
1 decade ago*

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Hey, I'll Still see you on the psn for any co op games we both might have. In the mean time, yeah, I'll certainly miss ya.

1 decade ago

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Sad to see you go, man. I don't think we ever interacted but you seem to be a very valuable member here, both in generosity and overall politeness. We need more of you! Now we're losing you!

Well, go play some games man :) That's why we all came here in the first place! Maybe drop by some time and tell us what awesome games you have been playing.

1 decade ago

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Answer that!

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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We were never approached for assistance and I have no reports of any previous wrong doing. It's too late if anything could have been done to help prevent his resignation from the community, if anything could have been done on our part.

1 decade ago

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I don't know who you are, but it's sad these things happen. Goodbye, and good luck with your life I guess?

1 decade ago

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"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rage at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

This is why we can't have nice things people!! Because children need to grow the bloody hell up. Why are you even harassing anyone?! WHY! WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE!

1 decade ago

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Nah, someone added me recently and started to begging despite of my not very big contribution, first i asked him "why do ya think i'll gift?". He answered "i don't". I said him GTFO, and he said i'm gay and started to insult me :D Actually, i wasn't angry, it was rather funny to see. Since they ready to add not only such guys as you, but also guys whose contribution is less than 100 bucks (3 or 4 guys acted this way since i registred)... huh! Very soon they'll add everyone to beg even if it's a man which contribution is less than 10 bucks.

Well, i understand you, it's funny if there're not many of them. But seems you got tons of them and got really sick and tired because they even dare to interrupt your friends. Good luck. I wish you will kick some their asses IRL if you meet them.

1 decade ago

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I still haven't been begged once, I'm so jealous.

Maybe it's because I haven't been on Steam recently... maybe on Friday I'll hang around my PC to see if I get any messages. Most of the invites I've gotten recently seem to have been from genuinely decent people!

Weird thing to complain about... but I want to troll beggars too!

Edit: In fairness I was begged quite a bit at the start of this site, but after a brief hiatus from visiting here I haven't been bothered.

1 decade ago

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Well if you are on the top contributers list they tend to think you have all the money in the world and contact you day and night til you answer them. lol ... so i just ignore them if i don't know who they are and sometimes get yelled at by them in the chat rooms because of that.

1 decade ago

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I sure wish I could opt out of that list so I don't get begged when I want to do major giveaways >_< Like the sega giveaways I had

1 decade ago

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That's a good point, I generally fly under the radar because I do so few giveaways.

I wish the opting out option had been implemented already... it hardly seems nice for the site to punish those of you that are so generous. I mean, if you want to be listed, fair enough, but as it is that Top Contributors list just makes you a target and nothing else.

1 decade ago

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Can i haz a free e-hug plox?

1 decade ago

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Sorry to hear you go man but I can understand where your coming from also and hope things will work out better for you man and less people will add you and bug you all the time. So sorry to hear that you are leaving man. Hopefully everything will work out for you in the end and things will calm down.

1 decade ago

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<3 , it happens to me, but i just removed myself from the steam groups and it died down alot

1 decade ago

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"I never claimed people force themselves onto my friends list, Buts its arrogant and pigheaded to dismiss people without first hearing what they have to say."

This is your main problem. It is not arrogant or pigheaded to ignore the friends request if you do not know the person. They are not your friend so why should they be on your friends list? I generally accept people myself but I simply delete them straight away if they start asking for games or something I don't care to give them.

I'm sorry to see you leave but the way you are is part of the problem. These things could easily be avoided and you choose not to.

1 decade ago

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Complain about problems with people

But not to mods

That is a perfectly reasonable way to handle issues with a community.

1 decade ago

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Sorry you're leaving, but, uh, who are you?

1 decade ago

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Sorry to hear that a few dozen bad apples ruined your time here.
Hope you are able to get back to a normal life quickly.

1 decade ago

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I think a guy said this in this forum once:
To avoid accepting friend request from beggars, he requires from anyone who sends him a request to post on his profile, explaining why he added him. That way, he only accepts those who do not seem like beggars and have a good reason to be added as friends :)

Sorry to hear that you didn't report anyone to the admins and you have come to this decision :(

1 decade ago

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Not a bad idea actually.

Though one of the beggars I got, had the same thing on his wall :P But it will defiantly "scare" away most beggars.

1 decade ago

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sad, i know how You feel cause some of these people are really annoying...

1 decade ago

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Well, you're in PR, isn't ignoring morons part of your job description? ;-)

1 decade ago

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Another good gifter lost due to the growing greed of this place. This is why it's a bad idea to have SG open to all sorts of folks. A bit more "border control" would vastly improve the quality of this place. We are coming to the point where this place has 50.000 users and most of them only enter giveaways, never say anything apart from the generic "thanks" post (though some even don't bother posting that anymore). I won't mention the amount that uses the forum, but most of you might have an idea how low that percentage is considering we have around 50.000 users.

