Enhanced SteamGifts & SteamTrades (ESGST)

An extension / userscript that adds some cool features to SteamGifts and SteamTrades.

If you find any bugs or have any feature requests, please file an issue here.


Tested and confirmed as working:

  • Chrome (since v55)
  • Firefox (since v52)
  • Pale Moon

Not tested but should be working:

  • Any Chromium-based browser (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...)

Not supported:

  • Edge
  • Safari


There are two different ways to use ESGST: extension or userscript. You can choose which one you want to use, but the extension is a lot faster and has a better peformance than the userscript, so I recommend it, although there is no major difference between them, except for a few options that are only available in the extension because of limitations in the userscript.

Option 1 - Extension

It should be possible to install the extension in any Chromium-based browser from the Chrome store (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...), any Firefox-based browser from the Firefox store (such as Waterfox, etc...), and any browser that uses the Phoebus system from the Pale Moon store (such as Basilik, etc...).

You can also use the extension on Android through Firefox for Android, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Option 2 - Userscript

To install the userscript, you must install Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or some other userscript manager first. Then click here and you should be prompted to install it. I recommend Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey, because the userscript uses the GM_addValueChangeListener API to communicate changes in the storage between tabs, and that API is not available on Greasemonkey, so a polyfill is used for Greasemonkey, which is not very effective and can affect the performance.

You can also use the userscript on Android through Firefox with Violentmonkey or USI, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Beta Versions

The latest beta version for both the extension and the userscript is always available in the latest pre-release in the releases page.

7 years ago*

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Bump of appreciation!

7 years ago

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Appreciation appreciated!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for all the good updates.

I am not sure if anyone mentioned this yet but I tried using the giveaway template and whenever I save my template, the time shifts on both start time and end time based on the time passed when loading them later on (Ex: I set the giveaway template to start Tomorrow at 5pm and save it. The template time then changes whenever I load it based on how much time passes like if 2 min pass the start time to the template when loaded is 5:02pm.) Is there some way to keep the template to stay at whatever time you saved it to?

7 years ago

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i'd prefer this too, but then it makes the templates only good for temporary usage. which is all i use it for anyways, and from the sounds of it you as well, but that's probably not the way the majority of users use it.

possibly adding a tickbox "save precise end time" underneath or above the time section could give us the option to have it both ways though. ^^

7 years ago

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I was planning on using the save template for making train giveaways since I make a lot of those and the precise time would help a lot. Hopefully it can be looked into and possible added in a future update I hope.

7 years ago

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ahh, tbh i recommend SG ChooChoo for actual trains. it chains them together with "Next" buttons automatically from the ending (first created) of the train to the beginning (last created), and i already had them alter that script to save the precise endtime rather then the amount of minutes.
(it too used to use precise minutes instead of precise endtime, till i suggested the same change you are now xD)

7 years ago

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Ah i see thanks, ill give that one a try in the meantime. Were you able to do multiple trains with that script cause I want to try to run different trains at once at the same time and was hoping if this one can do it.

7 years ago

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you have to create only one train at a time for the proper auto-linking to happen, but you can launch several trains at the same time after they're created one after another (basically finish one train before creating the next, but yes)

and i was actually mistaking, it still isn't altered in the script download itself, but the edits to have a "fixed endtime" are all posted by the creator in their replies to me inside of that thread.

if the editing is too difficult to follow for you just lmk and i'll pastebin the full script code to you ;)

7 years ago

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This is something that annoys me too, actually, since I'm quite OCD about time. :P I'll definitely add it soon.

7 years ago

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Thanks for the response. I look forward to when it gets put in. Thanks again for the wonderful script and all the new recent updates.

7 years ago

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Just a question and a suggestion.
Question: is there a possibility to avoid graying-out my own comments?
Suggestion: is there a possibility of "bookmarking" highlited discussions? Like we'd have a place with link to all these discussions or something like that?

