What are some games that you regretted buying? Mine would have to de Dishonored

9 years ago*

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About 2/5 of my whole Steam Libary, thanks to humble bundles >.>

9 years ago

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that's true)))

9 years ago

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I have 2 games I completely regret buying.

The first is Starbound. I tend to ignore most indie titles, I find the majority of them to be lazy cash-ins. I caved to peer pressure for this title. I was expecting a game I could dump 100's of hours into. I uninstalled after 5. That's how long it took me to realize I the game and I had ceased to have fun past the first half hour mark.

The second game I know I'm going to get crap for. It's never easy publicly disliking a game that is so beloved by so many. Here it goes anyway. I seriously regretted not only buying, but pre-ordering the Steam Edition of.....Resident Evil 4. I never bought the game when it was on the Gamecube or the Wii. But I had seen enough game play videos over the years to expect a game that was very similar to Dead Space. I thought it was a no brainer since Dead Space is one of my favorite horror games. I was mistaken, I hated nearly every aspect of the game. For the record, I did beat the game and when the credits finished rolling, I uninstalled never to reinstall ever again.

9 years ago

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GTA IV,it's not a bad game,I bought it and the DLC while it was on sale for the PS3. I didn't play it much though because the visuals are god awful,everything looked so droopy and dull. Didn't make me want to play for too long

9 years ago

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i dont buy any of the games... confesion

9 years ago

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Skyrim - bought it day one, couldn't play for almost a year until bethesda finally fixed the bug that crashed the whole system at random. I now wait a few months before buying fresh releases, saves lots of stress and money.

AC: Black Flag - repetition repetition. Repetition.

Watch Dogs - impulse buy, not worth the money

9 years ago

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Showdown Effect

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

9 years ago

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Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain, not that its a bad game but its crashes a LOT

9 years ago

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Nether, back when I had to trade 5 tf2 keys for it. One of the reasons why I don't buy early access games anymore, then again I never got that many, about 3.

Borderlands 2, bought it about a year ago, played a few hours, but it's just not my type of game, I especially hate the enemies that respawn after you leave the area you killed them in, also too repetitive, it gets boring really fast.

COD Black Ops 2, it's ok from time to time, but not really the type of online shooter I enjoy playing. I just thought I should give the series a try and I can definitely say that I won't buy other in the series, plus the price is always 60 euros on steam, biggest discount was 50% when I got and I still believe it was a waste of money.

Also, if there are others I regret getting, they probably did not cost much so I don't remember them atm.

9 years ago

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Prison Architect

9 years ago

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Payday 2 on xbox. I got it to play with friends but they still haven't given us 1 update.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Red Dead Redemption GOTY (~15€)

9 years ago

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Sim city 4 ...

9 years ago

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I know this will show my age but on the old Super Nintendo, there was a game called "Yoshi's Island" was a pretty good game beside the annoying crying baby.

On Nintendo 64, I bought "Yoshi's Story" thinking it was the sequel before I ever read up on it or trying it out. Knew I messed up was soon as I saw the intro, what made it worse was I couldn't return it and it was brand new so I paid the obscene new price of the game.

Last game I ever bought without a hands on before. The second the intro started, I was like "What the hell did I buy...." on the bright side, my nephew loved it from ages 4 to 7.

9 years ago

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The Bureau: X-com Declassified. Don't missunderstand, the game isn't half bad imho (in my book it's a solid 8/10) but gotta admit it didn't worth the full preorder price. Oh well ,at least a bunch of other good stuff came with it so it's not that big loss.

9 years ago

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Murdered: Soul Suspect

Bought as a pre-order... >_<

9 years ago

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Witcher 2

9 years ago

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why"? too hard? ;p

9 years ago

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Dead Island

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Just Cause 2

9 years ago

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please OP edit your title and post... ive gone days letting this slide because i thought this thread would get shunned quickly. but i see it every day multiple times.... its killing me so freaking much... it makes me lose faith in humanity and want to rip my hair out..

the word your looking for is "regret" not "regretted"

there is no such thing as the word "regretted"

please fix your post im begging you.... its killing me...

9 years ago

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verb (used with object), regretted, regretting. "

9 years ago

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Don't be a fucking idiot. it's a regular verb, therefore its past tense form and its past participle are both obtained by adding the suffix "-ed" at the end of the present tense form, which is also the infinite form.

infinitive: to regret
present tense simple: regret
present participle: regretting
past tense simple: regretted
part participle: regretted.

Now stop being an idiotic cunt.

9 years ago

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Not that I agree with them railing against the word usage, but wouldn't regretted also imply that they had regrets about it in the past, but no longer do? Although, it could be argued that if one regretted their decision at the time and continues to do so now, then both would be accurate.

9 years ago

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Zombie U, too hard for me TT.TT

9 years ago

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Left4Dead2- It was my very first purchase on Steam and I payed full price, only for it to go down to $5 two weeks later. I bought it because my friends had played it at the time, and now, we don't. Age of Empires 2: HD Edition + The Forgotten - I played Age of Empires 2 before and I had a lot of fun with it. I thought that even though it's an old game re-released that it would be even better than before - but it's not. It's hardly "HD" with the minimal changes they made, although the workshop helps greatly in that concern... although the game starts to look bad at resolutions greater than 1280x720. The biggest disappointment is the fact that the multiplayer is just plain bad. They implemented no newer systems to minimize trolling/minging, the games themselves are very desynced and become a hassle to play, and honestly the multiplayer for it, along with the mutltiplayer for the expansion pack is dead. GTA:V - After what happened with RDR, I feared that GTA:V would never come to PC... I didn't even get that much play time out of it, and ended my XBL:G shortly afterwards, but I love Rockstar, so I might buy it again..

9 years ago

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COD shit: Ghost and Bug Field:(battlefield) 4

9 years ago

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