Enhanced SteamGifts & SteamTrades (ESGST)

An extension / userscript that adds some cool features to SteamGifts and SteamTrades.

If you find any bugs or have any feature requests, please file an issue here.


Tested and confirmed as working:

  • Chrome (since v55)
  • Firefox (since v52)
  • Pale Moon

Not tested but should be working:

  • Any Chromium-based browser (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...)

Not supported:

  • Edge
  • Safari


There are two different ways to use ESGST: extension or userscript. You can choose which one you want to use, but the extension is a lot faster and has a better peformance than the userscript, so I recommend it, although there is no major difference between them, except for a few options that are only available in the extension because of limitations in the userscript.

Option 1 - Extension

It should be possible to install the extension in any Chromium-based browser from the Chrome store (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...), any Firefox-based browser from the Firefox store (such as Waterfox, etc...), and any browser that uses the Phoebus system from the Pale Moon store (such as Basilik, etc...).

You can also use the extension on Android through Firefox for Android, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Option 2 - Userscript

To install the userscript, you must install Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or some other userscript manager first. Then click here and you should be prompted to install it. I recommend Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey, because the userscript uses the GM_addValueChangeListener API to communicate changes in the storage between tabs, and that API is not available on Greasemonkey, so a polyfill is used for Greasemonkey, which is not very effective and can affect the performance.

You can also use the userscript on Android through Firefox with Violentmonkey or USI, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Beta Versions

The latest beta version for both the extension and the userscript is always available in the latest pre-release in the releases page.

7 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

when entering a giveaway that has no description the button doesn't leave the entering state(it's entering the giveaway thought)

console error:

TypeError: mainButton.lastElementChild.getAttribute(...) is null[Learn More]  %20line%203%20%3E%20Function:4190:20
    addLpvContainer https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:4190:20
    getHeaderElements https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:4233:21
    updateElgbGiveaway https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:5631:36
    enterLeaveElgbGiveaway/< https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:5616:13
    k</< https://www.steamgifts.com/:2:385
    Q/< https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%201%20%3E%20Function:28:337
6 years ago

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Already fixed in v6.Beta.3.17.

6 years ago

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And i had just updated to v6.Beta.3.16 😅

6 years ago

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Different error? I was getting it in 3.15 and 3.17.

TypeError: ((tags.join && tags.join(...)) || tags).replace is not a function
    at addGtTags (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:17955:64)
    at getGtGames (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:17895:17)
    at Array.eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:17880:17)
    at Object.loadGameFeatures [as load] (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:17742:34)
    at loadFeatures (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:1741:33)
    at loadEsgst (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:1694:9)
    at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:412:9)
    at Window.tms_02fb6b6e_cb94_4f7c_b167_542c9bea3853 (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:19846:3)
    at <anonymous>:2:398
    at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:3:1)
6 years ago

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Do you have tags saved for a game in the page that is throwing the error? Or is it throwing the error in every page?

6 years ago

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It only happens on pages with saved tags yes. Like the main giveaways page.

6 years ago

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Wait. It's doing a strange thing haha.

So the error happens for me on the main giveaway index (where I have saved tags) and the entered giveaways page (where I do not have any saved tags). But it doesn't appear on the giveaways created page (where I DO have saved tags and they're showing up fine).

Edit: The error also doesn't show up in user pages and the game tags show up fine. Haha, what a bug, maybe it's a missing semicolon. XD

Edit 2: The game tags show up just fine on the giveaway pages themselves. Gotta admit, they look bigger than normal on the giveaway pages and user pages.

6 years ago*

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o.O I'll see if I can find the issue.

6 years ago

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Very minor issue (not sure it's even worth fixing unless it's an easy fix), but the "entered Game Highlighter" should really only star a game if you actually enter a giveaway for it. If I click the Enter Giveaway button, but it has a description so it opens a new tab or popup and then I don't enter, it probably shouldn't highlight from that.

6 years ago

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Yes, it's a bug, I'll fix it in the next version.

6 years ago

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Review icons for some games don't show for me. Some of them are games without score on steam - it is normal, but some of them have score. Should I delete a cache or something?

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Most likely a cache issue, yes. You can see it has very few genres, which is unlikely if user-defined tags is enabled.

6 years ago

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Yes, it helped. BTW it seems the script waits until the user-tags or genres (or something else, IDK) are loaded and only after it it will show the giveaways. It is too slow. I think it should show the giveaways first and then to start to download the data for them.

6 years ago

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What do you mean? The giveaway filters?

6 years ago

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Yes it seems to be filters related issue. if I delete the cache and open a giveaway list. I can see empty pages higher then 1 for few tens of seconds. After the time the giveaways shows. It looks as if downloading of a data would stop endless scrolling for showing giveaways. Or maybe downloading the data for tradings cards is delayed because of the downloading the score/genres/user-tags and that's why the giveaways are not shown when I set to see only games with cards.