7 years ago

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Both are already suggested and I'll work on them later.

7 years ago

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Cool, thank you for your great work!

7 years ago

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Can't we hide entered giveaways as it is in RHGST? It really makes the giveaways page nice and clean...
Couldn't find such an option =c

7 years ago

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enable giveaway filter, then head to the main page and set the filter up to your liking. it is now a part of that feature.

7 years ago

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Oh, thanks, was hard for me to spot =D

7 years ago

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maybe it would be good if you used the release feature on github. One could download a previous version there in case the current one was problematic for them, for example.

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7 years ago

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if i'm not mistaking that releases tab is for when it's different versions. such as x86, x64, ppc, arm, etc.
what you're looking for already exists, it's the commits (first tab). then find the version you want, and the far right button is "browse this repository at this point of time". that's essentially snapshots of what they were like at that point. =)

7 years ago

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No, I think it can be use like I wrote. I just check some repositories and they use it like that. Check ASF releases for example. But I don't need it so badly, if it was more work for Revil, they cannot so it. The feature in commits is good too. It would be just more cool. :)

7 years ago

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ahh yeah, i guess it can be used different ways. ^^

7 years ago

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I just realized that apps such as ASF use the releases feature because they are compiled unlike scripts such as ESGST. :)

6 years ago

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Something is still wrong :|

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6 years ago

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you're probably going to need to specify a little bit better as to what the issue is. i'm personally not seeing anything wrong in either of those shots.

6 years ago

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Header is broken and entered GA's is still visible.

6 years ago

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open up the filter to hide entered stuff, it's now a part of that feature.
and the header must be conflicting with another script, it works fine for me (even with dark theme).

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6 years ago

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Yeah, I know about filters, but they didn't work for me

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6 years ago

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oh okay sorry, no idea. i tested with grid view and it also worked for me there. i guess it may also be a conflict or compatibility issue with something.

6 years ago

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Header is a SGv2 Dark style issue. Stylish version is corrected, if you use the script version the update will be a few days at least.

d3m4n has no issues because he is using SG Dark Grey.

6 years ago

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AMAZING! I've just updated Stylish version and now everything work like it should, thank you! <3

6 years ago

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Thanks for this! I just started using it and it's great!

I notice that it looks like we have different filters for main, group, and wishlist giveaway pages, so we can set the default filters differently for each search. However, the recommended search uses the same filter as the main view. Is it possible to add another saved filter setting for the recommended view so it can have its own filter that doesn't affect viewing all giveaways? Or can I do that already and I'm just missing something?


6 years ago

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Seems a set of giveaways I am attempting to do, are NOT showing up, at all. On top of that, the post it is in, is causing the Star to NOT show up at the top of the page, where a star was previously showing up on the top of a page, with my post removed.

The relevant post is This one here..

Here is the console log that shows up for this.

VM893:18219 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerHTML' of undefined
at Function.eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:18219:115)
at <anonymous>:2:398
at eval (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:30:494)

6 years ago

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i think it has something to do with the placement personally.
c*o*d*e*d*o*e*s*n*t*li*ke*be*i*n*g s*p*l*i*t*u*p
code doesnt like being split up ************

6 years ago

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The error was happening, even with just one item, by itself.

6 years ago

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but where was the one item located? mid-word/sentence? or before or after the actual comment?

edit: to be clear, this is a bug, i'm not trying to say it isn't. just trying to help determine the cause of it. ;)

6 years ago*

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In my testing, I located a known good code, and it seems to work fine regardless of where I put it, but all of mine, no matter what, seems to have a problem.

6 years ago

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oh okay. sorry then. all out of ideas here.

6 years ago

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I already found the issue, will be fixed in a few minutes.

6 years ago

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Should be fixed.

6 years ago

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ahh, multiple copies. i didn't think about that.
thanks for the gift delivered notification back too. =)

6 years ago

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Oddly enough Header Refresher is appearing SG Bookmarks script.

