Hi there ^^

I just realised that if we have a community from all over the world there must be people in here who can cook. As i really like to cook and try different recipes, i thought, maybe you can

a) tell me your favorite food (if possible from your country/region)
b) give me a recipe for it

That would be really awesome. Sure you can look on the net for some "original" recipes for this and that, but asking someone who lives where it comes from how he makes and what he uses as ingredients - that´s just soooo much better.

And now for the thing you really came here:

jip jip

startet today with cooking those recipes ^^
before after

8 years ago*

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Can you cook?

View Results
really good
good enough for most
a little - maybe i´ll try learning a little more
making/heating convenience/ready made food
nope (please let me know why)

Chicken and vegetables cooked on steam with rice


8 years ago*

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Hot water smoke? What is this? :D

8 years ago

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maybe he means steam? XD that you steam the food XD or something???

8 years ago

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Yes.. :(
I forgot the word and it take ages to use another website on my mobile phone..

How coud I forgot STEAM O_O

8 years ago

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i don't know. XD i don't wanna know? :D i suppose it slipped your mind X)
but its okay :P no worries :D

8 years ago

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Not brains? Not true zombie. Busted!

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Whhaaaaaaaaat? You must misread something :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thank you for the train!

Russian Pasties
Not from Canada but, delicious non the less!

8 years ago

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If only I could win Sakura Spirit twice :3

8 years ago

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I love pierogi. But in my house we're making them with sauerkraut, champignons, carrot and meat so they are "weird" for most people.

8 years ago

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Never really got into cooking, so couldn't give you a good recipe, but thanks for the very nice train!

8 years ago

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I love pierogies (yeah, polish stuff) but I don't know how to make them :<

8 years ago

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I assume it's commonplace in Germany as well but one of my favourite dishes is "Knödelsterz". in some areas it's called "Semmelgröstl"
First you cut dumplings into small pieces and roast them in a pan with a bit of oil until they have a nice colour and become crunchy. (This is in my opinion the critical step... so make sure the pieces are evenly roasted and are nice and crunchy) Next you crack open a few eggs and mix in a little bit of salt and pour the eggs over the roasted dumplings and leave it on the stove, stirring every now and then until the eggs have become solid. You could also add a little diced bacon or other meats or even mushrooms and stuff like that.

It's a quite simple dish (if you already have dumplings from the day before) and you can pretty much prepare it whatever way you like best but I normally use 3 eggs on 2 dumplings. It goes great with a cold glass of milk.

8 years ago*

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We totally have that too in Czechia! It doesn't have a fancy name, though.

8 years ago

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:D I wouldn't be surprised if that's where we picked it up. A lot of food that is now considered typical austrian originally comes from other countries that used to be part of the Habsburg monarchy. Gulasch being one of the best known examples I think.

8 years ago

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Could be, could be. But not like it's high cuisine, it's literally leftovers with one of the most common ingredients, sounds like something people would invent on their own every once in a while. :)

8 years ago

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Yum. That's good eats :3
I like to bake cookies so that I can eat them.

8 years ago

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Hmm this looks like my kind of topic. I had this thing but I stopped updating it ages ago, might post some new stuff here from time to time (assuming you don't close it anytime soon).

8 years ago

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will leave it open at leadt until the Train ends - so feel free to post a recipe or two ^^

8 years ago

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awesome thx

8 years ago

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Gute Sache das! Koch ma Currywurst Pommes Schranke, anne Bude umme Ecke ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I guess I can cook since my GF always praises my creations.

As for a favorite regional(Crete, Greece) food I would definitely say fried snails with rosemary.

Heat the pan
Put olive oil to cover the surface of the pan
Throw salt all over the surface of the pan
Put the snails face down
Cook in medium-high heat for ~5 minutes (I like them well done)
Stir them
Put some vinegar and the rosemary
Cook for a couple more minutes (don't over cook after putting the rosemary it will taste bad)
Serve them with some french fries/salad/ or some cooked greens.
Fried snails DON.
(I like to deep bread on the oil. It tastes so good with the rosemary and the vinegar)

8 years ago

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Spanish Omelette of course! =)

8 years ago

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awesome train! and i love to cook. but i eat so fast like i cook for a hour. and done eating it in 5 minutes. so thats why i dont wanna cook :/

8 years ago

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you should eat slower XD slow your tempo! jeeezzz?? >.<

8 years ago

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Red borscht with ravioli

note: I didn't test those recipes presented above; just post some links that somehow describes this meal :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Nice coincidence :) I've just made a difficult (as for me; because I have almost zero experience in it) salad. It's my first such serious salad which I've ever cooked. And I just ate it at 2 am ^_^ I think, I will go to bed late.
Anyway, here's the recipe: link. Use translate function and you'll get everything. Sorry, it's too late for me to prepare my translation. Because of your previous rich experience, many things must be obvious for you :) The salad is really tasty!

8 years ago*

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I can't cook most stuff, but a few select dished I can do quite good. Mostly spaghetti dishes, as no day goes by in my life without something noodle

8 years ago

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Thanks for the awesome ride, it's pretty late here, but not to worry will look for a recipe and be back tomorrow...

8 years ago

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Ahh awesome topic! I bookmarked it to come back as I love to cook / eat and especially try out new stuff from around the world (as long as my allergies allow me to). I can't think of anything special, so here's a pretty 0815 recipe that I'm addicted to :3

EDIT: And thanks for the train ride, haven't even seen it at first because I was so excited about the answers trolol..

8 years ago

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I love to cook, but I usually don't have enough time to make something fancy :(
That's one of my favorite foods ---> Chicken Souvlaki with Tzatziki Sauce
Thanks for the ride :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Erdbeertoertchen.