so i did my second giveaway and when it was over i sent the gift to his email like i did the last time, how ever he has not accepted the gift let, even though it says he has been on steam gifts after the giveaway was over. so i went to his steam profile and left a comment on his profile saying he has won and to check his email or spam if its in there. nothing and he was online so i sent him a friend request and he denied the friend request. since this is the first time this has happened, what should i do?

8 years ago

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Should if request a new winner?

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wait the 7 days

What should you do? Well since you've already tried contacting him just wait until its been 7 days.

PS: When you request a reroll, they'll ask for proof that you tried sending it, so take a screenshot of the gift in your inventory saying its been sent to his email. Then cancel the sending of the gift.

8 years ago

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i know i have to do that, i just find it a slap in the face he denies the request when i posted to his profile, sent a email. this is why i like when people do keys

8 years ago

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Well they're given 7 days so theres nothing you can do except wait.

8 years ago

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just take some screenshots of the email and comments on his profile for proof.
request a reroll after a week, and remember to return the gift to your inventory so he doesn't activate it later.

bonus, you can blacklist him for ignoring you. :3

8 years ago

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well now he accepted the gift but he won't put it was received

8 years ago

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Wait the period, then report him with the proof you've sent the gift (if he doesn't mark it as received), since he's activated it. If it's a Steam gift, it says on the History page who redeemed it.

8 years ago

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keep in mind some people log into this site and even steam with there phones/tablets and dont feel comfortable or cant redeem right away using them,i always redeem and mark received as fast as possible after a win because thats what i like others to do for me when they win one of mine lol.

that said some people dont like to feel rushed or may not be near there pc with there steam accounts or whatever and if you pester them they will just wait til the last minute to redeem it just to be a pain in your ass.i would just chill and wait the seven days and ask for a re-role if he dont redeem it by then:)

8 years ago

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well i have proof he has activated it. and like i said before he would not accept my messages, emails or friend request. i'll give him time

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Azyria.