6 years ago

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I fixed the conflict.

6 years ago

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You sure you are thinking about the same thing? this only showed up in v6.Beta.3.13

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6 years ago*

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Oh I thought you were talking about the position conflict. That's odd. Maybe SG Bookmarks gets the name of the game from the title of the tab? Did you bookmark these giveaways from inside of them? Because I see none of them are equal.

6 years ago

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SG Bookmarks updated today to v1.0.0, i don't have the issue anymore.

6 years ago

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Just two questions here.

Is there VR label in the Game Categories just like Indie, RPG and so on?
And will there be the user review add-on?

Thanks for development. :)

6 years ago

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And one more suggestion for advanced filter.

Wishlisted GA( or game with more than 10P) GA regardless level or chance to win.

I think that will be more convenience to me.

6 years ago

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bad entry removal, bad.. xD
idk why, but for some reason the entry remover had removed these two titles entries, neither of which are owned by me.

edit: is it maybe api key vs steam store login method? (i'm using api) -- that would sorta make sense to me on the arma 2 dlc, but it doesn't quite fit with the sonic allstar racing game.

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6 years ago*

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If you go here can you find their app ids listed?

6 years ago

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yes, they both are listed. that's strange.

6 years ago

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Are you logged in with an alt? Are they listed in apps or packages?

6 years ago

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both are listed under packages, and no on alt login. i'm logged in my actual steam account.
also i happen to of won one of them, so i can see what all changes when i redeem it ^^

6 years ago*

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Ok, let me know. This is odd, the login method is supposed to be much more accurate than the API method.

6 years ago

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yeah it is strange. i own similar arma2 dlc, and i own the sonic & all-stars transformed edition, but neither of those have the same appid/subid nor are the removed entry ones in my library.

6 years ago

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ahaa.. i got it.. it's confusing subid and appid.. i own subid 31490, but not appid 31490 & same for subid 65700 (owned) vs appid 65700 (not owned just yet xD)

edit: i just enabled the "owned" tag category, and it claims owned as well due to that same bug. it just needs to differentiate packages equals subid's, and apps equals appid's.

6 years ago*

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Ah that was my fear. I didn't know if apps and subs could have the same id (I did a little bit of research but found nothing useful). I believe other features of the script can be compromised as well because of this (Game Categories come to mind), will try to fix it as soon as I can.

6 years ago

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yeah i honestly didn't know they could share the same # either until this. sounds good though, thanks. =)

6 years ago

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I may just have disabled something by accident, as I'm not sure if there's a setting for this, but ESGST no longer seems to be adding a star to the giveaways list for games I've previously entered for. The stars are still there for games I first entered for quite a while ago, but when I enter giveaways for a new (unstarred) giveaway, it doesn't add a star to that or any other giveaway for that game.

I found the setting (Game Highlighter) for this, but it was already enabled. I tried disabling and re-enabling, but it didn't seem to change anything, entering a non-starred game giveaway doesn't seem to be adding a new star.

6 years ago*

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That's odd, but all game features are being upgraded tomorrow because of an app/sub id conflict, and this bug should be fixed along with it.

6 years ago

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Should be fixed.

6 years ago

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AMAZING script! It's my first day of using it :P
One question - does the script have the option to Hides specific giveaways by ID, until they end?
Similar feature exists in SGâ‚‚O which I was using until now.
Again, thanks rafael :)

6 years ago

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Thanks for using. :)

Not at the moment.

6 years ago

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I'm so happy you added this! Thanks a bunch :)

July 25, 2017 - v6.Beta.20.0
Added an option (2.5.1) to Giveaway Filters that allows you to hide giveaways in the main page
6 years ago

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did I miss to read cheangelog where comment helper was removed from pop-up, or I am delusional and it was never there? :)

6 years ago

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i didn't know what it really meant, but i think it would of been this one...
looks like an unintended side-effect to me, but i suppose it's possible it was intended.