6 years ago

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It's because the filters only kick in after all categories have been loaded at the moment, I'll improve it later.

6 years ago

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Nice, thanks.

6 years ago

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There was a change that when you click "enter the giveaway" and there's a description there's no pop-up window anymore or is it a bug?

6 years ago

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Removed the following features:
Giveaway Description/Comment Box Popup - Upon clicking the Enter/Leave giveaway button, the script now checks for a description. If it finds one, it opens the giveaway in a new tab so you can read it before entering, otherwise it enters the giveaway automatically.

also he intends on bringing back the popout style back later with the entrance button on the popout instead of forcing newtab/sametab, but otherwise it's intended.

6 years ago

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Thank you! :) Where I can find such informations?

6 years ago

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no problem =)
the ESGST dropdown

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Hmm, then I've found this (June 9)

Added an option to Enter/Leave Giveaway Button to pop up the giveaway description in the same window instead of opening it in another tab.

6 years ago

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oh, it seems he already added that popup back and i missed it. ^^
i don't personally use that feature.

edit: though i think i may start using it with the way it currently is. =)

6 years ago

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I have a problem since somes update (I don't know when but it's working fine for entery the giveaway).
I can't configure the script, reinstall do nothing:

On my second PC the script work well.

View attached image.
View attached image.
6 years ago

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6 years ago

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It's doesn't fix the problem. All features works, I just can't go to configuration page.

6 years ago

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it was so you could insure you were on the latest version and had the option for a "reinstall". but i'd check the console and let revil/rafael know what the console says for him to fix it easier if you are fully updated already and still having issues. f-12 is console. =)

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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perfect, that should assist revil/rafael to track down the bug a lot easier. =)

6 years ago

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On your second PC, do you use another browser/Tampermonkey? Most likely a problem with Greasemonkey, as it has been the source of many bugs lately.

6 years ago

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I'm using Greasemonkey and have been having issues, so I'd like to switch. Should it just pick up all of my scripts and settings, or do I have to port them over somehow?

6 years ago

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You have to export from the current script through the settings menu and import into the new one, but I'd suggest waiting a bit to do it if you have Comment History/Game data saved, because those are currently disabled and will return in the next update.

But maybe your issues aren't Greasemonkey-related, can you specify them?

6 years ago

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it looks to me like clicking the top right account button didn't forward the https://www.steamgifts.com/account request automatically to https://www.steamgifts.com/account/settings/profile like it was supposed to and that caused the ESGST error due to there not being a sidebar on that errorpage.

edit: nevermind. that error was what i was thinking LeOFr was getting.

6 years ago*

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So are my settings and data stored in the script file itself?

As for the issues I've seen... I've had very inconsistent loading, apparently there's a dropdown from arrow that's never worked for me, the encrypted giveaway stuff doesn't work, game tags take long enough to load that it makes navigating difficult at times, endless scrolling often breaks and I have to reload to try again (where it may or may not break again), and sometimes when I click on buttons (like when entering a giveaway) my scrolling position jumps to somewhere else in the page.

6 years ago

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Not in the script file itself, but somewhere on your computer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16823686/where-does-gm-setvalue-store-data

Try checking the console for errors when those things happen.

6 years ago

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I use the same browser with Greasemonkey too.

6 years ago

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Still not fixed, that strange it's works on my second computer. With the last update of popup enabled I can't enter giveaway (browser block popup), so can you set up by default open the giveaway description on the giveaway list, not open a tab popup.

6 years ago

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There's no option to open description in a new tab anymore. What happens if you go here?

6 years ago

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Oh thanks for the link I found the ESGST configuration, thanks

6 years ago

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getting this error when entering giveaways too fast:

TypeError: (intermediate value).getAttribute(...) is null[Learn More]  %20line%203%20%3E%20Function:4192:21
    addLpvContainer https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:4192:21
    getHeaderElements https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:4235:21
    updateElgbGiveaway https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:5636:36
    enterLeaveElgbGiveaway/< https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:5621:13
    k</< https://www.steamgifts.com/:2:385
    Q/< https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%201%20%3E%20Function:28:337

when this happens points don't update correctly in the header, the enter button stays in the entering state(it's entering the giveaways thought)

6 years ago

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when I'm slow while entering giveaways the points doesn't update correctly in the header, but it's updating some internal counter because i correctly get the "not enough points" button in other giveaways, the button changes to "leave" state correctly and there is no error in the console in this case(normal/slow to enter giveaways)

6 years ago

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the points in the header not updating seems related to the description pop-up, entering only one giveaway that triggers the pop up is enough to make it happen, the points are updated when the background refresher kicks in

6 years ago

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well after entering some more giveaways it seems to update the points in the header for the first entered giveaway but not the subsequent ones

6 years ago

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Is it fixed in the latest update?

