It's not frowned upon on this site to join a giveaway without saying "Thanks", so no need to add it to every giveaway one enters. At the same time it annoys many giveaway creators to get endless notifications with generic comments, so much so that many add the commenter to their blacklist. All in all, this is a clear case of all pain, no gain.

I added a request on easy-sg forum to remove this option. I hope they listen.

No obligatory (or otherwise) giveaway here, but this one is still going. However, for some odd reason it seems people are cautious to enter it ;-) Edit: Ended

8 years ago*

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Have you ever blacklisted or was blacklisted for writing "Thanks" (or something similar) on a giveaway?

View Results
I blacklisted users for adding such comments
I was blacklisted for this reason
I never blacklisted anyone or was blacklisted for this reason
Dan Quayle

Blacklisting someone just for NOT saying thanks seems a little bit TOO harsh. Unless the giver specifically requested something (puzzle, write about this or that, answer this, riddles, etc whatever) as a comment, or took their time to explain/talk about the game/etc.... unless its one of those, in which case I still think blacklisting is too much, but I'd understand it. However, when it comes to GAs where the giver didnt say anything, didnt request anything, copypasted the game's description from Steam and nothing else, or they post 10+ GAs and a link asking people to subscribe/endorse/vote their game or channel.... if its those cases, then I don't feel SO compelled to post anything unless I win (in which case I politely thank the giver). Why? Not because I'm rude, but because the giver himself didn't put a lot of effort into their own entry text, and entering the GA is already an implied "thank you for the chance". I don't like "thanking" someone who probably won't even read nor care whatever I say, and will likely mass-delete "thank" comments from their multiple GAs. However, I do comment and thank and even interact with the giver/others when the entry text is meaningful. Best example being a recent GA from which I not only enjoyed writing about what the giver requested (which was very interesting!) but I ended up friending this person and both realizing we share the love for certain books genres :) I've commented on a GA just to talk about how cool the game is, without participating in it because I already owned the game.

TL;DR= Blacklisting "for not commenting on entries" seems too much. You dont know if the person perhaps was simply scared that they'd be blacklisted for commenting (as shown by people here) or simply prefer to not spam the giver and only comment upon winning. Blacklisting for saying "thanks" is also kinda extreme; some people say a generic "thanks" but arent bots, and I'd only blacklist them if they spam that generic comment too much on lots of GAs (but then again, I rather blacklist regifters or people who troll/etc). OH, and if you're a giver and want commenters to actually put effort... then add some text to your GA (sometimes something as simple as "what would you do if.." may help!).

8 years ago

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yeah mate, how about no :D I read the big paragraph, and then comes supposed tl;dr which is same length as main paragraph? lol :D That's not how tl;dr works.

8 years ago

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Yes, and the tl;dr is also supposed to cover the same idea as the rest of the text, which isn't the case here. Still, I don't care because I found the entire post worth reading. So much so that I added him/her to my whitelist.

8 years ago

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I usually don't comment on giveaways myself unless I have something interesting to contribute. Posting "thanks for the chance" or something similar on every single giveaway doesn't really provide any value to the creator or community. Perhaps a thanks button that you can click would be a better solution for those who feel compelled to show their appreciation, and it would satisfy the botters as well.

As far as blacklisting is concerned, I have yet to ban anyone and would only do it for someone blatantly breaking the rules. If you're that upset by scripts, botters, and copy-pasters you should just do invite only or whitelist giveaways. I really don't understand some of the self-righteous attitudes here, you're giving away games for petes sake!

8 years ago

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The Thanks button is an interesting idea. It's available in many forum and works well. However, if used here wouldn't it imply that anyone who doesn't click it and enters a giveaway isn't being appreciative? It's somewhat implied now that everyone is appreciative, regardless of comments (or at least that how I see it).

8 years ago

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I will blacklist everybody who posts a comment.....oh this blacklist drama...oh boy thats a lot of work, i better get into it:)

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8 years ago

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Because that's what the website suggests you to do? When I registered it said "We encourage users to write comments thanking the giveaway creator for their generosity, although this is not required." - so on every single entry I posted a comment. Though not simply thanks, as I enter the ones I want only, I watch gameplay video so I write a few short sentences about that and thank the OP. Or sometimes if the OP wrote something in giveaway I comment on that and say thanks. Very rarely I said a simple thanks. But I stopped now it's too much of a hassle doing it every time, I will thank if I win, or sometimes I thank if there are or just few comments, so the guy wouldn't feel like his giveaway is not appreciate.

But really, how dare you call people "thanks"? A lot of the comments are genuine.