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6 years ago

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umm, I just don't have any comment formatting helper in popup comments (not necessarily table)

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6 years ago

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oh okay, sorry. that was just the closest related thing i could find.

6 years ago

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yeah, either I am delusional and it was never there, or just bug/my side bug (but I am pretty sure that automatic links worked there)
thanks for the effort as usual :D

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6 years ago

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It was supposed to be there, I'll look into it later.

6 years ago

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Wow, haven't noticed the script changed from rhSGST to eSGST ;D, what a vast improvement!
Only thing I'd like to ask is if there is planned or a way to implement showing GA group info by hovering over the button next to level req etc., and to make the pagination navigation stick to the top and bottom concurrently?

Anyway, thank you very much for all the effort and making browsing SG even more comfortable ;>.

6 years ago

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implement showing GA group info by hovering over the button next to level req

i've asked for this before and he won't due to the requests that would happen on accidental hovers being a waste of the servers bandwidth. however it does popup info on click if you have "Giveaway Groups Popup" enabled (just in case you weren't aware).

make the pagination navigation stick to the top and bottom concurrently

+1, i want this too

edit: the bottom one doesn't need to be fixed/stickied though, just allow the original to be in place as well as the top pagination.

6 years ago*

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Thanks for the info, in that case strike my first request ;>... would be a minor thing anyway. The pagination though... ;>

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6 years ago

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Hope everything went smooth while updating and you didn't lose any data. :)

6 years ago

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All good :), all the new features seem a bit overwhelming at first but with all the explanations at GitHub understanding what does what posed no problem at all. Plus the script runs nice and smooth, so again hat off to you, sir ;>. Before I updated, I ran multiple scripts at once, putting them in the right load order was a pain and the additional loading time sometimes diminished the experience here, now it's all gone... what more can one ask for, hehe.

6 years ago

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Is there a way for the Giveaway Filter to only work on "All" category? Right now it works on both "All" and "Recommended". Or is there a way to make a different filter for both?

6 years ago

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Hi there. Great script - thanks for putting it together.

I'm having an issue when syncing through the manual SG sync. Each time I sync, I have the script remove entries for owned games. I do not own Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World, yet the script keeps removing my entry from this GA.

Thankfully, the script tells me what was done, so I am reminded to go back and correct, but it's really annoying, and it seems to only happen on this game?

The App ID, 65080, is in this link.

6 years ago*

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it's the same issue i was having here. it's currently removing sub/app id's regardless which of them is owned.
in your case you don't own appid 65080 but you do own subid 65080. hopefully revil/rafael will fix it soon. ^^

6 years ago

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Right. I scrolled up after I posted and saw your report. :)

6 years ago

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Should be fixed.

6 years ago

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Looks good. Thanks!

6 years ago

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insta failed to load script everywhere with update (with error)

ReferenceError: id is not defined
    at updateGameStorageToV6 (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:444:36)
    at loadEsgst (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:454:9)
    at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:412:9)
    at Window.tms_b08b5eca_9bc9_4dfa_920d_ddaa37ae358e (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:19652:3)
    at <anonymous>:2:398
    at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:3:1)
    at eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:4:3)
    at Object.eval (eval at E_c (:3:221), <anonymous>:19653:6)
    at <anonymous>:2:398
    at Object.E_c (<anonymous>:3:219)
6 years ago

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Should be fixed.

6 years ago

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all seems great now ^^
thanks for the update.

6 years ago

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Great ^^

6 years ago

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The Enter/Leave giveaway button doesn't seem to be working as expected with the latest update. When clicked, it's not entering the giveaway, and is instead popping up the giveaway page in a new tab (un-entered). Same thing when clicking "leave" on a previously entered giveaway.

6 years ago

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New intended behavior, if a giveaway has a description it will open in a new tab instead. Although I do have to disable this behavior for leaving a giveaway later.

