Always have at least one 1cent skin in the start of your inventory. Mobile authentication WILL NOT save you, it shows incorrect info as well.

EDIT: Valve answered!

They confirm that the information shown on mobile is always correct, but haven't confirmed if the bug exists or not when putting items for sale in the inventory page. As such, the PSA is still valid as we can't confirm the bug's non-existence, but we can rest assured the mobile will save us from any possible mistakes in the inventory page.

6 years ago*

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Has this bug happened to you?

View Results
Yes + Heard about it already
Yes but never heard anyone else experiencing it
No but I have heard about it
No + Never heard about it

This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

6 years ago

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First item in my inventory is gems and you can't sell gems so it is a moot point.

6 years ago

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how about adding "CSGO" in front of "inventory" title - almost read 2 lines

6 years ago

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It happens regardless of type of inventory, which means the bug may happen with CSGO, Dota 2, TF2, Unturned or any other steam inventory that can be sold in the market. The example is CSGO specific, the bug is not.

6 years ago

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whats the source for the claims aka proofs? because i doubt it, else there would be a whole lot more
stories that confirm/adress the issue ... sounds more like a convenient excuse "hot damn son, i sold my
virginityprotector9000-skin while sperging for tree-fiddy!!"

also this is the user who addressed the issue:
while at it, how come there's literally no other search results discussing a similar issues?

6 years ago

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Since it exists that people say to those who get the bug that they screwed up, not that there was indeed a bug. It happens rarely, thus most don't believe when someone says "My item sold cause of a bug". If you look at any expensive skin and see the sale graph, sometimes you see those ultra-cheap sales that are not coincident with comma miss-placements... those are cases where the bug occurred. I had it occur to me long time ago in TF2, just lost 5 cents, no big deal, and had friends tell me about happening to them in CSGO. It's not CSGO specific. And it's such a rare occurrence that nobody that had that miss-fortune believes in it.

6 years ago

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can't you simply repeat this with two cheap items (send two to another account) and price them at an extraordinarily price that nobody would buy them at, screenshot what you confirmed and then screenshot what shows up on the market and send this to valve?

unless you've done that already, but your 'TL;DR' sounds like you can reproduce it if you follow the steps

6 years ago

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Oh yes the TLDR is just a presentation of how the bug occurs, but you can't really purposely reproduce it. It happens at random, and it's suspected to happen when the page is not completely loaded or a part of the code is miss-understood in the browser.

That's why I ask anyone who knows code debugging to try and replicate by using the info and fiddling with the code to try and understand how it might happen. I haven't reported to Valve itself due to lack of bug-replication information, but at least I inform the population so that none of this happens to anyone else.

6 years ago

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Not saying it couldn't happen, but its a poor scenario to be replicated - which browser, which inventory/user/server-region/time, how many listings? Try automating the process to replicate the "bug" and the automation that removes the human element won't let it happen. Till then its only hearsay & lack of proof esp. with little to no people having addressed the issue.

6 years ago

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Exactly this. The basics of bugreporting are currently missing.

6 years ago

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I sell loads of Dota 2 items as well as cards and other things pretty much on a daily basis. Never had this happen to me. I'm fairly certain this is a CSGO issue alone, if this bug even really exists

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Not everyone will have gems.

6 years ago

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How did you manage to get gems in your CS:GO inventory?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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If it only happens to a few people that doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed or brought to attention. You perhaps don't have a problem with it but you're not alone on this planet, take other people into consideration.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Just tried....does not work.
Probably user misclicked or has a malicious script installed that sells the first item in the inventory and replaces the image with the selected item. But most likely the first. Or you are trying to make us go to those links on reddit.

6 years ago

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The bug can't purposely be reproduced. It happens rarely at random, possibly when the inventory page is not loaded correctly.

6 years ago

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I sold a card I was keeping at a cheap price by accident a while ago, I had no idea how it got selected (this was prior to mobile authentication). I was annoyed at the time but in the end it was just a few cents loss. I thought I made the mistake somehow but now I'm thinking maybe I didn't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Residents.