8 years ago

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Some people get up in arms if you don't thank them.
Others will blacklist you just as fast if you offer a token word of gratitude.
Some will grouch if you write more than a line.
Others will consider you insincere if you don't.

I totally get you on the scripting thing, which kind of goes against the word of gratitude when you take it to that extreme, in a way.
Yet what really gets me the most, is how over-eager people are to use the blacklist feature. Quite a few people have no reason to use it, and because of that they deliberately go out looking to fill the list in the same way people seem to arbitrarily put 'potato' into everything. It leaves the average well-meaning SG user in a situation where they're damned if they do and damned if they don't.

Why can't people just be cool to one another? :s

8 years ago

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The experimentation continues here (public level 1 GA, booby-trapped)

8 years ago

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oh i love those <3

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8 years ago

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ROFL, so you blacklisted me for not being a bot

thanks man, you are very talented!

8 years ago

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No, not for that. I think you know why.

8 years ago

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Of course i know -- for not using quotes if i write something generic. But "thx 4 skyrimz" is not so generic now LOL.

You are really boring, while some people just don't give a flying fuck about all this blacklisting stuff. This site is about giving games and getting fun.

But it's entirely up to you. Please continue to be serious. I DEMAND MORE SERIOUS PEOPLE IN THIS THREAD.

8 years ago

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There you go.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I don't have a problem with the generic thanks, and I'm someone who reads every single comment that people post. I do, however, take issue with ungrateful winners. People probably enter a ton of giveaways every day, but no one wins so often that they can't thank the GA creator upon receipt of their gift. That said, I've never blacklisted for this, but I've been tempted. My blacklist is fairly small, because I don't add people lightly.

8 years ago

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I've already stated my opinion. Having generic thanks isn't something I really like. However, I don't blacklist for that. Besides, bots or not, if the players want to thank me, I let them, even if it's annoying me.

It's different for my whitelist though. I appreciate these generic comments.

8 years ago

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blacklisting is pathetic. do you want to feel like a god? i bet that's your purpose. or maybe wanna feel like someone important. let me tell you all something, blacklisting won't erase these guys from real life. they aren't depending on your giveaways to live. these are just god damn games. video games. people can live without them (mostly). so blacklist people or whitelist them, that's fine by me but what is the point of overrating it by creating such threads or etc.?

8 years ago

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Two questions if you will:

  1. Do people create mail filtering rules to prevent spam from getting to their inbox or to "feel like a god"?

  2. Can you suggest a better alternative to blacklisting if one wants to remove bot/script-originated spam on this site?

8 years ago

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Since all that could have possibly been said has already been said, I'll leave you with a piece of history for your pleasure.

Potato video

What the first comment says:

The spelling of the word was "potatoe" on the flash card given to Quayle by the teacher. If this YouTube had started earlier, you can see the puzzled look on Quayle's face and the teacher nodding that it was OK. This truth has always been edited out of this story.

A whole page about it.


8 years ago

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This may possibly be the most useful post here... :D (and I'm not completely joking either, I now FINALLY think I understand what all the potato / Dan Quayle stuff in polls is all about... although quite why it has become such a pastime on SteamGifts specifically I am still unclear about)

8 years ago

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No problem, I'm always happy to be of help :D

(Well, now you know!)

Also, you may wanna look through the thread a bit. Aside from the trolls, there are actually some helpful answers.

8 years ago

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The admin just has to disable the notification of comments on a created giveaway for the host.

It's simple as that and probably can be done by just changing a variable.

8 years ago

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I gave away some copies of a really bad game (Uncrowded) and specified in the description that I would feel pissed if people really say "thanks" for that stinky piece of garbage, only the winner may be allowed to say thanks.

Of course people still said thanks.

7 years ago

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There's a good chance that many of those who thanked were not people.

7 years ago

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Somehow bots are creepy. Entering everything automatically and snatching those random key drops. The normal user doing everything manually is at a disadvantage. shrugs

No need to feel sorry for blacklisted bots, they have no feelings yet.

7 years ago

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The auto-comment thing helps me know who to blacklist. I don't care if you use a script or bot or whatever to join a thousand giveaways at once. I'm just here to give shit away and hope maybe I get some in return. But it offends me when you express automated gratitude through a script. I'd MUCH rather you not show any gratitude at all than have a robot do it for you. If I make 5 giveaways and the same guy responds with the exact same phrase (say, not something as simple as "thanks" but like, "thank u 4 dis giveaway YOU ARE MY FREND" or whateverthefuck) for all five giveaways, I just throw him on my blacklist.

I don't care if you're greedy, or unappreciative, or selfish, or any many flaws you may have. But I will not abide an impersonal appreciation!

7 years ago

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