6 years ago

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Hmm, was there a reason for that change and doesn't that defeat the purpose of the Enter Giveaway button? I found that to be one of the more useful features

6 years ago

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Just to enforce that users read descriptions before entering. I don't think it defeats the purpose of the button as you can still enter giveaways without a description easily.

Maybe I can make it pop up in the same page instead of opening a new tab if that makes it more convenient.

6 years ago

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What was wrong with the pop up in the previous version?
Can't speak of anyone else but i liked it that way.

6 years ago

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Nothing, opening in a new tab is just easier for me to implement. :P I'll see if I can bring the popup back.

6 years ago

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Now you got me confused.... If it was already there how can it be harder to implement ?
Anyway thanks for the script, i just started to use it this week.

6 years ago

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I have to modify it for the new system and include an Enter button inside of it. Opening in a new tab took only one line to implement.

6 years ago

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Ah ok you're making more changes, that explains it. Nevermind my stupid questions then :D

6 years ago

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A popup with the Enter button inside the Popup would be preferable if it's not a huge task. SG++ has something similar. Thanks :)

6 years ago

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Yeah, that's what I'm working on. :)

6 years ago

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How is genres and user-defined tags supposed to work together? Is there supposed to me merged? I am not sure if it works as it is supposed to do. It seems I can see too few of them as before (I still haven't tested it much, though). It seems it shows only genres. Also it seems there is a problem with showing the ratting - it takes even minutes to load for me.

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6 years ago*

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Yep, they should be merged. Maybe your caches are just not ready to update yet and are still using the old version's data. Caches should update after 7 days.

6 years ago

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OK. Can I force it to update the cache anyhow?

6 years ago*

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Yes, but only manually at the moment. If you want to do it, just find the line that says

if (!savedGames[type][id] || (typeof savedGames[type][id].lastCheck === `undefined`) || ((Date.now() - savedGames[type][id].lastCheck) > 604800000)) {

and edit the number (preferably not too low, otherwise if you access the page again in a short period of time it will update again and thus waste requests to the Steam server). If you think there has been more than 24 hours since the data was retrieved, you could use that time. 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 = 86400000

6 years ago*

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Yep, it works, thanks!

6 years ago

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Did you remove the possibility to turn off the giveaway descriptions? Why? You always gave us the possibility to turn on or turn off what we wanted. :( Now the giveaway enter button is totally screwed up since we cannot use it for mot of giveaways since they contain a general description such as "good luck" or " please mark the game as received". :(

6 years ago*

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Sorry, but I can't please everyone. Some people complain that the description should be mandatory, others complain it shouldn't... Unfortunately there is no way to find out if the description of a giveaway is meaningful or not. I'm not reverting it to the old system.

The popup is coming back later though, it's currently opening in a new tab because that was easier/faster to implement and I wanted to push the update as soon as I could.

6 years ago

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But earlier everyone could decide if they wanted to see the description or not. Now one group of people decided for everyone. And it solves anything anyway since I can enter the giveaways without reading the description on the new opened page. It's not so hard to ignore it since I can automatically look to the left side of the page and click the enter button.

6 years ago

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I already changed my mind on this issue once and I'm not doing it again. The argument that was brought up by other users was that even if you choose to ignore the description in the opened page, at least it was shown to you.

6 years ago

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when you bring the popup back, will it auto-enter still but just bring the description up? i think the forced viewing, but still having it enter would be least intrusive on both parties. it still enters whether there is the description or not, but if there is a description it would show it, however it can be clicked right out of and ignored for users who don't care to read it still.

edit: nevermind i just read this comment and see how you want it. i personally didn't care anyways, don't use that feature either way.

6 years ago*

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It won't auto enter because let's say you click the Enter button, it auto enters, but the description states the key is locked or something, so now you have to leave the giveaway. Not only were the 2 requests made completely useless, but if you have the option to hide entered giveaways enabled, it can be a pain to leave the giveaway afterwards.