6 years ago

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the error seems to have been fixed, but the points not updating seems to now happen with either entering or leaving giveaways from the main page (gridview)
will test properly later and report back

6 years ago

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The points not updating seems to be related to Header Refresher, I'll look into it later.

6 years ago

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I read that it was changed enter giveaway system
But now it doesnt do anything at all
It correctly enters the no description giveaways, but for the ones with description now not only it doesnt enter when i click the button, it doesnt even open in new window. literally nothing happens except the enter button going missing

6 years ago

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Are there errors in the console?

6 years ago

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It says failed to load or something. Maybe it doesnt work because of adblock?

6 years ago

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Can you be a bit more specific (post the error here)?

6 years ago

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Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

6 years ago

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For me this is due to Chrome blocking the popup when there is a giveaway with a description if the option Popup description instead of opening giveaway in a new tab isn't enabled I believe.

Editing to say that this response should have been to your first comment not the error message.

6 years ago*

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Is it fixed in the latest update?

6 years ago

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imo you should add "(console = f12)" to the end of the dialog error box making it

Check the console for more info. (console = f12)

so you get those details more often upon the first report. ;)

6 years ago

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Good idea. :)

6 years ago

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suddenly i'm getting errors too

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of null
    at addLpvContainer (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:4193:119)
    at getHeaderElements (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:4236:21)
    at Function.getDeliveredGifts (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:4443:24)
    at <anonymous>:2:398
    at eval (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:30:494)

one known side effect is the bundle tags not being visible on 95% of the stuff, however the error shows up practically everywhere now too (no dialog box, just console error). even pages that aren't supposed to have those tags have that error.

edit: as you know... chrome+tampermonkey (linux) xD

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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no more error, however like pilda below the bundle category tagging is extremely broken. that's what i was hoping the error was, but it seems it's a separate issue instead.

it also is causing the calculator to think that almost everything is unbundled.

6 years ago

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Everything looks fine for me. Can you export your game data and see if the bundle tags are there?

6 years ago

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categories, not tags tags. idk what else to call the tagging that the categories does though.

and to be more precise "Categories: Bundled", they mostly seem to function fine on the mainpage view. but almost entirely broken on everyones profile pages, create a giveaway pages dropdown, & just about anywhere else i can think of (decrypted * views, etc).

edit: in case you still meant that, i did try to export, but since i don't even have game tagging enabled it didn't do anything.
edit2: also just saw the new option for exporting categories data, and it also doesn't export or do anything.

6 years ago

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Yeah, that's what I meant, you should see something like

"620":{"rating":{"count":"98% (63849 Reviews)","type":"positive"},"bundled":true,"wishlisted":true,"tradingCards":true,"achievements":true,"steamCloud":true,"linux":true,"mac":true,"genres":["Action","Adventure","Atmospheric","Co-op","Comedy","Female Protagonist","First-Person","FPS","Funny","Local Co-Op","Multiplayer","Online Co-Op","Platformer","Puzzle","Sci-fi","Science","Singleplayer","Space","Story Rich","Strategy"],"lastCheck":1497021661156}

in your exported data. If "bundled":true is not present for games that are not showing the category tag, then maybe something went wrong with your bundle cache.

6 years ago

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bleh... pretty much ignore last comment, i see what you meant now..

but... no, export errors:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at exportSMData (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:20035:34)
    at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:19335:17)
    at HTMLDivElement.eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:2750:13)
6 years ago

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Can you try adding


at the beginning of the script and see what it outputs? The output should be a string and not an object.

6 years ago

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this is only a small portion of the output, but i think it contains enough to see the part you want.

