Hi, there's an update to the discussions page today that'll allow you to unsubscribe from individual discussion categories. Simply click the eye icon beside the category name to unsubscribe, and the category will move to a separate list in the left column to confirm the change. If you decide to resubscribe, you can do so in a similar manner.

You'll also see buttons in the left column labeled "All" and "Subscribed". "All" will display discussions from every category and "Subscribed" will only display discussions from categories you are subscribed to viewing. When you're logged in and click "Discussions" in the navigation you'll automatically be sent to the "Subscribed" page.

This should be useful if you would like to hide certain categories you're not interested in viewing. However, the main reason behind the change is that I would like to add more discussion categories, some of which are more open to certain types of advertising (such as a developer promoting their new game, or a user starting a new gaming YouTube channel). In the proposed guidelines discussion there was a debate about whether or not we should allow advertising, and this will allow us to restrict it to certain categories where users can individually choose whether or not to have it visible. I'll start another discussion shortly so we can talk about new discussion categories.

4 years ago

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thanks cg!
Sector is clear

4 years ago*

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This is solid, but still won't stop people from using "General" for anything and everything.

Edit: Also, isn't it about time to wipe the Uncategorized threads and remove the section entirely? I know we had an incentive to re-categorize back when we made the switch, but that effort/page is dead. I would imagine any "live" threads have been re-categorized by now.

4 years ago*

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