6 years ago

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yeah, i got that after reading a prior comment of yours. thanks for the explanation though. ^^

6 years ago

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The scenario you are describing sounds like a fringe use case (as I assume the overwhelming number of giveaways aren't region locked). Instead every user in 99% of the giveaways with a description they enter is forced to click through either a popup or a 2nd page. This in my opinion is bad design from a user friendliness perspective (extra click for the most used use case). So I'd strongly prefer that it'd be left as an option to the user which method they prefer.

I do understand that the fringe case occurring can be a problem; however I feel that should primarily be the responsibility of the person entering the giveaway to resolve (he or she might not read the description anyway even if it's in a new tab / pop-up). Or he / she might only be entering giveaways that are almost never region locked. If you feel that it'd be hard to leave the giveaway, just don't allow the option to hide giveaways to be enabled in combination with the other option. I'd be perfectly fine with that.

Or is the idea primarily that it's against the spirit of the website to not read the description? While I definitely understand that reasoning (and agree with it) I don't think it should be the mission of a plugin to enforce it. If that's the main reason then I do agree there's not really an other option.

Having said all that; thanks for all the work on the plug-in much appreciated. Note: Main reason I installed your plug-in is the one click entering giveaways, so that's why I'm responding in depth here ;-).

6 years ago*

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it is upto the responsibility of the user to actually read it or not though, but by not having it visible to them they clearly won't read it. it was argued that the default vanilla site forces people to at least see it, they may not be forced to read it, but it was there for them to do so and they had that choice.

it is not the mission of this script to enforce it, but it is also not the mission of this script to deforce it which is what it was allowing to happen with its prior setup.

6 years ago

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My suggestion would be to have the current behaviour as default and to have an option to turn that behavior off so that it's a conscious choice of the end user. Best of both worlds (for as far as there's a perfect solution ;)).

6 years ago

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i've tried it when it's been any of the ways and personally prefer no enter button and just visiting pages in new tabs with middle mouse button, so it doesn't matter much to me.

6 years ago

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The reasoning was that the script was making the giveaway description reading rate worse by not showing it. When it's shown, it's up to the user to read it or not, but at least it was shown.

And it also applies to games where the creator says something like "do not enter if you own x games in the package", so it's not just region-restricted related.

6 years ago

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Thanks for the explanation. Much appreciated!

To me it would seem that having a setting that's turned off by default to allow the user to turn the current behaviour off would be the best of both worlds. But I can definitely understand your reasoning for not doing so.

6 years ago

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I thought it was a bug. Too bad its mandatory and not optional like before :)

6 years ago

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Last update is eating RAM memory. Tampermonkey is going up to 1.5GB and with older versions i never had that problem.

6 years ago

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Can you try disabling Game Tags, Game Categories and Entered Games Highlighter, one at a time, if enabled, and see if anything changes? Those were pretty much the only features touched in the last update.

6 years ago

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Game Tags and Entered Games Highlighter were off already. Will turn on/off Game Categories for some time and let you know if there is any change :)

6 years ago

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Any improvement?

6 years ago

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Working fine so far :)

6 years ago

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Without Comment Tracker? The feature has been rewritten, does it still work fine if you enable it?

6 years ago

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Not using Comment Tracker, will check with it too :)

6 years ago

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Enter button on main page GAs open the GA in a new tab but doesn't enter it since last update :(

6 years ago

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There is explanation about that in previous posts

6 years ago

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Intended new behavior. More info about it in other comments in this thread, popup coming back later.

