Welcome to this years 'What are you trying to win lately' thread! The rules are the same as Last year:

In a single post, state the name of the game(s) you've been entering the most giveaways for recently but have been unable to win.
Then, if someone with a spare key for it is feeling generous, you might just get a nice little Christmas present :)

Last years thread was incredibly successful, with hundreds of games being given away and almost 1500 posts in total by the time the thread closed! Lets make this another year to remember :)

EDIT: And that's it folks! Thanks go out to all those who chose to give this holiday season, and a very merry Christmas to all!

7 months ago*

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"Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?" (165 entries) wins by far, if I ever win it and ends up disappointing I'm gonna be so upset :D
"Tiny Tina's Wonderlands" (29 entries), comes next I think. I loved the DLC in Borderlands 2 and hope it would be similar if not better.
"Beyond a Steel Sky" (23 entries), I remember I enjoyed the original many decades (:o) ago.
Lastly, "RAD" (somewhere between 100-200 entries or so, the search engine finds several other games with rad in it), my only game missing from my double fine collection, there's not a lot of GA's for it but whenever I see one I enter it. Probably the GA I've been entering for the longest time :D

I never expect anything, but it's nice to just share. Though I have been very fortunate in the previous years you've done this event so thank you for that jiggakills. And of course I played everything that was gifted to me :)

7 months ago*

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Added on steam for the uncle

7 months ago

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Thank you once more for the amazing gift ^^

7 months ago

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Hmm it was an interesting experience. Not much of a murder mystery, but rather keep replaying the game until you uncover enough evidence to find the real killer. Not the best story and kind of predictable, but I enjoyed the game none the less. A solid 7/10, thanks one last time :)

7 months ago

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100% already, that was quick. As long as it was not totally disappointing, i am happy it was in good hands. But doesn't sound like it was worth 165 entries ;)

7 months ago

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I still enjoyed it, no regrets at all :D It was kinda cheesy, but also had some humor in it. The actor playing Marcus was so bad though :D And I don't easily complain about bad acting. But I had fun with it, which is what really matters. Also I have like 5/6h in it but my internet went offline for a bit yesterday.

7 months ago

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Great concept.
Really curious what will be mentioned in the thread, might find some missed gems!
Well my first thought went to "the forgotten city", but since I managed to win it last Tuesday...

So it would be a toss between
Go Home Dinosaurs! Thanks a lot BanjoBearLV
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters

7 months ago*

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Add me on STEAM if you would like Go Home Dinosaurs!... Merry Christmas! :-)

7 months ago

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Added and also an early Merry Christmas!

7 months ago

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sent :-)

7 months ago

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Mainly "The Legend of Tianding" cause I had played the demo from a free demo key. So I know that I will enjoy this game. And "Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga". Though this one doesn't have much giveaways yet.

7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

7 months ago

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I wonder what they even wrote that they just deleted it.

7 months ago

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Some Pixel Puzzles Ultimate packs, mostly.

7 months ago

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Do you already have the Ireland, Wales, Scotland or US Landscapes DLCs?
If not I can give you some ^^

7 months ago

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Ty a bunch if you want to :D I have none of those but Wales.

7 months ago

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Sent friend request, poke me on steam when you've accepted it ^^

7 months ago

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Ty a lot :D accepted.

7 months ago

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PMed them to you on steam ^^

7 months ago

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Thanks! Really appreciated! :D

7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

7 months ago

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Super Panda Adventures - This is probably mt biggest miss as of yet. Looks like a pretty short and cute metroidvania and there's honestly been a lot of them, yet somehow I keep missing each and every one. Thanks a lot Carenard!
The Telltale Walking Dead games (S1, S2, New Frontier, Final Season and 400 days dlc) - I have actually some hope for this due to the recent bundles, currently entered in at least a dozen or more, so fingers crossed. 🀞 - Thank you eeev for S2!, Thanks a lot Thedarksid3r for S1! and Thanks a lot schmetti for the 400 days!
Arkham Knight - I love Batman and I love the arkham series, unfortunately this one evaded me during the recent craze and doesn't seem to be in GAs too often. Got my eye out for it though.
Resident Evil HD remaster - This one while not as rare as the previous does appear to be uncommon in nature. Same as above.
Lacuna - This is something that caught my eye recently when I was looking for some more point and click games and something I have been trying to get. Thankfully, this appears to be a regular here, so have high hopes of snagging this one eventually. Thanks, stranger.

Edit - A very big thank you to Wolfedood and PoeticKatana, for gifts that I wasn't even expecting. Desperados III and Red Bow respectively. :)
Also, thanks SpiralTraveller for the game, Inside the Gear. Wasn't RE but I had fun with it nonetheless. ^^
Happy holidays everyone! Stay safe and may the new year bring good tidings for you all.