(unknown) {"apps":{"10":{"owned":true},"20":{"owned":true},"30":{"owned":true},"70":{"owned":true},"80":{"owned":true},"100":{"owned":true},"113":{"bundled":true},"199":{"bundled":true},"200":{"bundled":true},"220":{"owned":true},"240":{"owned":true},"283":{"bundled":true},"287":{"bundled":true},"320":{"owned":true},"333":{"bundled":true,"lastCheck":1496919673004},"340":{"owned":true},"346":{"bundled":true},"360":{"owned":true},"364":{"owned":true},"380":{"owned":true},"399":{"bundled":true},"400":{"owned":true},"402":{"bundled":true},"420":{"owned":true},"440":{"owned":true},"451":{"bundled":true},"459":{"owned":true},"460":{"bundled":true},"463":{"bundled":true},"500":{"owned":true},"520":{"owned":true},"550":{"owned":true},"552":{"bundled":true},"553":{"bundled":true},"563":{"bundled":true},"564":{"owned":true},"570":{"bundled":true,"type":"game","windows":true,"linux":true,"mac":true,"multiplayer":true,"tradingCards":true,"genres":["Action","Free to Play","Strategy"],"lastCheck":1496705439553,"owned":true},"574":{"bundled":true},"575":{"owned":true},"620":{"owned":true},"683":{"bundled":true},"730":{"owned":true},"927":{"bundled":true},"949":{"bundled":true},"964":{"bundled":true},"978":{"bundled":true},"1007":{"bundled":true},"1036":{"bundled":true},"1200":{"owned":true},"1230":{"owned":true},"1250":{"owned":true},"1255":{"owned":true},"1280":{"owned":true},"1481":{"bundled":true},"1500":{"owned":true},"1510":{"owned":true},"1520":{"owned":true},"1529":{"bundled":true},"1530":{"owned":true},"1582":{"bundled":true},"1600":{"bundled":true},"1610":{"bundled":true},"1630":{"bundled":true},"1640":{"bundled":true,"type":"game","windows":true,"linux":false,"mac":false,"multiplayer":true,"genres":["Strategy"],"lastCheck":1496438753917},"1645":{"bundled":true},"1662":{"bundled":true},"1670":{"bundled":true},"1690":{"bundled":true},"1691":{"bundled":true},"1898":{"bundled":true},"1900":{"owned":true},"1930":{"owned":true},"2031":{"bundled":true},"2100":{"bundled":true},"2102":{"bundled":true},"2270":{"owned":true},"2277":{"bundled":true},"2280":{"owned":true},"2310":

if you want a full version just lmk, i'll pastebin it. =)

edit: added photo so you can see it doesn't actually show the tag though (except on "ty the tasmanian devil" for some reason).

View attached image.
6 years ago*

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Can you spot a game that has the bundle tag in the storage but doesn't show it in the page?

6 years ago

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almost all of them should be, and it looks to me like almost all of them show it as "true" inside the log.

6 years ago

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Are they also in their right section? Apps in apps and subs in subs? If not, the only way to fix it is to sync the bundle list.

6 years ago

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i honestly don't know but i'll just wipe that cache and then update it again and get right back with you.

6 years ago

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a re-sync did fix it. i had to edit millisec in order to do it, but that fixed it. =)

6 years ago

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I must have forgotten to add to 3.14's changelog that a sync was needed after the game storage upgrade.

6 years ago

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ahh, it probably won't even bother most people without it for a while since it seemed to work off old cache just fine on the main giveaways page. it was just getting a little old seeing my own giveaways without the tagging & the real cv calc was saying i'd get full cv also.

anyways, that does leave the export bug still though just fyi ;)
seems nothing will export for me and all choices give that same error here.

6 years ago

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I believe you can fix that error by changing lines

} else if (Key.match(/sgCommentHistory|stCommentHistory/)) {
    Data[Key] = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(Key));


} else if (Key.match(/sgCommentHistory|stCommentHistory/) && SM[SM.Names[Key]].checked) {
    Data[Key] = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(Key, `{}`));

until I push the next update. You have Comment History disabled, right? That's the only thing I can think of that could be causing this bug.

6 years ago

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yes comment history is disabled, and yes those line changes fixed it so i can export/delete :D
thanks again

6 years ago

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and it did it again, almost all of them are not showing again. i think this might be the same thing pilda is going thru too.

6 years ago

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Can you locate the line that says

value = savedGames[category.key];

and add

console.log(category.name, value);

to the end of it, then go to the giveaway page (so there's only one output) of a game that is not showing the tag?

6 years ago

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i did those two things, and then went to one of my own giveaways that should have the tag "bundled" on the top and checked console and it still shows thousands of entries. it works fine on other peoples stuff, just not my own.

i have an error though someone else was mentioning i just realized....

Failed to load resource: https://cdn.steamgifts.com/js/prebid_v2.js ::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

6 years ago

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ahh okay, after disabling the first console logging and then checking it doesn't list everything like it did before. hopefully this shot will be more helpful.

View attached image.
6 years ago

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If it's undefined then it's something in the storage. If you export the data, can you locate the id of the game? Is it under apps or subs? And is the game an app or a sub? The first error is not from this script.

6 years ago

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yes i can locate the id of the game, for instance:


it is an app, located under an app, and okay on the first error.

re-syncing fixes it, but only temporarily. and again, it seems to work perfectly on the main page & main page active giveaways so i don't see how it can be storage. it just doesn't function on any of my own giveaways, or even for instance your current profile view page 1 only shows 3 out of 25 giveaways being "bundled", when i'm pretty sure it's more then that.

6 years ago

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I'll wait a while to see if it happens to me, how long did it take for you? If it works on the main page, but not on your own giveaways, I don't understand it then, since the storage is the same. Is it an issue specific to all /user/ pages?

6 years ago

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not very long honestly, maybe 2hours. it's not just specific to /user/ pages though because it also doesn't work on any of my own active or ended giveaways that should be tagged as well as your ended giveaways (for example the one i just bumped).

i have no idea why it still functions fine on the main giveaway pages and their associated giveaways though. what could be so different about those?

