Now that you are baited: First, you have to conquer puzzle hell! Your torturous journey begins here, a 625 to the power of 1/2 pieces Jigidi. Will you make it to the end?

And what will be your reward? Well, that is a surprise. Though, be aware that there is a CV restriction ranging from Lvl 1 to Lvl 5. Also, I "might" add giveaways to the train, so check at a later point again. Maybe. Or don't check because it is unlikely ^^'

Since, I am realistic I know that I can't keep up the thread for two weeks :P The attention span of people is just too short for that ^^' Therefore, I just want to give some topics, you can discuss if you want to:

  • To the solvers: Has the reward been worth the torture?
  • To puzzle creators: Have you ever gone back to some of your old puzzle threads and thought: "How am I supposed to solve this?" Not that I have issues solving my own past puzzles :P My favourite threads have been those with ITH quizzes because I can no longer access them. And I read the comments and hints and think: "WHAT was the QUESTION?"
  • To the older part of the community: You remember larger events? Something like JeffHowe's puzzle pyramids or the Touhou Event. Or Nordhbane's puzzle agency. Or older puzzles in general like Samus' dog Caesar.
  • To the community in general: Haven't seen a thread about it yet. May have overlooked it. Disney is working more intensly with Epic games and investing laaaaaarge amounts of money into Epic. I know it is hip to hate on Epic and in special circles it is also hip to hate on Disney. Nonetheless, do you think the cooperation will bring some movement in the market or are Steam and Epic simply adressing different communities/markets?

Ah right, for those challenging puzzle hell, have some inspirational music here:
If you can't see eye to eye with the tiger, maybe try communicating with him:
Both versions should actually work but there might be some issues with the first. It worked on my side but there have been reports that only the second worked.

Also, I checked if everything works. But I might have made errors so if you are unsure, give me a heads up. At least my Virus Scanner says that everything is clean :P

Edit: The second part may have some minor issues. If the heavily hinted at solution does not work, try an equal alternative. You will know what I mean if you tried the intended solution.


  1. The first step is quite easy. You just have to finish the Jigidi and then you get the link to the Tiger image.
  2. You download the image (first pitfall: It has to be around 8 Mb in size, otherwise you just downloaded the thumbnail)
  3. Watch the image closely (the Eye of the Tiger song stirs you into the right direction)
  4. Zoom to the eye and recognize the zipper (second pitfall: Yes, this is hard to see but I hear there are people who recognized it as such, didn't want to make it too obvious)
  5. Make the mental jump from zipper to zip
  6. Rename the downloaded image to .zip (third pitfall: You need to activate file extensions being shown)
  7. Open the newly created zip with WinRar. I think this is pre-installed in Windows? Or 7-zip.
  8. Open the VSF folder and then the Very Secret File.txt
  9. Find the giveaway link for the train
    9+: Scroll down and find the giveaway link for the secret bonus giveaway

So far the theory. However, due to magic I have not foreseen and can't control, the zip method does not work for everyone. Some people reported that they had to open the file inside 7-zip. Others told me that .zip didn't work at all and they needed to use .rar (that was the second video hint: ra(w)r). Apologies to everyone who thought of the correct solution but gave up because of these issues. This was not my intention and I am not sure what the trigger conditions are. On my side, it worked simply with .zip and WinRar.

3 months ago*

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bump for solved :>

I KNEW what the second half was gonna be but I'm. a little silly. and didn't do it correctly for quite a bit LOL

2 months ago

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View attached image.
2 months ago

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bumpy yeop (to the first q) :P

2 months ago

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Nice puzzle! Thanks for the train!

2 months ago

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OMG.... something clicked and suddenly it made sense. I checked and sure enough.... Bump for solved. lol.
I don't know why I never thought of this the first time I looked at this. I'm glad I came back for another look.

2 months ago

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Maybe I should bump this.

Nah, too lazy for that.


2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Bump. Couldn't solve it. But I was never really bright at doing these things. So can't really complain.

2 months ago

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don't know what to do with the astonishing zigzagzipper patern of this amazing tiger! Also this tiger is a huge predator and I don't know what he's used to eat... it's strange, but it seems there are some VSF/... on the menu, but I didn't know how to interpret it or which program should I use to get the complete info about his diet... or if it's somewhat related to the puzzle... bump for not solved :/

Found the right tool! I'm sure I tried it before and failed, or I used it the wrong way... 7 tries made the charm :p

2 months ago*

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finally got it, just needed to find the right tool... thx

2 months ago

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Do we need an image editing software for second part of the puzzle?

