This service from Google is free, simple to implement and easy for humans to use. Just click the checkbox, wait a second and you're done. There's no generic way bypass it, but there may be paid services that can. Even if there are, it's very unlikely that anyone is going to pay just to be able to join a giveaway and get a tiny chance of winning. After all, giveaways typically have hundreds and sometimes thousands of other entries, so it's most likely money down the drain. It will becomes cheaper to simply use this money to buy the games.

8 years ago*

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Which option do you prefer?

View Results
Click the "[x] I'm not a robot" checkbox, wait a second, then click "Enter Giveaway" button. Benefit from fewer entries and a higher chance of winning.
Click "Enter Giveaway" button. Save a second, but share my chances with bots and users who use scripts and care little about the game or the giveaway description.
Use scripts or bots myself to mass enter giveaways quickly. The hell with the giveaway description. Let me spend as little time as possible on entering giveaways.
  1. Playblink removed their captchas for a reason.
  2. jDownloader can solve these "I'm not a robot" checkboxes (by opening the browser and "clicking" on it).
  3. That captcha method also fails regularly (and can be a real pain in the ass).
8 years ago

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You only get about half a dozen "I'm not a robot" captchas before you start having to solve words or pictures.

8 years ago

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i thought their captcha was making you play poor bejewled clones?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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For me, I some times find giveaways with 2-3 seconds to spare, if I had to click check or solve something I'm sol, now I'm not, so No.

8 years ago

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nope, simply because that "I am not a robot" is blocked in China like all of google things, and using VPN to enter giveaways would be a pain in the ass.

You want to slowly get rid of bots and script users, put level restrictions, after the giveaway is created immediatly refresh your page and blacklist the ones that entered within that 15~20 sec window.

8 years ago

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I've actually entered more than a few giveaways within the first minute simply by sheer chance.

8 years ago

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I don't blacklist if it takes 30secs to enter, i also entered a couple of giveaways less than a minute after it has been created, but probably never 5 or 10 secs, If you these couples of quick entries compared to the thousands i've entered it barely never happns. But if just within the time i review the giveaway (before confirming it), the new page opens and i hit refresh almost immediatly after it opens. If within these 5~15 secs someone enter there's a pretty good chance he's using scripts.

8 years ago

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That's true enough. I'm not sure I could find, load and have the system recognize my entry that quickly. There's always that 2-second delay here and there.

8 years ago

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I've caught a few within a few seconds of them being listed by looking at "New" under the give aways... so it's not JUST bots that can find them fast.
Now if you created maybe 3-10 different ones at different times and got those same fast hits...

8 years ago

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My giveaway never last just one hour, they usually last a couple of days or a week at most. You'd have to be really unlucky to open page 15 or whatever page my giveaway is listed at of the new giveaways right when mine is up and within 10sec open my giveaway page and enter the giveaway.... Plus if you're able to do that it means you would'nt even read my giveaway description so it's pretty much the same as using bots in my eyes.

8 years ago

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New lists the giveaways by how long ago they were created so yours at few seconds would be at the top of the page. Given your numbers of giveaways I would say odds are that there is at least one occurrence of someone happening to join within the first seconds. So it boils down to though the people doing it should be a minority of the cases you see is it really right to blacklist so freely and get the odd innocent?

Also I would be surprised if most people read the description before joining since you can easily read the description while joining and if you are going to reply it saves you from having to scroll up after the post goes through plus personally given the common one liners people put up I often end up reading the description before I can move cursor to join.

8 years ago*

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I also use the "new" button and have caught myself many times about to enter a giveaway that was created less than 10 seconds ago and I have to wait for a minute or 2 to pass before I enter because I am afraid I am going to get blacklisted if I enter right away.

Edit: I actually wouldn't be surprised if the bots were setup to check how old the giveaway is and not enter until after so many minutes or seconds to prevent this.

8 years ago

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[X] extremely hard itstoohard puzzle before entering any giveaway Kappa

8 years ago

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but--t-t I'm a robot "dis is discrimination lines".

8 years ago

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easier to keep creating trap GAs :3

8 years ago

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I don't see any problem with that, as long as you only have to do the "I'm not a bot" thing everyone few hours or something. It would be quite annoying if you had to do it for every giveaway.

8 years ago

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I don't think I like the idea much honestly....Maybe if it's optional, or just applied to 0-1 level giveaways. I just don't want to add extra hassle to my whitelist, train or group GAs. I mean, usually I ask them to post something, and the majority actually, i know at least on my GAs that well over half of the entries typically are actual non-bot people.

8 years ago

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I would only support such a feature if it can be disabled when creating a giveaway.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't know how many entries can be bots, but I'd like it implement if only to see the difference.

8 years ago

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How about a "Thanks" button, where you can click and then at the bottom of a giveaway page it will say "These users give their thanks: " where it lists the clickers to save on the thanks comment spam.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well it is not the impossible letters/numbers ones I find so often so it is not an automatic "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" from me but I still find the idea distasteful especially since I don't think of either as anywhere near the biggest problems around here so I guess I will be voting no.

8 years ago

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It's not like people with 0 games can register here, so there's no point in having such a system.

8 years ago

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Retinal scanning or nothing!

8 years ago

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Full body cavity search should be better. I'd like to see a bot passing this test.

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Now that would be a true show of your desire to enter a giveaway.
I'd like to see someone going through that for a game he just kinda might want. xD

8 years ago

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Captchas are annoying though, especially if you enter more than 5 giveaways.

After about 5 or so clicks, you'll start to have to select images of cakes and road signs and burgers (which are actually sandwiches).

Besides, scripts don't give anyone a real advantage because of point generation anyway.

8 years ago

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I wouldn't mind that option at all and don't really see how a second or two really could be such a bother to anyone (although, there were times I saw a giveaway and entered at the last second and this option would make that impossible) to just scratch the whole idea on the "nuisance" basis. I mean, you're gonna spend more time on writing a little show of gratitude to the giveaway creator anyway.

It might be a good idea to only apply it to public giveaways if most of the people don't like it for the private/group ones.

Please keep in mind, I haven't given all that much thought to this and this is just my first reaction. I'm sure there are valid reasons against it that I haven't thought of. :)

8 years ago

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stupid google thing used to think i was a bot or something and always had to solve a really unreadable captcha after clicking that button
im not a robot, beep boop

8 years ago

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Maybe you've not been one of the lucky people those things have kept from using a website for hours because they are fucking garbage. No, please, never NEVER add a clarify you aren't a robot button. It's really worth a few bots winning games.

8 years ago

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A captcha? That would ruin my mobile experience, I have a really crummy connection at my workplace.

8 years ago

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I wouldn't mind at all.

8 years ago

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Antibot + this and i will be happy

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I'm ok with it. Everything to fight botting.

8 years ago

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Private giveaways are the solution, puzzled too. Whitelist is a great solution also. We don't need captcha/I'm not a robot/whatever.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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