6 years ago*

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ahaa, i think i found the triggerpoint. it seems as soon as you sync "7: Sync Groups / Whitelist / Blacklist / Wishlist / Owned Games / Ignored Games" it breaks "8: Sync Bundle List" visibility for everything except main page and its associated giveaways. either that or it's an extremely odd coincidence i could get it to do it twice in a row. (i didn't want to test more then that currently, as that was already quite a few requests).

actually this time it may of even broken it for the main page too nvm, it was just slow there.

6 years ago*

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Ah, so it's possible that the sync is overwriting the storage. Will look into it.

6 years ago

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yes that seems to be the case for me. i may be hitting the storage limit wall though. is there a console command i could use to clear out rulecheck cache by itself? (without losing user notes & wl/bl scans)

6 years ago

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Pretty sure there isn't a storage limit, it's stored in your HD.

To clear rulecheck cache manually you can add this at the beginning of the code:

var users = GM_getValue(`Users`);
for (var i = 0, n = users.length; i < n; ++i) {
    delete users[i].NAMWC;
GM_setValue(`Users`, users);
6 years ago

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darn, it still didn't help either way. this time i had just bundle sync, checked to make sure it worked on my profile (it did), then did a regular steamgifts sync instead of esgst sync and as soon as i went back to my profile page it was already broken.

6 years ago

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The regular sync also syncs your owned games, right? Will look some more then.

6 years ago

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correct it does. i think it has something to do with owned games causing the other tags to flake out. that's the only thing that would make sense on why it still functions perfectly fine on the main page view or giveaways of unowned content, because they don't have any owned content to make it flake out (steamgifts native hide filter).

edit: that still doesn't explain how or why it temporarily fixes itself with a bundle sync though really.

6 years ago*

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Ah, I found the issue.

6 years ago

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excellent =)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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yes, that seems to of done it. thank you very much! =)

re-synced the bundle list, checked it working, synced owned content, re-cecked still working. ^^

6 years ago

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I'm not finding an issue. Can you confirm this by exporting the game data before syncing and then exporting it after syncing and comparing the data?

6 years ago

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i can't replicate it on my firefox+tamper test environment either, that's why i'm leaning more towards it being a personal cache storage limit issue atm. i think maybe it's trying to write the cache and that's why it works for a while, but before it hits the end of it's writing process it hits the max storage so it reverts. my exports all looked identical last night when i checked it out (from before and after on chrome).

6 years ago

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I am not sure if the caching of steam ratings (or user tags) works as intended. I still can see a lot of games without the rating icon. I deleted the cache a few times but it didn't help at all. It looks as if it downloaded the data for the current giveaways and then locked the cache so no other data could be write there. In other words, it looks like it download the data for it only once.

Edit: I just updated this issue since the problem is worse now. Please check it.

6 years ago*

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Would it be possible to not have the progress level container added as a child to itself every time a giveaway is entered ?, it interferes with what i'm trying to do.

6 years ago

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That's a bug and it will be fixed in the next version. If the current method is not good for styling, let me know if I can make it any better. I'm also currently seeing if I can extend the progress to the entire button, including the arrow part, so this might not be the final state of the container.

6 years ago

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First, many thanks for bringing back the pop up when entering GA with description, much better this way :)

Having said that a quick question regarding the script. I'm using it with Firefox and Greasmonkey (Win10 if it makes any difference) and have most of the time multiple tabs open. When I activly only use 1 tab there are not really any problems, but if I f.e. have one tab open with discussions and use the "Mark all comments as read"-function (esp. when using it on one of the bigger threads) it often causes errors when reloading in a diffrent tab (error at the end). Also the function generally can causes the browser to be quite sluggish.

So is this the expected/or better normal behaviour, because the script has to go through many comments (altough it also happens if there are only a few unread commments left) or do i have some problem with my configuration?
Regarding that; if seen you multiple times say greasemonkey could cause problems, should I rather switch to tampermonkey instead?

somtimes (but often) error when reloading and using the mark as received function in a different tab:

Exception { message: "Component returned failure code: 0x…", result: 2147549183, name: "NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED", filename: "chrome://greasemonkey-modules/conte…", lineNumber: 59, columnNumber: 0, data: null, stack: "GM_ScriptStorageFront.prototype.get…", location: XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper }
6 years ago*

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There are known bugs in the Comment Tracker feature at the moment. The feature will be re-written soon.

6 years ago

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Ok thanks for the info, might try tapermonkey anyway, maybe its working better there.

6 years ago

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Let me know if the bugs are still happening in the latest version.

6 years ago

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Well good question. All I can say currently, it still can happen, but not as often as before.
But.... is it possible that currently only the first page of comments is handled when using "Mark all read" from the main discussion page?
I tried to track it via console and I see a number off comments set, more or less immediately, and then nothing else happens anymore (at least acccording to the console). I used it on a smaller thread (~50 somments 2-3 pages) and it here it also marked the first page but nothing else, even after a few minutes waiting.