The people who DO care about this place and aren't greedy leeches isolate themselves from the public by creating private groups/communities. This does make me wonder about the state of this place, because most of these groups are being made for the sole reason to fence off the outside (public) world.

1 decade ago

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It's come to my attention that it is likely also just due to being a "top gifter." That Top Contributors This Week should actually list people with the least giveaways/most entries.

1 decade ago

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Except one problem. People like me. I'm not financially well enough right now to gift, but I will once I am. Right now I have over 100 entries but if you look, they're almost all Portal. I'd be on the list, even though I'm not trying for the popular or big games because I don't feel right about possibly taking a win from a contributor.

1 decade ago

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The last part of my comment was just a joke/aside that really is inconsequential. I think the list should be removed/optional and that's all. It's not cool to call people out on this site if it makes them a target, whether they are generous gifters or those of us who can't afford to give games.

The list should be removed or you should have to opt-in.

Also, lordnerd, live a little, enter a bigger contest than Portal and just get that when it's free again (it's been free a bunch of times). Don't feel bad if you win something awesome, feel good :)

1 decade ago

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Sorry to see you go Shadow. I may be part of the problem. When I won my first, and only game, I friended the person who gave it to me. Not to beg for more games, but as a way to say thanks and keep tabs on whether or not he ever needed any help.

It saddens me that people will try to use this service to harass games out of people.
I think it would be great if we could give names under a pseudonym or anonymously so that people can't harass our steam accounts.

1 decade ago

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Please keep me in your FriendList !

1 decade ago

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/offtopic you played L2 with that nick?

1 decade ago

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Not sure who you are, but just from looking at your profile I can see you were an awesome person. Good luck in your future. :)

1 decade ago

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As a silent member (I rarely speak, extreme social anxiety), I thank you for the time you've put into the site. Not just the giveaways (I've yet to win one so...) but for the advice, and everything else. I came for the community, and hope to give back like you have when I'm financially stable. More people should look to your example instead of just being greedy and selfish.

1 decade ago

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meh... you are overthinking the whole situation

1 decade ago

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dude, you should have used the block button more often.

1 decade ago

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ShadowEW I feel your pain brother. Many months ago Steamgifts started I had a bad feeling for it, this feeling was evident with re-occurring evidence of what is now SteamGameSales.

Nearly two years to that websites anniversary it has considerable grown from friendly community in which I personally met with some of my best friends to this day. Unfortunately people were getting, greedy, begging, etc. Sadly I am deeply saddened by your resignation because it just means more members here will as you just stated "Begging of the lowest degree" and ""take take take" driven".

In conclusion what I'm trying to say is that I've seen a small growth of this happening after 1 or 2 months SteamGifts was created. A few friends and I even tried to change things around in here only to have it destroyed and crushed by some Mods* here. I won't go into names now but I understand if they did what they had to do, still though it doesn't exclude the fact that a members voice must be heard whether there in the minority it's not what the majority always wants ya know.

Heck I'm pretty sure someone will comment on this negatively, just watch :P

Well, in my final statement here i'd just like to say " WE BLOODY HELL TOLD YOU SO!!!" regarding an issue my friends and I tried to establish during the weeks after SteamGifts. Sadly neglection and "WHO CARES" attitude's arise from this and here we are now :O (I'm not pointing any fingers at anyone here, but you know who you are, just look at what THIS COMMUNITY HAS ALREADY DRIVEN SHADOWEW to resign)

ShadowEW if you need someone to talk to just add me up and we can chat :D. Life on the internet is harsh, but never give up, as what a great man once said " The Ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do" in your case my friend your heart felt message has touched this community I HOPE will lead to changes around here...

,Never give up,

1 decade ago

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Sorry to hear that you're leaving, and about the problems you've been having because of this site. I never knew you but have been involved in many group chats and forum threads with you so would like to wish you the best of luck. It's a shame because there are plenty of nice people here among the idiots.

See you around... hopefully :)

1 decade ago

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Honestly i fail to understand why are you taking these things so seriously? after all this IS the internet, and while there are some people that are actually worth a while in here (and i'll let you be the judge of that), the other majority WILL (and this is a guaranteed WILL) try to leech from you everything they can, or troll your ass off, or simply annoy you any way they can.

I do hope you learn to cope with that and remember that the best solution to such things is to simply pay no attention to them, as you end up feeding their "trollness" and/or the begging, walking away from this is no solution i think, but seeing as it's actually taking the sleep out of you, it may do you some good to take some time off from this, at least for a while.

I bid you farewell, and wish you the best.....

1 decade ago

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Closed 8 years ago by ShadowEW.