Well, I was lucky enough to win two giveaways today but seems like admins granted a reroll.
The giveaways were level 4 and of course I entered them being level 4 then that shit with Silent Hill being bundled happened so I dropped to level 3.

Is that a valid reason to grant a reroll?

I don't remember reading anything about that in the rules.

I feel so sad and angry right now.

9 years ago

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Is the giveaway creator an awful person?

View Results
Yes, he is a monster.
Yes, but the one granting the reroll is far worse.
I don't know.

When was Silent Hill bundled?

9 years ago

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It had a highly discounted sale, this site only requires a sale of 95% or more discounted to add to the bundle list.

9 years ago

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Oh, I see. I thought they meant it was actually in a bundle.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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If I remember correctly, the sale price was about US$1.50 to US$1.75, a heavy discount from the US price of $40

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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The Night of the Rabbit is finally added to the bundle list today thanks to me. muhaha! get rekt. sorry.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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probably not enough bad rats giveaways, that's why.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You can check easily here: http://www.sgcv.tk/

Enter your SG ncikname and the giveaways you have made that have been considered bundled will be in red

9 years ago

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The rule has always taken into account the US price, so they were treated fairly.

I got my keys from a US user. :P

9 years ago

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Except I doubt it works like that on region restricted ones, making it hypocrisy.

If a region restricted game is more than 94% off do you get the "bundle" hammer?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Seems pretty imbalanced against those of us trying to give ROW keys.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't think they should punish people in those countries, but it's pretty sucky they punish those doing ROW, just because something was cheap elsewhere (off the steam site) so if it's "fixed" I'm sure it will be in the opposite direction I'd like to see it... taking a negative track instead of a positive one.

9 years ago

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I notice the lack of a no in the poll, so can not vote.

Everyone who gave away that game during that discount got treated the same way.

9 years ago

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I am the creator of these giveaways. I'm pretty sure it wasn't because of Silent Hill, but because of that truck game (bundled by groupees). You are level 3 and the giveaways were made for level 4+, so you weren't supposed to enter, that's why I asked for a reroll.

9 years ago

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I think his point was he was level 4 when he entered. It's a pretty grey area.

Obviously whomever decided on rerolls is on your side though, not that I have any faith in them.

9 years ago

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I was level 4 before entering your giveaways, then lost a few cents and dropped to 3 for no aparent reason and then again back to level 4 with the truck game to finally drop to level 3 when Silent Hill was added to the list.
I did nothing to trick the system. I was level 4 when I entered the giveaway. Is not my fault that 2 or 3 months later they decide to add that game to the bundle list.

There are other two similar situations were they don't grant a reroll:

  • You enter a group giveaway and during the giveaway you get kicked.
  • You add someone who is in one of your giveaways to the blacklist.

I just think that is not fair.

9 years ago

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you were level 4 but you were not supposed to. your level was unfair, not the reroll. nobody is saying you tricked the system or anything. just get over it.

9 years ago

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I see your point. So I'll avoid to giveaway heavily discounted games in the future, who knows, they may be added to the list months later.

9 years ago

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if they're discounted ≥95% from the US steam store base price, they will be added. hopefully Shobo won't miss them that long though.

9 years ago

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Well, I came back from my gf's house just now, checked all the winners and saw that you were level 3 only, that's why I asked for a reroll.

9 years ago

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I'd vote no if you would have added that as an option ;)
I think it is a valid reason if it was intended for a higher level, even if in this case it might not be your fault or intention to trick the system.
I can understand that you are sad and / or angry at the moment, but you should just accept the giveaway creators / supports decision in this case.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It really seems unfair for Furito. I thought that every reroll ticket was carefully studied and that site rules were more important that giveaway creator's rules.

9 years ago

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It wasn't my rules, the giveaway was for level 4, he was level 3 when I checked his profile, so I asked for a reroll.

9 years ago

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yes, and site rules require a reroll. what's the big deal here? calm your horses people. if anything, op should be happy he/she had more cv than he/she should had for this much time.

9 years ago

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I don't see the benefit, exactly why would one be happy?

9 years ago

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for the cv op wasn't supposed to have in the first place. if it doesn't make one happy, then don't be happy. it's not a must. thus the use of "if anything".

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I would have given it to you. I dont think it was fair.
Its like when blacklisting people after they have entered your giveaway already. Their entry in it is still considered valid. I feel yours should have been considered valid.

9 years ago

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You are such a wonderful human being.

9 years ago

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I was entered for multiple Lvl5 GA's when my level dropped because FaeVerse's base price changed from $30 to $15. If I had won any of those GA's, I would have been happy if the creators had given me the games, but I also expected them to ask for a re-roll, since I was no longer the right level.

shrugs I'm surprised that it took them this long to add Silent Hill to the list of bundled games, but it's not a surprise, since it was so deeply discounted.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I agree with everything you say here...

I made a post yesterday wondering why I had lost level 6... once someone told me why, and it checked out, I just closed it. Wasn't any point in howling about it any more. But i do still reserve the right to pout about it :P

Now if I could just stop getting drawn back into these threads!

View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I wouldn't reroll(unless some jerk, but for that there is normally another reroll reason) if winner was Lv 4 and won my Lv 4 giveaway and then went back to Lv 3, today leveling up is pretty much easy, with bundle games ppl can get to level 3 easily, or more.

9 years ago

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If the rules are to be applied retroactivily then you have to ask back the games form everyone that won them on a higher level than the present.

9 years ago

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Well if the CV values would have been correct to begin with you couldn't even enter at the first place - you only feel cheated because of the system's hiccup you could enter for the giveaway.
Though I would have give you one week ( as 7 days to deliver won game) to get back to level 4, but this is just my idea, not a blame towards the maker of the GA.

9 years ago

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That sucks. I would never do such a thing to anyone unless they have broken rules with their winnings in the past.

Anyways, chances are that you won 2 bundle games, so just get over it. I know it's not that simple but it's your best option right now. Also avoid public opinion in situations of this kind next time, as you probably have noticed already, not really a good thing to "discuss".

9 years ago

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Unfortunate situation, though as for if it is valid... The admin who approved the reroll believes so. The creator saw you werent the right level and asked support for assistance, its support who ultimately made the decision. If they truly thought you were breaking rules then you would have been suspended. Just think, if they were faster on implementing the correct CV values then you wouldn't have seen the GA anyway.

9 years ago

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Haha nice biased poll there :P

Your level was inflated to higher than it should have been and was retroactively fixed. Anything you won while at an incorrect level is 100% fair game to be re-rolled.

9 years ago

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That's just how SteamGifts works. I dropped a level too last week. Had to do a couple more GAs to raise it back up.

9 years ago

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Um, can anyone else not see the unfairness of this except me? If you are at X-level when you enter a GA then your entry should stand regardless of system updates... anything you enter AFTER the system change should count towards your currently reduced level....

Listen, most of us don't track games that get reduced here - either immediately or months later. Personally I have a job and an active life so the tracking this stuff is way beyond my personal abilities...but it feels unfair to allow a person to enter a GA, and then win it only to have it "re-rolled/taken away" due to an update to CV after the VALID entry... but hey, I am all about fairness inasmuch as possible...

9 years ago

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Well, time to move on. Thank you for your opinions.
Seems like there is nothing to do about it although is absolutely unfair. Have a nice day.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Furito.