6 years ago

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Ok, that's not nice....
Enter button just does the same thing as if I click on my mouse scroll wheel so why would I need a script taking some resources on my computer to do the same thing ?
In my opinion it's not a good change and that's one forced on everyone, just to force a few guys to read description for them not to lose a few points and anyway still they won't read with this change, it will just be a bit more painful for them AND for everyone else.....
But I guess you are doing the same thing as in most countries, set up new rules more strict and with less and less freedom just to force the minority to act "properly", I can understand even if I don't agree :)

6 years ago

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Well, that's not the only feature in this script, so if you only installed the script for that feature it might be a good idea to uninstall it, because, yeah, it's just taking up resources. Although it does not do the same thing as your mouse scroll (I don't understand this). Giveaways without descriptions can still be entered easily without a problem. And like I said, the popup is coming back later. Maybe you'll feel better about it then.

6 years ago

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Will the enter giveaway buttons work correctly later? Like before you wil be able to enter giveaways without opening?

6 years ago

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It already works "correctly", but if you mean the old way, then no. Instead of opening in a new tab, it will open in a popup in the same window, but it will still open.

6 years ago

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so maybe it opens new window but enters it as well so you can just ignore it? no?

6 years ago

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Negative game rating class is never applied 😉

Note: "SG Entered / Created / Won Giveaway Page" script needs to be executed before ESGST or it conflicts with game highlighter.

6 years ago*

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Are you sure? I get them fine here.

6 years ago

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The background color is coming from ".nav__notification" not from ".esgst-gc.rating.negative" because the negative class is not added to the element.

6 years ago

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Ah nevermind, it's actually the color from the notification class that I'm getting.

6 years ago

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Still the same as of v6.Beta.3.17 😉

6 years ago

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Nope, it's fixed. Caches only update after 7 days, so it will take a while for you to see them in games that have been recently scanned. Try opening a page that has games that haven't been recently scanned and you should see it.

6 years ago

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Roger trying to check but endless scrolling is having issues.

6 years ago

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What issues?

6 years ago

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I get to page 3 and then it stops, if i manually go to page 4 it stops again at page 14, same error.

VM128964:17955 Uncaught TypeError: ((tags.join && tags.join(...)) || tags).replace is not a function
    at addGtTags (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:17955:64)
    at getGtGames (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:17895:17)
    at Array.eval (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:17880:17)
    at Array.loadGameFeatures (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:17742:34)
    at loadEndlessFeatures (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:4893:37)
    at Function.setNextPage (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:4695:13)
    at <anonymous>:2:297
    at eval (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:28:337)
6 years ago

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Same error someone else just reported, I'm looking into it.

6 years ago

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Can you go to the line that says

suffix = `</span>`;

and add


to the end of it so I can understand why it's happening?

6 years ago

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Empty array

6 years ago

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Added console.log(tags); as well. Output [""]

Edit: Gosh I didn't even realize that it worked on some pages. XD I have a page that goes


I'll check to see if there's any specific game it's reacting negatively to.

Edit 2: I couldn't find a specific game it's reacting negatively to. :P At least, not one that's common among the pages having the error.

6 years ago*

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Is it still happening?

6 years ago

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Not anymore :D Thank you so much!

6 years ago

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BTW endless scrolling stops at page 14 even with game tags disabled.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of null
    at setEghObserver (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:17816:22)
    at setELGBButton (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:5578:13)
    at addGPPanel (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:5564:29)
    at Array.loadGiveawayPanel (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:5503:13)
    at loadEndlessFeatures (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:4893:37)
    at Function.setNextPage (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:4695:13)
    at <anonymous>:2:297
    at eval (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:28:337)
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null
    at getGfGiveaways (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:5463:79)
    at filterGfGiveaways (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:5337:25)
    at Window.addGcCategories (eval at E_c (:3:114), <anonymous>:18053:13)
    at <anonymous>:2:297
    at e.string.c.(anonymous function) (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:51:132)
6 years ago

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Is it fixed in the latest update?

6 years ago

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Yes working as intended now.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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The use of old versions of the script is not recommended, but you can browse the GitHub repository before the latest commits. The popup is coming back in a few minutes though, so I'd suggest just waiting.

6 years ago

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Aaand it's back.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Should be fixed.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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