Btw there is a typo in the hover description off the new mark unread button (Marl all....)

6 years ago

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It marked the discussions I tried correctly, I'll check it out.

6 years ago

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Let me know if i can give you any more infos, log ...

6 years ago

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I was just trying the script with Tampermonkey instead of greasemonkey and yeah... So far I didn't observe any of the problems I had before. Guess I will be staying with Tampermonkey now.

Quick question regarding import/export; What exactly is meant with the popup "It is always recommended to sync your data after importing it" during the import?

And another bug/oversight I encountered which is not linked to greasemonkey: For the Blacklist/Whitelist checker there is the option to search all pages f.e. in groups. This option is missing when using it on the main pages (f.e. https://www.steamgifts.com/users), but when it was set to check all previously, it is also active there.

6 years ago

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The script is designed for Tampermonkey since recent versions, so yeah, it might not work well on Greasemonkey.

The option to sync through the settings menu.

The option is disabled for places that have a lot of pages, otherwise it would stress the SG servers. So yeah, it's not going to be enabled on /users otherwise it would allow people to check millions of users at once and cause a huge load on the servers.

6 years ago

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You mean "Sync Groups ..." or "Sync Bundle List"? Other then those two I can't see any options to sync and I didn't see much relation between those two and the general settings/data.

No I get you, thats how I understood it as well and its not that the option is missing that i wanted to point out.
If i set "check all sites" in groups and then go to main users site and start checking, it will not only crawl the first page, as intented, but instead go over all pages, which is exactly what you wanted to avoid.

6 years ago

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The first one. It's good to use it when importing user/game data, as it syncs the users that are in your whitelist/blacklist and your owned/wishlisted/ignored games, to prevent the imported data from being outdated.

Ah, I got it. Will fix it.

6 years ago

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Whitelist/Blacklist Checker should work correctly in B4.8.

6 years ago

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Damn you're fast :)
Yeah, working as intended now .

6 years ago

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Just wanted to let you know that wishlist icon doesn't appear, even though it is enabled.
Thanks for your work, definitely, the most useful script here!

6 years ago

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Are your games synced?

6 years ago

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Ah, okay - didn't know I need to sync ESGST for it to work, thank you :)

6 years ago

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What happened to the "Giveaway Description" option? I can't disable it :(

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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It's not possible because we wouldn't be able to see the advertisements that youtubers, streamers and the other guys put there. Their lobby is getting stronger nowadays.

Next level will be description related captcha. We will have to type the first letter of every word in the descriptions so that it would be sure that we really read it.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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When I try to set a tag on a game in the "GA's Entered" page, the tag pop-up comes out, but in a second the actual GA link is loaded and the tag pop-up closes, ofc.
Can this be fixed?
Thank you for all the work so far <3

6 years ago

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Is it fixed?

6 years ago

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Thank you!

6 years ago

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Yesterday ESGST updated to 6.b3.18. The <Enter> button for giveaways now behaves oddly.

It toggles to <Leave>, but points are not deducted in the header display, and the GA is still listed with an <Enter> button after the page is refreshed.

It opens and switches to a new tab, for the GA. The <Enter Giveaway> on the new tab does work, and joins the GA, updating the available points in the header.

I've looked through settings and tried various things to get it to work as it did before yesterday, with popups blocked. I'm running Firefox 53.0.3 using Tampermonkey 4.3.5447.

6 years ago

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Should not be a problem anymore.

6 years ago

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Thanks. Just tested. It worked as before, until I got down to 30 points left available, and then behaved with the glitch again.

6 years ago

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Are there errors in the console? Is it just the header that is not updating now or is the Enter button still there as well?

6 years ago

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No errors listed in the console. After clicking <Enter> the button's label changes to "̶J̶o̶i̶n̶e̶d̶"̶ "Leave":. But the GA is not joined, nor are points deducted. Upon refreshing the page, the GA is again listed with a button labeled "Enter".

6 years ago*

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"Joined"? I don't think you're using my script's button then. It should change to "Leave".

6 years ago

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"Leave" is the correct error. Edited.

These are my current options settings, if that helps: http://i.imgur.com/9not2hT.png

6 years ago*

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You mean "Leave"? You're not using the latest version of the script.

6 years ago

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Running 6.b4.1 now. When I click "Enter" I get an hourglass and "Entering" is displayed.