7 months ago*

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I'll add you. I have a leftover key for The Walking Dead: Season Two.

7 months ago

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Edit - Got it! Thanks a lot eeev!

7 months ago*

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Some key for Super Panda Adventures might be visiting your discord DM's soon.

7 months ago

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Thanks again, Carenard! Much appreciated. Looks like Christmas came early for me this year.

7 months ago

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+1 for Arkham Knight, got bundled in the WB bundle in October, and once or twice earlier in Summer. :')

7 months ago

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Yeah. Well, gotta keep hope though. Hopefully it'll return. :)

7 months ago

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Think I still have a key for The Walking Dead season 1 that is unused. Sent you a friend req on Steam

7 months ago

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Thanks a bunch for the key!

7 months ago

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<3 ^0^/ Happy I can make someone happy with it

7 months ago

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i have a couple of "orphan" keys, supposedly for Resident Evil, which i can't activate.
I'm not sure if you can either, but you're welcome to try.

7 months ago

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Always up for a luck of the draw!

Edit - Didn't work out as expected but thank you nonetheless, SpiralTraveller.

7 months ago*

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Just to be clear - that was not RE (sadly), so it's still wanted by Almostn33t.

7 months ago*

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I was gonna write "hey I remember this thread" then noticed it's 2023 edition. Cozy thread. Even just reading feels cozy. :3

For me, that would be Windward I guess. (Not that much as quantity but there is also Railroad Tycoon II). Well, I like ships and I like trains.

7 months ago

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Railroad Tycoon II is one of my all time favourites, nice to see it pop up in this thread. And I have an extra key for you. Added you on Steam.

7 months ago

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Best Christmas present is the nostalgic one. Thank you very much! <3

7 months ago

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I can give you Windward.

Adding you on Steam. :)

7 months ago

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Thank you very much <3

(Accepted but I must take a nap now, will be back in a couple hours) :)

7 months ago

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Looking at my wishlist, the recent bundle giveaways I follow hoping for the good of luck to favor me are:

Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga

Beyond a Steel Sky

Beyond Blue (Thanks Thedarksid3r ;)

Stardew Valley

Injustice 2 Legendary Edition

7 months ago*

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Should have a key for Beyond Blue, I sent you a friend req on Steam

7 months ago

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Thank you for the gift!

7 months ago

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^0^/ Enjoy

7 months ago

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Stardew Valley has been bundled? I want so bad Stardew Valley, I've never seen a bundle.

7 months ago

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4 times, actually. It was even in a monthly a few years ago.

7 months ago

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You might find it odd of me, but I have been trying to win The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf. Thank you VERY much, Grimpeeper.

Also maybe -
Godfall (maybe since it's on the Jingle Jam I might have a slim chance) Thank you SO much, chronofrost001.
Tales of Symphonia as I LOVED it on the Gamecube and I have almost all the other Tales games on steam now Thank you again, Cowofdarkness.
State of Decay 2 (haven't seen this in a while)
Eastern Exorcist.
Thank you Flygonite for Gotham Knights!

Oops, I forgot about Mortal Shell.
And the Nexomon games.

Oh well.

7 months ago*

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your link is not correctly formatted you missed a "(" before the link itself I think?

edit never mind, the moment I posted the comment you already fixed it.

7 months ago

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I know. I caught it the second it was posted and corrected it.

Thanks for the heads up anyway.

7 months ago

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Yeah I noticed, hence my edit, which you missed I assume.

Glad to have been off help, I was thinking about deleting it but that would not remove the notification for you, so I assumed it to be better to leave the comment where it was with an edit instead of a delete.

Have a nice weekend.

7 months ago

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I've got Gotham Knights for you :)

7 months ago

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WOW! Thank you VERY MUCH, my friend!

7 months ago

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I've got Mission Vileaf if you want it!

7 months ago

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You, sir, are a good person and I happily accept. Thank you very much, my friend.

7 months ago

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I've got Godfall if you want it

7 months ago

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Wy certainly, my friend. Thank you VERY much!

7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

7 months ago

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If we're going by sheer numbers for me that's A Juggler's Tale. It's been in so many bundles lately that I've got 83 entries now, would be cool to see others share their exact number of entries too for comparison :)
Second place is Patch Quest with 78 entries, after that it's the combined Wolfenstein series at 71 if you count those.

Not asking for the games because I'm low level, just wanted to share and encourage people to let us know their exact numbers if they feel like it!

7 months ago

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How would you know the amount? Counting manually seems tedious.

