I started on 50mg of zoloft/sertraline 2 days ago and definitely have my concerns. Especially with all the mystery behind how they work, their long-term effects and seemingly innumerous possible side-effects. So I'm kinda desperate to hear people's experiences with them, even if bad. pls share:)

6 years ago

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thin chips/fries or thick chips/fries

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Good interaction with other people is an antidepressant for me

6 years ago

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I used antidepressants after I got traumatised by something, I used them for 3 months and they completely changed me. I'm more apathetic now then I was before, decided to not use them and sell them instead this happened around the age of 15-18. The effects are permanent tho. In the end I feel like I didn't need them at all and it was a mistake to take them.

6 years ago*

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I've been on antidepressants that have helped a great deal - you'll feel weird for the first two weeks or so. After that, though, I just slowly stopped feeling exhausted all the time. It was like a big grey sludge blanket was lifted from my shoulders and slowly, after months, I could be a person again.

You might have to try a few times, but you have to listen to your doctor about how you should get yourself off each medication. Most times it's a slow process - you take it every other day, then three times a week, then once a week... etc. because stopping cold turkey is a really bad idea. I know this because I stopped my perscription of zoloft just cold turkey and I felt fucked up for about a month and my girlfriend was pissed as hell at me. Your body begins to expect and sometimes rely on these medications, so you have to ease it off of them slowly and not all at once. Something much more serious could have happened.

Re: dependency: People look at mental health drugs wayyy differently than they look at literally anything else. My mother had her thyroid removed, and she takes medication to replace those hormones. Would you say dependent on that drug? I have to wear glasses to see because my eyes are bad. Am I dependent on my glasses? Overwhelmingly, when you get on the right medication to help your mental illness, it makes you into the person you really are without the chemical imbalance in your brain. It lets you be you.

6 years ago

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I have no idea about the english names for my medication and I'm too tired to search, sorry.
I started with 20mg Fluoxetin (2 weeks 10mg to get my body used to it) and then 40mg. I took that for about 18 months without supervision from a psychologist, I got it prescribed from my general doctor. I didn't had any noticable side-affects. I was in a really deep hole back then so it's a bit hard to remember anything. It helped with extreme mood swings but I still had some manic phases.
For about a year now I take 20mg Fluoxetin and 25mg Valdoxan to help me sleep better. Since starting with anti-depressants my self-harming decreased and then stopped and my bad phases now last maybe a few days or a week but not months anymore. I'm still very tired and demotivated tho. I hoped anti-depressants would bring a bit more joy back and let me have fun with old hobbies again. :/

6 years ago

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I take 30g of citilopram daily for several years, and it keeps me emotionally stable.... don't experience emotional highs and lows...

Don't experience any side effects.

6 years ago

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I was experiencing horrible dizzy spells - so much so that I was afraid to drive. Got my ears checked, my brain scanned and finally in desperation, asked my doctor to put me on an anti-depressant. The first one was horrible - after a week, I was so depressed that I was considering suicide. I called her and she immediately put me on a different one that worked beautifully. I took it for a few years and then tapered off.

Then a couple of years ago, I developed a fairly mild depression and finally decided to go back on AD's. I only take 5mg a day (half a pill) of the generic Lexapro.

Anyway, if you do get suicidal ideation, I recommend contacting your doctor right away! As many have stated there are a lot of different AD meds and it might take trying several in higher or lower doses until you find one that works for you. Lack of desire is one side effect - but bupropin (sp) is one brand that supposedly doesn't have this side effect. Weight gain - well we all tend to gain some weight each year as we age. If you're careful to eat well and exercise, this side effect can be kept in check. Any other symptoms might mean it isn't the right med for you....

In sum, AD meds can have amazing results for those suffering from depression. Just give them time to fully work.

6 years ago

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ALRIGHT. To be concise: the shit works, but it's hard to notice unless something is wrong. If you can build up a habit of taking them, life's good, and you'll want to be off of them, and then you'll sink. My experience in the past, anyway.

6 years ago

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I've been on them for 2 years now and I still haven't seen an effect of anti-depressants, aside form side effects. I don't know much about their long-term effects but I do know that their effects change from person to person. They didn't work for me at all so I hope they work for you 😃

6 years ago

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I have been but I dont remember the name of it. It just makes me sleepy. Doesnt help at all.

6 years ago

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i'm on prozac 50 mg. honestly i dont feel any different... well i feel my mind is clearer than before that's all. I asked for a different pill but they won't try. I used to be on wellbutrin 150... it felt like ti didn't do anything either...............

However, I'm afraid to stop taking it, worrying the massive drop in emotion if I did.

6 years ago

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I got put on them once like 10 years ago. Honestly, all they did was make me not care about anything, which imo just made things worse. Wasn't worried about bills, work, anything. Stopped taking them. Can't remember what pills they were though.

6 years ago

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