This will probably cost a lot of recources and you won't be able to play a game with that. And even if, you need a version of Win7. And if you have that, you can just update to Win7.
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never seen a computer without an operating system before ?
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There is no program that can easily replicate the functions of 7 without being 7. It's just not possible. Even if you could tell Steam "this is Windows 7," this would simply cause it to try to do things it should be able to do in 7, but cannot. This will only break things more for you. Your only option is to run 7 in some fashion.
Not to mention support for XP is being dropped next year, so you need to upgrade sometime soon.
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You could run Windows 7 in a virtual machine provided you own it, but don't have it installed. And by running it in a virtual machine your games will run worse, because the virtual machine will take up a quite a bit of resources.
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Maybe try to install Windows 7 on some VM like VirtualBox? But first it could be very riskfull, and it can end it by ban your account, second there will be no option to play any games, and third propably your PC could not handle with virtual win 7, if you still on windows XP.
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Press mouse 2 on steam>Properties>Compatibility>Compatibility Mode(Check it)>WIN 7
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compatibilityy mode cannot make apps compatible with newer versions of windows. Win XP cannot make an app "compatible" of Win7.
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There is a reason it's win7+ , some library dependencies of big picture or stuff is at least for vista/win7 etc. so unless you have them you can't execute what you want to achieve.
Also I think it's time for you to upgrade, at least the OS.
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To put this as simple as possible - no there isn't.
Windows Vista/7/8 work differently than XP. You are basically trying to cheat the OS to think it has a feature it doesn't have, so that it can tell to other programs it does.
You cannot emulate something you don't have (actually more than one feature on both, software and hardware level) and you cannot use a program for that since this feature would be a OS-specific low level feature.
Valve's John McCaskey has explained why there is no support for XP:
They could technically add support for XP but this would mean they would have to add the same feature twice, 1st for Vista/7/8 and 2nd for a 12 years OS.
Steam is already buggy as hell and I don't think adding features for 10% that still use XP is a good idea if this means making Steam more unstable.
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But Linux isn't a 12-years old retiring OS. Plus, since they probably intend to make the Steam box Linux-based, it makes sense.
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What Zomby2D said.
Besides, I doubt it works on old versions of Linux.
We're not talking about OS market share here but about OS version market share. XP is way too old and already dead to keep investing in it. t stopped being a reliable/fast/secure OS years ago.
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use xbmc as a launcher for steam, of course you don't get so many big picture feature s, plus you have to add games manually, so prolly not worth it.
xp usage was like 10 % in last steam survey (and decreasing) so since it appears they have to code some things specially for xp, they decided to not support it
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Why don't you just upgrade to Windows 7 and run everything in Windows XP Mode.
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Until Microsoft stops supporting it and releasing security fixes. Suddenly you'll have more than just Big Picture requiring newer versions of windows; new games, and eventually steam itself will require something more recent because they'll rely on APIs that Windows XP simply doesn't have. Not to mention the lack of security updates create a rather obvious problem as well.
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in truth, it's not really worth it. Unless you plan on using a controller and a big screen tv, Big Picture is little more than a resource hog. You might as well go out and get a console because that's all it really does, give Steam a really laggy console feel
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