This service from Google is free, simple to implement and easy for humans to use. Just click the checkbox, wait a second and you're done. There's no generic way bypass it, but there may be paid services that can. Even if there are, it's very unlikely that anyone is going to pay just to be able to join a giveaway and get a tiny chance of winning. After all, giveaways typically have hundreds and sometimes thousands of other entries, so it's most likely money down the drain. It will becomes cheaper to simply use this money to buy the games.

8 years ago*

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Which option do you prefer?

View Results
Click the "[x] I'm not a robot" checkbox, wait a second, then click "Enter Giveaway" button. Benefit from fewer entries and a higher chance of winning.
Click "Enter Giveaway" button. Save a second, but share my chances with bots and users who use scripts and care little about the game or the giveaway description.
Use scripts or bots myself to mass enter giveaways quickly. The hell with the giveaway description. Let me spend as little time as possible on entering giveaways.

Already too many damn captcha's already on sites, some are horrible to read.

8 years ago

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This one only requires to tick a box, not type in anything.

8 years ago

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Maybe i have the indiegala one in mind, also an i'm not a robot thing, but you still have to click certain pictures with some blurry ones.
Still even it takes 1 second, it's a restriction, just like having to click accepting cookies when you visit a website, i am a human so why do i have to do extra work for those that do use bots?

There is already cv in place and if people really don't want bots to enter there are many ways they can prevent it (invites, set level etc).

8 years ago*

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Why not just click the link in OP? You can see it there. You have to click a box to tick it off, that's it.

8 years ago

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I did and still, look at the average amount of how many giveaways people entered, count those "it only takes a second" all together and see how many minutes you wasted on just clicking extra nonsense boxes. Take a good 5 year and let's say you entered 100000 giveaways (which isn't impossible), while i suck at math i believe that's a whole day of non stop clicking.

Dont fix something when it isn't really broken.

8 years ago*

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Why I said, that ticking that box should automatically enter you into the giveaway, if deemed a human. But honestly I don't know if this is really an issue to be fixed. But bots should generally just be banned all together.

8 years ago

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Would be nice to have that, IF clicking the button would automatically join the giveaway if it deems you a human. We already need 2 clicks to joing a giveaway, 3 is just too much.

8 years ago

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with noscript addons you can "skip" captchas, so for me, it will give the normal user a "work" while for the bots users is just another automatic step

8 years ago

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well, i would prefer math problems or other not simply google-able quiz questions to enter each ga, that not only prevents bots, but also dumb people from entering ;)

8 years ago

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On the one hand, we should have some kind of way to fight of bots but on the other hand, captcha can be really frustrating. It starts with simple check the box but then you have to choose images or retype some weird words.
On some imageboard I once saw an option for 'captcha' that was working for 24 hours, I think. Before you posted anything you had info to go on some kind of subpage, check the box, and then you were happy and free from doing that for some time.

In other words, I think this is genreally a good idea, but maybe with something else than captcha. If I will think about something or I will find some service that can do the same, I will come back here and post about it.

8 years ago

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I have supported Captchas since new version of this site. And I would like to find way to blacklist all the scripters.

8 years ago

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