      TypeError: e.getAttribute(...) is null[Learn More]  kwift.FFWEBEXT.min.js:1:341604

[ESGST] 2d53e4f0-b073-4aa4-beba-2e8bf3120d8a waiting to lock sgHeaderRefreshLock... search:2492:13
Unchecked lastError value: Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. ExtensionCommon.jsm:265
[ESGST] 36e4c19e-4489-4fb3-93d3-816572be1720 waiting to lock sgHeaderRefreshLock... %20line%203%20%3E%20Function:2492:13
Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead. kwift.FFWEBEXT.min.js:1:63944
[ESGST] 2d53e4f0-b073-4aa4-beba-2e8bf3120d8a preparing to lock sgHeaderRefreshLock... search:2475:13
[ESGST] 36e4c19e-4489-4fb3-93d3-816572be1720 waiting to lock sgHeaderRefreshLock... %20line%203%20%3E%20Function:2492:13
[ESGST] 36e4c19e-4489-4fb3-93d3-816572be1720 waiting to lock sgHeaderRefreshLock... %20line%203%20%3E%20Function:2492:13

6 years ago

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Doesn't seem to be anything wrong, it doesn't stop showing "Entering..."?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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you should be able to just click that top firefox dialog box "options" and click something in there to the effect of "always allow popups on this site".

or, goto the esgst settings and change it to "Popup description instead of opening giveaway in a new tab."

(or i'm way off track on what the issue is)

6 years ago

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Ah, I did not see that. Yeah, that's pretty much what's happening, but I think there's also a bug that if the giveaway is opened in a new tab, it doesn't reset the "Entering..." button.

6 years ago

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correct, my test shows it spinning still even if it is popping up in the new window as it's intended. also something about their settings screenshot is off, and i don't mean the color. how are they on beta4.1 but they don't have the option to "Popup reply box when entering a giveaway / include it in the description popup."?

6 years ago

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They were using an older version of the script at the time of posting the screenshot.

6 years ago

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ahh okay.

6 years ago

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You have to allow pop ups in your browser when you want to use them. Click on the Options button at the top and allow it.

6 years ago

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Does it happen for all giveaways or only giveaways that have a description?

6 years ago

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As indicated in my initial reply, I know how to turn pops off and on.

If I enable them, I get a new tab with the join GA page. This did not used to happen. There was no new tab every time I clicked Join. And I had popups disabled back then as well.

6 years ago

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That's how it's supposed to happen. If you don't want a new tab you have to enable the popup option in the settings menu.

6 years ago

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I have changed settings accordingly. Is that a new feature? It didn't work that way before yesterday. This didni't used to happen. And I'd much rather it didn't.


6 years ago

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Yes, this is new.

6 years ago

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You can now disable it.

6 years ago

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Obrigado. Você é demais.

6 years ago

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I miss the comment box in the new pop up when using enter button 🈁

6 years ago

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It's coming back later.

6 years ago

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It could be optional. Or it could be hidden until one click a link to show it. To save some space...

6 years ago

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It's back, it's optional and it's included in the description popup.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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what is "Quick Giveaway Browsing" (new update feature)?

6 years ago

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Just added the info to GitHub.

6 years ago

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oh okay, i see now. thanks =)

6 years ago

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Forgot to add to the latest changelog:

  • Giveaway Filters now has a separate setting for each of the giveaway pages (all, recommended, wishlist, group, new).
  • Added some titles and tooltips to Giveaway Filters.
  • Giveaway Filters now works if an advanced search was made, but the basic filters and the region restricted/dlc filters are disabled, as they are part of the advanced search.
6 years ago

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I cannot see it in Changelog.

6 years ago

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Yeah, I had forgotten to add it. It's been added with the new update.

6 years ago

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Grid view stops working after the first page of giveaways.
2 ESGST features failed to load: Game Features, Giveaway Features. Check the console for more info.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'textContent' of null
at getGiveawayInfo (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:19422:45)
at getGiveaways (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:19399:24)
at Array.filterGfGiveaways (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:19878:21)
at loadEndlessFeatures (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:4880:37)
at Function.setNextPage (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:4682:13)
at <anonymous>:2:398
at eval (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:29:494)

6 years ago

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same bug as BlackOnyx I think, my full errors from the console:

TypeError: giveaway.headingName is null
Stack trace:
getGiveawayInfo@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:19421:9
getGiveaways@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:19398:24
filterGfGiveaways@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:19877:21
addGcCategory@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:17490:21
addGcCategories@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:17252:17
getGcGames@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:17228:9
loadGc/<@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:17211:21
loadGameFeatures@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:16940:13
loadFeatures@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:1768:25
loadEsgst@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:1721:9
tms_46788beb_e69b_42bd_b1e7_e1b0c3607d57/<@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:411:9
tms_46788beb_e69b_42bd_b1e7_e1b0c3607d57@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:399:2
anonymous/<@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:2:1
anonymous/<@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:1:55
anonymous@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:1:2
E@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 1 > Function:57:465
create@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 1 > Function:66:51
t@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 1 > Function:14:235
TypeError: giveaway.headingName is null
Stack trace:
getGiveawayInfo@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:19421:9
getGiveaways@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:19398:24
loadGiveawayFeatures@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:19386:21
loadFeatures@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:1768:25
loadEsgst@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:1721:9
tms_46788beb_e69b_42bd_b1e7_e1b0c3607d57/<@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:411:9
tms_46788beb_e69b_42bd_b1e7_e1b0c3607d57@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:399:2
anonymous/<@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:2:1
anonymous/<@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:1:55
anonymous@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 3 > Function:1:2
E@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 1 > Function:57:465
create@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 1 > Function:66:51
t@https://www.steamgifts.com/ line 1 > Function:14:235
TypeError: giveaway.headingName is null[Learn More]  %20line%203%20%3E%20Function:19421:9
    getGiveawayInfo https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:19421:9
    getGiveaways https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:19398:24
    filterGfGiveaways https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:19877:21
    loadEndlessFeatures https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:4879:13
    setNextPage https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:4681:13
    k</< https://www.steamgifts.com/:2:385
    q/< https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%201%20%3E%20Function:28:494
6 years ago

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Should be fixed.

6 years ago

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seems i have total "comment tracker" data loss personally, should i just try to restore?

6 years ago

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Can you go to the getCommentStorageV6 function (should be about line 134) and at the end of it before it says return comments;, insert:

console.log(savedSg, savedSt, comments);

Then add


to the beginning of the script to see what it outputs?

6 years ago

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View attached image.
View attached image.
6 years ago

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If you open discussions and then open one of the items, are the comments under comments?

6 years ago

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i dont follow "and then open one of the items" part.

6 years ago

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The "XXXXX" items, those are discussions. If you open them, you should see a list of the comments from that discussion.

6 years ago

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yes, i do see lists of comment objects under each discussion object.

edit: it's also not refreshing the page anymore after comments, but that might be related the console being ate up from processing the log.

6 years ago

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Are they empty? If not, is the timestamp of the comments 0? None of the comments you had previously marked as read are appearing as read?

6 years ago

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none of the discussions and none of the comments are marked that were previously, and yes they appear to be inside the log with timestamps on comments.

edit: first thing when i saw the github emails rolling in was update, then ran straight to the highlighted discussion dropdown and saw it was empty. second thing i did was went to discussions and saw nothing had ever been read before, went inside of discussions that were marked fully read inside of them comment wise, and not a single comment is marked either (other then my own).

View attached image.
6 years ago

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If the data is there, then something is wrong while showing it. Can you go to

if (comment.author === GM_getValue(`Username`)) {

and insert

console.log(comment.type, comment.code, saved[comment.type][comment.code]);

before that line, then go to one of the discussions that previously had comments marked as read?

6 years ago

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this thread, this page, top half prior to the update release should be read.

View attached image.
6 years ago

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And if you add comment.id to the log, what does it show?

console.log(comment.type, comment.code, comment.id);
6 years ago

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seems to have the comment id codes added into it also.

VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv Kc39kIm Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv nZIZpH0 Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv MuCt6eS Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv 87WlYNU Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv Yg5SUMe Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv wijyJQI Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv FY28fY9 Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv 3dTHJcE Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv ukmzeu2 Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv 1X2cydx Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv wKSBOmz Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv 8w7vTUp Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv bumDaw2 Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv rD7nXkd Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv t2WWE2z Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv nPszZfU Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv zSIRWr1 Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
VM3634:20017 discussions TDyzv CCushCH Object {comments: Object, visited: true}
View attached image.
6 years ago

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Try also adding comment.timestamp to the log. Everything seems fine.

If you also want to debug it from the discussions page, find

if (comments[code]) {

and add


before that line.

6 years ago

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oh, =(

i've been totally wasting your time.. there just isn't any apparent difference since you took fading away. it works perfectly fine accept i just can't see any diff. i kinda preferred the fading tbh.

6 years ago

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Actually I found a bug, but it only applies to visited/highlighted data. Is your read comments data missing as well, or just the visited/highlighted data?

6 years ago

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seems like it's not missing according to the 90k objects in the above photos, but neither are working for me personally.

6 years ago

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also... error i'm getting when submitting comments now:

VM3116:19968 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of null
    at getCommentInfo (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:19968:32)
    at getComments (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:19947:27)
    at Array.loadCommentFeatures (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:19935:20)
    at loadEndlessFeatures (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:4958:37)
    at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:14251:21)
    at Function.eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:2109:25)
    at <anonymous>:2:398
    at eval (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:29:494)

edit: or more accurately a reply anyways, i didn't seem to get this error on this comment, but my replies above to you all gave this error.

6 years ago

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I'm getting this as well. Trying to find the source.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Another bug with comment history. After clicking load more button it loads about 3 more then stops with error.

VM158172:20508 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'closest' of null
    at eval (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:20508:42)
    at Function.onload (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:2586:17)
    at <anonymous>:2:297
    at eval (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:29:337)
6 years ago

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