I tried e-mailing, I tried adding them on steam...they wouldn't respond. After several days they simply marked the gift as received, but have yet to claim it. It is kind of annoying having this unclaimed gift sitting in my inventory, but the winner simply won't respond to attempts to contact. Anyone ever had this happen before? Any advice on how to handle it? I suppose I could just leave the gift in my inventory forever in case they want to claim it...but that seems a little ridiculous...

9 years ago

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I had this issue once.
I waited for a week, then asked support for a reroll.

9 years ago

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Probably this.
You've already done all you can, and most people would probably not be as persistent as you are.

9 years ago

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Contact support and request a re-roll of the giveaway.

9 years ago

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Has he actually logged in since winning the Giveaway? Maybe there's a reason they've not responded...? They could have been admitted to hospital, for example. Of course, if they HAVE logged in since you tried to contact them then you've done all you can and I think you should wait the 7 days, then if they haven't responded or claimed said gift, ask for a re-roll as that would appear to be well within your rights to do so

9 years ago

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Considering the winner has marked the game as received, I'm going to assume he has logged in at least once. ;)

9 years ago

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You know, I completely read the issue 3 times and that bit just didn't register at all until you mentioned it lol

I do apologise. In that case, send 1 more message explaining that if he doesn't claim the gift from you within 7 days, you'll have no choice but to request a re-roll, that way you're giving him a chance to sort it otherwise he might get bitchy saying he hadn't had chance to redeem it or they were about to redeem it and you re-rolled. If you explain you're going to re-roll and give him 5-7 days to respond, I'd say you're well within your rights

9 years ago

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They have been logged in several times both on Steam and on the site and have never responded. I am thinking I will likely ask for the reroll soon as has been suggested. Ideally I just want to get the game to the person who won, but I really don't know what they are doing here.

9 years ago

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Strange that they would take the time to mark that they got it,but yet does not want to claim it.

Have you checked to see if they own the game,maybe they have it and just wanted to be nice and mark it as you sent it.Glad so far i have had no issues with my GA.The only thing i could come up with as other then maybe they entered it by mistake,i would just get a re-roll that would be the right thing to do,even though they marked it as they had got the item.Usually people have an issue with them either re-gifting or they do not bother to mark the item as received.

9 years ago

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I had a few winners actually mark the giveaway as received before I sent it ... really threw me off.
I ended up checking their accounts for the next few days to make sure they actually claimed the gift too.

9 years ago

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Well maybe it happens often just do not hear about it,i would just think they would only mark it received if they actually took it regardless if the used it or not.

Be rest assured that the 3 games i won are on my account lol,that is one thing i liked about the old humble bundle links it told you what account redeemed it so was easier and pretty much instant to find out who redeemed it unless they waited to use it.I guess no way to prevent it all given the fact some games you can enter even know you own them and if creator does not check before sending the key,they could in theory mark it as receive and still give it to someone else.

9 years ago

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Well, that's weird... but oh well, this people have already gave you good suggestions.

9 years ago

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