7 months ago

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https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/entered and search for the name.
I don't know of a way to make a top list easily, I just entered a couple of titles that came to my mind that I know I frequently see and made my list from those.

7 months ago

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I was looking on the entries page but completely durped on sorting it on a single game.
Thanks for the reminder.

7 months ago

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Search game in entries page

7 months ago

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I was looking on the entries page but completely durped on sorting it on a single game.
Thanks for the reminder.

7 months ago

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A Jugglers Tale was a masterpiece of a game. Beautiful in every way.

7 months ago

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Does that mean you'd recommend it +++?

7 months ago

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Of course.

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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I got you on A Juggler's Tale. Great short game. :)

Adding you on Steam.

7 months ago

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Thank you :D

7 months ago

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I remember this one from last year, and DrTenma gave me Pumpkin Jack (a game that I completed and I LOVED IT, thanks again dude); I think this year I won't "participate", since lately I won a game that I plan to complete it too.
Nice initiative, and thank you for it!

7 months ago

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Come on participate, give Santa Tenma something to do ;)

View attached image.
7 months ago

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You really want me to share something that I'd play on holidays :P ? You really did more than enough last time and beforeand I really appreciate it, I won The Last of Us part I, and I don't know if I will be able to play the game that I'd presumely get too soon...

7 months ago

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There are quite a few for me:

Paradise March Thanks CowofDarkness!
Rainbow Billy and the Curse of the Leviathan
Death and Taxes
Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition
Chivalry 2 Thanks vot4ol!
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
Behind The Frame

Been entering everything for them!
Great concept!

7 months ago*

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Sent you a friend request

7 months ago

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added for chivalry

7 months ago

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In the past month I have tried to participate in 48 giveaways for Friends vs Friends but so far I have had no luck xD


7 months ago

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Sent you a friends invite for Friends VS Friends

And now I see the problematic wordplay there. :P

7 months ago

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Thank you πŸ’œ

7 months ago

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I have recently created an account on steamgifts and thus I haven't entered that many giveaways. I only enter games that I know I'll enjoy. That being said, I regret not buying Deathloop and A Plague Tale: Innocence when they were bundled. So far, I haven't seen those two games here, probably because they were bundled a long time ago. However, I'll enter them once I see them as they are the two games I would have loved to own if I could at the time buy the bundle.

Happy holidays everyone

7 months ago

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I had been entering to a lot of the giveaways from the past humble bundles, but some of them I ended up just buying them, so it's hard to keep track xD.

Now I have been trying my luck with games from the Jingle Jam.

Space Gladiators
Golfie (Just won it :O).
Eyes in the Dark (Just won it here on steamgifts :D)
Deepest Chamber
Imp of the Sun

From previous bundles, Lost Castle, Dead Estate, Void Bastards, We Need to Go Deeper, Nex Machina, Leap of Fate, Darkside Detective, Katana Zero, Synthetik, Fight'n rage, Breathedge and One Step From Eden have around 100 entries each (some of them over 300 xD).
Damn, roguelites everywhere xD.

I have also seen quite a number of Eastern Exorcist giveaways, but I have no idea where are they coming from.

Thanks Oppenh4imer for Superhot!
Thanks RGVS for DUSK!
Thanks Aneve for Shing!

7 months ago*

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Added on Steam for Superhot.

7 months ago

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:O That was fast, thank you so much!

7 months ago

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Added on Steam for Dusk

7 months ago

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I have a key for Shing! Added you on Steam.

7 months ago

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Probably Greedfall (55 entries) and Hardspace Shipbreaker (26 times)

7 months ago

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I've got you covered with Hardspace Shipbreaker. 😎

I'll send you the key in about an hour.

7 months ago

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OMG, mate, appreciate it.

7 months ago

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Been away for a while and missed a cople of bundles. Mainly hunting for

South of the Circle and
Rainbow Billy and the Curse of the Leviathan thank you Myrsan β™₯ these days. Also
Beyond a Steel Sky escaped me, and last but not least
Jack Move. Oh, I forgot
Sephonie. It looks like my kind of jam :)

I actually found some more. Probbaly no one's gonna read first page comments anymore, but eh, gonna list them anyways, because why not:
Patch Quest thank you Aruv46 β™₯ moooooh
Super Lucky's Tale
Who pressed mute on uncle Marcus thank you Nunya β™₯
Nine Witches: Family Disruption thank you Cj β™₯ ;__;
Death and Taxes

And now the new Choice released and I'm out of funds to buy it, so the list grows...
The Pale Beyond
Nobody saves the World
The Gunk
Last Call BBS
Elex II
(this month would have been an instabuy if I wasn't as broke as I am right now.... ;_;)
thank you Wolfedood β™₯ thank you thank you thank you so much :')

Happy holidays to everyone and thanks to jigga for keeping the tradition alive β™₯

7 months ago*

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Billy was in your Steam chat.