2 months ago

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The question is tricky. Because the only answer i can give you either won't help you but bear the risk of confusing you. Generally, no you don't need exactly image editing software.

2 months ago

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A little bump for a fiendishly clever puzzle and lots of fantastic giveaways 👍

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Less than 24 hours. Go hunt down the Tiger.

2 months ago

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I tried a lot but can't figure out :(
Good Luck to the ones who solved the puzzle. And thanks for the chance! When the giveaway finished someone could tell me the answer or maybe give me a hint? I saw you have used exiftool. But there is so much information there. Don't know where to start. Maybe i don't need exiftool right?

2 months ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

2 months ago*

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something like exiftool might help, but you will probably need something else

2 months ago

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Happy Birthday & thanks again for the challenging puzzle 🚂

2 months ago

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1 hour left, ive been tryin to solve this for the last two weeks and still couldnt do it, not gonna give up till the last minute!! (even tho i still have no idea)

2 months ago

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Then good luck. 86 minutes left.

2 months ago

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im finally giving up, even if i coulndt solve it i learned new things so thank you! are you going to post the solution??

2 months ago

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Yes, solution is up. I hope you didn't fail on the technical issues. There have been multiple reports that the intended solution didn't work as intended. Though I have not found out what caused this.

2 months ago

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Solution is up.

2 months ago

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Wowww is amazing. How did you know about this and how i can do that? I mean, hide a text on an image. I try different things to solve it. First i add the image to a zip file. And thought about the size of the compression. But there were more numbers than 5. Then i try open the image with WordPad. I found that said that there was a secret file. But i didn't know that we can do this. So i try to use exiftool to look the metadata. But couldn't find the solution there. I couldn't participate in your giveaway but you gave me a gift with this. I really like the solution. But I want to know how did you come up with the idea? Did you already know how to do it?

2 months ago

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The process itself is not really difficult but quite convuleted. There are multiple - very similar - articles on how to do this. Here is an example from WikiHow

As for the how I knew this. I am not 100 % sure anymore. I think I learned this on Steamgifts itself. Maybe it is even part of Zelgh's puzzle solving guide. Or it was another puzzle on SG using the mechanism. Maybe I found randomly somewhere else.

I used it at least for (a) puzzle(s) in the past. So I knew it was working (minus all the magic stuff that happend this time). It makes for a nice little puzzle. Easy and fast if you understand directly. A bit frustrating if not. Technically, you aren't limited to images. I think I also used it on a .mp3 file before. Would have to check my folders/threads. Technically, you can also create whole labyrinths inside a single file, basically like a mini-puzzle. Though, it needs quite a bit of planning for that.

2 months ago

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This is amazing, thanks for answering and thanks a lot for sharing the knowledge.

View attached image.
2 months ago

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huh, I tried to just open the jpg in winrar as some guide(zelgh magic guide to basic sg puzzling) on steamgifts said you just need to do that and it gave me error so I thought there is no hidden file then..

2 months ago

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There is at least one comment suggesting the user did just that and it worked. It might be some more magic as strange things happened for different users. It is also possible that you downloaded the thumbnail and not the 8 Mb file which would also result in an error.

2 months ago

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No clue, it's the correct 8mb file.. Opened with notepad now and changed to .zip and .rar (changing just the name doesn't work, need save as in notepad..) and tried to open with 7zip or winrar still nothing (same error)... Maybe the problem is that I have windows 11, oh well...

2 months ago

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There are also comments of people solving it on Windows 11. However, they mentioned something about activating a function before. Other than that, I am halfway sure that saving it IN notepad will corrupt the original file and make it unsolvable.

Maybe next time.

2 months ago

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I have win 11, didn't rename the file. I just right click->open with and selected 7-zip. Worked without any issues.

2 months ago

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Oh boy. A zipper... no sophisticated code hitdden in those bumpy landscape... :P
Thanks for the solution and Happy Easter!

2 months ago

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Knew it had something to do with zip, but had no idea how to open an image as a zip file.

2 months ago

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Closed 1 month ago by Adelion.