7 months ago

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Ayyeeeeeeee β™₯.β™₯
Muchissimas graciasss!

View attached image.
7 months ago

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I sent you a steam invite for Patch Quest.

7 months ago*

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Thank you so so much, Aruv45. I truly appreciate it β™₯

7 months ago

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You might wanna check your Steam chat ;)

7 months ago

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Speechless. Thank you.

View attached image.
7 months ago

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Sent you a steam invite to fix that. :)

7 months ago

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Thank you, but please, offer game to someone else, there was someone mentioning that game also.

7 months ago

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Alright, i'll find another home for the game. :)

7 months ago

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I've been trying to win Spiritfarer (Thanks again Flygonite) for some time (144 entries) and more recently Graveyard Keeper (56 entries)
Also Othercide

7 months ago*

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You won't need to look for Spiritfarer anymore :)

7 months ago

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Depends on how you define lately or entering the most for.

I am sure there are things I have entered more of but those are semi random it looks interesting but I am not really aiming for it kind of things

On the Visual Novel side, every single Sakura VN that has been bundled(I am sad I missed these bundles, I know they are kind of generic in terms of VN's stories... but cute anime girls make the world go round... will likely snap buy if a rebundle happens) ... - 200 entries and counting combined for them all... only one from before my super long hiatus.

but more actual games... Eastern Exorcist, Wizard of Legend(traded for this finally) and Greedfall (thanks reddit giveaways) make up a decent portion
made me cross check things... I swear I entered more giveaways for Pillars of Eternity(I seriously don't know why I haven't bought this yet... I started following it when it first came to the steam store) and Fable Anniversary, guess they just stick with me more.
edit addition now that everyone is checking later pages :P: Superhot has been eating alot of points to, silly jingle jam
edit again: added Dec 18th, Godfall has been eating alot of points lately to, alchemists castle while not eating alot of points reminded me it keeps showing up.

I will need to poke through peoples wants wants later... I might play Santa to help clear my keylist.

7 months ago*

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Carenard, I surely have a SUPERHOT with your name on it. Steam friend request sent!

7 months ago

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thank you!

7 months ago

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I sent you a steam invite for Pillars of eternity.

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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Dungeons 3
wolfenstein 3D

7 months ago

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Wasn't Dungeons 3 given away for free a couple of years ago on steam?

7 months ago

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That was Dungeons2 (which I enjoyed very much)
I don't believe Dungeons3 has every been given away for free.

not giving him Dungeons3 because he farmed Dungeons2 for cards. No achievements for time spent playing

7 months ago*

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Ah, my mistake. thanks.

Sorry about that.

7 months ago

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I entered recently but I have been trying to get several games:

  • Graveyard Keeper Thaaanks Oppenh4imer!!!
  • Demon Turf Queen's edition
  • Breathedge Got the bundle
  • Juggler's Tale Thanks CowOfDarkness!!! :D
  • SuchArt: Genius Artist Simulator Thank you so much LoverOfTheLetterH!!!

Have been entering every time I saw them but little success.

Happy Holidays to everyone!!

PD: If anyone's is missing something from the WB bundle give me a touch,I have some leftovers and I don't see anyone asking for those games Sold out

7 months ago*

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Added for Graveyard Keeper.

7 months ago

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Thaaaanks, so much!!! Happy Holidays

7 months ago

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I only miss Shadow of War from that, but I don't want it yet just because I know I won't play it too soon, so it would be a waste...

7 months ago

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oof, I actually gave it away one week ago because my level got lowered. Good luck either way

7 months ago

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it's ok, as I said, I wouldn't have played it too soon, so better be played by someone who wanna play it sooner.

7 months ago

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Sent you a friend request

7 months ago

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Thanks!! I'll play as soon as I have time. Happy Holidays

7 months ago

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sent you a friend request for SuchArt: Genius Artist Simulator

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 months ago*

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Add me, I have a key for Wytchwood waiting for you.

7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 months ago

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Think I still have a key for Death and Taxes, sent you a friend req on Steam

7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 months ago

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^0^/ <3

7 months ago

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The Signs say that I added you on Steam.

7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 months ago

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Looking at latest most entered 5 GA are these:

  • Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
  • The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
  • Sniper Elite 4 Deluxe Edition
  • Batmanβ„’: Arkham Origins Thanks jiggakills
  • Beyond: Two Souls
7 months ago*

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Sent you a message on Steam :)

7 months ago

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Thanks again for the gift jiggakills. Happy Gaming :)

7 months ago

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Closed 7 months ago by jiggakills.